At the foot of Shenfeng Mountain, a big brown bear sat on the side, staring fiercely at the two girls not far away. On a big tree not far away, a group of golden monkeys looked at them in confusion.

The golden monkeys were very curious about how these two weak bipeds could stand in front of the terrifying big white bird.

"Little Phoenix?"

Hearing Ran Xiaoyue's name, Ye Yang immediately recalled the days in the dormitory.

""Little Phoenix" was the nickname Ran Xiaoyue gave him because of the red feather on his head.

Ye Yang's golden pupils met Ran Xiaoyue's expectant eyes and nodded.

"It really is the little phoenix! We finally found the little phoenix, that's great!"

A surprised smile appeared on Ran Xiaoyue's fair face!

She only saw that the golden pupils and the charm were very similar to the little phoenix, and she didn't expect that the white-feathered eagle in front of her was really the little phoenix!

Li Minmin opened her mouth wide, in disbelief,"How could the little phoenix be the white-feathered are kidding, right?……"

But the fact seems to be true.

Finally, the two girls calmed down their confused emotions and carefully observed the three-meter-tall white-feathered eagle standing in front of them.

They were more and more convinced that this white-feathered eagle was the lost little phoenix.

It was very simple. If the white-feathered eagle in front of them was not the little phoenix, it would not just stand there, but directly tear their bodies apart with its claws.

"Little Phoenix, you are amazing! I haven't seen you for only half a month, and you have already grown to this point. Even that stinky brown bear is no match for you!"

Li Minmin glared at the big brown bear who was sitting not far away and staring at them covetously.

Because of the appearance of Little Phoenix, the big brown bear who wanted to eat them didn't dare to get close to here! The big brown bear was glared at by Li Minmin, and his ferocious bear face was stunned. Such a weak creature dared to glare at me?

Looking for death?

Baring his fangs, he slowly stood up, but a huge pressure instantly pressed on him.


The big brown bear sat down again.

Ye Yang looked away. He had almost guessed the purpose of the two girls going into the mountain.

They were going into the mountain to look for him.

He was touched. He didn't expect that the two girls would risk such a huge threat to go into the mountain to look for him.

Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now we feel relieved knowing that you, little Phoenix, are safe and doing well in the mountains.……"

Then Ye Yang decided to take them for a walk in the mountains, a bit like showing his hospitality.


Green mountains, dense forests, berry jungles.

This place is no longer close to Ye Yang's Shenfeng Mountain territory, so countless wild animals live here.

The two girls laughed all the way and had a lot of fun watching the scenery.

Li Minmin's spiritual eyes looked at Ye Yang's huge, strong, snow-white body walking slowly in front of her, and her eyes lit up.

Knowing that the little phoenix could understand human language, she spoke directly.

"Little Phoenix, can you carry us two to fly in the sky for a while?"

Ye Yang, who was walking slowly with his claws in front, stopped, turned around and looked at the lively and active girl with contempt.

Although he now has the ability to carry the two girls to fly in the sky, he refused!

The reason is that for a bird, unless there is an unexpected situation, it is absolutely impossible to let a creature ride on its back!

This means surrendering to other creatures, which is an insult to his dignity!

Although Ye Yang's soul is human, his body rejects this.

Even if he is a human, he will refuse the request of the two girls. Who would let two girls ride on him for no reason...

Well... After seeing the beautiful looks of Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin, Ye Yang suddenly felt that if he went forward... If they were human beings, they would most likely be eager to agree to this request. He ruthlessly rejected this request.

Finally, when they were playing in the afternoon, Ye Yang urged the two women to leave. After all, this was the suburbs. The emergence of spiritual energy greatly increased the crisis and it was not suitable for humans to be involved in for a long time.

Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin were also very sensible and knew this.

Ye Yang called the giant panda to escort the two of them away. The giant panda shouted in dissatisfaction, and was very resentful of the two two-legged beasts who deceived him.

But he still took the two women away, otherwise the boss would definitely beat him with his wings.

Ye Yang jumped to the top of the mountain with his wings flapping, and looked at the figures of the giant panda and the two women in the jungle with eagle eyes.

"Shenfeng Mountain is a really good name. Let’s call this mountain Shenfeng Mountain from now on."

"I hope I can really evolve into the mythical phoenix in the future……"


The giant panda carried Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin at full speed and came to the road.


He put down the two despicable two-legged beasts who had deceived him and turned around to leave.

""Giant panda, wait!"

Li Minmin called out, and the giant panda stopped and turned around to look at her with its dark panda eyes.

Li Minmin ran to the car beside the road, opened the door, and took out a few bags of bread.

As soon as she opened them, the giant panda appeared in front of her.


The giant panda finally ate the bread and stopped blaming the two bipeds.

Li Minmin took out a rope, tied her cell phone, and hung it around the giant panda's neck.

""Giant panda, you will have bread to eat when this rings in the future... Don't drop it!"

The giant panda, who was about to raise his paw to smash the strange thing, stopped immediately.

When he heard the word"bread", his brain nerves became very active, and he actually understood what Li Minmin said!

He nodded.

Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue drove away and disappeared from the giant panda's sight.


The car drove to the intersection of Jianghaicheng Road. Li Minmin was somewhat satisfied with her experience today.

"I never thought that the little phoenix was actually the white-feathered eagle! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really wouldn't have believed it!"

"Minmin, we must keep Little Phoenix a secret! Otherwise, if Little Phoenix is exposed, it will definitely attract the attention of many people with bad intentions."

"Don't worry, Xiaoyueyue, I'm not a child, I know the importance of this matter.……"

Although they were curious about how the little phoenix had turned into a white-feathered eagle in just half a month, they did not ask.

Because they regarded the little phoenix as a human being, and in their hearts, the little phoenix was like a friend.

"That’s great. When I have nothing to do in the future, I can come to the suburbs to play with the little phoenix. I must find an opportunity to let it take us to fly into the sky!"

" are really persistent."

"That is……"

"Hey, there's someone hailing a taxi in front of us!"

Ran Xiaoyue, who was driving, saw a girl waving at them at the intersection.

So she drove over, slowly parked on the side of the road, and rolled down the window.

When she looked closer, she saw that it was a foreigner.

"Excuse me, ma'am, is there anything I can help you with?"

The blonde girl had delicate features and bright, gem-like eyes.

The girl smiled,"Are you two back from Shenfeng Mountain?"

Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue in the car became nervous when they heard this.

Before they could shake their heads, the foreign girl continued

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Alice Rowan."

"The purpose of coming to Jianghai City in Daxia Kingdom from the Owl Kingdom this time is to observe the ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, and now I want to save the white-feathered eagle!"

"What did you say?"

The two girls exclaimed, staring at the beautiful blonde girl in front of them with wide eyes.

They had close contact with the little phoenix, the white-feathered eagle, and knew how powerful the little phoenix was.

How could they need the help of the blonde girl in front of them?

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