The meeting room quieted down

"If it is really as Mayor Lin said... if animals can devour humans to evolve, then it would be a disaster for humanity!"


To be able to serve as the management of a city, their IQs are obviously qualified.

If animals really devour humans to evolve rapidly, then the enemies of mankind in the future will be all the animals on the blue planet!

Although the current technological strength of mankind is sufficient to deal with all animals, even if this group of creatures is eliminated, they humans will be unable to support themselves and will destroy themselves!

After all, human technology has not yet developed to the point where it supports humans to re-select planetary colonies.

The ecological operation of the blue planet requires the common balance of millions of species of creatures on the blue planet. If a large number of species are missing on the blue planet, they humans will also quickly die out...

This result is so terrible that everyone in the conference room felt like a mountain was pressing on their hearts, and they were a little breathless.

Lin Cheng sighed and comforted

"Don't worry, this is just my speculation from the video. The reason for the lion's abnormal evolution has not been investigated clearly.……"

"Mayor Lin... I have something to say!"

A scientific research professor stood up with a pale face,"We received a research topic from the capital Longcheng a few days ago, which is that we humans can actually absorb the spiritual energy in the air.……"

"No, it cannot be said to be absorption, it can only be regarded as storing spiritual energy!"

"What do you mean by that?!"

Mayor Lin looked serious, feeling that something bad was going to happen.

The research professor took a deep breath and told the results of his research.

"It has been more than a month since the spiritual energy appeared on the Blue Planet. Through our recent research, we have found that we humans have some spiritual energy in our bodies. Unlike animals, we can only passively store spiritual energy in our bodies.……"

"The evolution of the lion group, including the male lion, is most likely due to the spiritual energy in humans.……"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone in the meeting room turned even paler.

Mayor Lin was silent for a while and continued to ask

"Then why have there been reports of animal attacks in other cities of Daxia before, but no such abnormal evolution of lion groups?"

"It may be because the spiritual energy had not appeared for a long time at that time, and the spiritual energy contained in people's bodies was relatively scarce. In addition, Yangguan Village is located deep in the mountains, so the spiritual energy stored in the bodies of people in Yangguan Village must be astonishing.……"

Everyone in the conference room gradually understood what the scientific research professor meant.

"Doesn't that mean... that we humans are the most delicious food in the eyes of these lions?!"

The research professor nodded silently,"If the speculation is correct, it is indeed the case.……"

"Damn it! A bunch of beasts!"

"How can we humans be food for a group of livestock?!"

"Even if humans are destined to perish, we will not give the blue planet to these beasts. We must destroy them!"

The words of the scientific research professor, combined with the hell scene in the video of the old man in Sunshine Village, made everyone in the conference room angry!

"Okay, be quiet.……"After Mayor Lin said this, he sorted out his thoughts and issued an order.

"First, send the video of what happened in Sunshine Village and the conclusion we just inferred to Dragon City of Daxia as soon as possible, and let all cities in Daxia be careful. There must not be a second Sunshine Village."

"Finally...the most serious thing now is to destroy that group of man-eating lions!"


After the meeting, the Jianghai City government came out to calm the citizens who were panicked by the lion group again, and issued a serious notice that they must not go to the outskirts of Jianghai City!

In fact, there is no need for an official notice. Now anyone with a normal mind will never run out of Jianghai City.

There are even some timid people who were scared away by the inhumane situation in Sunshine Village and flew or drove away overnight.

This time, the lion group caused a sensation among the citizens of Jianghai City, even more than the ancient white-feathered eagle. After all, no matter how terrifying the white-feathered eagle is, it is not as cruel as the lion group!


One day later.

Just when the people of Jianghai City were in a panic and the authorities were preparing to deal with the lion group.

On the top of Shenfeng Mountain.

Ye Yang in the cave slowly moved his feet out of the cave. This cave was too small. He was afraid that if he exerted too much force, the cave would explode...

A pair of golden eagle eyes looked at the monkey king in front of him with some surprise, or to be more precise, at the baby in the monkey king's hand.

The monkey king was burly and more than three meters tall, and in his palm, which was dozens of centimeters in size, lay a baby.

The baby was pale, breathing weakly, and couldn't even open his eyes. You could tell at a glance that he was either sick or starving to death.


When the Monkey King saw the boss coming out, he immediately roared twice in excitement. His pale yellow eyes anxiously glanced at the baby in his palm and then looked at Ye Yang eagerly.

Needless to say, Ye Yang could understand that he wanted him to find a way to save the baby.

Ye Yang's golden pupils looked up and down at the anxious Monkey King in front of him.

How could he bring back a human cub after just one trip...

He retracted his gaze and looked at the human baby in the Monkey King's palm.

If it was an ordinary adult human, Ye Yang would usually ignore it, because he knew that humans were changeable, and no one knew what humans were thinking behind their backs.

But Ye Yang didn't care about the baby who had no schemes and posed no threat to him.

Listening carefully to the baby's breathing, he soon noticed the problem.

If the baby was weak due to illness, coupled with the Monkey King's running all the way, he would have died long ago.

Then only a healthy baby running all the way because of hunger would cause this situation.


(Just give this baby... some milk... like raising a normal monkey baby...)

The monkey king's yellow furry face was stunned, listening to the sudden voice in his mind, looking around.

After a while, he was sure that it was the voice of the boss in front of him.


Ye Yang used his telepathy skill again, and it took a few minutes for the Monkey King to adapt and understand what he meant. This made Ye Yang sigh in his heart. It is worthy of being a primate. The brain nerves and consciousness of primates are far superior to those of the giant brown bear Xiong Da and the giant panda Xiong Er.


(From now on your name will be Wukong……)

""Woo woo!"

The Monkey King made an excited sound to Ye Yang. He didn't know why he was very satisfied with this name.

Then he carefully held the baby and walked down the mountain.

Ye Yang stared at the Monkey King's departing back in a daze.

"This Monkey King Wukong doesn't want to be a nanny, does he?……"

"But it's a human baby.……"

"Why does this monkey king lack common sense about babies? Is he a virgin monkey?……"

Suddenly Ye Yang thought of the size of the Monkey King. It seemed that no golden monkey could bear it...

He shook his head and threw away the random thoughts in his mind.

Ye Yang looked into the distance, feeling heavy in his heart.

The baby swaddling clothes brought back by the Monkey King had a strong smell of blood and a smell of wild beasts.

He noticed that the direction from which the Monkey King returned was the direction from which the powerful aura fluctuations came before.

Bright lights flashed in his golden pupils.

"It seems that there may be some unrest in the next period of time.……"

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