Of course, among these eight people, only two were of the same human race, but the other six were of various races.

With eight rays of light in a row, and the boy from before, all nine of them were directly teleported to a boundless arena.

The young man who had just appeared suddenly opened his eyes, however, the sight that caught his eye made his brows instantly wrinkle.

"It's actually a few of you! No, all of you who have participated in the competition for the ladder can't be the first person in the assessment of strength, why are you here!"

The young man frowned and then asked the other eight people coldly. It can be said that he has defeated all of them.

Of course it is very familiar.

"Panyun, what do you mean, we can't come if you can come! Thinking that you are a member of the royal family can be so arrogant!"

However, as soon as the words of the boy named Panyun came out, the other boy laughed disdainfully.

The violent elemental power on his body violently rioted.

And this person who even looks down on Pan Yun, who is a member of the royal family, is the son of the great general! A pure son of the world master! But his status is much higher than this Pan Yun, who does not know how many generations of the royal family.

His words instantly made Pan Yun's face darken.

"Hahaha, your human race just... likes to fight in the nest. If it weren't for a big backstage, this emperor would still lose to you!"

However, a huge but slender black cat with the power of the soul sneered disdainfully, watching these humans licking their paws charmingly.

"Yo, Heiyun has become a lot more mother-in-law, aren't you male? Are you not male or female?"

A thick voice suddenly came from the side of the Behemoth Behemoth's mouth.

"Barbarian Dragon! You can't find death!"

However, her words immediately made the black cat's face darken, and then she snorted coldly, as if she was going to do it directly.

In an instant, the nine people and nine became tense, wishing they could fight together in the next moment.


Why did you guys start arguing just after meeting each other! Why don't you have a good fight with so much energy!"

However, at this moment, a childish voice suddenly reached the ears of everyone present.

The faces of the three people and the six beasts who were present at the scene changed drastically.

They didn't realize that there were still people here. If the other party had just attacked, all nine of them would have been killed! Everyone looked at the source of the sound, and immediately found that there was a black-and-white creature on the opposite side.

This creature suddenly made everyone frown slightly, because they didn't know each other, but they didn't care, there were so many creatures in this universe, if they all knew it, that's fine.

"You're the one who reached the top of the rankings in combat effectiveness evaluation! Also, we're all here because you're going to challenge us at the same time!"

Pan Yun slowly spoke to Qin Yan, he was not stupid, the reason why they all appeared in the same place at the same time was only Qin Yan who challenged them at the same time.

At the same time, the other eight people beside him exuded a terrifying aura. Although he didn't know that he could challenge all of them at the same time, since the other party was so confident, he definitely had the capital of self-confidence.

And they also don't believe there is anything wrong with the virtual universe.

"Looking at you, you're not stupid. That's right, the national treasure is to challenge all of you at the same time, let's do it!!"

Qin Yan raised his head and looked at the top ten of the seven-level ladder.

To be honest, any one of these people can directly destroy a Barak civilization.

But they seem to be just young people.

Sure enough, the strengths of the descendants of those... great civilizations are terrifying.

And Qin Yan's words suddenly made people outside Panyun look at him with a burst of smiles.

Indeed, Pan Yun's appearance is not handsome, just... a popular face! "Humph! The tongue is fast!!!"

Pan Yun suddenly snorted in anger and took out his long knife and charged towards Qin Yan in an instant.

"Hands on!!!!"

Although the other eight people are not in harmony, they also know that Qin Yan's strength alone is definitely not their opponent.

There is only a chance to join forces.

"Not bad speed, but, what a pity!!"

Qin Yan first praised a sentence, however, the next moment, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth! And his heart skipped a few people's eyes when he saw this smile, but.

It is absolutely impossible for them to stop their actions after they have already shot.

"Falling Heaven Slash!!!"

Panyun roared angrily, and then his own long knife slammed out towards Qin Yan.

"God of War Marksmanship!!!"

On the other side, the Great General's son roared angrily. The spear in his hand suddenly turned into a stream of meteor-like light spots and blasted towards Qin Yan.

The other powerhouses in the rankings all directly broke out their most powerful strengths.

Not only that, the surrounding space also began to distort under the fluctuation of a soul power.

The whole world seems to be upside down like the Inception space, and it's chaotic.

However, after looking at the upside-down world around him, Qin Yan slowly closed his eyes.

The black cat not far away smiled disdainfully.

"If you want to break my fantasy, just close your eyes is like doing it!"

Everyone looked at Qin Yanjun who was standing on the spot with his eyes closed and smiled disdainfully.

