Shenfeng Mountain.

A huge bird with white jade feathers was lying on the top of the mountain, bathing in the gentle sunlight. The surrounding mountains and the faint white mist on the top of the mountain outlined a beautiful landscape painting that the ancient people of Daxia yearned for.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed on the top of the mountain.

Ye Yang opened his eyes while sleeping, and his snow-white body gradually stood up and stood on the top of the mountain, his golden eyes looking into the distance.

"Strange... Why is there such a strong wave coming from that direction?……"

In that direction, Ye Yang was suddenly awakened by an astonishing aura.

With his intuition, he felt that a powerful creature appeared in the distance.

He became interested.

"I don't know what kind of creature's upgrade and evolution could create such a big commotion.……"

That momentum has almost caught up with him.

This means that the creature that has evolved and upgraded is likely to be at the same level."D-"

At the same time, I was a little confused. If there really were creatures like him,"D-"How did he evolve so quickly?

Ye Yang used the basic breathing method 24 hours a day, which was equivalent to turning on the automatic cultivation hack to quickly evolve to the current level.

"Maybe I was lucky enough to eat a lot of spiritual fruits.……"

Then Ye Yang crawled on the ground and continued to enjoy the warm sunshine at the foot of the mountain.

As long as the creature didn't come to his territory, he didn't care. He could get stronger just by lying down, and didn't need to go out and play... He had to strictly follow the principle of becoming stronger by lying down, and keep growing steadily without going out and playing.……


On the other side, the civilian helicopter that Wang Xiaoli and her friends were riding in deliberately bypassed the outskirts of Jianghai City and flew towards Jianghai City.

As soon as they arrived in Jianghai City, the media company they worked for immediately handed over the video of Yangguan Village to the Jianghai City officials.

What shocked the media company was that they soon received a notice from the Jianghai City officials that the video news should be published quickly.

Not only could it be published quickly, but the bloody content of the original video was only mosaiced to a certain extent, and it was required to be uploaded without editing. The Jianghai City officials would also use the official media account to help them promote this news.

This shocked the editor-in-chief of the media company. Such a bloody video had never been broadcast by any media in Daxia.

But this was an official request, and they had no choice but to do it.

Soon this news spread rapidly in Jianghai City.

News title: Sunshine Village was destroyed! Terrible lion group! Monster lion!

"Holy shit! Which unscrupulous media outlet is this headline-grabbing?! Why would a news story have such a misleading title?!"

"The video looks real, but it must be a synthesis. Someone is filming a movie there."

"Look carefully! Jianghaicheng's official media also reposted this news video!"

"What?! Are you kidding me?!"

"Could it be that this media news and video are all true?!"

"It's true! A person from Yangguan Village in the city called his family in Yangguan Village, but no one answered!"

"Oh my god... Could it be that a group of man-eating lions really appeared outside Jianghai City... Are all the people in Yangguan Village dead?!"

"This male lion is so scary. I wonder which one is more powerful, the ancient white-feathered eagle?……"

"Hey, it seems that we can’t stay in Jianghai City anymore, let’s run away as soon as possible!"

Originally, the citizens living in Jianghai City did not believe the news and videos released by the media companies, thinking that they were events to attract people’s attention and traffic.

But now the official media of Jianghai City has stepped in and reposted the news immediately, which has panicked millions of Jianghai City citizens! Is there really such a terrifying group of lions in the suburbs of Jianghai City?!

And that big and strong male lion with a shocking momentum is as terrifying as a white-feathered eagle of ancient creatures!


After Jianghai City officials got the video, they immediately took action and called people together to discuss countermeasures.

A large number of people poured into the Jianghai City Office.

"Hello, does Jianghai City officials have anything to explain?"

"I would like to ask, besides the ancient white-feathered eagle, are there really any terrifying lion groups outside Jianghai City?!"

"Why did the golden lion grow in size rapidly after eating the old man from Sunshine Village?"

"Hello...Excuse me, what measures will the authorities take?"

A large number of onlookers and media reporters surrounded the General Office, and a large number of people were blocked.

All the security personnel of the General Office were dispatched to block the flow of people to prevent anyone from entering the General Office.

Faced with the constant inquiries of reporters, the staff of the General Office could only shout out!

"Our leaders are now discussing in the general office, and I believe there will be results soon!"

"Please rest assured, citizens and the media, we will definitely solve all threats to the citizens of Jianghai City perfectly!"

In the meeting room of the office.

All the leaders of Jianghai City are here. Mayor Lin of Jianghai City looks at everyone.

"Now time is running out... I'll just say it directly, the lion group was smuggled out from a circus, and someone accidentally opened the closed carriage in Yangguan Village, which caused the tragic scene in the video"

"Ah, that terrifying pride of lions turned out to be real!"

"How abominable! We must destroy this group of lions and never let them enter Jianghai City!"

Although lions are protected animals, the regulations on protecting animals are gradually being forgotten as the size and intelligence of wild animals are gradually increasing.

What's more, this group of lions brutally killed and devoured dozens of elderly people. They must not be let off!

Mayor Lin nodded and said,"The lion group must be destroyed... But have you noticed the video? After eating us humans, the bodies of the lions are gradually getting stronger.……"

"The most obvious one was the golden lion, which was eight meters long and weighed at least three tons! Especially the last roar could directly affect the humans in the helicopter at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters.……"

"This mutated golden lion, like the ancient white-feathered eagle outside Jianghai City, possesses power beyond our human cognition.……"

"Now we need to figure out that this golden lion mutated rapidly because it was eating us humans. What exactly caused this?……"

"If our human flesh and blood can really make animals evolve quickly... that will be the end of us humans!"

Suddenly, everyone in the conference room heard the sound and was so nervous that they suffocated...

PS: I suddenly looked at the backstage... and found that the number of words in this book is only 120,000. My heart trembled! When have I ever been so lazy... From now on, I will update three times a day without any accidents!

Thank you all for your supportღ( ´・ᴗ・` )ღ

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