However, there is not much time left for the earth.

.................Earth center! A fireball with a diameter of dozens of kilometers is slowly rotating deep in the center of the earth.

And this fireball that looks like a miniature version of the sun is... the core! The core is... the thing that generates the magnetic field and rotational force of the earth.

If the core stops rotating, the magnetic field of the entire earth will be disordered and the atmosphere will dissipate.

Humans who are exposed to sunlight will be mutated by the terrifying cosmic rays of sunlight in a short period of time.

In the end, it can range from death to severe skin festering.

Of course, this is only the prediction of some scientists.

After all, it is very difficult to stop the rotation of the Earth's core.


However, at this moment, with a wave of fluctuations, two figures appeared outside the core deep in the center of the earth.

"Is this the Earth's core? It looks so big!!"

Qin Yan looked at the core in front of him and sighed, after all, it was a huge sphere with a diameter of several tens of kilometers.

Qin Yan's eyes looked around, but he couldn't find any abnormality at all. He even used his power of the earth to the extreme and explored everything within a thousand kilometers around him. Qin Yan was also unable to find the so-called Asian Remains of the Tlantis civilization.

It should be known that the diameter of a thousand kilometers is equivalent to one-sixth the size of the earth.

If there is nothing in such a large area, then go up... the underground world created by the Wuzu civilization where the mantle is located! "Old man, have you found it!"

Qin Yan asked helplessly towards Chi You who was beside him.

And Chi You's eyes are also slightly solemn! "Your supernatural power is the power of the earth, it is much more convenient in the center of the earth than my spiritual sense, and my detection range is only similar to yours!"

However, Chi You said helplessly.

"However, if we haven't explored it, it doesn't have to be... In the scope of exploration, I think it's definitely a simple thing to use the technology of Atlantis civilization to block the technology we're exploring.

After all, they are absolutely afraid of their civilization being discovered by the powerhouses of other civilizations!"

However, Chi You continued to speak, and his words made Qin Yan nodded.

"Mmmm, you're right, it makes sense, the one I found before... the storage box just can't be found using the divine sense, if it wasn't for Xiaoji to use the power of darkness to knock it out of the ground, I'm afraid it wouldn't be possible. turn up!"

Qin Yan also nodded slightly, however, after combining the characteristics of that storage box, Qin Yan smiled.

"Perhaps, there are other ways!!"

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Chapter [-]: Noah's Ark!Eighth-level Primordial Spirit Stone! (Two more!)

"Perhaps, there are other ways!!"

The corners of Qin Yan's mouth rose slightly, and then his little paws stretched out slightly towards the front.

Then the power of teleportation suddenly appeared in Qin Yan's hands! The appearance of the power of teleportation made the eyes of Chiyou on the side suddenly light up! "Yeah, why didn't I think of it! No matter how powerful technology is without it? When you exceed the tenth level of civilization, you can't stop the ability of the space class, after all, you can't let an item disappear from this space!"

Chi You's eyes lit up instantly, and then the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Hey, the national treasure is smart, well, if that's the case, then let's look for the national treasure, whether these things are on the earth!!"

Thinking of this, Qin Yan immediately spread out his teleportation power from his sea of ​​consciousness.

The power of teleportation almost ignores the surrounding... Earth, lava.

He looked directly into the depths of the Earth's core.

Qin Yan estimated that the best place to hide things is... in the depths of the earth's core, after all, if something is found deep in the earth's core, it would be extremely difficult to retrieve it.

As for whether the Earth civilization can be taken out, the other party should also have a corresponding method.

And after Qin Yan's teleportation power penetrated the core of the entire core, a strange space in the center of the core suddenly caught Qin Yan's attention.

The space intensity around this space is obviously different from the surrounding space.

It felt like a radar swept over an item on a clearing.

It stands to reason that using the power of the earth should have the same effect, but it seems that there is really any technology that can hide, so that the power of these elements is deceived, thinking that it is exactly the same as the outside world, so it cannot be detected.

Fortunately, Qin Yan has the power of space-like elements, otherwise, I am afraid that I really can't find it! "Hahahaha, the national treasure has been found!!!"

After feeling the long strip of space in the depth of the earth's core, he suddenly laughed proudly.

"Congratulations, Mr. National Treasure!!!"

Chi You's eyes also lit up, but he didn't expect to find it.

Originally, he thought that the legend was just a legend, but he didn't know if there was any basis for it.

However, I really didn't expect to find it.

"But I don't know if it's just...that...the so-called thing that can communicate with the entire universe, if it's not, I'll be happy! Calm down, we have to calm down!!"