No matter how strong they are, trying to survive with the cooperation of nine of them is just... wishful thinking.


However, at this moment, Qin Yan's eyes suddenly opened, and at the moment of opening, a Tai Chi rune flashed away in Qin Yan's eyes! "Reversal! Yin Yang!!!"

A calm voice instantly spread through the minds of everyone present.

The next moment, a wave suddenly enveloped everyone, and the next moment they all felt that their eyes were black, and they all disappeared in place.

That is... their weapons have all disappeared in place.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for killing the top ten nine people on the leaderboard at one time, and obtaining attributes: Physique + 9, Soul + 50"

However, at this moment, a system notification sound also reached Qin Yan's ears.

After that, his strength was greatly improved again.

"This reversal of yin and yang is actually a direct reversal of a person's state of life and death! It feels a bit awesome, even life and death can be reversed in an instant, but I don't know if it can resurrect the dead!"

Qin Yan was somewhat emotional about the power of the law of yin and yang.

This ability is actually like a one, which reverses a person's state of life and death.

Let the people who were alive and well turn directly into the state of death.

Of course, if the opponent's strength is too strong, it will be difficult to achieve! But even so, this ability is already extremely powerful.

As for his so-called resurrection of the dead, it may not be possible so far, because the power that needs to be consumed is very terrifying.

"Congratulations, King, you have won! All your intermediate virtual coins have been distributed to your personal account! For other exercises, you only need to go to the virtual universe mall to choose!"

At this moment, the excited voice of the elf suddenly reached Qin Yan's ears.

"Well, not bad, let's go and see if there are any... good martial arts and martial arts, and see if there is any fun!"

Qin Yan nodded with satisfaction and then said directly to the elf! "Follow the orders of the master!!!"

The elf smiled slightly, and then waved his little hand, Qin Yan's figure instantly disappeared into this space!...................... ."Om!!!!"

On the other side, Pan Yun appeared directly in his personal warehouse after a wave of space fluctuations.

Looking at the familiar warehouse Panyun around him, he was immediately stunned.

"What just happened! How did I lose and why did I lose! Quick, call up the battle I just fought and I want to see how I lost!!" Panyun roared at his elf with an extremely ugly face.

As the former leader of the rankings, he was given a second by the other party in an instant.

Immediately seconds, and this time, I still have nine 9 companions, however, all of them together are not even close to each other within [-] meters, they are immediately seconds! "Sorry master, your permission cannot be viewed before. The battle! The previous battle has been classified as top secret!"

However, at this moment, Fa Panyan was stunned by the words of the elf! He actually didn't have the right to view the battle just now. He was a top-level civilized royal family, although it was only the kind that the eight poles couldn't fight..., but it was also a royal family. Check that there is no chance to fight before.

"Could it be... he is the mighty... son of a certain civilization of gods!"

Suddenly a thought appeared in Panyun's mind, and his eyes widened! He knew that he might have guessed right this time! :, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for an evaluation ticket, ask for an automatic subscription

Chapter [-]: Qin Yan's authority dog!The unlucky eight-level ladder first! (three more)


With a wave of fluctuations, Qin Yan's figure slowly appeared in front of a shopping mall.

The height of this mall, Qin Yan couldn't see the top at a glance.

The surrounding is also unable to see the edge at a glance! Therefore, the size can only be supplemented by Qin Yan's brain.

Before this mall, Qin Yan saw the posters of big brands.

"It seems that doing business in the big universe also requires a high level!"

Qin Yan looked at these...... The billboard immediately touched his little head.

Then Qin Yan slowly flew into the mall.

“Welcome to valued guests!!”

Just as Qin Yan flew into the mall, a delicate voice reached Qin Yan's mind.

The next moment, a young girl appeared in front of Qin Yan.

"Hello, I'm your shopping guide, you can call me Luoyu! What do you need to see! As long as you say it, we can find it for you in the shortest time possible!"

Luo Yu said to Qin Yan slowly.

"Your Majesty... The shopping guides are all intelligent lifeforms condensed by your aesthetics! You can tell the other party anything, and the other party will not leak the secret."

And the elf flying beside Qin Yan slowly spoke to Qin Yan.

"It turns out to be an intelligent life, how can I look exactly like the beautiful young lady on Earth!"

After Qin Yan heard it, he was suddenly stunned. Although, as long as the human races are similar in appearance, there are still some differences, such as skin color, such as hair color, or some races have pointed ears and others have no ears.

But generally speaking, they are called human races.

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