Perhaps knowing that Chi You's strength had reached the terrifying seventh-level peak at this time, Tia was extremely enthusiastic towards Chi You! But after hearing this, Chi You suddenly shrank slightly.

The earth is actually a fifth-level pure natural life planet! It is the only planet in the Milky Way that has reached this level! However, Qin Yan next to him noticed another term! "Wait..., Tia, right, you just now What a virtual universe! What is that!"

Suddenly remembering that the other party seemed to have mentioned such a ranking before, Qin Yan hurriedly spoke.

Facing Qin Yan's question, Tia also smiled slightly.

"The virtual universe is a network system that covers the entire universe and is jointly developed by all the civilizations of gods in the entire universe.

The virtual universe can not only connect the creatures of the whole universe, so that even the creatures on both ends of the universe can meet each other, but also reproduce all the corners of the real universe into it, that is to say, if you can log in to the virtual universe If so, you may be able to find another earth, or even that... The earth is exactly the same as this earth, and even a grain of sand can be placed in the same place!! Of course, in that universe, as long as you have enough permissions, you can go to Anywhere in the universe! And this place is almost indistinguishable from going there yourself!"

Tia said to Qin Yan slowly.

However, the virtual universe that contained the entire universe in his mouth made Qin Yan's small eyes instantly light up one by one! "Wow, it looks so awesome, this thing is... According to legend, you can connect The one in the entire universe... where is the instrument, where is the national treasure, I want to see it!!"

Qin Yan suddenly looked at Tia expectantly.

And Tia can also see that the relationship between Chi You and Qin Yan is not simple.

Therefore, there was no hesitation about Qin Yan's request, but just clicked in the void.


The next moment, the floor suddenly opened slowly! Boxes slowly rose up from below! And Tia opened one of the boxes, and what was placed inside was a small piece of something similar to a reinforced chip!" Isn't this thing strengthening the chip!"

Qin Yan was immediately puzzled!!" And after hearing Qin Yan's words, Tia was stunned! Then he seemed to start processing the data! "It turns out that the No. [-] storage box was lost on the surface of the earth, so I said Among all the items, there is no storage box No. [-]!"

Tia suddenly smiled suddenly.

"This thing, like the enhanced chip, is one of the top technologies in the universe developed by the virtual universe company! However, the functions are different, these...... are virtual universe access points !Transplanted into the human body will not have any adverse effects on any living beings, and at the same time allow people to access the virtual universe anytime, anywhere.

As for the strengthening chip, although it can improve the strength, it has great side effects, and the price of the strengthening chip without side effects is too high, and the Atlantis civilization can't afford it!"

Tia said slowly!!: Ask for an evaluation ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for an automatic subscription!!!!

Chapter [-]: Breakthrough!Level seven!Bloodline Awakens! ! (Three shifts!)

Tia's words made Qin Yan and the two suddenly realize that they only need to implant this thing to be able to access the virtual universe anywhere in the universe.

"But how many access points do you have here!"

Qin Yan asked Tia curiously! "The price of the virtual universe connector is very expensive, and it is very difficult to obtain it.

My Atlantean civilization was also found by accident in a ship from another medium-sized galaxy that had been abandoned for millions of years.

Of course, in general, as long as you have the first one, it is very simple to buy the second one and more.

But even so, with most of my assets in Atlantis, I only bought ten pieces! And these ten pieces are actually just the lowest-level virtual universe accessors.

And seven of these ten have been transplanted into the bodies of the seven most powerful 7th and [-]th level powerhouses in my Atlantis civilization. With their death, all access All equipment was destroyed.

And these three 3 boxes here are... the last three access points!"

Tia slowly handed the last three virtual universe connectors to Chi You! Chi You immediately placed them on Qin Yan's little hand.

Tia frowned slightly when she saw this scene. I don't know why he always felt that Qin Yan seemed to be the master! Isn't this little thing lower than Chiyou a beast pet! But as an intelligent life, his duty is to ...and be obedient.

"I didn't expect the legend to be true, this world really has technology that allows the whole world to enter!"

Qin Yan couldn't help but feel a little emotional, but he was familiar with various novels and quickly accepted such awesome things! "By the way, you said before that the virtual universe was created by all the civilizations of gods. What does civilization mean!"

Chiyou asked slowly while recalling Tia's words.

"Back to Commander, the civilization of God is the top civilization in the entire universe.

Even the entire universe adds up to only 108! You may hear a lot, but you must know that the size of any civilization of the gods is equivalent to trillions of top civilizations! And a top civilization is equivalent to hundreds of billions Advanced civilization, and in an advanced civilization, there are at least hundreds of billions of territorial areas as large as the Milky Way.

