"Oh my god! I'm not hallucinating! There are actually lions this big in the world!"

"So scary! A monster! Even modern assault rifle bullets can't penetrate his skin! Is the density of this lion's muscles and bones as strong as steel?!"

"Even the white-feathered eagle on Shenfeng Mountain is not as powerful as this!"

"This is not what’s important now… The assault company is in real trouble this time!"

"Damn! I'm surrounded by lions!"

"Hurry up and notify the Jianghai City officials! Send someone to rescue the assault company!"

In fact, when the citizens of Jianghai City in front of the screen realized that something was wrong, the Jianghai City officials had already started to operate.

It was different from the previous time when the White Feather Eagle of Shenfeng Mountain killed the people of the Blue Sky Military Industry Group.

That time was not an official activity. The Blue Sky Military Industry Group was just seeking revenge privately, a private matter, and it was also a pawn of their Daxia Experimental Paleontology White Feather Eagle.

This time is different. This time it is an official action!

Millions of Jianghai City citizens, and even all the upper echelons of Daxia are looking here!

After the leaders of Jianghai City realized the power of the golden lion, they decided to start helicopter support in an instant!

If they were afraid of angering the paleontology White Feather Eagle before using helicopters, then now they have no choice!

Because the incident happened in the mountains and forests, land support was not in time, and powerful equipment could not be transported.

Even if support came, it would only add color to this terrible lion.

So they can only use helicopters equipped with powerful firepower for support!

"Hope it's in time!!!"


In a corner of the forest on the outskirts of Jianghai City.

At this time, the roar of gunfire continued here, accompanied by the painful screams of humans!

Although the power of rifle bullets can hurt the lioness, it is completely unable to cause fatal damage in a short period of time. Coupled with the influence of the aura of the monster lion, many soldiers who originally aimed accurately at the lioness's head had their bullets deflected.

One soldier after another was attacked by the lioness, her claws tore their bodies apart, blood splashed, and dyed the ground red.

The monstrous golden lion was even more brutal, waving a pair of several-meter-long palms, and the soldiers who came into contact with the half-meter-long claws were either dead or injured, and then quickly entered the lion's big mouth.

The captain originally wanted to retreat, but several lionesses appeared and surrounded them, disrupting his plan.

He looked at the upright figure of the lion not far away with horror.

"What kind of monster is this?……"

Now is not the time to exclaim, turn around!

"Quick! Use the howitzer!"

Several soldiers reacted and immediately took out their grenade launchers, loaded the howitzers, and instantly flew towards the lion!

The lion, who was eating the soldiers in big mouthfuls, suddenly tensed up.


Then he was hit by the howitzer, and flew more than ten meters away, falling to the ground.……

"Success! Is that monster dead?!"

A soldier shouted excitedly!

But he was ruthlessly slapped in the face the next second. The male lion quickly stepped forward and roared.

It rushed towards him at full speed like a truck and swallowed him alive in one bite.

The captain was terrified.

But the only good news now is that although the howitzer can't hurt the male lion, it can kill the female lion!

The two female lions didn't expect that this group of weak two-legged beasts could actually pose a threat to them. When they were hit by the howitzer, their bodies exploded like fireworks, turning into blood and flesh that soared into the sky and then fell down.


The surrounding lioness roared in panic, and retreated in fear of the death of their companion.

"Quick! Disperse and retreat to the forest!"

Dozens of soldiers at the scene immediately rushed to the forest behind.

The captain had already seen that this group of lions had a great desire for their flesh and blood!

If the team gathered together, they would definitely be chased by the male lion. If they dispersed a little, some people might escape from here.

And someone had to delay the male lion, otherwise the team would suffer heavy losses.


The huge golden lion roared!

Two lionesses in his tribe died, which made him extremely angry! His red eyes seemed to be able to drip blood, and he ran towards the two-legged beasts running out.

Such a slow speed, it was simply food waiting for him to enjoy!


The male lion stopped suddenly, and he actually saw the leader of the group of two-legged beasts running towards him.

Surprise flashed in his red eyes. What does this two-legged beast leader want to do? Is he here to surrender?

I will not let this group of tempting two-legged beasts go!……


The captain who rushed to the huge male lion was stunned when he saw the male lion stopped where he was.

When he looked up, he realized how huge the male lion was, and the doubt, cruelty, and cunning revealed in his red eyes...

Such a humane look, it was simply a human being!

"Could it be that this monster lion could understand human language?"

"Roar... Twoleg leader... Submit to me... Take me to... Twoleg habitat... Where I can live...……"

The captain suddenly heard a low roar like thunder, and then a huge sound appeared in his mind.

Looking at the pair of huge red eyes, he knew it was the voice of the monster lion!

"You...you monster can talk!"

After hearing this, the golden lion did not answer, but raised the corners of his mouth in disdain and looked down at him with contempt.

"Monster... A monster really appeared on the blue planet……"

"Unfortunately... I didn't have time to tell my leaders about this information.……"

Feeling the increasingly powerful aura and murderous intent on his body, he knew that the male lion was about to eat him. He was not afraid, which was also his purpose.

���He took out a grenade and pulled out the fuse.

""Go to hell... monster!"

Then the vision fell into darkness, and was covered by the big mouth...


A huge boom sounded! A wave of fire was generated in the lion's big mouth, and thick smoke billowed.……


With a scream that spread far and wide, the lion's huge mountain-like body fell heavily to the ground, splashing a cloud of dust.……

"Company Commander!!!"

"Damn it! I want revenge!"

"Don't go back! The male lion was not afraid of the howitzer, so it is very likely that he is not dead!"

"Let's go! Don't let the company commander die in vain!"

The assault company suppressed their grief and quickly retreated to the mountains and forests behind them.


On the other side, Wang Xiaoli and others on the hillside in the distance also saw what happened on the battlefield in the distance through the camera screen.

The assault company soldiers were defeated! On the run...

Photographer Xiao Li's legs became weak,"Sister Wang, it's too dangerous here, let's leave quickly!"


Wang Xiaoli's eyes flashed with tears. She had not yet recovered from the scene of the captain's death.

She nodded to Dahu and Erniu who were looking sad.

She took a step and led the way forward.

"Wait, Sister Wang, isn't that the direction to the evacuation road?!"

"I know... Let's go to Shenfeng Mountain!"

PS: I only updated 2,000 words today. It was raining heavily in Jiangsu. I got caught in the rain when I went to work and I have a fever...

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