Qin Yan smiled and waved his hand, signaling Chi You not to be too happy too soon.

Chi You is helpless, didn't you say you found it? Now it's....... I blame myself for being too happy!! "Let's go, let's go and see if this thing is a so-called Asian The things left over from the Tlantis civilization!" Qin Yan finished speaking, and immediately a teleportation element shrouded his body. After all, the surrounding is magma, and the core of the earth is very fragile. If it is accidentally damaged , then the earth is probably not far from disintegration! So Qin Yan decided to teleport directly to that space with a different intensity from the surrounding space.

At the same time, his teleportation power also shrouded Chi You on the side.


With a burst of space distortion, the two instantly disappeared in place.

When the two reappeared, they were already in a dark room.

Sure enough, this is a high-tech place, even the magma from the outside world is directly isolated, but it is extremely cool in this space! "DiDi! Detected that a creature entered, detected that a creature entered, Start scanning the target biological race, if it is not a descendant of the Atlantis civilization, the spacecraft will destroy itself!!"

However, at this moment, the sound of the alarm sounded one after another in the minds of Qin Yan and Chi You! Qin Yan was stunned, he was a cute little panda, and definitely not from the Atlantis civilization. Descendants, and then he turned his eyes to Chi You! Chi You was helpless, and gave him a look of resignation! After all, no one knows whether the current earth and the creatures of Atlantis [-] million years ago are the same race. Yes, after all, the time interval between them is long enough to destroy dozens of civilizations like Earth.

But I didn't expect that this space is actually a spaceship, but a spaceship of several kilometers! Soon, Chi You felt a strange wave shrouded his whole body! "DiDiDi, through the detection, the target has Att The pure blood of the Landis civilization is about to start automatically authorized!!"

"DiDi! Authorization succeeded, the space is restarted!!"

However, after two consecutive beeps of the system, the dark room around them suddenly lit up.

In the next moment, what appeared in front of Qin Yan and the others was a huge instrument hundreds of meters high, and in the center of the instrument, a fifth-grade spirit stone was suspended in the middle, and the pipes gushed out wildly. A large share of spiritual energy emerged towards this pipe, and finally poured into this five-grade Yuan Lingshi.

Qin Yan suddenly discovered that the concentration and quality of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this Primordial Spirit Stone was rapidly increasing.

It was quickly upgraded from a fifth-grade intermediate to a fifth-grade high-grade spirit stone.

If you kissed it immediately, you would be stunned, and the level of the Yuan Lingshi could still be improved, "What is this! Qin Yan is a little puzzled! Chi You is also a little puzzled when he looks at this instrument that is hundreds of meters high.


However, just after a moment of distortion in front of him, a virtual projection slowly appeared in front of Qin Yan and the others.

And the projections slowly converged into a middle-aged man in a blue research suit! "I didn't expect that sixteen million years later, someone could finally find this place in the ancestral star!"

The middle-aged man sighed with emotion after seeing Qin Yan and others.

"who are you!!"

Chi You, on the other hand, kept Qin Yan behind his back without a trace, and then spoke to the projection in a cold voice.

However, the projection immediately put on a respectful expression after hearing Chi You's question.

"Hello, distinguished commander, I am the highest brain of Atlantis civilization, Tia! At the same time, I am also the control center of this Noah's Ark! Let me first introduce Noah's Ark. He is the entire Atlantis. The product of the last scientific and technological crystallization of the Landis civilization, although small in size, is definitely a low-level spaceship! Weapons, although only low-level eighth-grade weapons, are as powerful as eight-grade weapons!"

The middle-aged man Tia suddenly spoke slowly to Chi You.

He smiled and told the two of the information about Noah's Ark.

But when she saw Qin Yan, Tia's eyes showed a trace of doubt! And Qin Yan also glanced at the ground after hearing it.

............Item: Noah's Ark Grade: Rank 1 Low Quality: Special Attribute: No Weapon: Space Annihilation Cannon 55 Rank 20 Intermediate Weapon, which can burst out the full power of a Rank [-] five-star [-] strong One hit! Charge time [-].


However, Qin Yan was also a little surprised after seeing that the energy of the spaceship was actually [-] percent. He did not expect that the energy reserve of this spaceship would be so terrifying.

What the hell is [-] percent? "If that's the case, what is this instrument!"

Chiyou, after hearing Tia's words, immediately pointed to the instrument that was several hundred meters high and could raise the level of the spirit stone.

