In the conference room at the center of Longcheng, the capital of Daxia.

After hearing the leader's explanation, the generals and experts gradually understood.

Now, due to the emergence of mysterious spiritual energy on Blue Star, the wild beasts in the wild are gradually evolving and becoming stronger. If the evaluation of the beast's combat power is true, such a terrifying beast will appear on Blue Star in the future, it will be a catastrophic news for them humans.

The power displayed by the ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, is far beyond their human cognition. It is simply a monster in the world of science fiction. Therefore, in order to be safe and just in case, the leader wants Wang Jin to investigate the details of the white-feathered eagle.

This idea was also recognized by most people in the conference room.


On the other side.

Shenfeng Mountain, at the foot of the mountain.


The two-meter-high bushes made a rumbling sound, and a huge monster slowly rolled out from them. The three-meter-tall brown bear dragged the body of a black bison back to the bottom of the mountain. The bushes rustled, and the dense bushes were crushed into an empty path.


The one-ton body of the bison fell to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.

The big brown bear looked up at the top of the mountain, and his eyes showed desire.

Although he didn't know the existence of spiritual energy, his body's feeling told him that if he owned the territory of the top of the mountain, he could quickly become stronger.

But there was a terrifying big white bird on the top of the mountain...

The bear narrowed his eyes. Sooner or later, he would replace the big white bird and become the lord of this mountain!

The source of the big brown bear's confidence was that in recent days, he had been subtly influenced by the rich spiritual energy around the mountain at the foot of the mountain, so his physique was rapidly transforming.

The strong body of five meters before was now gradually approaching six meters.

According to the habit of bears, they eat on the spot after hunting, and have no habit of moving to eat. However, staying at the foot of the mountain for a long time is good for becoming stronger. The big brown bear, thirsty for power, did not miss the opportunity to become stronger.

The bear's eyes looked at the top of the mountain ambitiously again, lowered its head, and used its claws and sharp teeth to tear open the rough skin of the bison.

After finally tearing off the skin on the bison's abdomen.



A terrifying cry resounded in the sky!

His body trembled involuntarily, and a trace of fear surged in his heart.

He looked up suddenly and it was indeed the terrifying big white bird on the top of the mountain!


The ground trembled, a white figure flashed, and the terrifying big white bird landed in front of him.

The big brown bear stopped eating, and looked at the terrifying big white bird with some confusion on his face. He didn't know what this terrifying big white bird wanted to do...

Ye Yang was very direct, and walked to the body of the big bison.

"coo coo……"

It lowered its head and opened its beak to eat.

The big brown bear was stunned. Was its prey being robbed?

Its body instinctively became angry, but considering that the target was this powerful big white bird,


He could only let out a low growl and turned around to continue looking for food.

"Sure enough, the food you get for free is the most delicious! This meat tastes good……"

Ye Yang ate the blood and flesh of the bison with his beak. He had a big appetite and could finish this one-ton bison in one meal.

His body weighed less than a ton, but his appetite was just that big. His stomach was like a furnace, working rapidly, digesting the blood and flesh and turning them into nutrition to strengthen his body.

Now, animals in nature rely on swallowing blood and flesh to become stronger. They cannot absorb the spiritual energy in the air to evolve and become stronger on their own. They can only let their bodies benefit from the nourishment of spiritual energy imperceptibly.

If Ye Yang did not have an automatic upgrade system, the basic breathing method would run automatically 24 hours a day, and the speed of absorbing spiritual energy to become stronger was much faster than the speed of swallowing and evolving. He would have been a disaster to the animals in nature.

There was another reason for not doing much, that is, he was afraid of attracting human attention.

Ye Yang, who was eating with his head down, looked up at the back of the big brown bear in the dense forest.

He knew what the big brown bear was thinking. He did not completely submit to him, but was just afraid of his power.

If the big brown bear's power surpassed his, then he would definitely challenge his position and occupy the mountain top, a place with rich spiritual energy.

However, Ye Yang did not have any other thoughts about the big brown bear, because it is the nature of animals to submit to the strong, that is, power.

In their eyes, strength is all truth.

"That big brown bear will probably never know that I am a man with a cheat code. How could I be surpassed by him?……"

"Compared to the big brown bear, the monkey king has much better eyesight.……"

The Monkey King and the golden monkeys are indeed primates. Ye Yang felt that they had completely submitted to him after seeing him pull out the spiritual tree with his own strength.

Otherwise, the Monkey King would not have led the golden monkeys to find spiritual fruits for him every day. Now, in less than a week, the Monkey King has brought back five spiritual fruits for him, which surprised him.

"That silly giant panda……"

Thinking of the giant panda, Ye Yang was speechless.

The big brown bear wanted to become stronger, so he stayed at the foot of the mountain for a long time to be nourished by the spiritual energy. He was a loyal guard.

The monkey king and the monkey group were his loyal brothers, and they would bring him some evolutionary resources from time to time.

But the giant panda was so stupid that it not only didn't stay at the foot of the mountain for a long time like the big brown bear to become stronger, but it was also rarely seen. It spent the whole day in the woods eating vegetation.

If it was normal, Ye Yang would not care about the giant panda, but after sensing the unknown crisis from humans, he felt that he had to prepare for the next crisis.

"Looks like I need to find an opportunity to teach that silly giant panda a lesson.……"

A wicked smile flashed across the golden pupils


A forest full of green trees, singing birds and fragrant flowers

""Bing bing!!!"

A huge black and white figure suddenly trembled and sneezed.

The giant panda's dark eyes were full of doubts. He blinked and looked around in doubt, then raised his head and fixed his eyes on the big tree in front of him.

The branches of the big tree were hung with green and yellow fruits, and the smell was particularly tempting.

If Ye Yang was here, he would know that these fruits with tempting smells were all spiritual fruits.


The giant panda raised his paw to wipe the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and growled unwillingly.

I have encountered this delicious fruit several times!

Why can't I climb trees!

It must be because my mother forgot to teach me when I was a child...

Damn it...

The reason why the giant panda had this idea was that a long time ago he saw a bear that looked very similar to him, climbing up a tree flexibly.

Well... What he didn't know was that the bear in his image was a black bear, the only bear that can climb trees.

""Ding ding ding!!!"

A crisp sound rang out!

The giant panda lowered its head to look at the source of the sound. It was the strange thing on its neck...

What was that strange thing... Bread!

The stimulation of delicious food made the giant panda's brain nerves active!

The black bear eyes shone!

It turned around and rushed in one direction at full speed...

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