The high-level officials of the entire Barak civilization unanimously agreed to pursue and kill the Larmor pirate group! However, after the killing order was issued, the Barak civilization got the Law Enforcer No. [-] spaceship and sent it back before it was upgraded by Qin Yan. 's news.

However, after seeing the news brought by Law Enforcer No. [-], the high-level officials of the Barak civilization were instantly shocked! "What is this creature called a panda, why is it so powerful!"

: Xiaoyu was ill yesterday, so I didn't write the last chapter. I'll see if I can make it up today. If I can't make it up, I'll divide it into two days to make it up! I hope you readers will continue to support! Please customize, please customize, please Customize!!!!

Chapter [-]: Go!Take the Earth!Grab the panda! ! (one more)

The imperial capital of the Barak civilization, located in the true center of the Milky Way.

A massive planet called the Barak superplanet is suspended in a terrifying planetary system with a star millions of times larger than the sun.

The Barak superplanet is also a terrifying planet that is a hundred times larger than the diameter of the earth and a million times larger! At the same time, the gravity of the Barak superplanet is also a hundred times that of the earth.

Because of its terrifying size and strong gravitational force, the entire superplanet rapidly absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the universe, and it is an uncompromising fourth-level life planet! It is also a fourth-level advanced life planet.

In other words, on this planet, as long as you are not a fool, as long as you reach the age of [-] in the earth year, when you are an adult, you are... a powerhouse with a level four and seven stars.

It can be said that every fourth-level planet is ruled by the eighth-level civilization in the Milky Way.

Because the existence of a fourth-level planet is too rare.

Of course, in order to prevent too much loss of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on the planet, only the high-level descendants of the Barak civilization, or some young children who have reached the standard of talent, can live in the Barak civilization.

When he reaches adulthood, if he does not reach the sixth level of strength, he will be expelled from the Barak superplanet.

Therefore, although this planet is very large, the population living on the entire planet is not even comparable to that of the earth, only [-] million people! And this strict selection method also allows everyone from the planet Barak to be selected. The people who came out were extremely powerful beings.

You must know that there are more than [-] life planets ruled by the entire Barak civilization, and they are all life planets above the second level! The population of these life planets all add up to a terrifying trillion.

But the most powerful among the trillions of people is basically from the Barak planet! Of course, even so, the entire Barak civilization's seventh-level powerhouses add up to only a few hundred people.

Therefore, every seventh-level powerhouse is an extremely important wealth for the entire Barak civilization.

And this time, when I went to crusade a pirate, I was killed by seven, eight, seven-level powerhouses.

There is even a basic existence of a captain.

This made the extremely arrogant senior officials of the Barak civilization annoyed to the extreme.

At this time, the high-level officials of the Barak civilization, under the leadership of Emperor Barak, all came to the council hall of Barak star, even if they were unable to come in person, they used the holographic projection 33 to appear in the council hall.

At this meeting, hundreds of the seventh-level powerhouses present reached a unified order, that is, to issue an order to hunt down the Larmor mercenary group! You must know that the order to kill the Barak civilization, but all There is a very rich bounty! That is a billion Galaxy coins! You must know that the price of Galaxy coins is extremely expensive. You only need ten ten 10s to directly buy an ordinary life planet! And one billion Galaxy coins, It is enough to buy ten 10th-level life planets! Such a terrifying price directly shocked all the black markets and all pirate groups in the entire galaxy.

A reward of one billion was offered to kill the Larmor pirate group. As soon as the news came out, some black markets mobilized all their strengths and began to track the traces of the Larmor pirate group.

However, the high-level officials of the Barak civilization who had issued the killing order were silent at this time as they watched the messages sent back by the Barak Interstellar Law Enforcement Team No. [-] spacecraft.

In the picture, it was naturally Qin Yan, who just used the power of the teleportation law to completely destroy the picture of the entire law enforcement team.

Of course, it was Qin Yan who killed, and the reason why it was the Larmor Pirates who were chasing and killing was also very simple.

Because they didn't receive the news until after the killing order was issued, so now they are... very embarrassed.

Even Emperor Barack above couldn't help but stroked his forehead.

I only issued the killing order a second ago, and now I have been slapped in the face. You said that if I amend the killing order, then I will become the laughing stock of several other eighth-level civilizations! But no If the pursuit order was withdrawn, the real murderer would not have escaped justice. Of course, for Qin Yan's strength, they were also a little shocked when such a powerful creature appeared in the galaxy. Moreover, the earth data collected from the spacecraft showed that, This panda is a ghost and a strange earth at the same time. It has become a natural life planet of level [-] for no reason. Could it be the legendary magician of level [-] perfection? In the end, the entire conference hall was silent. After a few minutes, there was a seventh-level powerhouse who liked to study ancient history, but he was a little dazed when he looked at the images of the earth.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed into his mind, and the next moment his expression changed instantly.

