Outside Jianghai City, a car was parked on the road.

Three girls got out of the car.

Alice looked at Li Minmin with her beautiful green eyes like gemstones.

"Are you sure there is a driver to pick us up to see the White-Feathered Eagle?"

"Um... Actually, I'm not too sure, because this driver is a little special.……"

Li Minmin touched her hair and felt a little unconfident. Half an hour had passed since she made the phone call.

After spending a long time with the white-feathered eagle, she and Ran Xiaoyue both mistakenly believed that the giant panda was as smart as the white-feathered eagle and could understand human language...

But now that she thought about it, she realized that the cute giant panda was only smart when it heard the word"food". At other times, its face looked"very smart".

It's unreliable...

Ran Xiaoyue felt the same way as Li Minmin. Seeing that the atmosphere was a little awkward, she changed the subject at the right time.

"Alice, what do you mean by saving the white-feathered eagle?"

Alice shook her head."Let's talk about this after we see the white-feathered eagle. It's useless to say it now."���What is the meaning?

This made Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue very curious. She was obviously from Owl Country, but she was so proficient in Daxia language. She came all the way to Daxia just to save the white-feathered eagle!

If they didn't feel that this foreign girl was lying, they would never have brought her to the outskirts of Jianghai City.

Li Minmin turned her eyes and saw Alice holding a small black box in her hand.

She asked aloud,

"What's in this box?"

This box doesn't look like a girl's handbag at all..."

Alice smiled and said,"Keep it a secret."

Another half an hour passed.

Li Minmin, who had a somewhat aggressive temper, complained.

"Was I crazy enough to believe that the panda was as smart as the white-feathered eagle? I was such a fool!……"

"Yeah, you're a little idiot."

"Xiao Yueyue...you!"

Ran Xiaoyue teased Li Minmin for a moment, then turned to the bewildered Alice and said

"Miss Alice, we may not see the white-feathered eagle today. We were lucky to have entered this deep forest before and successfully saw the white-feathered eagle without encountering any danger.……"

"There are too many dangers in this green forest now. We really don't dare to go in.……"

The tone was very apologetic, and that was the truth.

They were lucky not to encounter any large predators last time. Afterwards, they recalled the details and felt very scared.

Alice was very familiar with the current situation in the wild and knew that this was indeed the case.

"It's okay, I'll go see White Feather Eagle again when I have a chance...but I must make him leave here.……"

"What did you say……"

""Ah! Giant panda, you are really here!"

Before Ran Xiaoyue finished asking, Li Minmin's surprised cheers came from the side!

Alice and Ran Xiaoyue looked sideways and saw a huge black and white monster, like a speeding small truck rushing towards here!

The ground thumped, and a large number of short trees several meters high collapsed, and a heart-shaking majestic momentum surged here!

"This is the national treasure of Daxia... a giant panda?!"

Alice opened her mouth wide and stared at the giant beast that was less than five meters in front of them.

As a biological student for generations, she had top-notch biological knowledge and knew that the huge creature in front of her was indeed a genuine giant panda, but it was too big!

It was like a small truck!

In her impression, although the giant panda was a big bear, it was not as big as this one, with a body length of almost six meters!

This level of strength was far greater than that of the big brother brown bear among the bears!

The huge size of the animal also meant huge danger!

Just when Alice was feeling uneasy,

""Bing bing bing!!!"

The giant panda didn't care about anything else and just called out to the two familiar bipeds in front of it.

Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue had already prepared before they came. They took out dozens of soft bread from the car and threw them over.

""Oh, oh, oh!" the giant panda called out and started to eat. With his huge body, he ate dozens of pieces of bread in just a few bites. He licked his lips with his pink tongue and looked at the two bipeds in front of him with unsatisfied eyes.

Li Minmin drew a picture of a big bird on the ground and said with a smile,"Giant panda, as long as you take us to see the white-feathered eagle, there will be plenty of bread."

The giant panda lowered his head and looked at the picture on the ground with his black panda eyes.

""Hurry up!" The panda crawled on the ground with all four limbs, as if to say,"Come up quickly!"

Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue climbed onto the panda's soft back and waved to Alice who was frozen in place.

"Alice, come on up! The giant panda will take us to see the white-feathered eagle!"

"This... okay……"

Alice hesitated for a while, then saw the panda's honest expression, and thought it didn't look like an animal that would attack them. So she gritted her teeth and climbed onto the panda's back.

""Bing, ing, ing!"

The giant panda moved its limbs and rushed into the depths of the mountains!


A 500-meter-high green mountain, with a huge cave on the top.

Through the sunlight, a huge bird with a bright white body was nesting in it.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed in the cave!

Ye Yang opened his eyes, a trace of surprise flashed in his golden eyes, and his eyes looked outside the cave.

Because he felt a breath on the mountainside, quickly approaching the top of the mountain.

The breath was very familiar, it was the breath of a giant panda.

"How dare that giant panda climb to the top of the mountain? It must have thought that I was out hunting or bathing in the lake, and wanted to steal the white bamboo in the cave!"

"What a coincidence! I wanted to teach this silly panda a lesson.……"

Ye Yang smiled evilly in his heart. If this giant panda really dared to sneak up the mountain to steal the white bamboo, he would definitely teach him a painful lesson.

"Hmm? No... there are still a few faint breaths.……"

As the giant panda approached the mountaintop, he keenly sensed that there were several faint scents mixed in with the giant panda's breath.……

"Seems like a human……"

"Could it be that humans have already attacked me?"

A cold light flashed in the eagle's eyes, and the dangerous aura emanating from his body filled the entire cave.


He flashed to the top of the mountain, and when he saw the scene on the mountainside, his golden pupils widened.……

"When did this silly giant panda become a pervert?……"

"Is he addicted to being a driver?"

Carrying three human girls on his back, he has no dignity as a powerful creature...

While Ye Yang was thinking, the giant panda quickly rushed to the top of the mountain.

Li Minmin and Ran Xiaoyue saw the white-feathered eagle standing on the top of the mountain, thinking it was welcoming them, and they were very happy.

Alice, who was standing next to him, also saw the white-feathered eagle standing on the top of the mountain.

She was extremely shocked.

"The evolution factor has only appeared on Blue Star for more than a month now... How could a ferocious beast of this level possibly appear!"

"At least close to D-level beast……"

PS:Thank you all for your support, gifts and reminders! I wish you all good luck in your recent exams!

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