However, after confirming that he was not dreaming, Jiange was also a little panicked. Facing a behemoth like the Virtual Universe Company, how could he dare to resist.

Even if his master is a super-powerful at the level of a world master, so... a god, facing the virtual universe company, it is a dead end.

"Endless sword step!!!!" A violent roar suddenly erupted from Jiange's mouth.

The next moment, the supreme sword intent erupted directly from his body.

In an instant, his figure rushed towards the front frantically.

The blood all over his body was tumbling frantically.

After all, what the virtual universe said was the fastest speed, and he didn't dare to neglect it.

"Clang clang!!!"

A sound of sword energy echoed around his body.

"Speed ​​test passed! Next strength test!!"

Fortunately, in just two seconds, there was a loud noise in the sky.

However, Jian Ge, who had not had time to react, suddenly found a mountain in the sky smashed down.


After cursing angrily, Jian Ge hurriedly raised his hands.


The huge mountain suddenly fell into his hands.

Fortunately, his current strength, a thousand miles high, is not a big deal.

However, such a mountain is exactly... the total strength of an eighth-level peak warrior, but the next moment he couldn't laugh, this mountain actually began to gain weight crazily.

The weight doubled in just an instant.

Then it was ten times again! Finally, when the gravity reached thirty-five times, the sword song finally died, and the whole body of sword energy reverberated in the body crazily.

It's a pity that after facing a thousand miles of high mountains that reached thirty-five times its weight, Jian Ge finally slammed to the ground.


After an unwilling roar, Gaoshan was crushed down, and at this time, the weight of Gaoshan also reached [-] times the terrifying! "Om!!!!"

Jian Ge, who had regained his senses once again, found that he had returned to the... assessment site, and the mountains not far away were dissipating.

He knew that he was directly crushed to death just now.

That moment of despair made him vividly remember.

"Next item, Soul Test!!!"

However, at this moment, another voice like a devil came down from the sky.

The next assessment, one after another, from the speed of body recovery, to the reflexes, to others! It can be said that this assessment is comprehensive to the extreme.

This time, the assessment took more than ten hours in this space, but the outside world was only a momentary time.

When Jian Ge finally finished all the assessments and was teleported out of that... After the assessment space, his eyes were already a little distracted.


Finally, the broken sword song slammed on the ground, the body slowly dissipated, and was forcibly withdrawn from the virtual universe by the virtual universe.

................."Your Majesty, the test results have come out. So far, the overall strength of Jiange, who is number one on the eighth-level ladder, is : Thirty-eight times the strength of an eighth-level peak powerhouse! After all, it is the strength of an ordinary tenth-level three-star powerhouse!"

On the other side, the elf who obtained the data quickly spoke to Qin Yan excitedly.

"Dig the groove, this brother is so awesome. The peak of the eighth level is quite an ordinary tenth-level three-star powerhouse!"

Chapter [-]: The earth grows up, once the ancient superplanet! ! (Four more!)

"Dig the groove, this brother is so awesome. The peak of the eighth level is quite an ordinary tenth-level three-star powerhouse!"

At this time, Qin Yan was really a little shocked, after all, he is a lovely national treasure, how can he fight against such a powerful character and get hurt so bad! "No, no, if you want to challenge Nine times out of ten, I'll be beaten by a panda! Let's improve my strength first!"

Qin Yan suddenly gave up the idea of ​​getting the first place on the eighth-level ladder.

It's a pity that he didn't know, just because of his previous words, the sword song that he said was very awesome has now hit the street, and is being healed by his master, of course, it is a mental injury.

"By the way, let's practice this exercise first and then see how far we can break through!!"

Qin Yan said slowly, he actually estimated that his own strength should be able to defeat the seventh-eighth, star of the ninth level, but if it is more powerful, it will be a little difficult! And this is already in a state of full explosion.

Therefore, Qin Yan decided to start the training session of Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos, which can increase his combat power tenfold.

"Little Elf, take me back first!!!"

Qin Yan spoke slowly to the elf beside him.

"Okay king! If the king has any instructions, you can directly use the function of the access device to call the elf!"

Although the elf was a little reluctant, he still respectfully said to Qin Yan.

With a slight wave of the elf's little hand, Qin Yan's figure suddenly disappeared in place! ................. With his own consciousness After a dizziness, Qin Yan's consciousness returned to his body again.

Qin Yan, who slowly opened his eyes, found that Chi You was always there: guarding him by his side.

"Your Majesty, you are back!!!"

Chi You smiled slightly and then said to Qin Yan.

However, when Qin Yan stretched his waist and slowly sat up, Chi You's hole suddenly shrank.

Because, he actually discovered that Qin Yan's strength had actually increased by a small realm in just over an hour.

" is this possible!" Chi You said in disbelief! Is it possible to reach a small level in more than an hour? "What's the matter? Is the national treasure becoming handsome again?"

Seeing Chi You staring at him, Qin Yan couldn't help combing his hair with his small paws! "Hahaha, Your Majesty, you are naturally the same!!"

Chi You was also stunned for a moment and then laughed.

At the same time, there is also a trace of emotion in my heart. My strength was thrown far by Mo Yu at first, and now Qin Yan is thrown away. This feeling is really not good! However, it is really bad to regard Mo Yu as his own. Of course, he is not unhappy with his younger brother.

