"The paleontological white-feathered eagle is doomed.……"

"Why do you say that? The white-feathered eagle is very fast. Didn’t you notice in the last video that we only saw a white shadow and couldn’t see its shape clearly at all? It was too fast.……"

"Yes, the white-feathered eagle is not a fool. Even if it is an animal with strong territoriality, it will definitely flee its territory if it feels the threat of death.……"

"You are right! The White Eagle is very fast and can easily escape, but did you notice the three military helicopters in the sky?!"

"That's not an ordinary armed military helicopter, but our Great Xia's 'Flying Eagle' model helicopter! It carries a wide variety of weapons. I just noticed that it is also equipped with anti-armor heavy machine guns and rockets!"

"Wow! Awesome!"

The millions of viewers in Jianghai City who were watching the screens were still shocked by what had just happened on the ground, and then they saw the popular science of many military fans in the live broadcast room.

They noticed that there were several long heavy machine guns at the bottom of the three military helicopters flying quickly towards the distant Shenfeng Mountain. If you look closely, you can also see the rocket launchers.

Even people who don't understand military weapons can understand what kind of damage anti-armor weapons and rocket launchers that are specially designed to destroy tanks and bunkers can cause to the flesh.

"Alas, it's a pity that the white-feathered eagle died like this.……"

"Yes, I have never seen a paleontologist in person. It would be great if I could capture a white-feathered eagle alive and put it in a zoo."

"I really want to witness the elegance of creatures from ten thousand years ago!"

Many people in front of the screen felt sorry for the upcoming death of the white-feathered eagle. It was not for any reason, but because the beautiful appearance of the white-feathered eagle was in line with their human aesthetics.

Moreover, the white-feathered eagle was the largest bird on the blue planet at present, and it possessed great power. It was too precious to die like this, which aroused a bit of different emotions in them.


The sudden explosion startled millions of Jianghai City viewers.

Could it be that the attack of the armed helicopter started so soon?

The helicopter that the male reporter from Jianghai City was riding in quickly moved the camera to the direction of the explosion.……


The male reporter exclaimed! He stared ahead with wide eyes!

The location where the explosion came from was actually an Eagle armed helicopter!

At this time, the Eagle helicopter was engulfed by the sea of fire from the explosion, like a huge blooming firework, and the wreckage of the helicopter fell to the ground with flames...

Even the male reporter at the scene was dumbfounded, and the Jianghai City audience across the screen didn't understand what happened!

"What happened?! Why did the helicopter explode?!"

"Could it be that there was some accident?……"

"So weird... what's that sound?!"


A familiar explosion sounded!

The live broadcaster's camera instantly shifted over and saw another Eagle helicopter exploding!

"This can’t be a dream!"

The male reporter and the person holding the camera looked at each other in shock, feeling that the scene before them was both dreamy and terrifying!

"How could this helicopter explode?!" It was not until the heat wave from the explosion in the distance came over and they felt the scorching heat of the air that they were sure they were not dreaming!

"What on earth happened?! Is there anyone who can explain this?"

"This is unscientific. How could the Eagle helicopter explode on its own?!"

"Could it be that the helicopter exploded because of a mistake made by the helicopter pilot?"

"Stupid! Two helicopters exploded one after another. How could it be the pilot's error?"

"Look! What is that?!"

Just when millions of Jianghai City viewers in the live broadcast room were terrified by the explosion of two helicopters, a white figure appeared on the screen!

When the white figure stopped in the air, everyone could see clearly what it was.

It turned out to be the white-feathered eagle from the Shenfeng Mountain in the distance!

"No! When did the White-Feathered Eagle become so big!"

Everyone who was looking at the huge white figure on the screen was shocked at the same time! The current White-Feathered Eagle was very different from the image they had seen in the previous video!

Its white jade-like feathers exuded a metallic luster, and each feather was as exquisite as a work of art. The most striking thing was its size!

It was too big!

Although they did not find anything comparable to the White-Feathered Eagle in the sky through the lens, it was bigger than the Flying Eagle helicopter they had just seen!

"It's simply a pterosaur!"

The male reporter completely forgot his professional ethics and stared blankly ahead.

He had never seen such a huge creature before...

More importantly, although their current helicopter was several kilometers away from the white-feathered eagle, even at such a distance, the male reporter still felt a strong palpitation in his heart.

"How could such a terrifying creature appear on this blue planet?……"


The pilot of the last remaining Flying Eagle helicopter was trembling all over. After hearing two explosions, he felt something was wrong.

It was very likely that their helicopter would also follow suit and explode...

Wang Jin, who was sitting in the helicopter, was also horrified, but more confused!

Because when the second helicopter exploded, he saw a white shadow flash by...

Maybe he saw it wrong.……

""Go! Get out of here right now!"

Immediately, they chose to retreat!

After hearing his words, the pilot did not act immediately, but released his right hand on the joystick, raised his arm and pointed forward, his pupils dilated, his mouth trembling, and he couldn't say a complete sentence at all, as if he had seen something terrible!

Wang Jin, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, looked forward, and a huge white bird in the sky stopped not far in front of them!

The huge size made their helicopter look more than half the size!

"This is the white-feathered eagle! He has evolved again!"

"Get out of here!"

"Hurry up!!!"

Wang Jin reacted instantly. The explosion of the two helicopters next to him must be related to this mutated white-feathered eagle! He roared at the helicopter pilot at the side!

The pilot was shocked, his pupils were dilated, as if he had lost his soul.……

"It’s too late...the giant ancient bird is rushing over!"


Wang Jin looked forward...

The huge figure of the white-feathered eagle disappeared from his vision, and only a white light and shadow rushed towards here!

The white shadow approached quickly, and Wang Jin saw a pair of golden cold lights...


The last Eagle No. 1 exploded and was swallowed by the sea of fire!

So far, all the people who participated in the hunt for Ye Yang have died, nearly forty people...

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