In the forest, a big brown bear stared at the huge white bird in front of him with wide eyes. His ferocious face was full of shock, and his mouth opened wide.

What does big brown bear mean?

Why did the call of the big white bird appear in his mind?

Ye Yang frowned in his heart. It seemed that the big brown bear did not understand the meaning of his telepathic cry.

"Is the big brown bear too stupid? Or am I not proficient in using my telepathic skills?……"

"But this big brown bear clearly responded to the sound I made.……"

Just like that, the golden pupils stared at the light bulb-sized bear eyes, staring at each other.

In the end, Ye Yang finally understood why the big brown bear looked so confused.

Big Brown Bear was the name given to him by humans, not his code name at all, and he didn't even have a name at all.

Fortunately, Ye Yang found that the big brown bear was very smart and could understand the simple meaning he conveyed.

Since the big brown bear didn't have a name, Ye Yang, as his boss, would naturally help him choose one.

Looking at the imposing and powerful man in front of him, the bear���The ferocious brown bear, combined with the silly and gluttonous appearance of the giant panda, suddenly made Ye Yang's heart move.

Because these two bears with distinct personalities were too similar to the two bears in the animation in his previous life.

"coo coo……"

(From now on, you will be called Xiong Da, and the giant panda will be called Xiong Er.)

A familiar voice came to his mind again, and the brown bear's eyes moved. After a few seconds, he finally understood the meaning of the voice.

Xiong Da... It's very strange... It seems that this scary big white bird called him this name...

Xiong Er... It must be the name of the other big guy...

Suddenly the big brown bear thought, Xiong Da... Xiong Er...

Xiong Da sounds much stronger than Xiong Er!

Could it be that in the heart of the scary big white bird, I am stronger than that similar-looking fellow!

The big brown bear's eyes lit up, and a sense of pride emerged in his eyes.

Ye Yang saw that the big brown bear's eyes gradually lit up, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the big brown bear's wisdom has improved a lot compared to before, it is obvious that it has been too short a time to become intelligent, and its brain is still not very flexible.

It took humans tens of thousands of years of evolution to gradually understand everything. Compared with humans, the brain evolution of the big brown bear is faster than that of humans.

Moreover, with the nourishment of spiritual energy, brown bears, giant pandas, golden monkeys and all creatures on the blue planet will be increasingly affected... Of course, if humans do not understand the secret of spiritual energy, they will not be able to benefit from it.

Then Ye Yang found a giant panda sleeping soundly in another forest and named him Xiong Er.

Under the shocked and confused gaze of the giant panda's black panda eyes, he ran towards the distant sky.

The giant panda looked up and saw that the figure disappeared, yawned loudly, and continued to lie down and sleep soundly.


The names of the big brown bear and the giant panda were chosen, so the code name of the golden monkey king was naturally chosen. With golden fur and a sturdy figure, the nickname must be Wukong.

However, Ye Yang did not go to find the monkey king, because he did not know where the monkey king took the golden monkey to find the spiritual fruit for him.

Anyway, he would be back in a few days.

" seems the spirit tree has grown taller.……"

Ye Yang's eyes moved and saw that the spiritual tree on the top of the mountain had grown taller.

The original ten-meter-tall tree was now almost eleven meters tall and thicker.

The efficiency of absorbing spiritual energy had also increased...

These were difficult to detect before, but when Ye Yang's level was raised to"D-"After that, not only did his body become so strong that he could easily tear apart the steel helicopter, but his brain was also upgraded to a deeper level.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have had a talent shock, and he wouldn't have had the skill of telepathy.

At the same time, his five senses became extremely sharp. If it were the previous subtle changes of the spirit tree, he would never have noticed it.

The golden pupil looked into the cave, and in the dark cave, the white jade bamboo was emitting a silvery-white light.

"Sure enough, the white bamboo has grown a little bit.……"

Ye Yang carefully felt the spiritual energy condensed into mist around him. There were only wisps of white mist before, but now it is much thicker, a bit like the light white mist in winter.

"Even if the spirit trees and white jade bamboo grow, they can't absorb such a high concentration of spiritual energy!"

He was shocked.

Thinking carefully about the scene just now, he was sure!

The spiritual energy in the air of the surrounding dense forest is rising at an astonishing rate!

No, there is nothing special about this hundred-mile mountain forest. The whole Blue Star should be like this...

That is to say, the spiritual energy in the air around the world is increasing rapidly! All creatures except humans in the Blue Star are rapidly evolving and becoming stronger!

This made Ye Yang a little excited.

In the future, some powerful creatures will definitely appear, which can help him attract the attention of humans.

Anyway, he can rely on the basic breathing method that runs in his body 24 hours a day to quickly become stronger without moving every day. The increase in the concentration of spiritual energy is a good thing for him in any way.

Suddenly, a doubt surged in his heart.

"Why are there only creatures on the Blue Planet other than humans that can be affected by spiritual energy?……"

"It's really complicated……"

"I wonder if the future owner of Blue Planet will still be human.……"


At the same time, a 20-meter-long large truck rumbled along a road.

This road happened to pass directly outside Jianghai City.

At the intersection of the road.


The long truck suddenly stopped, and the weight of 300,000 tons drove forward with huge inertia. The huge tires under the car slid on the ground, making a harsh sound.

In the front passenger seat of the tall three-meter-tall car, a sleepy middle-aged man rubbed his eyes.

"'s finally here……"

"That's not right! This is not the destination, why did you stop here, Lao Wang?���"Is it out of gas?"

The middle-aged man asked the dark-skinned man in the driver's seat after seeing the dense forest around him.

Lao Wang looked at his partner who had just woken up and explained.

"I heard in the car yesterday that there are terrifying flying beasts in the suburbs of Jianghai City, and vehicles are advised not to drive on this road."

"Bullshit! If we don’t take this path, how can we make money?!"

"What about the terrifying flying beasts? We are in a big truck. How can any beast harm us in the car?……"

The middle-aged man in the passenger seat scoffed at the news.……


Before he could speak, a dull and majestic roar came from the huge closed car.

It was like a devil from hell screaming in his ears!

The two people in the front of the car trembled all over.

The middle-aged man in the passenger seat swallowed his saliva, and his face turned pale when he thought of the devil in the car.

He decided to change his mind.

"I know there is a village nearby, let's go there first to find out the situation……"


Rumble... the large heavy truck started, left the intersection of Jianghai City Highway, and drove in the opposite direction...

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