Qin Yan nodded slowly after hearing this, and immediately placed the small disc-like virtual universe connector on the back of his hand. Sure enough, the next moment this virtual universe connector was Directly towards Qin Yan's little claws and integrated into it.

Even Qin Yan could not feel any discomfort.

Moreover, although the technology of this virtual universe accessor is similar to the previous enhanced chip, the only difference is that this virtual universe accessor can be disassembled. As long as you move your mind, you can disassemble it, and then you can replace it. A higher-level virtual universe connector! Seeing this, Qin Yan nodded with satisfaction.

"However, this material is quite good. In the future, you can see how to buy a little bit, and then strengthen him to look like mine. Prepare like a bracelet, so if you directly load him a few If it is a thousand pieces, I am afraid that the improvement of strength can reach a terrifying level!!”

Qin Yan thought for a while in his mind.

After all, this kind of thing can be integrated into one's body without feeling, and if it is developed well, it can definitely exert extremely terrifying abilities! "DiDi Di... Found a new host and began to bind Set up a virtual universe access device!!”

"Di Di Di... start the test, start the energy component test, start the soul power test..."

Sure enough, after the chip was integrated into Qin Yan's body, Qin Yan suddenly heard a sound system prompting sound transmitted to his mind.

The next moment Qin Yan found that his blood had been pumped a little, and at the same time, even the power of all elements and even the power of the soul in his body had been pumped a little.

And these... ingredients are the same as fingerprint authentication on the earth, but more advanced and cannot be copied.

At the same time, any of these powers can be used as the basis for Qin Yan's account in the future.

Even though Qin Yan's strength increased, even his bloodline changed.

Even the soul mutates, as long as any of these energies does not change, Qin Yan can find his own virtual universe account again! "DiDi Di... binding is complete! Hello, Yin and Yang from the Milky Way galaxy. Chaos beast! Welcome to the virtual universe, your appearance will be the greatest honor of my virtual universe company!"

However, a very respectful voice also reached Qin Yan's mind.

"Some virtual universes are quite polite. As expected of the existence that can reproduce the entire universe, I didn't expect to even know that I am a yin and yang chaos beast!"

Qin Yan was very satisfied with the other party's attitude.

However, he didn't know that even if the supreme god of a civilization of gods entered this place, the virtual universe would at most give a welcome word! This kind of highest respect, only those... supreme gods The more powerful ones, as well as all the members of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast Clan, have this kind of treatment, "Old man, you can see what good things are here first, I'll go and see!!"

Qin Yan directly explained to Chi You next to him, took out a reclining chair and fell asleep, and then directly activated the function of the virtual universe connector. The next moment, his consciousness was instantly pulled into a channel by a force.

Soon, a bright light appeared in front of Qin Yan.

The next moment Qin Yan's consciousness came to a magnificent palace! Then a little elf condensed out of the void.

The elf is the image of a girl.

"Dear Your Highness, Yin-Yang Chaos Beast, you are welcome to log in to the virtual universe. This is your personal warehouse! I am your personal elf. If you have any needs, you can tell me!" The elf said respectfully to Qin Yan arrive.

"Little Elf! Just explain to me how this virtual universe works!"

Qin Yan looked around curiously, then pinched here and there, and felt the strength of his whole body at the same time, and found that he was exactly the same as in the real world, there was no difference, no matter...

It is the sense of smell, touch, and even spiritual exploration that this world is exactly the same as the real world! "Okay! King!!!"

As expected of a virtual universe that covers the entire universe, even Qin Yan is known by his younger brother as the king.

Qin Yan couldn't help but sigh, how awesome is this virtual universe! To be able to develop such a terrifying place, I am afraid that even the real universe will not be able to give in too much.

However, even if Qin Yan was puzzled by this, with his current strength, he would not be able to get in touch with that level of luck.

"The virtual universe is actually a super-large virtual world that contains the entire universe created by all the powerhouses of the civilization of the gods in the entire universe! There are the following major sectors in the virtual universe.

One, make friends! Using the virtual universe, you can get in touch with all the creatures of all powerful civilizations in the whole universe, and you can reap the friendships that the outside world cannot harvest here! Two 2, the mall! In the virtual universe mall, the current situation in the entire universe is sold Anything that exists, as long as there are enough virtual coins, you can get anything you want! Even a top civilization can buy it!"

The elf slowly introduced to Qin Yan.

:, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for automatic subscription!!!!

Chapter [-]: The realm of level ten and above!Full blast! ! (One more!)

"Since the mall that can buy everything can buy it, it should be able to sell it. However, I am a little curious, that is, if this universe is so big, if there are some physical objects, how to transport it!"