"Dear Commander! The instrument you see is an eighth-grade low-level soul stone maker purchased by my Atlantis civilization from the virtual universe mall! It consumed my Atlantis at the beginning. Almost [-]% of civilization: assets! And his role is... It can reverse any energy in the heaven and earth into heaven and earth aura, and finally turn it into a spirit stone! The highest level can make eight-grade low-level spirit stone! This is During these tens of millions of years, the original spirit stone produced by the machine absorbing the earth's heaven and earth aura!"

Tia spoke slowly, at the same time, he waved his hand slightly, and in an instant, a hatch slowly opened.

However, behind the cabin door and in front of Qin Yan and the others were more than 1 spirit stones that were as tall as one person and contained extremely terrifying heaven and earth aura! Qin Yan's eyes lit up when he saw these spirit stones. Item: Primordial Spirit Stone Grade: Rank 10 Low-level Unit: 10 Content: Rich!! These... Origin Spirit Stones have all the same attributes and all are Rank 10 low-level Primordial Spirit Stones , and each one is a thousand units, that is to say, there are more than [-] units of the eighth-grade Yuan Lingshi present! What is this concept? An eighth-level civilization is like the Barak civilization, tens of millions The sum of the savings over the years is probably only close to [-] to [-] units of the [-]th-grade low-level Yuan Lingshi! This is the total data of the entire civilization! However, it is only one earth, which has accumulated in ten million years. So many Yuan Lingshi! Why does it feel a little impossible! "Ding... The host saw the eighth-grade Yuan Lingshi for the first time, and the amount of knowledge has increased! Obtained attributes: Physique + [-], Soul + [-] Wan, get the power of the elements: the top of the blur!!"

However, at this moment, a sound from the system was transmitted to Qin Yan's mind. Qin Yan felt that his strength had begun to improve again, and even his sea of ​​consciousness began to rapidly increase. Gather together the elemental power of the third type of space! Qin Yan knew this elemental power before, but it was the power of space that Alice understood.

You know, as Alice's strength becomes stronger, it will be very difficult for Chi You, who is at the peak of the seventh level, to catch her.

After all, at the fifth level, seven or eight, the strength of the star plus the more powerful blur can already hide in the second layer of space, even the eighth-level powerhouse who can smash the first layer of space cannot catch and hide. Alice in the second floor space! Yes, the space is naturally more than one floor.

The eighth-level powerhouse can only open the space of the first floor, and to open the second floor requires at least the strength of the ninth level or above.

Of course, Qin Yan, who also has the power of space... can catch the opponent, but even if he is caught, it is only temporary, after all, the opponent can escape in the next moment.

Because of this troubling ability, Qin Yan was attacked by Alice almost every night! The helpless Qin Yan could only follow the other party's nonsense at night.

At this time, when Qin Yan saw the elemental light ball represented by the blur that had begun to form in his sea of ​​consciousness, the corners of his mouth rose slightly! "Hey, Alice, Alice, tonight's national treasure will let you You know what a butt blooming is!!"

Qin Yan, who felt relieved even when he thought about it, couldn't help but feel a little complacent! "These... The aura fluctuations of the Yuan Lingshi are so powerful, it should really be a low-level [-]th rank. Right! But isn't the spiritual energy of the earth's heaven and earth just zero? Why can there be so many [-]th-grade low-level spirit stones! Even if it is [-] million years old, it is impossible!"

And this change feels that the power contained in the Yuan Lingshi is also a little puzzled, so many eighth-grade low-level Yuan Lingshi are actually collected from the earth! What's the situation!" Commander need not be surprised , Zuxing, which is the earth in your mouth, was actually the only fifth-level life planet in the Milky Way! In my Atlantis civilization, Ghidorah destroyed the main technology planet, and killed all the planets. After the strong, the only remaining high-level people realized that Atlantis was about to be destroyed, and in order to ensure that there is a chance to rise again, so civilization sent the ancestors to this galaxy.

In fact, this galaxy used to be where the ancestral star was located, but I moved the ancestral star to other galaxies after the Atlantis civilization was strong! In the end, it was finally settled!! Because the ancestral star is really too much Conspicuous, therefore, the high-level placed this eight-grade Yuan Lingshi maker on the Ancestral Star before the teleportation.

At the same time, adjust it to the same frequency as the ancestor star to generate aura, so that the content of the ancestor star's aura has dropped to the level of a low-level planet! Moreover, no longer absorbing the excess heaven and earth aura, no one will find anything abnormal! Therefore, it is possible to accumulate so many eighth-grade low-level Yuan Lingshi in a rare time of ten million years."

Tia explained slowly.

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