As for Qin Yan, it was even more so. Although Qin Yan only treated him once, he had already made him treat Qin Yan as everything.

"Old man, don't say it, that... Lao Shizi's virtual universe is a real cow, exactly the same as the real universe, you can go and see it!"

Qin Yan, who had just come out of the virtual universe, hurriedly faced Chi You Anli.

"There are also two 2-connectors here, and when I go back, the old man will go in and have a look!!"

Chi You smiled slowly.

"By the way, I'll upgrade these two 2 first, otherwise the low-level adapters are too spicy!"

Qin Yan suddenly remembered this and immediately took the two low-level virtual universe connectors. With a flash of dazzling golden light, the two 2 virtual universe connectors were directly strengthened in Qin Yan's hands. Intermediate level! Although it still hasn't reached the advanced level, Qin Yan feels that it is not far away. When his strength reaches the eighth level, he should be able to upgrade it to the advanced level.

But at that time, maybe the top-level virtual universe access point sent by the virtual universe is about to arrive.

I don't know how many the elf said in a batch.

Qin Yan also did not ask carefully.

If I can get four or five, 45 will be fine, I can have one of my main younger brothers! As for Qin Yan, I don't dare to think about it. After all, he looked at the price of this thing, and it was calculated according to the advanced universe currency. .

A high-level cosmic coin is one trillion intermediate cosmic coins, and now Qin Yan, who only has a thousand intermediate cosmic coins, can be said to be a super poor ghost.

"Okay, hey...!!!! This one is yours!!"

Qin Yan took a look and found that the chip of the access device he had strengthened all had the same attributes, and then threw it to Chiyou who was beside him.

Chi You took it and immediately placed it on the back of his hand.

Soon, this chip melted into Chi You's hand like a liquid.

"This is!!!"

However, in the next instant, Chi You felt something was wrong. The moment he integrated these ten chips into his body, he actually felt that the power of the dark elements around him began to rise crazily.

“Boom rumble!!!!”

The next moment, a terrifying force erupted from Chiyou's body. "Breakthrough! It's finally here!!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Yan nodded with satisfaction, and then his little hand slightly! "Om!!!!"

With a wave of space fluctuations, Chi You's body disappeared directly in place.

It reappeared in the starry sky hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

At the same time, there was a huge eighth-grade low-level Yuan Lingshi. After all, if the opponent's breakthrough was not enough, it would be a little troublesome! The endless power of darkness began to frantically emerge from his body.

His momentum also began to rise wildly with the fluctuation of the surrounding space.

But Qin Yan in the center of the earth ignored Chi You who broke through in space. Anyway... not far away, there is a law enforcement ship with eighth-level strength suspended in the sun to guard, if you want to rescue Chi You's words are definitely very simple things, besides, the earth has started to be very safe so far.

"Wait for me to see, by the way, this spiritual stone collector doesn't seem to be strengthened yet, I don't know how much it will reach after strengthening!!"

Qin Yan suddenly turned his gaze to the eighth-grade low-level Yuan Lingshi maker not far away.

Immediately, the attributes of the other party appeared in front of Qin Yan's eyes again.

"Item: Primordial Spirit Stone Maker Level: Rank 100 Low Quality: Common Manufacturing Speed: Limit [-] Units Millennium Introduction: A powerhouse that can absorb any energy and turn it into Primordial Spirit Stone! But the collection speed is too busy, the host Basically I don't like it!..........However, Qin Yan was a little speechless after looking at this Primordial Spirit Stone Maker Shao, this speed is too slow! Even the manufacturing speed that reaches the limit value , it is only one hundred units produced in a thousand years, although this speed is a hundred times faster than in the past ten million years! But for Qin Yan now, it is still a bit terrifyingly slow.

"By the way, it seems that I can communicate with the elves in the virtual universe anytime, anywhere. You can first ask if this Primordial Spirit Stone is worth it, after all, it is also a rank eight!"

Qin Yan suddenly remembered that before he left, the elf said that he could communicate with each other at any time. Thinking of this, Qin Yan started to operate directly according to the instructions.

"Your Majesty, do you have any orders? The elf will always serve you!!"

Sure enough, the elf appeared directly in front of Qin Yan and then asked Qin Yan respectfully.

"Little elf, what the hell, how to sell the low-level Yuan Lingshi of the eighth rank! Is the price high?"

Qin Yan asked the other party curiously.

"Go back to the king, the price of the eighth-grade low-level Yuanling stone is not very high, so the price is: 10 units of an intermediate-level universe coin! That is to say, your current amount of universe coins can buy one million units of eighth-grade low-level Yuanling. stone!!"

However, in the face of Qin Yan's question, the elf quickly gave an answer.

"Uh, that is to say, it took [-] million years for this Primordial Spirit Stone Maker to finally create a mere [-] Intermediate Cosmic Coins worth"

Qin Yan was suddenly speechless. Although, if so many [-]th-grade Yuan Lingshi were placed in the Milky Way, it would be a shocking existence, but for Qin Yan, who had earned a thousand intermediate universe coins in an hour at this time. That's a really low value.

Although the Yin-Yang Rebellion Jue that I bought can no longer be sold, it is still a practice method worth [-] million yuan.

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