Therefore, as long as a god's civilization only needs one sentence, let alone the Milky Way, it is... This advanced civilization where the Milky Way is located, and even the top civilization where this advanced civilization is located will be destroyed in an instant! This is the greatest horror of civilizations that exist at the level of God's civilization place.

And among the civilizations of more than a thousand gods, there are only less than ten civilizations occupied by the human race10.

The rest are occupied by various races! And the civilization of the gods that my galaxy currently belongs to is called: the civilization of the shadow gods! At the same time, it is the top panyan under the civilization of the shadow gods. ruled by civilization.

Of course, there is also a previously mentioned Korlo advanced civilization on the top of the galaxy! At the same time, because our virtual universe access device is the most low-level, it can only be connected to the local area network of Korlo advanced civilization! Of course, even if In this way, there are hundreds of billions of existences that are also intermediate civilizations are completely enough for us to use!"

Tia slowly explained to Chi You.

Of course, he repeatedly emphasized that the low-level virtual universe access device is enough, but in fact it is just self-comfort.

Although enough is enough, the growth rate of civilization will be very slow because of the lack of access to too high civilization technology.

Of course, at such a slow rate, it is also extremely terrifying among those civilizations without virtual universe access points! After all, Atlantis, which has been developed for millions of years, surpassed it in millions of years. Those... civilizations that have developed for tens of millions of years.

If you say that if you catch up, it's....... not too strange.

After all, civilization is such a thing, as long as a third- and fourth-level civilization mixes with the eighth-level civilization every day, it is not difficult to reach the seventh-level for millions of years.

Just like the earth, after the advent of the electrical age, some emirates that were originally primitive societies have directly crossed the feudal society and entered the modern society.

The two are almost the same.

But Atlantis has reached level [-] from a level [-] or [-] civilization, while other civilizations were still level [-] civilizations! This kind of achievement equivalent to a pioneer is all because of the virtual universe access device. .

It is precisely because of the virtual universe access device that the civilization level of the entire Atlantis civilization can begin to increase wildly.

"Yeah! I understand this, the current Earth civilization is very weak, and it is already a good thing to be able to communicate with advanced civilizations!!"

Chi You nodded slowly, indicating that he understood, but of course, he didn't understand the difference at all.

Although it can communicate with hundreds of billions of intermediate civilizations, the exchanges are all about some intermediate civilizations. As for the advanced civilizations, all the things are controlled by the Korlo advanced civilization. If you want to get it, then this price But it's a bit expensive.

After all, under the monopoly, if you sell [-] things for [-] yuan, you can only bite the bullet and buy them. After all, you can't get in touch with other advanced civilizations! At this time, Qin Yan held a small circle in his hand. The chip fell into contemplation! "It seems that this thing can be upgraded too!!"

Suddenly, Qin Yan's eyes lit up! Item: Virtual Universe Access Device! Quality: Low-level Introduction: The access chip of the Virtual Universe can directly access the Virtual Universe anywhere in the universe.

However, the low-level access device can only access the network of the nearest high-level civilization!...... Looking at the attribute table of the virtual universe access device, Qin Yan touched his chin.

The attributes of this virtual universe access device are very different from ordinary things. He only has two attributes, that is, name and quality! But think about it, even if it is an advanced access device, it can only be used for As the access point of the virtual universe, there will not be too many functions.

Just... know, if I can raise it to a better level, can I get other extra attributes! Thinking of this, Qin Yan took it directly.


As Qin Yan's thoughts moved, an invisible wave immediately enveloped the entire chip. This time Qin Yan hid the golden light effect of the strengthening technique. After all, Tia is not his own. Qin Yan There is no guarantee that this force will betray or not.

Of course, if the other party does something, Qin Yan doesn't mind directly destroying the other party, so Qin Yan's all this is for Tia's own good! And under the rapid strengthening of the strengthening technique, this core opens at an extremely terrifying speed. being upgraded.

Of course, the appearance of the access point is the slightest change.

In the end, when Qin Yan upgraded the adapter, the new attribute table of the adapter also appeared in front of Qin Yan's eyes.

............Item: Virtual Universe Accessor! Quality: Intermediate Attribute: Elemental Perception Ability +10%, Perception Ability 10 Introduction: The access chip of the virtual universe can directly connect to any place in the universe The place is connected to the virtual universe.

However, the low-level access device can only access the network of the nearest top-level civilization!......However, Qin Yan's one strengthening can only be strengthened to the intermediate level.

However, it is an extra blessing of ten times the ability to perceive the element! There is also a bonus of multiplying the perception ability by ten.

These two blessings can be absolutely useful to Qin Yan.

Although Qin Yan can strengthen any martial arts at will, but in order to strengthen it, he must first learn to get started.

