Only those...that are completely different from the human race will be called other races! And the name in front of me is like the name of the earth, even the existence that looks like the earth has just appeared. Qin Yan was stunned for a moment.

"National Treasure, I'm here to receive that... the first prize of the seventh-level ladder! Also, prepare to look at other martial arts and martial arts."

Qin Yan carried his small hand on his back and then slowly said to Luo Yu! "Understood!!"

The corner of Luoyu's mouth rose slightly, and then his tender little hand waved slightly, and the surrounding space was distorted in an instant.

Qin Yan suddenly disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already on the eighth floor of the virtual universe mall! Although this virtual universe was very huge, he only had more than ten layers.

Of course, each floor is extremely huge, and it can be said that all the items for sale are listed here! The reward of the seventh-level ladder is a martial art of any quality below the top-level eighth.

Therefore, Qin Yan appeared on the eighth floor.

At the same time, it is also a column of martial arts and martial arts on the eighth floor! I only saw one side... A person with countless jade cards appeared in front of Qin Yan.

Each of these jade cards represents an accomplice! And they are all level [-].

"You can enter the characteristics of the martial arts and martial arts you want here, and I will list the martial arts and martial arts that meet your requirements for you!"

Luo Yu said respectfully.

"Well, I'd like to see if there is any exercise... suitable for yin and yang power cultivation!"

Qin Yan touched his chin and then asked directly.


However, as soon as his words came out, hundreds of rays of light shot out from this boundless wall.

These rays of light instantly appeared in front of Qin Yan's eyes.

Afterwards, hundreds of introductions poured into Qin Yan's mind.

What surprised Qin Yan was that these hundreds of exercises were all yin and yang exercises, or some martial arts! "There are hundreds of these people who have come up with this type of exercise that they themselves possess. The power of yin and yang!"

Qin Yan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there are so many powerhouses who have comprehended the power of yin and yang in just one top-level civilization! If the entire cosmos comes down, how many powerhouses will also comprehend the power of yin and yang?" The guests are no more surprised. Although the power of Yin and Yang is rare, there are countless strong people in the entire universe, and there are countless super geniuses who have realized the power of the ultimate elements.

Some geniuses even comprehend two or more ultimate elements.

As a top-level civilization, Panyan’s top-level civilization, although there are not many ultimate element comprehens, but after trillions of years of accumulation, they have accumulated a lot of exercises that simultaneously understand the power of yin and yang!”

However, to Qin Yan's surprise, Luo Yu explained slowly, Qin Yan was suddenly stunned after hearing it.

Also, it is extremely unbelievable that only hundreds of exercises have been accumulated over a period of trillions of years.

Even the power of the four ultimate elements is not likely to be only a mere amount of exercises.

Qin Yan, who was no longer entangled, looked directly at the first exercise.

However, I was a little surprised when I saw it.

It's actually an eighth-grade top-level exercise of extraordinary quality! "But don't say who the creators of these exercises are, and even extraordinary-level exercises can be created!"

Qin Yan was a little surprised when he saw the introduction.

"Yin-Yang Rebellion Judgment: Created by the Lord of Tianyan Realm before he became a god! Level: Top 10, Quality: Extraordinary Introduction: After training to the extreme, the power of Yin and Yang will be doubled, and at the same time, the power of Yin and Yang can be used to infuse the body, and gain a short period of time. Five times the strength blessing! Cultivation requirements: the power of yin and yang! Selling price: [-] intermediate universe coins"

Seeing that just the first exercise had increased his strength tenfold, Qin Yan felt a little emotional in an instant.

Sure enough, it's still an extraordinary level of practice.

If such a terrifying blessing is added to one's own strength, one's own strength can be increased by about three times:! After all, this exercise method is also an enhancement type, and it cannot be superimposed with the Thunder Battle Body.

But what kind of bicycle do you need when you have a rocket! Even if you upgrade the Thunder Battle Body to the top level of the eighth rank, it is impossible to increase your strength tenfold! And Qin Yan sees this price is extremely terrifying, My one thousand intermediate universe coins can only be purchased for one ten thousandth, %.

Immediately, Qin Yan felt that he was impoverished! Immediately, Qin Yan looked at some other exercises and found that they were not as powerful as this Yin-Yang Rebellion, and at the same time, they were not as expensive.

As for martial arts, Qin Yan took a look at it, and he also liked one of them! "Yin-Yang Big Mudra: Created by the Lord of Tianyan Realm before he became a god. The supreme big mudra, the powerful power of turning yin and yang, cultivation requirements: the power of yin and yang! Price: 10 intermediate universe coins"

This martial art is exactly the same as the previous one, and it was created by the Heavenly Expansion Realm Lord.

And listening to this meaning, this so-called Tianyan Boundary Master has become a god! However, it can be said that he can create an extraordinary level of practice before he becomes a god.

At this time, looking at these two exercises and martial arts, Qin Yan suddenly became a little confused, which one should he choose? "I can only want one, but the other one costs [-] million, so I can't afford it!! Damn, I'm so unhappy!!"

Qin Yan suddenly felt a little tangled while holding his own little head.

In the end, after his own deliberation, Qin Yan finally decided.

"I'll exchange for this yin and yang rebellion!!"

Qin Yan was helpless, and finally chose the final yin and yang rebellion! After all, the cultivation technique is more powerful for the improvement of Qin Yan's current strength.

As for the so-called Yin-Yang Mahamudra, we can only wait a little longer.

"By the way, elf, do you know what I can get if I become the number one on the eighth-level ranking?"

