Half an hour later, a village appeared not far in front of the large truck - Yang'an Village.

The 20-meter-long large truck did not drive into the village, but stopped on a muddy road not far from the entrance of the village. There was a tall and dense forest around here. It was difficult to spot the truck unless you got close.

"Brother Zhang, isn't it a bad idea to park the car here? What if someone comes and finds the devil in the car? We'll have to spend our next life in prison.……"

After the two got off the car, the dark-skinned old Wang looked at the truck with concern. Although the group of demons in the truck was dangerous, it was also an opportunity for them to make a fortune.

If someone found out what was inside, the consequences would be disastrous!

Brother Zhang also looked a little worried, but after looking at the surrounding environment, it didn't look like anyone had come in a short time.

"It's okay. We're only away for a short while. We'll come back after the village has investigated the situation of the highway outside Jianghai City."

"All right……"

The two walked away, looking back every few steps until their figures disappeared on the muddy path. Then a figure poked out from the dense forest and huddled in front of the carriage.

"Damn it, it’s a good thing I’m shitting here, otherwise I’d really missed the chance to get rich! These two secretly parked such a big car here, there must be treasures in the car!"

A man with a mean and cunning face looked up and down at the huge car in front of him. It was the first time he saw such a big car.

The goods that can be transported in such a big car must be very valuable!

Then his eyes moved and saw several huge steel locks on the car, as well as several meters long chains

"Fortunately, I have tools at home.……"

He ran towards the village


In Yang'an Village, people gathered in the central square of the village, where a civilian helicopter was parked.

"Oh, is that the reporter from Jianghai City? She’s so pretty!"

"I really want him to be my Zhu family's daughter-in-law……"

"Old Zhang, why don’t you take a piss and look at yourself? How could your Zhu family be so lucky to marry such a beautiful woman?"

"I think it’s not okay!"


Most of the people in the village are elderly, with only a few young and middle-aged people.

A beautiful reporter in professional attire and her interview team found the old village chief.

"Hello, village chief. We are the media from Jianghai City. May I ask you... why are there still dozens of people in Yang'an Village who have not gone to Jianghai City?"

"Didn't the Jianghai City authorities come to inform you that the wild is now very dangerous and that the population of towns near the mountains and forests needs to be relocated?"

"If you folks have difficulty walking, Jianghai City officials will provide a convoy to escort you to the city."

The beautiful female reporter and the interview team were puzzled.

One month after the spiritual energy appeared on Blue Star, humans gradually discovered the role of spiritual energy in the evolution of animals, and immediately moved all towns near the mountains.

This decision was made by the entire country of Blue Star, and this was especially true for the people-oriented Great Xia.

And you know, there is a powerful ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle, like a monster, on the outskirts of Jianghai City. Although Yang'an Village is hundreds of kilometers away from Shenfeng Mountain, they guessed that it took less than half an hour for the white-feathered eagle to fly here!

It's too dangerous to stay here!

The head of Yangguan Village, with deep wrinkles on his face, smiled and said while leaning on a cane

"You city folks just like to worry about nothing.……"

"It's just that the animals in the wild have become a little bigger. Let me tell you, little girl, I hunted tigers when I was young. Not long ago, a big wild boar broke into the village, and wasn't it killed by the people in our village together?"

"And the wild boar meat... unexpectedly doesn't have the castrated smell like before, it tastes surprisingly good……"

At this point, the old people in the village swallowed their saliva, obviously agreeing with the village chief's words.

This made the female reporter and the interview team dumbfounded.

Because not long ago, the white-feathered eagle hunted a wild boar as big as a small truck, and that wild boar was very fierce!

Are the old people in Yangguan Village so fierce?!

They don't have weapons and equipment. If they really hunted that kind of wild boar, wouldn't they be more powerful than Daxia's special forces?!

The people in Yangguan Village saw that they didn't believe it, and soon someone dragged out a huge skeleton. The old people in the village seemed to have deliberately kept the main wild boar skeleton and didn't disassemble it. It was indeed as the village chief said, it was a huge wild boar. If it was intact, it would weigh at least 400 to 500 kilograms.

But this one is not as big as the wild boar that is as big as a small truck...

Wang Xiaoli looked at the proud village chief with an unnatural expression,"Uncle village chief... Listen to me, some wild animals outside Jianghai City are two or three times bigger than this wild boar. We are media reporters and we will never lie to you. Let's leave here as soon as possible!"

The old village chief and the uncles around him all showed disdain.

"You are such a pretty girl, but you are talking nonsense all the time! Where in the world is there an animal that is several times bigger than a wild boar weighing 400 to 500 kilograms?!"

"Even a blind bear is not this big!"

"These city people are so black-hearted. They must want to trick us into going to the city and spending all our savings!"

"Yes, that must be the case!"

"As a farmer, there is no reason for me to leave the fields!"

Wang Xiaoli was speechless. She was a lucky person who survived a beast tide. She realized more than most people how dangerous wild animals were. Unarmed humans were like a target or food made of tofu in front of these strong wild animals.

Not to mention the monstrous and powerful ancient creature, the white-feathered eagle.

"Xiaoli, is there any way to persuade the villagers to leave here?"

"Hmm... let me think about it……"

Wang Xiaoli and the surrounding reporters have already learned the basic situation of this village.

This village is very backward, and the speed of television news dissemination is very slow. The official credibility here is almost non-existent. This is also the reason why the previous waves of official personnel came here to persuade the elderly in the village in vain.

Wang Xiaoli couldn't think of any solution.

Even if she took out her mobile phone and played the video of the ancient white-feathered eagle outside Jianghai City a few days ago, these old-fashioned old people in the village would not believe them.

A strange thought flashed through her mind.

"If the elders in the village saw the white-feathered eagle, they would definitely agree to migrate... No, even a wild boar as big as a small truck would make the elders aware of the crisis.……"


Suddenly, a huge roar came from a distance, causing everyone present to tremble in their hearts...

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