"Woof woof woof!!!"

Ye Yang, who was basking in the sun on Shenfeng Mountain, opened his eyes when he heard the noise in the distance.

He stood up and looked into the distance. A few kilometers away, a black figure was running in the woods, and behind him was a group of gray wolves chasing him.

"That's the big black Husky... Is he being chased by a group of big grey wolves?"

A Husky being chased by a group of big wild wolves, this scene is a bit dramatic, which makes Ye Yang feel a little strange.

Seeing that the Husky was about to be caught by the wolf pack, Ye Yang decided to take action, after all, this dog had some relationship with him. The golden pupils suddenly shot out a golden light, which was extremely fast and instantly covered the direction of the wolf pack a few kilometers away accurately.


The fleeing wolves suddenly felt a huge fear, and before they could move, they fell to the ground with a rumble. They crawled on the ground trembling all over, whimpering in fear, and even the wolf king of this group of wolves was the same.

The blood in their bodies seemed to have solidified, and their hearts seemed to be squeezed hard by a pair of big hands!

The big black Husky, 20 meters in front of the wolf pack, was panting, and his tongue stuck out of his mouth and kept spitting out hot air.

Hearing the movement, he turned around and saw the wolves lying on the ground and trembling behind him. He was a little surprised, and his dog's face was full of confusion.

Are these guys afraid of me?!


At the top of Shenfeng Mountain, Ye Yang retracted his gaze.

He naturally did not have any special abilities now, but he integrated the innate deterrent effect into his gaze, which happened to have a range of several kilometers.

Ordinary creatures could not resist his deterrent gaze at all, and the wolf pack could not even"E-"They don't even have the evolutionary level, and are just like ants in front of him.

"Tip: The talent of deterrence in your body has successfully made the wolves surrender and fear. The talent of deterrence makes you feel happy, and the proficiency of the talent has increased!"


Ye Yang was stunned."It turns out that the fear of animals can also enhance the effect of natural deterrence.……"

He originally thought that only human fear could increase his level... This was the first time he knew that animal fear could be useful to him.

"It seems that Talented Shock is a good kid who is not picky about food. As long as it is a creature's fear emotion, it can enhance itself.……"

The golden pupils sparkled like stars at night.

The innate deterrence is just the use of one's own aura. It is useless to fight against creatures of the same level. However, if facing creatures with a lower evolutionary level than oneself, the innate deterrence effect will be very useful.

In one's own deterrence aura, weak creatures have no resistance at all. As long as the creatures weaker than him are bound to be affected, affecting the display of strength, or even directly losing combat effectiveness.

It sounds very tasteless. It is useless to face powerful creatures, and it is a heavy blow to weak creatures.

But you have to know that if you are besieged by a group of weak creatures, it is also a big crisis.

The saying that ants bite elephants to death is not false...

Even if Ye Yang is a big bird in the sky, he has to consider this...

If his innate deterrence can be upgraded to a terrifying level, once the momentum is opened, a vacuum field will be formed within a radius of dozens of miles. This is too cool!

In the next few days.

Ye Yang also discovered a feature, that is, when his momentum is quietly released, the fear of wild creatures in the territory will increase his proficiency in innate deterrence.

At this moment, an idea came to his mind. If the creatures in the territory could feel fear towards him every day, then it would not take long for his talent and skill level to improve.

Anyway, he had nothing to do, so Ye Yang personally flew over the hundreds of miles of forest nearby. He specially selected some powerful and intelligent creatures and gathered them within a hundred miles of the forest around Shenfeng Mountain.

These creatures saw how powerful Ye Yang was and cooperated with him.

"Tip: Tens of thousands of wild beasts around you are afraid of you. Your talent is invigorated and your proficiency is improved.……"

Moreover, each creature can give him more than one experience of talent shock, which can be repeated.

This makes him very happy. He already feels that the talent shock is not far from upgrading.……


Just as Ye Yang was making a move to gather all the beasts in the forest, the officials of Jianghai City also learned what was happening in the forest through high-altitude monitoring.

Seeing the ancient creature white-feathered eagle that had been staying on the Shenfeng Mountain outside Jianghai City suddenly take action, all the leaders of Jianghai City panicked!

"What is the White Feathered Eagle doing... It is gathering the beasts from the hundreds of miles of forest! Is it trying to start a beast tide?!"

"It is not certain at the moment... In the past few days, the paleontological white-feathered eagle has only subdued these beasts and has not taken any other actions.……"

"I propose that we mobilize several surrounding military combat bases to eliminate this ancient creature together!"

"This is impossible! Jianghai City is only a hundred miles away from Shenfeng Mountain, which is too close for the White Feather Eagle that may have supersonic speed!"

"The cost of capturing a supersonic creature is too high for us... We cannot take this measure at this time!"

"What should we do? We can't let a monster stay around Jianghai City all the time, right?!"

"The only thing that can defeat monsters is monsters!"

"Eh...are you talking about that double-winged saber-toothed tiger?"

"That's right, I believe that with the help of that monster, I can definitely kill or drive away the white-feathered eagle!"

"Well... you can definitely give it a try……"


Ye Yang didn't know that his little actions had caused such a big panic after being discovered by humans.

Of course, if they knew, they would definitely not care.

Half a month passed like this.

"Tip: The supreme breath cells in your body feel the energy of the sun's rays, wake up from their slumber, and start to function.……"

"Tip: The number of Supreme Breath Cells accumulated in your body is 10,000, reaching the conditions for bloodline evolution... Evolution is starting……"

"Tips, the basic breathing method in your body……"

"Tip: Your skills are telepathic……"

"Tip: Your talent is amazing.……"

Ye Yang walked out of the cave with a pair of golden eagle eyes full of shock. After two months, his supreme breath cells finally underwent a qualitative change!

Before he could react, his body seemed to be torn apart, and he felt extremely painful!


A series of painful and high-pitched sounds were heard, and the spiritual mist on the mountaintop was dissipated. The spiritual trees and white jade bamboo began to shake...

The huge sound did not stop, and spread to the distance.

The clouds were dispersed, and the invisible terrifying pressure contained in the sound waves made the creatures within a radius of dozens of miles give up resistance and crawl on the ground, looking at the distant mountain with fear in their eyes.

They knew that this terrible cry was made by the big white bird...

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