Qin Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, he had received the reward of the seventh-level ladder, but he could still receive the eighth-level ladder.

"Master, the first person on the eighth-level ladder will receive intermediate-level universe coins: 10, plus a martial arts technique below the top level of ninth-rank!"

The elf didn't know why Qin Yan asked this, but he answered Qin Yan's question seriously! "Hahaha, that's fine, since that's the case, I'll exchange for this Yin-Yang Rebellion!!"

Qin Yan said directly excitedly! As for the Yin-Yang Mahamudra, he will naturally be able to obtain it after he becomes the first in the eighth-level ranking list! "Good king, I will exchange it for you immediately!!"

The elf smiled and nodded, then nodded directly to Luo Yu, and immediately, all the procedures were completed.

In the next moment, a jade slip with the yin and yang rebellion inscribed in it appeared in Qin Yan's hands.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for obtaining his first exercise! Obtained attributes: Physique + 50, Soul + 50!"

And at this moment, a system prompt sounded to Qin Yan's mind again.

Qin Yan's strength has been directly improved from the original level seven and one star to the level of two stars.

"Very good! I am also a practitioner of the practice! But then again, I have only been in the virtual universe for more than an hour, and I have improved a small realm. This place is really a treasure!"

Qin Yan nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the eighth-grade martial arts exercises that were above the high-quality goods, and found that even the cheapest non-attribute exercises required several Hundreds of intermediate universe coins, Qin Yan suddenly lost all interest.

"Let's go, let's try first to see how far I can get through the eighth-level ladder!!"

Qin Yan nodded his head in satisfaction, and then spoke directly to the elf.

"Good king!!!"

The elf nodded, and then the two disappeared directly into the virtual universe mall.

When he appeared again, he had already returned to that dark duel space.

In front of Qin Yan stood a huge stone pillar that reached the sky.

The first place on the top of this stone pillar is engraved with a name, and that is the word Qin Yan! Below will be the names of these people.

"Your Majesty, I'm about to upgrade you to the eighth-level leaderboard, do you accept it!"

But at this moment, the elf spoke up.

Qin Yan nodded slightly after hearing this.

"Well, accept!!!"

And as Qin Yan's voice fell, Qin Yan suddenly found that a ray of light descended directly from the sky in the entire sky.

This ray of light directly enveloped the stone pillar of the sky.

The names on the original stone pillars were all changed in the next instant.

And the one at the top is no longer Qin Yan's name! "The upgrade is complete, you have been replaced by the eighth-level leaderboard, in order to save your time, and at the same time to detect a new improvement in your strength! Do you want to start a new combat power? Evaluate!"

And at this moment, a system prompt sound suddenly passed into Qin Yan's mind.

Every time you change the version, you need to re-evaluate the combat effectiveness. After all, the strength has definitely changed from the last evaluation to the next evaluation.

Even Qin Yan was like this, of course, Qin Yan's strength improvement was completed within an hour.

"Evaluate, I don't know how far I can evaluate this time!!"

Qin Yan was not surprised, and immediately said it, and as his voice just fell, the surrounding space was distorted.

Qin Yan disappeared directly in place, just like before, Qin Yan directly punched the huge boulder that appeared in front of him after he exploded with all his strength.

After a loud bang, the whole world began to vibrate wildly.

"The combat power test is completed, congratulations, your current combat power is 10 on the leaderboard!"

However, this time, it did not explode as directly as before. However, if someone knew that Qin Yan had only reached [-] million on the eighth-level ranking with his seven-level and two-star strength, he would definitely Shocked to the point of speechless.

The ranking of the eighth level, let alone the top ten million, is... the top one thousand trillion is the strength of the eighth peak.

And among the tens of billions of the powerhouses at the peak of the eighth level, the strength of the first ten million is terrifying, which one is not able to kill the ordinary ninth level seven or eight, the horror of stars exists! However, now Qin Yan It's only a level seven, two stars, 2 that has reached such a terrifying level! It's too shocking for the existence of these...... top civilizations.

"Wow, only [-] million"

However, Qin Yan was a little helpless at this time.

Ten million, it's a bit difficult to hit the first place!"

"Little Elf, what strength does the number one need to defeat the number one?"

Qin Yan asked curiously! "Reporting to Your Majesty, this is originally a secret, but you have the highest authority, so the virtual universe will immediately evaluate it for you!!"

However, the elf answered Qin Yan's casual question very seriously.

Qin Yan was stunned when he heard it, and he even re-assessed his strength because of his own problems.

However, Qin Yan at this time did not know that he was on the other side of the virtual universe.

A young man who was still in cultivation was suddenly pulled directly into a space by a wave.

Still: The young man who was cultivating didn't react at first, and was still practising cross-legged on the ground.

“Boom rumble!!!”

However, at this moment, a thunderstorm struck directly from the sky, hitting the boy directly.


With a loud bang, thunder struck the boy instantly, "Ah! Damn, what's going on!!!"

A scream came from the boy's body.

The terrifying thunder not only awakened the young man from his training, but also caused the young man's whole body to emit smoke directly! "Number one on the eighth-level ladder! Jiange, the temporary combat effectiveness assessment of the virtual universe! Please cooperate with the assessment of the central system of the virtual universe! !"

However, at this moment, a loud voice descended from the sky and passed directly to Jian Ge's ears.

Jian Ge was immediately stunned, what was the situation of the temporary combat effectiveness test! However, a road appeared in front of him at the next moment! "The first item, use your fastest speed to pass this speed test route!"

The loud voice came again.

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