In the forest, a group of people quickly rushed in one direction.

In the distant dense forest, many animals looked at them in confusion, and then followed them until they arrived at the place in front of them. Then, they showed fear in their eyes and turned around and left decisively.

The assault company followed the blood trail and soon came to a vast bush.

"This is a very suitable environment for lions to live in.……"

"This is probably the territory of the lion group, so be careful."


That lioness who was fearless of the rain of bullets, there is a group of them here, and there is even a more powerful and terrifying male lion.

Thinking of this, the hundreds of soldiers present were very nervous.

Gradually slowing down their pace, maintaining a straight line formation and groping in the direction of the bloodstain.

The captain walked to Wang Xiaoli and instructed

""Reporter, for your safety, you and the photographer will go to the distant hillside. Don't worry, I will ask Da Hu and Er Niu to accompany you to protect you."

Xiao Li, the photographer holding the camera, was a little puzzled.

"Captain, why? We can't clearly capture the heroic fighting of the assault company.……"

Turning to look at the silent Sister Wang,"Sister Wang, is that right?"

Female reporter Wang Xiaoli ignored his call and looked at the captain with a serious face.

"Captain, you must be careful, I feel a breath of death here... The breath is very strong, it might be the aura emitted by the male lion in the lion group. That male lion might be even more powerful than the ancient white-feathered eagle on Shenfeng Mountain!"

"Can we retreat... That soldier may have died now."

The captain nodded calmly,"I know, maybe our comrade has died now, but we must avenge him!"

"Even if the male lion is very powerful and dangerous, our 100-man assault company must eliminate him as soon as possible, otherwise once he disappears from our human world, he will definitely bring disaster to our Great Xia in the future."

At this point, his already firm eyes revealed an even more resolute look.

"Even if our assault company is completely wiped out, we must kill these man-eating lions here!"

Wang Xiaoli looked at the faces of the soldiers around her. They also had firm expressions on their faces, not afraid of the powerful lions at all.

Respect appeared on their faces.

"Well... I wish you a successful mission, Captain.……"

Leading photographer Xiao Li, we walked towards the high slope in the distance

"Wait, Daniel, Erhu"

"If we die this time, please help us go back to see our families."

"Okay, Captain!"


Millions of viewers in Jianghai City were watching this scene, somewhat confused.

"Aren't they just a group of seven lions? Why are they acting like they are parting ways with each other?……"

"That's right, the assault company of hundreds of people is too timid!"

Many viewers in the live broadcast room did not notice the sneak attack of the lioness last night. Although the timing was chosen when everyone was just relaxing after repelling the beast tide, the sneak attack was successful under the eyes of hundreds of soldiers. The explosive speed they showed made them completely unable to react.

There are still five such lionesses in this bush, and there is even a more powerful and unknown male lion. The assault company must have suffered casualties in this mission.……

"Stop talking nonsense. If you have the guts, go to the suburbs by yourselves instead of standing there and making sarcastic remarks!"

"These are the soldiers who are protecting our lives, so please be more careful with your words!"

"Yeah... lions are probably more powerful than we thought……"

Wang Xiaoli, the photographer, and two soldiers had already reached the hillside in the distance.

At this time, Wang Xiaoli ignored the millions of people in the live broadcast room and the countless comments.

Fortunately, the camera had a high-definition zoom lens, so she could still see the situation of the assault company in the distance.

Watching the soldiers exploring the bushes on the screen, she always felt a sense of death in her heart.

"I hope nothing happens.……"


Suddenly there was a roar like thunder! The camera lens turned immediately!

A huge golden figure appeared on the screen, and the huge figure almost filled the entire lens!

The camera quickly adjusted the focus automatically, and the huge golden figure was also exposed in the lens.

It turned out to be the male lion in the lion group!

The huge body was like a large truck. When standing up, humans were like babies in front of it!

The body was more than eight meters long! It was simply a monster in Greek mythology!

At the first encounter, five or six soldiers were blown away dozens of meters. The lion fell unconscious in the distance.

The huge golden lion did not stop its movements. It opened its half-meter-long abyss mouth, instantly covering a soldier and swallowing him.

A look of enjoyment appeared on the mane-covered face. He felt that he had become stronger again...

These actions of the golden lion king, including his sudden appearance, happened in just a few seconds. The assault soldiers were frightened by the huge monster-like lion in front of them.

The aura that made people feel palpitating and panic, coupled with the huge body, made them feel weightless and powerless.

The captain widened his eyes and bit his lips to wake up.

"Brothers, stop standing there! Shoot!"


Many soldiers of the assault company heard the shout, reacted, and immediately raised their guns and aimed

"Da da da!!!"

The dense firepower formed a large net with fine intervals, covering the Golden Lion King!

Ding ding ding!!!

Sparks appeared all over the Golden Lion King's body, and crisp jingling sounds rang out...

Unexpectedly, there was no injury at all!

This made the hundreds of soldiers present doubt the reality of what they saw!

"Am I dreaming?……"

"Is there really such an invulnerable creature on the blue planet?……"


The assault company was stunned, but the Golden Lion King was not. A crisp cracking sound woke everyone up.

It turned out that the Golden Lion King continued to swallow, opened his bloody mouth and swallowed a soldier, chewing the delicious food in his mouth with a look of enjoyment.

The brown pupils like little suns reflected a strange red light in the sun. Anyone stared at by this huge blood-red eyeball had a blank mind.

On the hillside in the distance.

Female reporter Wang Xiaoli, photographer Xiao Li and two soldiers trembled and stared at the screen

"This is not a lion... this is simply a demon from hell!"

"Go and tell the captain to retreat! Your current weapons are completely incapable of destroying this monster lion!"

Wang Xiaoli said with a pale face and trembling legs.

The two soldiers had the same idea, but suddenly a few roars were heard from a distance.

Photographer Xiao Li immediately shifted the camera. It turned out that a group of female lions appeared at the scene!

The female lions appeared in different directions. The lion group surrounded the soldiers' company!

Female reporter Wang Xiaoli looked at the screen in front of her, her body went limp and she sat directly on the ground.

"It's over... It's over now, we're all going to die here……"

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