Yangguan Village, the center of the village square.

After eating a lot of human viscera essence, the Golden Lion King looked up at the big guy that had been circling in the sky. He was very curious.

This was the first time he had seen such a flying big guy... There were a few bipeds on this big guy... I really wanted to eat them...

The big guy seemed to have no breath... It was really strange...

Before he could think about it, a powerful energy burst out from his warm body!


The energy exploded suddenly, and the flesh was torn apart! The golden hair was instantly stained with clear blood flowers...

The golden lion king, who was in pain, couldn't help but roar!

This roar made the six female lions who were resting in the nest stunned, and looked at their king in confusion and surprise.

When they saw the state of the male lion oozing blood all over his body, they were all panicked. If the lion king had any accidents, then their lion group would be scattered!


They all roared in anxiety.

The helicopter in the sky, the people who were frightened by the lion king's sudden stare, were horrified.

The golden lion king who was so majestic just now suddenly had blood all over his body?!

What's going on?!

They were very confused on the helicopter.

"Could it be that he was seriously injured by the sneak attack from the yellow gorilla just now?"

"Serves them right! This is what these damned man-eating lions deserve!"

Wang Xiaoli cursed!

This was also the voice of everyone in the helicopter. No one could watch dozens of their own kind being hunted as food, not to mention that they had just talked with this group of old people.

"Xiao Li, use a camera to record the changes of this male lion, maybe it will help the research department find something.……"

"Don't worry, Sister Wang. The camera has not stopped since the helicopter landed in the village!"

Wang Xiaoli nodded. She was lucky enough to survive the beast tide, so she was particularly sensitive to the breath of wild beasts.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she felt that the lion in the center of the village square didn't seem to have any accidents... The momentum was getting stronger... Maybe it was mutating! Becoming stronger!

Time passed by minute by minute, and two hours later.

The roar of the golden lion king gradually became lower, and the lionesses gathered not far away gradually calmed down.

Because they already knew that their king was not in danger, but was becoming more powerful!


With a domineering roar, the blood-stained Golden Lion King stood up!

His body was visibly growing rapidly, and the explosive momentum made the surrounding air heavy...

Wang Xiaoli's pupils trembled!

As expected, just as she intuitively felt, the Golden Lion King was changing! It was getting stronger!

"Quick! Gain height!"

"Why? Such a high altitude can clearly capture the changes of the lion without blind spots.……"

"Stop talking so much and hurry up!"

"Uh... okay……"

Finally, the helicopter pilot saw Wang Xiaoli's face was as serious as before, and thought that if it weren't for Wang Xiaoli, they might have become food for the lions in the village square below, so he decided to increase the altitude.

A few seconds later... the photographer holding the camera was suddenly stunned. He actually saw the golden lion's body expanding rapidly!

"……Six meters...seven meters...eight meters!"

"Oh my God! I am not dreaming!"

His exclamation instantly attracted the attention of the people around the helicopter.

They looked down, and although there was no camera to help, they could clearly see that the contrast between the lion and the objects next to it was too great!

"The lion's body size suddenly doubled or tripled!"

The photographer shouted!

Then, he saw the lion looking up at them. Even through the lens, the pair of huge brown eyes still made the photographer feel cold inside.

The lion opened its mouth, which was more than half a meter long, and took a deep breath of air.……


A roar that went straight into the sky spread straight across the sky!

The roar took a few seconds to pass, and everyone on the helicopter at an altitude of two thousand meters felt as if a bomb had exploded next to their ears!

Their heads were buzzing, and they were almost fainting.

Fortunately, as the helicopter quickly took off, the dizziness that made everyone's heads heavy disappeared rapidly.

After a few breaths, everyone's faces turned pale when they recalled what had just happened.

If their helicopter was still at an altitude of several hundred meters, the roar of the lion would definitely make them faint...

When the helicopter fell from a height of several hundred meters, they would definitely be dead...

It's terrible!

Everyone looked at the ground with lingering fear

"Thanks to Sister Wang for reminding us twice today... otherwise we would have died twice!"

"Damn it! I never dreamed that I would be nearly killed by a lion while sitting in a helicopter at high altitude!"

"This lion is really weird!"

"Let's get out of here quickly!"

The people in the helicopter were terrified and didn't dare to stay here any longer. Despite the altitude of two thousand meters, they were afraid that the Golden Lion King below would roar again, even more violently than before.

The Golden Lion King in the center of the village was a little surprised when he saw the"special big guy" going away in the sky.

He didn't expect that his strength would be so strong! He had never been so strong before!

At the same time, he also understood where his strength that far exceeded his previous strength came from...

Looking around, the ground was full of blood and broken human bodies.

It was this group of two-legged beasts... that made him quickly become stronger!

Just as the lion thought, the lion group that ate humans also grew in size.

He stretched out his tongue to lick the bloody and broken meat on his lips, and there was a strange green light in the depths of his brown eyes.

It seems that he needs to... eat more... such two-legged beasts... to become stronger quickly……


When the six lionesses saw that the male lion was calm, they lowered their heads and approached.

They stretched out their tongues to lick the male lion's body, their brown eyes were full of confusion, and the powerful momentum of the male lion made them addicted.

In order to continue the race and give birth to strong offspring, their bodies instinctively wanted to mate and complete mating.


The impatient male lion, whose strength was surging, could not stand the teasing. He immediately turned over and pressed down a lioness and started to move...

Well... there were six lionesses here. He could definitely handle them. After all, the male lion was a famous quick shooter... and he now had an even stronger physique!


Just after the Golden Lion King devoured humans and evolved, a white bird bathed in the sun suddenly opened its eyes on the top of Shenfeng

Mountain, a hundred miles away. Its golden pupils looked into the distance.

"How could there be such a strong wave in the distance?……"

A gleam of light flashed in the golden pupils...

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