"Wow wow wow!!!"

In the village square of Yangguan Village, amidst the whimpering sounds of the lions eating, a tender cry suddenly came from the ground!

That was the voice of a baby!

Wang Xiaoli, who was in the helicopter above the central square of the village, heard the sound and searched among the mess of corpses, and soon found the source of the sound.

It was the sound coming from under the body of an old man!

The sound was not only heard by the humans in the helicopter, but also by the lions who were eating.

The lioness closest to the body gradually approached this side following the sound.

With her fangs and big mouth open, she dragged the corpse, and the source of the sound was exposed in the air.

It was a howling bipedal cub! The swaddling clothes on the body had been stained with a layer of blood, and even the baby's white face was covered with blood!

This was because the old man protected the baby in his arms before he died, otherwise, how could a baby in swaddling clothes survive under the hunting of the ferocious lions.……

"No! No!!!"

The more emotional female reporter Wang Xiaoli couldn't help but scream when she saw the surviving baby below!

The other people on the helicopter also showed an unbearable look and looked away from the ground.

Because they had already anticipated what the next scene would be. The baby in the cradle would be cruelly and ruthlessly torn into pieces by the lioness!

On the ground, the lioness was stunned when she saw the little thing in front of her with green eyes. The maternal instinct in her body told her that this was a two-legged beast cub that posed no threat to their lion group.

Under the subtle influence of spiritual energy, it was obvious that the lioness was more intelligent and spiritual.

If it was before, when she had enough food, she might have spared this cute two-legged beast cub.

But for some reason, she felt that the flesh and blood of these abominable two-legged beasts were very delicious. After eating, she felt warm and couldn't help wanting to eat more...

This cub could not be let go!


The lioness moved her paws, her cat-like roar sounded like the engine of a sports car, and her fangs in her big mouth were bleeding as she slowly approached the baby.


Suddenly, a fierce roar sounded!

The lioness was knocked away by a huge figure!

It turned out that the Golden Lion King came here and glared at the lioness who was knocked away more than ten meters away.

After getting up, the lioness immediately lowered her head and dared not look directly.

The Golden Lion King certainly did this to save the baby in front of him. He just didn't allow the lioness in his lion group to overstep the boundaries!

He is the king of the lion group and the owner of all the power of the lion group!

This cub is very delicious at first glance, and the breath is several times more fragrant than those old two-legged beasts. How could he allow the lioness to eat it? He opened his mouth wide and bit the cub in front of him!


A golden figure suddenly appeared and blasted the defenseless Golden Lion King away with a heavy blow!

All the lionesses who were eating nearby were stunned. He reacted instantly and roared at the golden figure!

The golden monkey king's pale yellow pupils swept across the bloodstained lion kings around him, but he did not feel scared.

Only the big guy he attacked could attract his attention at the scene, and none of these creatures made him feel threatened.

Walking in front of the baby, the monkey king's yellow furry face showed a complex human expression.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he slowly wrapped his slender and powerful tail around the cub, lifted it up and placed it behind him.

The cub was lifted into the air and stopped crying. Instead, he looked at the monkey king in front of him with some curiosity. Because he felt novel about flying in the air, a smile appeared on his face.


A familiar roar sounded!

The Golden Lion King was furious! He was attacked by a monkey... When did such a big monkey appear?!

Without thinking too much, he stood up from dozens of meters away and rushed over!

Although the monkey king's attention was distracted by the baby, he still kept an eye on the surroundings.


The momentum that erupted from the burly body was no less than that of the Golden Lion King!

The two giants also came into contact with each other in the next second!


The ground shook!

The advantage of the primate broke out, and the monkey king stood up and locked the forearms of the Golden Lion King with his two arms.

Because the forearms were locked, the Golden Lion King's big mouth could not move forward to hurt the monkey king.

The strength of the two was almost the same, just when the two sides were in a stalemate.

The monkey king's pale yellow pupils suddenly flashed, and he hurriedly dodged to the side.

Just after he dodged, a lioness pounced on his original position.

The monkey king looked at the lion group that was gradually surrounding him, grinned at the Golden Lion King in front of him, turned around and jumped onto the pole, climbed onto the roof, and ran quickly towards the outside of the village.



The lions roared angrily under the house! The monkey king gradually lost his sight... and reluctantly returned to the center of the square.

The golden lion king stared at the direction where the big monkey left with a pair of brown eyes, with an unimaginable coldness in his eyes.

Then he continued to eat with his head down, because he felt that eating the flesh and blood of these two-legged beasts could make his body stronger!

Above the village center square, the helicopter was still here. Looking at what happened just a few minutes ago, the reporter and his colleagues still felt like they were in a dream.

"The monster who rescued the baby……"

"Have you ever seen a yellow gorilla that is over three meters tall?……"

"Why do I feel that the gorilla looks like a golden monkey? Maybe it is a mutation of the golden monkey!"

"It is also possible that it is an ancient creature like the white-feathered eagle!"

"Most importantly...what is the purpose of this yellow orangutan taking the baby?……"

"Let's not talk about it for now. What happened here must be reported to the Jianghai City officials as soon as possible! If this group of man-eating lions is allowed to enter Jianghai City... the consequences will be too serious!"


Just when everyone in the helicopter was happy that the baby didn't enter the mouth of the Golden Lion, they suddenly shuddered.

Looking down, they could no longer see a complete body in the center of the square covered with blood.

What frightened them was that the golden-haired lion, as big as a buffalo, stared at them with a pair of brown eyes.

The ruthless cold and bloodthirsty eyes made them feel like they were falling into an ice cellar! What shocked them even more was that... the surface of the terrible lion's body was oozing blood...

PS: I wish all my classmates a happy Dragon Boat Festival!

Xiao Moyu is a newbie in the novel, and it may not be very pleasant for everyone to read... But I will do my best to write a good story!

Finally, thank you all for your long-term support and gifts!

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