Otherwise, even if Qin Yan upgrades it to the top level, it will only increase the level of martial arts and martial arts, and Qin Yan can only learn from scratch.

Only after learning the entry level, and then strengthening the level of martial arts, Qin Yan can integrate and penetrate, and even directly reach the limit that ordinary people cannot cultivate.

But even if you want to learn to get started, it is extremely difficult. After all, Qin Yan doesn't even look at the garbage exercises and martial arts, and the difficulty of getting started with some powerful exercises is definitely not low! Therefore, this comprehension ability is directly tenfold. .For Qin Yan, it is definitely a very important ability.

As for the elemental perception ability, Qin Yan still doesn't know what it's used for, but it's better than nothing.

"By the way, since they have become their own people, then this intellectual brain should be transformed first, otherwise I don't know when it will turn against the water and make a wave of me!"

At this time, Qin Yan raised his little head and looked towards Tia slowly.

And Tia, who was suspended in the air, didn't know why after seeing Qin Yan, he felt a little bit wrong! Could this cute little panda still want to attack himself, but he has no physical existence, don't Saying it's a physical attack means... Elemental attacks can't hurt yourself.

It is basically impossible for this cute little panda to attack himself.

However, he didn't realize that Qin Yan's body began to emit invisible fluctuations, and these fluctuations began to shroud the entire spaceship.

Under the shroud, the entire spaceship was being transformed at an extremely terrifying speed.

Of course, after the wave of this transformation completely enveloped the spacecraft, even... Tia also felt a little strange.

"No, my computing speed has actually started to improve! What's going on here 1"

Tia's hole shrank slightly, and he quickly checked his cloud data terminal, but he didn't find anything unusual, and his data was not rewritten! At the same time, he also quickly checked his own server carrier.

However, this look suddenly changed his expression.

The level of his own server actually began to increase rapidly at a terrifying speed.

Not only that, as he detected any part of the spaceship, he found that any part of the spaceship began to upgrade rapidly.

However, the next moment, he seemed to know the reason.

In an instant, he turned his eyes to Qin Yan! "It's you, you're upgrading Noah's Ark!!"

He looked at Qin Yan in disbelief, no wonder he had a strange feeling when he looked at Qin Yan before, it turned out that even a spaceship started to upgrade.

"You finally found it, but you're not happy when I give you an upgrade!"

Qin Yan's small eyes looked directly at Tia, and asked suspiciously! However, although Tia frowned, she thought about it carefully. Shouldn't she be happy with the upgrade? "Yes, but I'm just curious about what you used. What is the principle of this method! There is no corresponding ability introduction in all my databases!"

Tia asked Qin Yan suspiciously! "It's better not to ask things that shouldn't be asked. Although you are a brain, you are only a brain! It's not for you to know too much about the national treasure. it is good!"

However, Chi You on the side spoke slowly.

As soon as his words came out, Tia was shocked, and then nodded quickly.

At the same time, there was a trace of shock in his heart. Chi You, a super-powerful at the peak of the seventh level, actually called Qin Yan at this time. What is Qin Yan National Treasure Lord! What is the situation! "Thank you for the upgrade, Guobao Lord, it is my fault I won't ask more questions!!"

Tia, quickly apologized to Qin Yan!! "It's okay, it's okay, just ask, anyway... I don't know what the principle is!"

However, Qin Yan did not feel any displeasure at the behavior of the other party, but waved his hand indifferently. Anyway, after this time, Tia will subtly change her mind and eventually become her faithful little brother. .

I didn't see that the other party's name had changed! Even Tia herself didn't know this! You know, there are two types of brains like Tia. One is... An ordinary intellectual brain evolved from some programs.

And this kind of intellectual brain does not have its own thoughts. Although it can understand some complex instructions, it still does not have its own creativity.

Even if this kind of intellectual brain can evolve the world's data in an instant, it can only analyze the data, and he will not have any creativity! Of course, when the intellectual brain evolves to a certain level, if there is a certain opportunity, it will be born of its own. Lingzhi, and this category is...reaching the level of intelligent life! It's like Tia now, just like Xiao Luo! Therefore, he only asked Qin Yan why he was so capable before because of curiosity.

If it were a normal brain, it would not be so.

As for Qin Yan's words, Tia was a little taken aback, and she didn't even know the principle. It was the same thing as talent. Sure enough, these...Organic life is really complicated. Tia Helplessly shook his head.

At this time, Qin Yan has already set his sights on the upgraded spaceship! ...... Item: Noah's Ark Level: Rank 50 Low Quality: Perfect Attribute: Sense of Presence 20%, speed +1% Weapon: Space Annihilation Cannon 10th rank top weapon, can burst out the full blow of the [-]th rank peak powerhouse! The energy storage time is [-].


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