Qin Yan opened his mouth with some doubts! You must know that Tia, who knew Atlantis before, said that Atlantis civilization bought a lot of things, how are these things shipped!" Your Majesty, although the virtual universe is jointly built by all the civilizations of the gods in the entire universe, the person who manages it is the virtual universe company, and the virtual universe company has set up logistics delivery sites in the entire universe.

Even items you buy on the edge of the universe can be delivered within a year of Earth time! Sure, some things like civilization can be delivered, but the shipping costs are so high that few people can afford it rise!"

The elf quickly answered Qin Yan's question.

At the same time, he looked at Qin Yan cautiously.

"Fuck! Got it, but it's really scary to be able to deploy logistics sites in the entire universe.

Qin Yan also nodded slowly. Of course, someone will ask. I will buy a small item and send it back. Is this virtual universe enough for shipping? Think about it, you buy it on Taobao. If you have an item with free shipping for nine yuan and nine thousand kilometers away, you will know whether it is profitable or not.

Besides, the civilizations that can afford the virtual universe access point are at least level seven or eight.

Civilizations of this level need to buy some extremely powerful strategic materials.

Who would even buy a pack of toilet paper in a virtual universe.

As for the time the other party said at most one year, for a civilization, it is already considered to be bought today, and it will arrive in the next second.

After all, as long as civilization reaches level [-] or above, it is calculated according to the time of [-] years.

"Apart from...these two functions, what else is there!"

Qin Yan also nodded, these two functions can be said to be the easiest to understand in the virtual universe, and of course the two most important functions.

"Also, the third function is..., the battle function! In the era of the big universe, people who cultivate to the extreme will find that personal combat power is an important guarantee for the development of a civilization.

At the same time, powerful individual combat power can also destroy some powerful civilizations at will.

Therefore, the battle function is the most important function of the entire virtual world.

There is a function of finding opponents alone, and there are ladders similar to the leaderboard! There are also some large-scale battle events! As long as you can think of almost all fighting methods, you don't have to worry about returning to death in the virtual universe, and, Some cultivation and insights can also be brought into the real world.

Of course, in addition to these three functions, there is also a task mode. You can receive any task in the task mode to earn virtual currency, and you can also publish any task. Of course, people can not accept it. It depends on how many virtual coins you release! At the same time, there are various professional guilds in the virtual universe.

All professionals above the eighth rank in the universe have authority only after they have been certified in the professional guild."

The elf slowly told Qin Yan what he knew word by word, and Qin Yan's small mouth couldn't help but slowly open.

It's like putting a universe in front of Qin Yan and letting Qin Yan explore by himself! Qin Yan finally knows why the Atlantis civilization has grown at such a terrifying speed .

But if you think about it, there are so many things, if it still doesn't develop, it can only show that the average IQ is definitely a problem.

Of course, for the earth at this time, it seems that there is no need to touch such super-era things.

After all, according to science and technology, the Earth, which has not even reached the fourth-level civilization, will not be able to develop in the end even if they are given such a large space.

It's like, if you give a newly born baby a set of postgraduate exam questions, you can expect the other party to study something from the exam paper! But for... Qin Yan is different. At this time, Qin Yan's strength has reached the seventh level. , Qin Yan didn't even know how far he could achieve if he burst out with all his strength.


If placed in such a small place as the Milky Way, Qin Yan's current strength would be comparable to that of an ordinary ninth-level powerhouse even if he did not use the power of yin and yang.

Of course, this data is only in the Milky Way. After all, the Milky Way is divided according to the civilization of the universe, and it is already considered very low-level and very low-level.

There are also advanced civilizations, top civilizations, and the legendary civilization of gods.

These......civilizations are all extremely terrifying existences.

And some geniuses who have cultivated in these civilizations are not only powerful in combat, but directly leapfrog killing is commonplace.

Although not everyone has the martial skill of Qin Yan's Lei Ling Fighting Body, there are definitely some! There are absolutely countless more powerful martial arts and exercises.

But one thing is certain, if there is such a talent as divine transformation, there are absolutely few people who have it.

Qin Yan was very confident in this point, so he would attack the yin and yang chaos beast, and this beast-god transformation would not be easy.

"Elf, am I only promoting activities on the intranet of the top civilization!" Qin Yan said to the elf doubtfully.

However, after hearing Qin Yan's words, Xiao Jing was a little flustered.

It was as if he was afraid of Qin Yan.

"Yes...Yes, Your Majesty, you are using an intermediate virtual universe access device, so you can only connect to the top civilization of Panyan.

But don't worry, the virtual universe headquarters has already sent you a batch of top virtual universe access devices, please wait patiently, because after the top virtual universe access devices, the virtual universe company branches of the civilizations of the gods will only have them. , the distance is a bit far, it will take a month to deliver!!"

However, what makes Qin Yan a little puzzled is that the virtual universe company that the elf has actually sent him a batch of top-level virtual universe access devices! "Wait..., why did you send me something because the national treasure is too big? Isn’t he handsome! And this virtual universe access device is top-level, intermediate, what’s the difference! By the way, you want money, but there is no virtual currency for national treasures.”

