The next day, early in the morning.

The warm sun rose from the east, the orange sunlight shone on the earth, and everything began to revive...

The climate around Jianghai City is like spring all year round, very warm and pleasant.

Shenfeng Mountain, cave.

The soft sunlight fell into the cave, shining on a huge white bird lying on the soft straw mat.

Ye Yang suddenly opened his sleepy eyes, and his golden pupils looked at the bright scenery outside.

"It's dawn, another day has passed, time flies so fast……"

At the same time, a familiar system prompt sounded in my mind.

"Tip: Your supreme breath cells sense the energy in the sun, awaken from their slumber, and begin to function.……"

"Tip: After a day of hard practice, your proficiency in basic breathing techniques has improved!"

"Tip: Your basic breathing method proficiency level has been improved, and you have successfully upgraded from minor success to major success!"

Ye Yang was stunned for a moment, and then he was delighted!

""The basic breathing method has been upgraded!"

At the same time, a huge attraction came from his body, attracting the spiritual energy floating in the air around the mountain top and gathering it into his body. The white mist spiritual energy lingering around the white jade bamboo in the cave and the spiritual tree on the mountain top also moved towards Ye Yang and drilled into his body.

The familiar feeling of soaking in a hot spring reappeared!

Ye Yang carefully felt the changes from before, and was surprised to find that the efficiency of the basic breathing method was now more than three times faster than before!

If the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy with the basic breathing method of the previous proficiency level was like drinking water with a bowl, then now it is using a bucket! The efficiency of the body absorbing spiritual energy has been greatly improved!

In short, the proficiency level of the basic breathing method has been upgraded to the great success, and the efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy has been greatly improved, and his growth rate has also increased!

"System panel!"

Host: Ye Yang

Race: White Feather Eagle

Level: E+

Bloodline: Unawakened (2,000 Supreme Breath Cells)

Skills: Basic Breathing Method (Great Completion)

Half a month has passed, and the system panel is still so clean, with only some minor changes.

The Supreme Breath Cells have accumulated 2,000. I don't know when I can cause a qualitative change like last time and make my race evolve...

The proficiency level of the basic breathing method has been perfected, and I am only one level away from the final proficiency level.

"My body is getting stronger every day, but why do I always feel something is wrong today?……"

Ye Yang walked out of the cave with his white jade-colored feet, gazing at the quiet forest in the early morning, with a hint of anxiety flashing in his golden eyes.

For some reason, his calm and peaceful mentality today was somewhat inexplicably fluctuating, and this fluctuation revealed a hint of uneasiness.

"Although I don't know the reason for the change in mood, it must not be a good thing!"

He instinctively believed in his inner intuition. The stronger the animal, the more sensitive it is to dangerous things.

Just like the wild animals in nature, they have danger warnings far beyond humans when facing natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes.

Even humans have special reactions to crises at special times.

Ye Yang thought hard for a long time, but still couldn't find the source of his uneasiness...

He looked up at the clear blue sky inadvertently, and in the other corner of the sun, he could faintly see the shadow of a pale white waning moon.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he actually saw a faint red glow on the pale white waning moon!

The golden pupils narrowed... Although the pale moonlight was blurry, there was indeed a hint of red when he looked closely!

He was shocked!

Red moon!

This reminded Ye Yang of the murals he had seen in the cave in Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve before.

The contents of the five murals were completely the world in myths and legends.

"Could it be that in addition to the revival of spiritual energy, something else has happened in this world?"

He stared at the faint moon in the sky until it disappeared, and he didn't think of anything else.

After all, he had too little information now.

"Forget it, don't think about it. Anyway, even if the sky collapses, there are tall people to hold it up. Humans must have noticed that the moon is emitting red light.……"

But after thinking about it for a while, he was sure that his inner uneasiness had nothing to do with the moon's abnormality.

"So what is my inner warning?……"

When faced with this kind of situation, Ye Yang decided to use the principle of elimination when he didn't know the answer to the question.

First of all, he must be the top existence in nature on the land and sky of Blue Star, and he is in an undoubted dominant position.

Except for the deep sea on Blue Star, with his current powerful body, he can swim and fly anywhere in the world.

This means that there are not so many creatures that threaten him...

Suddenly, a light bulb flashed in his mind.

Then it's very simple. The only creatures on Blue Star that can threaten him are the masters of Blue Star - humans!

"Humans are coming to deal with me?!"

When this thought came out, Ye Yang thought of the group of mercenaries that the young man had brought to capture him.

Because among the humans he had come into contact with so far, apart from the two humans Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue, there were only mercenaries and that young man.

The young man who died was obviously a rich second generation, and his family was not simple.

"It is very likely that the young man's family wants revenge.……"

After figuring this out, Ye Yang suppressed the uneasiness in his heart.

If he was in a foreign country now, he would definitely turn around and run away, not daring to expose himself to the eyes of humans.

But this is in the Great Xia Kingdom!

Just like in his previous life, the Great Xia Kingdom can be said to be the country with the strictest ban on dangerous weapons such as firearms in the entire Blue Star. Except for the military, there is no possibility of any heavy artillery fire.

In the Great Xia Kingdom, even a shotgun must go through layers of complicated procedures to get it.

Although Ye Yang killed the previous group of mercenaries in a few seconds, their physical fitness and reaction speed are far beyond ordinary people. If they have huge firepower in their hands, Ye Yang would not dare to attack them head-on.

"Humph, even that foreign mercenary team could only smuggle some rifles and a grenade secretly. Could it be that the young man has connections in Daxia and can send a plane to blow me up?"

Ye Yang was disdainful in his heart, but at the same time, he had a confidence deep in his heart.

That was that he felt that his physical condition was almost saturated, indicating that his level was about to be upgraded!

He had a strong premonition in his heart that the level from"E+"Breakthrough to"D"This level will be an unprecedented huge improvement!

At that time, those who come to trouble him are simply seeking death!

After the uneasiness in his heart disappeared, Ye Yang suddenly felt the ease of breathing, flapped his wings to the lake not far away, took a morning bath, hunted prey and had a good meal……


But at this moment, things were not so good in Dragon City, the capital of Daxia. What

Ye Yang didn't know was that the iron rule of Daxia citizens not having firearms was really going to be broken this time...

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