"Little Elf, turn on the battle mode first and let me see!!"

Qin Yan spoke slowly to the elf.

"Good king!!!"

The elf nodded respectfully, and then with a slight wave of his little hand, Qin Yan suddenly found that his feet began to shatter rapidly! In an instant, the surrounding space collapsed.

The next moment Qin Yan appeared directly in a dark space. In this space, Qin Yan could see that there were several different options ahead.

For example, random battles, custom battles, training grounds, and an option called Panyan Ladder! Qin Yan can understand the first three 3s naturally, but Qin Yan is a little confused about the ten 10s of this Panyan Ladder.

"Little Elf, what the hell is this,!"

Qin Yan asked suspiciously! "Back to the king, the Panyan Heavenly Ladder is the top civilization of Panyan, and all levels of combat power rankings, starting from the fifth level, have corresponding rankings all the way to the world master level powerhouse! As long as Being able to get to the forefront will not only bring rich rewards, but also get the corresponding fame. With these....... fame, you can get endless wealth and status! Therefore, as long as Being able to enter the entire virtual universe is all about the .. ranking list! Of course, there are restrictions on entering the ranking list. If you are in the seventh-level realm, you can only enter the rankings above the seventh level. If you want, you can.. .You can enter the leaderboard of the world leader, but you can't enter the leaderboard below level [-].

And as your strength increases to level [-], you will be automatically promoted to level [-] on the leaderboard!"

The elf quickly explained to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan nodded immediately after hearing this.

"So this is ah,.

First try to see how my strength can rank in the seventh-level ranking!"

Qin Yan's small eyes suddenly lit up, of course, he did not have any carelessness, after all, this is a ranking list of all the powerhouses in a top civilization.

The descendants of some powerful civilizations have grown up with perfect or even extraordinary martial arts directly from childhood, and their strength is naturally extremely powerful.

"Little Elf, choose the seventh-level Panyan Ranking, let me see how far I can improve!!"

Qin Yan said to the elf with some anticipation.

"Good king!!!"

As soon as Qin Yan's voice fell, Qin Yan's figure turned into a bubble and disappeared in place, and when he regained consciousness again, Qin Yan found that he had come to a huge boundless arena.

And there is a huge stone in front of you!" Your Majesty, in order to save time and assess your strength as soon as possible, please use your full strength to hit this stone.

In this way, you can be placed on the corresponding leaderboard according to your destructive power!"

The elf respectfully said to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan immediately expressed his understanding after hearing this.

"Is it true? It seems that I haven't used my full strength for a long time. This time I just try to see how much I can achieve if I explode with all my strength!!"

Qin Yan thought of this, and immediately sank his consciousness into his body.

In an instant, he communicated the power of blood in his entire body! "Rumble!!!!"

The surrounding ground began to tremble frantically! "Kazakaza!!!"

With a loud cracking sound, the entire earth began to crack open wildly.

The elf on the side was shocked, this arena was built according to the standard of an eighth-level powerhouse, but Qin Yan's realm was only a breath, and this arena began to collapse! "Beast God Transformation!!!"

The next moment, with the movement of Qin Yan's thoughts, the power of yin and yang that covered his entire body frantically emerged from his body.

At the same time, a Tai Chi-like symbol slowly appeared above Qin Yan's eyebrows.

The terrifying power directly crushed the original ring into ashes.

"Body of Thunder!!!"

Chapter [-]: Qin Yan starts!Kill the top ten in the leaderboard! ! (Two more!)

"Body of Thunder!!!"

Another low shout spread throughout the sky.

“Boom rumble!!!!”

The next moment, the terrifying black thunder power burst out from Qin Yan's body.

The power of thunder began to flow crazily around Qin Yan's body, and countless thunders crushed the surrounding space.

Sure enough, it is a virtual universe that is exactly the same as the outside world, and the tolerance of space is also the same.

An endless aura of destruction violently emerged from Qin Yan's body.

"Go for it!!!"

Qin Yan finished speaking, and then his little paws stretched forward slightly towards the void.

The next moment, the endless power of yin and yang burst out from his hands. To be honest, the power of yin and yang does not seem to have the power of thunder, it is violent, but looking at this power of yin and yang, you will find that you will feel a lot of it. Fear comes from fear within.

And this is the horror of the ultimate elemental power! "Om!!!!!!"

After a wave of fluctuations, Qin Yan's hand immediately moved.

Qin Yan gently slapped his palm towards the void.

In an instant, the surrounding space began to tremble wildly.

A terrifying giant beast claw with a diameter of several thousand kilometers suddenly emerged from the void.

This black-and-white animal claws smashed towards the sky-reaching boulder in front of it.

According to Qin Yan's estimate, this huge rock is at least several light-years high.

“Boom rumble!!!!”

With a loud noise that shook the sky, a handprint of a beast's claw suddenly appeared on the boulder.

But the handprint disappeared in the next instant! "Strength test result: No. [-] on the seventh-level Panyan Ranking!"

Immediately, a word appeared on the boulder, and the boulder disappeared immediately! At this time, Qin Yan was a little stunned, and he became the first! This thing is really fake! "Your Majesty, you are so amazing, you are the first It became the number one on the leaderboard once, by the way, you don't have a name yet, do you want to display your name on the leaderboard!"

And at this moment, the elf who had been shocked by the picture just now flew towards Qin Yan with excitement.

Qin Yan was a little taken aback when her words came out.