"This is impossible!!!!"

An exclamation burst out directly from his mouth.

The silence of the entire conference hall was interrupted by his exclamation! And Emperor Barak, who was on the throne in front, frowned when he heard his exclamation! "Slar, the conference hall, What a formality to yell at!!”

At the same time, a reprimand suddenly reached everyone's ears.

Seeing the first powerhouse of civilization ahead, the Emperor of Heaven spoke coldly.

As an eight-star three-star superpower, as soon as his words came out, the atmosphere of the entire conference hall suddenly became solemn.

The Barak civilization has been passed down for tens of millions of years, and naturally it is impossible to always be the same family as the leader. After all, no matter how powerful the family is, it is impossible to guarantee that its younger generation will reach the eighth-level powerhouse.

Therefore, it is like, in some countries on the earth, the emperor is not the most powerful, but has the highest status.

And so far, the most powerful of the integrated Barak civilizations is... the Emperor of Heaven as the president of the parliament.

It is also by far the largest existence in the entire Barak civilization.

At least, that was the case before the death of the Emperor of Heaven.

And the Emperor of Heaven has already boiled down several Barack Emperors to death.

After all, the eighth-level powerhouse can live for [-] years, while the seventh-level powerhouse can only live for [-] years.

But even so, sitting on the main seat is still the seventh-level Barak Emperor.

This system is actually the best way to make the whole civilization prosper.

Almost all civilizations in the big universe rely on this system for preservation.

If the royal family wants to have the right to speak, they should strive to have more children, and let some of their children become the strongest in civilization. In this way, the right to speak of the royal family will return again.

Otherwise, you can only continue to be a puppet-like existence.

"Heaven...the Emperor of Heaven, let go of his anger, Emperor Barack, let go of his anger, I just made an astonishing discovery, and I was so excited that I lost my temper!!"

Slar shuddered after hearing the anger of the Tianyu Emperor, and then explained quickly, for fear that the old killer would kill himself in a rage! "It doesn't matter, since there is a discovery, let's talk!!"

On the other hand, Emperor Barack, who was on the throne, smiled slightly, and then said it without hesitation.

After listening to Slar, he sighed in relief. Although Emperor Barack's status was not as high as that of the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven would respect his words.

Sure enough, the Emperor Tianyu was not blaming him for making a fuss, but continued to study the one in the picture... the little panda.

"My lords, I have a copy of the ancestral stars of the Atlantis civilization back then, let's see if they look familiar!"

After receiving the permission of Emperor Barak, Slar hurriedly used his brain to project his major discovery onto the big screen.

The next moment, an azure blue planet instantly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

And at the moment when the blue planet appeared, everyone's dusty memories were instantly opened.

"Hey!! It's actually the ancestral star of the Atlantis civilization. I said that when I saw this earth before, there was a trace of familiarity!"

"Yes, I also felt a little familiar before, I thought I had only seen a similar planet, but I didn't expect it to be the ancestor of the Atlantis civilization!"

: "For more than ten million years, my Barak civilization has been looking for the ancestor of the Atlantis civilization for more than ten million years, and it was found today!"

"No wonder, this planet has the ability to make the planet a natural life planet. It is definitely a powerful technology left over from the Atlantis civilization!"

...................... All the seventh-level members are all excitedly looking at the blue planet in the picture.

That is... the Barak emperor stood up from his throne excitedly.

It's not just them, but... the Emperor of Heaven is also a dazzling light that instantly blooms in his eyes.

"Atlantis, that powerful civilization that appeared like a dream! I didn't expect it to be found in my time!"

The Emperor of Heaven sighed slightly! And this time, a trace of strangeness appeared in his eyes.

Looking at the earth in the picture, there is a trace of eagerness to try.

"Give me all the data collected from the earth, all of them! Now!!!"

Emperor Barack's resounding voice instantly spread throughout the entire conference hall, and under his order, the brain immediately began to run rapidly.

It is worth mentioning that even the intelligence of the brains of the Barak civilization seems to be humanized by the intelligence of Xiao Luo who has not been upgraded by Qin Yan.

Xiao Luo is like a life with his own consciousness, but although this intellectual brain is only capable, it does not have much self-awareness.

Therefore, after getting some information about the Barak civilization, Xiao Luo has already sorted out the matter that the earth is the ancestor of the Atlantis civilization.

