Outside Jianghai City, a gray, shining sparrow quietly nestled in the palm of a young girl.

Ye Yang listened carefully to the words of Professor Li in front of him. This middle-aged man was the most knowledgeable person he had ever met in this world, and he must be the one who understood the drastic changes in this world the most.

He wanted to understand the changes that had taken place in this world, and that was why he followed Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin here.

"What a coincidence, people in this world also sensed the energy floating in the air and also named it Reiki.……"

""Woof woof woof!!!"

Suddenly, before Professor Li could finish his words, a black shadow rushed towards Ran Xiaoyue!

No! To be precise, it was Ye Yang in Ran Xiaoyue's palm!

As a sparrow, Ye Yang perfectly possessed all the abilities of a sparrow, and the alertness of a bird was no exception!

He instantly stood up, flapped his wings, and flew into the air!

""Woof woof woof!"

Only then did Ye Yang see what was rushing over. It turned out to be a big black dog!

And it was a Husky!

A cold light shot out from his eyes!

"You dog dared to attack me! I'll blow your head off!"

The big black Husky suddenly pounced over, leaving everyone completely unable to react. All they saw was a black shadow approaching with a gust of wind!

"Wow! What a big dog!"

"Wow! Don’t be afraid! This is Professor Li’s Husky!"

"Hey... I haven't seen Dahei for a long time. Why doesn't he look as silly as before? He looks more heroic!"

"Erha still jumps like this, likes to chase birds……"

After the big black Husky pounced, it found that the target had disappeared and stopped in front of everyone. It did not hurt anyone or bump into anyone.

Most of them knew this Husky. It was the Husky raised by Professor Li.

What made everyone feel strange and surprised was that this Husky no longer had the naivety of a Husky, but instead had a heroic aura.

Everyone just thought that chasing birds was the nature of dogs, and they did not know the real thoughts of this big black Husky.

The Husky stopped, not paying attention to the gazes of the crowd. He raised his head and stared at the bird that was stagnant in the sky with a pair of bright eyes.

He stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. He felt that as long as he ate this bird, he would be able to become stronger!

This was also the reason for his sneak attack...

Suddenly, his whole body tightened, as if he was shrouded in a sense of crisis as if he was being stared at by a prehistoric beast. This sense of crisis came from the birds in the sky!

Invincible! Danger!

He decisively dodged and hid behind Li Minmin, wagging his tail and making a whining sound, looking completely like a silly husky, without a trace of his heroic image just now.


Everyone was dumbfounded, and some did not understand what the big Husky was trying to do.

However, the Husky's behavior is often incomprehensible.

Professor Li looked at the Husky's behavior and felt a little strange.

"It's strange that Dahei has been acting very smart recently, why is he like this?"

Only Ran Xiaoyue and Li Minmin were somewhat certain in their hearts. They looked up at the little phoenix that was suspended in the air. Could it be because of the little phoenix?

Professor Li continued,"Just now I wanted to say something about Dahei. I don't know when, not only the animals in nature but also the poultry and pets around humans around the world have shown very different behaviors.……"

"Therefore, the behavior of this little bird is not surprising... As for whether there is any harm... There shouldn't be any, because even if the animals behave differently, they are still within the scope of animals and are not harmful to humans at present."

Hearing this, Ran Xiaoyue breathed a sigh of relief and waved to the little phoenix in the sky.

Ye Yang glanced at the Erha hiding behind Li Minmin, and realized that the Erha was no match for him, and then slowly landed in Ran Xiaoyue's palm.

"This husky attacked me actively. It must have noticed something different about me.……"

"I don't know if other creatures are the same as this Husky.……"

Ye Yang suddenly felt a sense of crisis, but he was not troubled by this problem.

As long as he could evolve and upgrade to the most powerful existence, this problem would not be a problem!

As for this sneak attacking Husky, he would find an opportunity to teach it a lesson later...

Sensing the strange bird full of a sense of crisis, the Husky hiding behind Li Minmin lowered its tail and dared not look at Ye Yang not far away.

"Okay, we still have a mission, let's hurry up and get into the mountains"

"OK! Professor Li……"


The group of people marched towards a majestic mountain.

Since this is the outskirts of Jianghai City and not far from the human city, people often come here to play. There are a lot of human traces on the outskirts of the mountain.

The most obvious is the large amount of garbage and plastic bottles.

Gradually, as the group went deeper into the mountain, the traces of humans became less and less, the forest became more dense, and the ground was full of dead branches and leaves that were larger than a human palm.

"Ding, the spiritual energy content in the surrounding air is high, your basic breathing method feels happy, and your operating efficiency is improved!"


Ye Yang's eyes flashed in Ran Xiaoyue's arms!

He looked up and around, and then he found that the spiritual energy contained in the air was much more than in the city.

The speed at which the body absorbed the spiritual energy to nourish the body increased a lot!

"I didn't expect that coming to the mountains would bring this benefit. The basic breathing method is really powerful!"It's only been a few days since I got the basic breathing method, and it has improved my proficiency level and raised my strength to F-. It's really powerful!

"Ding, you praise the basic breathing method in your heart, which makes the Supreme Breath Cell very angry. It decides to stop absorbing sunlight energy and falls asleep.……"

This made Ye Yang's eyes widen!

He didn't expect that the Supreme Breath Cell would be so unique!

"Isn't this Supreme Breath Cell too temperamental? Can it be jealous?"

Ye Yang can't let the Supreme Breath Cell stop absorbing. You must know that the basic breathing method is given by the Supreme Breath Cell, and what's more worth mentioning is... He will not actively absorb the energy from the sun, let alone control the Supreme Breath Cell to infect other cells!

"Supreme Breath Cell... You are the best! The basic breathing method is derived from you. In human terms, it is your child... your junior.……"

"You who are mysterious and powerful don't bother with your children and younger generations.……"

"Ding, your dormant Supreme Breath Cell listened to your words thoughtfully, ended its dormant state, and started to operate automatically!"


Ye Yang exhaled, fortunately the Supreme Breath Cells seemed to be easy to coax.

While Ye Yang was thinking, Professor Li and his team also discovered many interesting things.

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