Qin Yan scratched his head with some doubts.

Is this virtual universe so good? Come up and give yourself something! However, after hearing Qin Yan's words, the elf couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, as if this king who was listed as the highest-level authority in the background didn't seem to be very difficult to get along with.

"No money, no money! You are a distinguished VIP of my virtual universe company, so you have this kind of benefit. As for the virtual universe access device, low-level ones can only be connected to high-level civilizations, and intermediate-level access devices can only be connected to a top-level one. Inside the civilization, as for the advanced access device, it can be connected to the interior of a god's civilization.

However, with a top-level virtual universe access device, you can communicate with the powerhouses of more than a thousand civilizations of gods in the entire universe. At the same time, you can also enter the local area network of any low-end civilization of any civilization of gods. .

These are accessible at any time! At the same time, you can also enjoy all the permissions of the entire virtual universe.

The top-level virtual universe access device can only be obtained by those who are above the crown prince of the top-level civilization!! Of course, this permission does not require hardware facilities, so you can enjoy it now.

As for the permissions, I have listed them, you can find out if you have time."

Xiaoling quickly and respectfully spoke to Qin Yan.

I don't know where Qin Yan is when I hear this, but it must be because of his identity as a yin and yang chaos beast that makes the virtual universe company a little scared! "I just said, how could it be weak as the only existence in the entire universe that has reached the peak!! "

Qin Yan thought of this and touched his chin.

I didn't expect that my identity as a red panda would be so easy to use in the universe, let alone on Earth! "Sure enough, it was a wise choice to make a wish to be reborn as a giant panda that will eat and die."

Qin Yan, who thought he could only fight on his own after he came out of the earth, found out at this time that he could continue to eat and wait until he died.

"No, it doesn't seem to be my style to keep eating and waiting to die. I have a system. So far, I still need to get in touch with those... Advanced civilizations will improve their strength more quickly!"

Qin Yan found that as his strength increased, the time to add attributes to himself became less and less, not that the system was not powerful, but that Qin Yan was already invincible on earth.

If you are invincible, you will naturally not encounter anything like life and death, and you will not be able to come into contact with higher-level existences. The triggering of the system is naturally more difficult.

However, in the past few days, after I started to contact alien civilization and Atlantis civilization, my strength began to skyrocket wildly. In just a few days, I have been upgraded from a six-level two-star level to a seven-star level now. Level one star! If Qin Yan can come into contact with new things every day, Qin Yan predicts that his strength will probably surpass level ten in a short period of time.

"By the way, what is the division of strength in this universe, and what are the levels above the tenth level!"

Qin Yan suddenly thought that he didn't seem to have heard of the level of powerhouses above the tenth level.

"Returning to the king, the powerhouses above the tenth level are already the pioneers of some advanced civilizations. At the same time, the realm is divided into the following warriors who surpass the tenth level, who are called cosmos-level powerhouses. The strength of the cosmos-level powerhouse has been able to Destroying some medium-sized galaxies about the size of the Milky Way at will, the terror of strength cannot be added! If a powerhouse of this level can occupy an advanced galaxy, then they can use this advanced galaxy as their territory, and then establish their own advanced civilization.

Of course, advanced civilization needs to go through the audit of the virtual universe, and can only be established if it reaches the standard! Of course, it is difficult for a cosmic powerhouse to have enough strength to rule an advanced galaxy. Super strong, domain master level! The strength of this level is also extremely powerful. Of course, there are also some extremely powerful and advanced civilization rulers who have reached the world master level above the domain master level! And the world master level has been reached. the limits of normal organisms.

If you want to improve, you can only sublimate your soul, comprehend the mysteries of heaven and earth, and then comprehend the power of the law! In this way, the body can transcend and reach the level of God! It literally means, as long as you don't get killed, you will live forever! After reaching this level, you can build a top-level civilization, of course, this level is still too far for the king so far!"

The elf slowly explained to Qin Yan.

Of course, as a modified program, for Qin Yan's single-minded elf, she still bears the pressure of being scolded by Qin Yan and warns Qin Yan not to study too much more powerful beings, otherwise, in all likelihood, she will be very ambitious and end up in the end. affect the mood of practice.

"Hey!! It turns out that there are so many levels in this universe, and, I didn't expect that there would actually be an immortal existence!!"

And Qin Yan was naturally not hit by the elf's words, and he was not angry! "Since there are so many strong people in the world, I have to work hard! Otherwise, I don't know when a strong person will pop up. kill me."

Qin Yan suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart. After all, those strong men will destroy the world in battle. If they really fight, it's... so what if they are separated by hundreds of billions of light-years? Destroy yourself! It's not worth it! The best way is to quickly improve your strength.

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