"It turns out that these three Flying Eagle helicopters were destroyed by the White-Feathered Eagle!"

"Oh my god! I didn't even see it clearly! This white-feathered eagle is not an ancient creature, it's a monster!"

"It's incredible that so many people died like this.……"

Millions of Jianghai City citizens still find it unbelievable. They expected that the White-Feathered Eagle would escape, be captured, or be hunted and turned into a corpse, becoming a cold specimen in the laboratory.

But they never expected that before they saw the White-Feathered Eagle, the surrounding mountain team on land was wiped out by some unknown situation. What was even more terrifying was that the three Flying Eagles with powerful firepower exploded before they reached the Shenfeng Mountain!

And the one who destroyed the three Flying Eagles was the target of this mission - the White-Feathered Eagle!

"The size of the White Feather Eagle is too big! How fast is it... Could this be the Mach speed of a fighter jet? Supersonic?!"

"This is impossible... We have to believe in science. Supersonic speeds can only be achieved with technology created by humans!"

"Science?! Damn science, open your eyes and take a good look, how can science explain the existence of such a large bird in the world???"


"Stop talking! This monster-like white-feathered eagle may look good... but it's too dangerous. Based on the speed just now, I estimate that it will only take him half an hour to fly to our Jianghai City!"

"Yes! I don't dare to sleep tonight... I hope our Jianghai City officials can take measures to deal with it.……"

More and more concerns were expressed in the live broadcast room. Facing this monster that seemed to exist in the world of science fiction, people living in Jianghai City were not at ease.

After all, the territory of this extremely fast monster bird was in the mountains outside Jianghai City!

For a time, people were in a panic...

Suddenly, a small number of the same sentences appeared in the ocean of barrages.……


"very scary!!!"

"This momentum is enough to kill people!!!"

"Don't look up at the golden light!"

""Huh? What's going on... Golden light?" These bullets naturally attracted the attention of the male reporter in the helicopter. He looked away from the bullet screen and looked forward.

The helicopter he was riding was several kilometers away from the battlefield ahead, so there was a safe buffer. So after discovering the terrifying white-feathered eagle, he did not leave immediately.

Looking up, he saw a golden light that was very bright and fell into his heart. His eyes were sluggish and his head was pale, as if he had lost his soul.

The helicopter pilot was in the same situation as him.

The helicopter lost control and quickly fell to the ground...


There was a violent explosion on the ground, and the forest began to surge. The sky was filled with black smoke...

The screen in the live broadcast room naturally dimmed instantly.

Millions of Jianghai City residents stared at the dimmed screen, gasping for breath, their whole bodies wet with sweat. Some people with weak hearts may have overloaded their hearts and have difficulty breathing...

They were staring at the screen just now and suddenly saw a bright light, and their attention was involuntarily attracted to it.

Then, it was as if the soul was seduced away, and they lost control of their bodies. Only those with strong willpower reacted and looked away.

At this time, millions of Jianghai City residents recalled the scene just now. The bright golden light was in the direction of the monster White Feather Eagle.

They were shocked!


At this time, outside Jianghai City, in the calm sky, a huge object stood in the sky.

Ye Yang looked at the place where the last helicopter crashed with some surprise in his golden pupils.

He was confused.

He didn't do anything, why did this drone crash by itself?

"The helicopter crash must have something to do with me.……"

After carefully feeling my powerful body, I found nothing different.

"System panel!"

Host: Ye Yang

Race: White Feather Eagle

Talent: Shock (E-)

Level: D-

Bloodline: Unawakened (2,000 Supreme Breath Cells)

Skills: Basic Breathing (Great) - Telepathy (Entry)

After going through"E+"improve to"D-"His panel is finally no longer empty!

A new talent column has been added.

"Talent... shock……"

Soon Ye Yang understood why the helicopter crashed.

The helicopter pilot must have been"frightened" by his aura.

The effect of his innate awe is to produce a huge mental pressure on creatures below his life level. Creatures with weak willpower will freeze their brains when facing his awe, while creatures with strong willpower will also be affected to a certain extent.

"Hiss...the people on this helicopter are really unlucky.……"

Ye Yang felt helpless. He had no intention of destroying the helicopter in the distance.

The reason was simple. The helicopter in the distance was civilian. It was probably just a bystander. It was not an enemy. Ye Yang was now stronger and in a good mood. He would not attack these ordinary humans.

After all, this was not the territory of his Shenfeng Mountain.

It was just that he had just broken through and achieved a leap in life level. He had not yet mastered the deterrent effect of his talent. His body instinctively activated the deterrent effect in all aspects.

"It's so unjust and unlucky for those people to die……"

"Tip: Since nearly a million humans are afraid of your powerful strength, the Supreme Breath Cells in your body feel very proud and happy, and the infection efficiency has been greatly improved!"

"Tip: The Supreme Breath Cells in your body have entered a rampage state and successfully infected three thousand ordinary cells!"

"Tip: The talent that has just been born in you - shock, facing the fear of millions of people is very exciting! Successfully from level‘E-’Upgrade to‘D+’!"

Ye Yang, who was still complaining about the helicopter's bad luck, was stunned when he heard a series of mechanical prompts from the system.

"What happened? How could the arrogant Supreme Breath Cell become so powerful all of a sudden and infect three thousand ordinary cells!"

"Talent - Deterrence has also been upgraded……"

"It turns out that human fear can quickly improve some of the little guys in my body……"

After sorting out the clues, Ye Yang gradually realized that this short and crushing battle must have been broadcast live by humans. What happened here was watched by millions of humans, and more people would definitely notice him later.

Ye Yang was not afraid, but excited!

If he had not upgraded his level before and did not have such a powerful force, he would definitely feel anxious...

Now he has powerful strength and unparalleled speed, and even knows that human fear will become the fertilizer for his rapid growth. He even wanted humans to cause trouble for him.


With a cry that resounded through the sky, it turned into a white figure and rushed into the clouds, then disappeared into the sky...

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