In fact, the reason is because of Qin Yan's strengthening technique.

Under Qin Yan's strengthening technique, Xiao Luo's computing power may not be as good as the top intelligence of the Barak civilization, but he is definitely more advanced than the other party, from the core level.

Because, if the original Law Enforcer wanted to search for information on the entire earth, Xiao Luo had the ability to block it.

But she didn't do it, because she speculated from Qin Yan's habits and some behaviors that if the army of the Barak civilization came to subjugate Qin Yan, it would be too late to be happy, so she just let the other party's collection.

However, some core information was locked up by Xiao Luo, such as the one from the Wu clan civilization...all the information in the brain! After all, a Chiyou who is about to reach the eighth level, and the level above the earth, there have been eight such as Mo Yu. The super-powerhouse of the peak level, in all likelihood, can scare the Baroque civilization too much to come.

In this way, there is no fun for Qin Yan.

Therefore, at this time, even some of the information that Emperor Barak learned was fabricated by Xiao Luo.

And it's all information about the fatal attraction of the Barak civilization.

For example, Ghidorah, who was just born! There are also fabricated instruments that can connect all civilizations in the universe.

And there is an eighth-level Yuan Lingshi mine on the earth! It's still an eighth-level intermediate Yuan Lingshi mine.

There is also Qin Yan who is extremely powerful, but only in the form of a cub.

And the big cosmic technology that can transform a life planet into a third- or fourth-level life planet at will! All of this is true and false, but if the earth is the ancestor of the Atlantis civilization, it is I saw that it became: very reasonable! Looking at these messages, let alone Emperor Barack, even the Emperor of Heaven clenched his fists, and there was a trace of blood red in his eyes! Everyone exploded when they accidentally discovered the ruins of Atlantis a few months ago.

In just a few months, it has grown to a terrifying level that can kill seventh-level powerhouses at will, which is enough to see that this inheritance is definitely a collection of almost all the core technologies of the Atlantis civilization.

There are even Ghidorah's cubs, but the terrifying existence that destroyed the entire Atlantis in the first place.

At this moment, they had reason to believe that the destruction of Atlantis was right because the Atlantis civilization robbed Ghidorah's unborn cub.

"Hahaha, Atlantis, ah Atlantis, if it continues to develop at this speed, it will only take a thousand years, and after the earth humans have mastered your technology, it may be... the next eighth-level civilization.

It's a pity that you did all the calculations, but you didn't calculate that the civilization you used to rise would be discovered by the law enforcement team of my Barak civilization when they were chasing a group of pirates!"

Loud laughter also burst out from the mouth of the Emperor of Heaven, and the entire discussion hall was already shaking frantically under his mad laughter! Not only with this discussion hall, but also with the incomparably huge Barack outside. Xing also began to vibrate crazily amidst the loud laughter.

And after hearing the mad laughing master, all the civilization elites living on the planet Barak respectfully saluted in the direction of the conference hall! Everyone in the conference hall looked serious, because they knew this Once, the Emperor Tianyu, who has almost never interfered in domestic affairs, will personally preside over the overall situation this time!! After all, this time is too important.

If he can get all the resources of the earth, his Barak civilization will jump up, maybe in the near future, the first ninth-level civilization will be their Barak civilization! After laughing wildly, the Tianyu Emperor slowly The moment he stood up from his seat, no one dared to sit any longer, all stood up and bowed respectfully towards the Emperor of Heaven.

Even Emperor Barak! "Pass my order, start the Barak, and summon all the top researchers of the entire civilization at the same time! I hope to get to the solar system in the shortest possible time! This time, not only will the Ghidorah cubs be robbed Come, and that panda-like creature must not be spared!!”

The Emperor of Tianyu spoke slowly, and everyone around him was shocked when his words came out. The Emperor of Tianyu's meaning was obvious, this time he was going to go out in person.

The Barak is the most powerful eighth-class spacecraft in the entire Barak civilization.

Although it is only an eighth-level primary, it is also the only eighth-level spaceship in the entire galaxy so far! "Subordinates obey!!!"

"Subordinates follow orders!!!"

"Subordinates follow orders!!!"

............a sound of respectful voices suddenly spread throughout the entire conference hall.

But after more than ten hours of assembly, a tens of thousands of kilometers of terrifying spacecraft docked on the Barak superplanet started slowly at this time! The entire earth civilization at this time was I don't know what level of existence they are about to face! And this existence will arrive in a few days! After all, it is almost impossible to reach the distance at a fast speed at a distance of tens of thousands of light-years. matter.

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