On the outskirts of Jianghai City, Shenfeng Mountain.

On the top of the mountain, a huge white bird was crawling on the ground with its eyes closed.

Its body trembled slightly from time to time, and there were continuous bursts of breaking sounds in its body, and the sound of blood rushing like a rushing river.

There were faint flickering golden arcs in the surrounding air, mixed with the spiritual white mist like a prelude to a thunderstorm.

If someone could see inside Ye Yang's body, they would be surprised to find that his cells were growing and dividing rapidly!

A golden light appeared from nothing in the deepest part of the body, flowing to the limbs and bones of the body!

This golden light was more powerful than human rifle weapons. It easily cut through Ye Yang's muscles and bones, poured into all the flesh and blood in his body, and nourished and strengthened his heart!

Even the cells that were already rapidly strengthening, under the nourishment of this golden energy, underwent unknown changes...

Just like this, half an hour passed

"Hint: The blood in your body has evolved successfully!"

"Tip: Your race has changed to Thunderbird!"

"Tip: Your talent is stunning and your proficiency is improving!"

"Tip: Your telepathy proficiency has improved!"

"Tip: Your basic breathing method has improved your proficiency!"

With the system prompt sound in his mind, Ye Yang gradually regained consciousness.

"Damn, it hurts so much!"

Ye Yang stood up, and the sound of firecrackers crackled in his huge body.

Thinking back to the severe pain just now, Ye Yang smacked his lips.

Since he was reincarnated as a bird, the strange things and pain he experienced have long made his willpower far superior to that of humans in his previous life, but he still fainted from the pain just now.

This huge pain was simply more painful than the previous evolution to"D-"The pain is even higher!

Seeing the message left by the system in the system log, I muttered to myself.

The proficiency of all the skills and talents in the body has been improved, and the biggest change is naturally the race!


Looking down at his body, the originally snow-white feathers were faintly revealing a hint of golden light, and the white claws had turned into a golden color. The golden light revealed an amazing sharpness, and even he felt a little palpitation.


A golden light rushed straight into the sky and rushed into the distance!

Ye Yang flashed in front of the lake. He wanted to see the changes in his appearance more clearly.

"The speed is so fast...about 50% faster than before.……"

He was shocked. His speed was close to supersonic speed. He had reached a wonderful speed of nearly 300 meters in the air with all his strength. However, his speed has now surpassed supersonic speed!

He looked at the still blue lake.

The calm and ripple-free surface showed Ye Yang's appearance clearly like a mirror.

The outer side of his snow-white feathers was stained with a light golden color. The feathers on his tail became particularly slender, more than two meters long, almost catching up with half of his body size.

A striking pure golden crown feather grew on his head, which looked very gorgeous.

His pupils were still golden, but from time to time, a trace of golden arcs flashed in the depths of his golden eagle eyes.

"Big changes……"

Ye Yang stared at his own appearance in the mirror.

Although the changes in appearance were small, with only some golden color on parts of his body, Ye Yang was sure that this change was greater than the last time his bloodline evolved into a white-feathered eagle!

He felt that not only was his body faster than before, but his explosive power was even stronger!

He also felt a very powerful energy lurking in his body...

That power made him feel very terrified. If it awakened, he was afraid that his body would be instantly crushed into pieces.

Golden energy……

"Thunderbird... I don't really have the power of thunder and lightning, do I?"

Ye Yang was shocked.

He could still foresee that he would evolve from a sparrow to an eagle.

After all, if there was no spiritual energy to increase his evolution level, the performance of the white-feathered eagle would probably be only slightly stronger than the golden eagle in nature.

He originally thought that this time his bloodline evolved, he would evolve into a creature that is more ancient and powerful than the white-feathered eagle.

But looking at himself like this, especially feeling the latent power contained deep in his body, it far exceeded the creatures he knew.

It's a bit like the creatures in human science fiction movies.……

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore, as long as I become stronger"

"The hidden power in the body cannot be stimulated... It should be because the evolution level is too low.……"



There was a sound of breaking through the air, and the golden figure disappeared on the spot.

After a few breaths, Ye Yang returned to the top of Shenfeng Mountain.


As soon as he arrived at the top of Shenfeng Mountain, Ye Yang saw the big brown bear Xiong Da, the giant panda Xiong Er, and the monkey king Wukong on the top of the mountain.


The top of the mountain shook, and Ye Yang landed steadily on the ground on the top of the mountain.

The three guys came to the top of the mountain because they heard the loud cry.

But what confused them was that the boss was not on the top of the mountain!

Unlike the doubts of the big brown bear Xiong Da and the monkey king Wukong, the giant panda Xiong Er's black and shiny panda eyes gradually looked at the glowing white jade bamboo on the top of the mountain.

The saliva in the bear's mouth could not help but secrete, wetting the chest.

A golden figure flashed by, and the three animals trembled all over.

Looking forward, it turned out that the boss came back Here it comes.

Wait... the boss's appearance...

The three animals were stunned, because under the sunlight, the golden light attached to Ye Yang's snow-white body was shining brightly and was particularly dazzling.

At the same time, they got close and felt it carefully, and the golden light made their skin sting slightly, as if the fangs of a living creature were pressing against their skin.

The boss has become stronger again...

Ye Yang's golden eyes stared at the smart eyes of the three animals, and nodded with satisfaction.

After nearly a month of training, the intelligence of these three guys has made great progress, and they have at least the cognition of a twelve or thirteen-year-old human.

Then he looked up at the sky, and the shadow of the white light moon became more and more red and bright.

"I heard from the two girls that... there is still half a month before the red moon astronomical phenomenon……"

Raise the golden claws and take a few steps

"There is still half a month left, and the evolution level should be able to be raised again……"

"Even if the red moon appears and unknown dangers come... I will definitely have the power to protect myself!"

The golden pupils moved, and his eyes looked towards the direction of Jianghai City.

"I don't know what humans will do.……"

The cave paintings in the Changbai Mountain Nature Reserve show traces of human presence, and it is very likely that humans have noticed the red moon long ago.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

The upper echelons of various countries have gradually begun to take the red moon astronomical phenomenon seriously...

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