Since Ye Yang acquired the ability of telepathy, he would talk to the big brown bear Xiong Da, the giant panda Xiong Er, and the golden monkey Wukong from time to time.

The benefits of this to the three animals were visible to the naked eye. In just three days, their brain cognitive abilities increased day by day. According to Ye Yang's estimation, the cognitive abilities of the three of them are now about the same as those of an eight-year-old human child.

This also made Ye Yang's boring days more interesting, and he felt a sense of satisfaction as a teacher.


At the same time, while Ye Yang spent three days training the cognitive abilities of his three animal brothers, Jianghai City finally prepared a plan to eliminate the lion group. At the intersection leading to the suburbs of Jianghai City, a group of fully armed and heroic soldiers gathered here, numbering nearly a hundred people, a company's strength.

Moreover, each of them was equipped with night vision goggles, locators, precision sights and other detection equipment, brand new guns, sufficient ammunition, and even a few light howitzers.

The team of a hundred soldiers had serious faces, their faces were full of determination, and a military atmosphere appeared in everyone's heart.

"Is this the handsome soldier? I love him! I have decided to have a soldier boyfriend from now on!"

"These soldiers are an assault company drawn from a nearby military base. It seems that the upper echelons of our Jianghai City are really determined to eliminate the lion group this time!"

"Of course, the lions smuggled out of the circus devoured people! Dozens of people died in Yangguan Village. The lions must be eliminated!"

"Ha! I think this time not only the lions will be wiped out, but also the ancient white-feathered eagle in Shenfeng Mountain will not escape death!"

"This... this is hard to say. The White-Feathered Eagle flies so fast that the assault company can only drive it away at best.……"

"It's ok to drive them away, otherwise this suburb is really a forbidden area for the citizens of Jianghai City.……"

"Yes, who dares to leave the city now?……"

There was a lot of noise at the intersection, and a group of Jianghai citizens were gathered around. They had also received a notice from the Jianghai city officials, and knew that today the army would go to the outskirts of Jianghai city to destroy the dangerous lions.

And this time the battle method would be broadcast live!

It is said that the reason for doing this is that the Jianghai city officials wanted to appease the panic of the Jianghai city residents.

Jianghai City Mayor Lin walked up to the company commander.

"Captain, you must be careful, that group of lions may have power that we humans can hardly imagine."

The middle-aged Lin Chengchang said solemnly,"If you find any abnormal situation, please withdraw immediately, and put the lives of the company soldiers first!"

The captain stood at attention and saluted with a standard military salute.

"Don’t worry, leader. We will definitely be careful and complete the tasks assigned to us!"

"Well, remember to be careful!"

Watching the camouflage military vehicles transporting the company of soldiers disappear from sight, Mayor Lin couldn't help but feel a little worried and a little uneasy.

The people next to him looked at him with a strange look and asked doubtfully,"Is there anything wrong with Mayor Lin?"

Mayor Lin shook his head, thinking of the weapons and equipment equipped by the assault company, as well as the excellent military qualities trained over the years.

The image of the huge white figure destroying military helicopters one after another emerged in his mind.

He sighed in his heart.

"Oh... I hope the male lions in the lion group won't be as powerful as the ancient white-feathered eagle.……"


A few hours later, three camouflage military vehicles drove all the way and quickly arrived at the outskirts of Jianghai City.

Choosing a suitable place to park the vehicle, hundreds of soldiers in the company got off the military vehicle.

One of the beautiful figures was very eye-catching. It was Wang Xiaoli from a media company in Jianghai City.

At this time, Wang Xiaoli, who had just got off the camouflage military vehicle, had a delicately made-up white face that was even paler. Looking at the densely shaded woods in front of her, her beautiful pupils were full of fear.

This time, Jianghai City mobilized a company to eliminate the lion group. In order to appease the panic of the citizens of Jianghai City and alert the citizens to the dangers in the wild, the whole process was broadcast live.

Then the media company where Wang Xiaoli worked immediately smoothed out the relationship and wanted to obtain the live broadcast rights of this company's action.

Jianghai City leaders saw that this media company was the first to discover the tragic situation of the lion group in Yangguan Village, so they gave this live broadcast opportunity to Wang Xiaoli's media company.

And... the live broadcaster sent by this media company was Wang Xiaoli.

First, Wang Xiaoli is a familiar face in the interviews outside Jianghai City. Second, Wang Xiaoli is a beautiful woman who can attract a lot of attention.

Standing among the soldiers, Wang Xiaoli regretted agreeing to the company leader's mission.

"Mom, I really regret it! The position of deputy editor-in-chief is not as important as my own life……"

Looking at the vast forest, she recalled the terrifying beast tide and the lion pack that devoured people not long ago.

The beautiful forest and fresh air in the forest were extremely dangerous forbidden areas in her eyes.

The captain saw her standing there in a daze after getting off the car, and noticed her pale face.

He walked over to comfort her.

"Please rest assured, reporter. Our assault company will absolutely guarantee your safety. Daniu, Erhu! Come here!"

"The safety of reporters and photographers is in your hands."

"Good leader, we swear to protect their safety!"

Then Wang Xiaoli, whose face turned pale, felt the iron-clad atmosphere of the 100 soldiers and felt much more at ease.

Looking at the photographer

"Xiao Li, let's start the show"


As soon as the camera was turned on, the millions of Jianghai City citizens squatting in front of the screen rushed in and began to discuss fiercely online.

"Wow! What a dense forest!"

"Strange... I have been to the outskirts of Jianghai City many times. The green hills and big trees here are very familiar to me. When did the big trees become so thick?……"

"It seems that the rumors on the Internet are true, the spiritual energy in the air can make animals and plants evolve!"

"Stop talking about this and see how the company destroys those damn lions!"

"Huh?! The dense forest outside Jianghai City is hundreds of miles long. With such a vast area, why not use a helicopter to search for the target?"

"Are you stupid? There are not only lions in the suburbs of Jianghai City, but also a white-feathered eagle that specializes in shooting airplanes!"

"Uh... Indeed, the paleontological white-feathered eagle is simply a fighter jet in the sky, but your description is a bit strange.……"

"Don't pay attention to these details, look! The company is entering the dense forest!"

Hundreds of soldiers in the company began to enter the dense forest. The vast dense forest was like a green ocean with no end in sight and no depth, which instantly submerged their figures...

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