"Professor Li, I feel that this forest is different from the past. It seems that the plants here are growing rapidly in a short period of time.……"

The forest deep in the mountains is not only sparsely populated, but the surrounding trees are obviously much thicker than those on the periphery!

Professor Li reached out and touched the rugged tree beside him, his eyes thoughtful. After a moment of silence, he said

"Well... you are right. This forest has indeed grown rapidly in a short period of time. Look at the cracks in the ground at the roots of the big trees. These broken cracks are evidence of the crazy growth of the roots of the big trees and the expansion of the trees."

"Ah?! It’s true!" The university student who asked the question exclaimed,"Then what is the reason for the rapid growth of this forest, Professor Li?"

"Maybe it's not just this forest that's growing rapidly, but the forests in all the mountains around the world are growing rapidly!"

Professor Li's words suddenly made everyone's eyes widen, and they couldn't believe it!

Professor Li expected everyone's shock, because this news has not been made public to ordinary people, only official departments and experts in their academic field know about it.

But when he came to this deep mountain forest, he knew that this news would soon be known to everyone in the world.

"It's because of the spiritual energy in the air.……"

"Or maybe it's because of the spiritual energy... It's incredible……"

"But why can't Reiki work on us humans? Now even plants and animals in nature can enjoy the blessings of Reiki!"

"Ha! That's because we humans haven't discovered the method of cultivating immortals yet. When the matter of cultivating immortals appears in the future, I, Wang Teng, will definitely be able to ascend to immortality and suppress all enemies in the world!"

"My son Wang Teng has the potential to be an emperor!"

"Zhang Xiaofei is asking for a fight!"

Professor Li looked at the many students who were joking and shook his head with a smile.

"Why can't spiritual energy work on us humans? This question has always troubled the leaders of various countries. But don't panic. These animals just have more active and developed brains and their bodies have changed a little. They will not harm us humans at present.……"

Everyone felt a little more at ease.

"That's good.……"

""Woof woof woof!!!"

A burst of fierce dog barking interrupted their pace!

The big black Husky that had been following the crowd silently suddenly rushed to the front of the team, arched its body, and barked fiercely at a bush in the direction of the team.

"What happened to Dahei?"

Li Minmin reached out her hand and touched Dahei who was barking non-stop, a little confused.

Seeing that Dahei looked a little angry, could he be in danger?

This thought had just entered everyone's mind when a strange noise came from the bushes the next second!


""Everyone be careful! There may be danger!" Professor Li shouted in the team.

With a burst of crackling sounds, everyone immediately retreated.

The big black Husky faced the shouting bushes, and after a shake, a small animal emerged.

"Is this a puppy? How can there be a puppy in the mountains?"

"Wow! What a cute puppy!……"

""Don't go over there! This is a wolf cub!"

Someone shouted, stopping the girl who wanted to go forward.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that the gray fur revealed a sharpness, especially a pair of wild eyes. They were all students majoring in environmental protection, and they knew instantly that this was a wolf cub!

Everyone's heart couldn't help but tremble, and they felt cold all over, and the cold air went straight to their heads!

Because all of them knew how terrible it was to meet a wolf cub in the wild!

The reason was simple... wolf cubs would not act alone!

""Woof woof woof!!!"

The big black Husky barked violently again, his barking revealed panic, his trembling mouth exposed his canine teeth, and he barked a warning bark at the bushes in front of him where the little wolf cub was!

But his body was constantly trembling, as if something terrible was approaching!


With a heart-wrenching and terrifying wolf howl, pairs of green eyes appeared from the bushes, and big gray wolves with shiny gray bodies appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the bloodthirsty and wild eyes of the big gray wolves, drooling on the ground, many people turned pale and bloodless, and some timid girls even sat on the ground.

"This is a gray wolf! How did a large wolf appear here?"

"I've never heard of wolves outside Jianghai City!?"

But now is obviously not the time to think about this.……

"Get up... Don't panic, everyone slowly retreat, remember! Don't take the initiative to run away!"

"If the wolves come to attack us later... we men will rush forward and hold back the wolves, while the women will run as fast as they can! Remember! Only when you are sure of your own safety can you help others.……"

While slowly retreating backwards, Professor Li's face was solemn and he whispered to everyone.

Although all the boys in the team were a little flustered, they still nodded.

They were students majoring in nature conservation, and they knew these gray wolves living in the wild very well. If they ran away quickly, no one would leave alive.

Only when the boys with stronger strength delayed the wolf pack, the girls had a chance to leave alive...

Just when many boys were panicking and struggling, and the wolf pack was pressing step by step, what made people desperate was...

More than 20 big gray wolves jumped out from the bushes not far away!

This is a huge wolf pack!

And the big gray wolves among them are more than one meter long, grinning, fangs shining, and a terrifying murderous intent makes everything around solemn and silent. The mountains and forests are quiet, and only the rapid breathing of the crowd is particularly obvious.

The wolf pack that gradually sneaked in suddenly changed its formation. The two rows side by side made way together, and a big wolf more than one meter long and majestic walked out from behind the wolf pack!

Two rows of big gray wolves bowed their heads in awe of the extra-large big gray wolf.

This is the wolf king, who usually hides behind the wolf pack and is responsible for directing the wolf pack to fight and hunt, but now he appears in front of everyone...

Then there is only one answer, the wolf king regards the group of prey in front of him as non-threatening prey!

Professor Li and his group on the opposite side looked at the wolf king and the twenty or so big gray wolves in front of them and had already lost all hope. Their eyes were distracted and full of fear...

They could not escape and would surely die in the hunt of the wolf pack today.

The wolf king stretched out his tongue and licked his lips slowly, as if he was selecting a snack before a meal. His pair of cunning wolf eyes, full of wildness and brutality, swept across everyone... and nodded with satisfaction. These prey were enough for their wolf pack to have a big meal.


Just as he opened his mouth to issue the order to attack, he was stunned, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. A black monster of the same kind appeared in front of him.

"Woof woof woof……"

But this cry...why is it so unique?

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