The name is yes, it seems that I came to this world without a name of my own. Of course, although humans have given themselves a silly name of panda Beibei, Qin Yan has never admitted it.

"Cough cough, the name of the national treasure is Qin Yan. I didn't expect that... the people of the top civilization are so weak. I got the first place on the ranking list with only seven levels and one star."

Qin Yan told the elf his name, and the elf hurriedly registered Qin Yan's name on the top of the Panyan Ladder Ranking.

"Your Majesty, you may not be aware of it, but from my information, it shows that your bloodline is the most noble existence in the entire universe.

With the blessing of your bloodline combat power, it is naturally not comparable to the genius of the general top civilization.

However, after you receive the first reward of the seventh-level leaderboard, you can directly advance to the eighth-level leaderboard, and the eighth-level leaderboard may be a little challenging for you!"

The elf spoke slowly to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan nodded after hearing this.

"Also, although I am only a seventh-level one-star, no matter what, I am the most powerful creature in the entire universe. No matter what, I can't be caught by these... [-] Substitute and compare.

But then again, what is the reward for number one on this leaderboard?"

Qin Yan was suddenly curious.

After all, it is the number one ranking of a top civilization, so it can't be too rubbish! "Returning to the master, the ranking leader, as long as you pass the other top ten challenges, you can directly get the intermediate universe coins: 10, and You may not know the value of intermediate-level universe coins, Xiaoling will explain them to you! The levels of universe coins are low-level, intermediate-level, high-level, There is also the top level, the exchange ratio of universe coins between the two levels is 1:1 trillion! A low-level universe coin can buy a lowest-level life planet! And a medium-level universe coin can buy a five Level life planet! That is to say, these thousand intermediate universe coins can directly buy one thousand fifth level planets, or one sixth level life planet! And the reward of this universe coin is issued once a year, as long as it is ranked No. [-] in the rankings Once you stay for one year, you will be able to get a thousand intermediate universe coins! But the more precious ones are the martial arts and martial arts below the eighth level! This reward can only be obtained once for the first of a level.

If the king can obtain a full eight-level super-level exercise, the price of the sale will not be lower than [-] intermediate-level universe coins."

The elf quickly spoke to Qin Yan, and Qin Yan's eyes lit up when he heard it.

' "Just beat the others! Hurry up, let them all go together, I don't have time to chat with them!!"

However, what the elf was helpless was that at this time Qin Yan couldn't wait any longer, and urged her directly.

"Okay king, I will issue the challenge to them, as long as they do not fight within ten minutes, they will be regarded as automatically admit defeat!"

The elf shorthand said respectfully directly to Qin Yan.

It stands to reason that it is not in compliance with the regulations if nine people are asked to join at one time. However, in the face of Qin Yan, whose authority has reached the top level, there is no need to abide by such insignificant regulations.

After all, it's only Qin Yan who suffers in this way, not anyone else.

........ However, at this time, any one of the civilization powerhouses in the virtual universe LAN of Panyan's top civilization All were shocked.

Because a few minutes ago, a loud voice suddenly spread throughout the LAN.

"Notice, report, there are players who are directly evaluated as the first in the ranking list in the strength evaluation link. This is the first time that this is the first time for a top civilized local area network! Hereby report!"

"Notice, report, there are players who are directly evaluated as the first in the ranking list in the strength evaluation link. This is the first time that this is the first time for a top civilized local area network! Hereby report!"

"Notice, report, there are players who are directly evaluated as the first in the ranking list in the strength evaluation link. This is the first time that this is the first time for a top civilized local area network! Hereby report!"

............ One after another loud prompting sound suddenly resounded throughout the entire virtual universe.

Of course, this kind of thing is similar to those...full service announcements in online games.

Countless high-level civilization powerhouses all widened their eyes after hearing it.

You reached the first place directly in the strength assessment, but Qin Yan did not know that they would not understand. After this strength assessment, if you have the first strength, he will let you rank first, at most in the top ten.

This is only possible unless your strength exceeds that of the number one by several times! Just like, the system arranges you, but your strength has already been several times stronger by the thousandth.

After all, it is impossible to completely follow the evaluation, so what is the need for fighting, and all the virtual universe rankings are not better! Several times! You must know that when the strength reaches a certain level, let alone several times, it is... [-] [-]/%% can decide the outcome of the battle.

At this time, the gap between the top [-] of any ranking list is extremely small.

Of course, except... some super-powerful super geniuses are born, otherwise they will not be more than double the number one in the rankings.

And often this kind of super strength is basically like the royal family of the top civilization of the rock.

Or the direct line members of the big races with the main-level superpowers in the top few races.

This kind of genius not only has a high bloodline level, but also resource martial skills, which are all crushing.

However, now there is a terrifying existence that will crush the first place several times as soon as it comes up.

What the hell is going on here! And in the prosperous galaxies in the virtual universe, a young man stared solemnly at the dialog box that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Panyan Ranking, the number one on the seventh-level ladder will challenge you, you need to make a choice within ten minutes, otherwise it will be automatically regarded as a surrender!"

The boy frowned when he saw this dialog box, but he didn't expect to start from himself, who was just the number one on the ranking list! "Very good, very good, I want to see, who can be so powerful Strength!"

With a cold snort, the boy directly sneered and accepted it.

At the same time, within the range of hundreds of millions of light-years in the local area network of Panyan's top civilization, the other eight top ten powerhouses in the 8 rankings were also affected by this dialog.

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