"No matter, let's upgrade first, and see if there will be any unexpected gains after the upgrade!!"

Qin Yan, who was helpless but bored, was still ready to upgrade once and have a try.

Because if the enhancement spell is lucky, it will create an unexpectedly powerful attribute for an item.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan directly used his strengthening technique to cover the Yuan Lingshi maker in front of him with a size of more than [-] meters.


Sure enough, as Qin Yan's strengthening technique poured into it, Qin Yan could feel that the Primordial Spirit Stone Maker began to change rapidly.

But in the next moment, it actually started to grow in size.

"Looks like I can't put it down here!!"

Qin Yan was helpless, and immediately took a small claws and disappeared in place with this huge Origin Spirit Stone Maker! The next moment, Qin Yan brought the Origin Spirit Stone Maker to the cosmos starry sky.

"Om!!!!" However, just after arriving in this space, this huge maker began to skyrocket wildly.

In an instant, this huge maker with a size of hundreds of meters reached a terrifying height of thousands of meters.

Moreover, the size was still skyrocketing wildly. At the same time, Qin Yan discovered that a spirit gathering formation had condensed on the maker itself.

The level of this Spirit Gathering Array is actually not weak, but it is a mid-level eighth grade, and it is of perfect quality! In the end, when the size of this maker soared to a height of hundreds of kilometers, it finally subsided, but the maker at this time was It's about the size of an asteroid.

............Item: Origin Spirit Stone Maker Grade: 1th Grade Low Quality: Extraordinary Attribute: Finished Product Grade + Skill: Crazy Absorb Active Skills, which can increase the manufacturing speed to a hundred times the original, continuous Time: 10 day Cooling time: 100 days! Manufacturing speed: The limit value is [-] units Year introduction: A powerful being that can absorb any energy and turn it into a spirit stone! After the system upgrade, it has been able to quickly produce eight top-level spirit spirits Stone!...... However, after the upgrade, Qin Yan found that this Primordial Spirit Stone Maker actually had a terrifying finished product level-up attribute, as well as a skill.

You must know that this attribute and this skill are definitely something that technology cannot do.

Even if a powerful array mage wants to do this, Qin Yan estimates that at least a tenth-level or above can do it, and a tenth-level or above array mage will make such a top-level soul stone that can only produce eighth-grade spirits. It takes a lot of work! "Little Elf, what is the price of this top eight-grade Yuan Lingshi..."

Qin Yan hurriedly asked the elf.

After all, this is an Essence Spirit Stone that has been upgraded by three levels, and the price should be able to increase a lot! "Back to the king, the price of the top 10-Rank Essence Spirit Stone is: 10 units and [-] intermediate universe coins!"

However, the words of the elf suddenly made Qin Yan stunned! "One hundred! Come on, it's not a waste of time!"

This sentence suddenly made Qin Yan stunned.

Looking at the Yuan Lingshi maker in front of him, Qin Yan almost smashed it to pieces! But if he thinks about it carefully, although he can't use it, this is a top-level Yuan Lingshi! No, but isn't the concentration of spiritual energy used to upgrade the entire earth delicious? But when it comes to the concentration of spiritual energy on the earth, Qin Yan realized that after he took away the spirit stone maker, he suddenly found that the concentration of spiritual energy on the earth began to rise wildly. got up.

Now it has begun to restore to the fifth-grade level mentioned earlier.


The entire planet was pulsating slightly like a heart.

And once again the spiritual energy, after the recovery, the earth actually began to grow up out of thin air, as if it had come alive.

This scene shocked Qin Yan, who was looking at the appearance of the earth.

"Ah! What's the situation!"

Qin Yan is a little stunned, this planet can still rise! "Rumble rumble!!!"

: At this time, the whole earth was in chaos, and countless creatures found that the surrounding earth began to crack wildly, then filled up, and then cracked and filled again.

After only a few times, the two trees that were originally one meter apart have become: four or five meters away from each other! At the same time, countless houses and buildings began to be torn apart rapidly.

Countless humans hurried to the top of the open space without knowing what happened.

However, they found that the original moon was getting closer and closer to the earth.

In an instant, the tsunami on the entire earth erupted wildly! Fortunately, even if Qin Yan found out about this, he hurriedly burst out his own power of the earth, and directly pulled the moon away from the earth! Otherwise, if it fell, the whole All creatures on the earth will be mass extinct! However, the earth at this time made Qin Yan suddenly distressed.

"Little Elf, have you heard that planets grow out of thin air! Why do I feel something is wrong!"

Qin Yan couldn't help scratching his little head suspiciously.

It really makes the panda head bigger.

"What are you saying, Your Majesty, is it true!"

However, after hearing Qin Yan's words, an exclamation came from the elf's mouth.

"How else can I lie to you, I just see... I'm growing up, and now I'm all grown up!"

Qin Yan said to the elf seriously.

However, as soon as his words came out, the elf suddenly fell into contemplation in the virtual universe.

"Your Majesty, if the planet grows out of thin air, there are quite a few situations, but according to my use of your authority, I scanned your so-called earth and found that his situation may belong to one of the following possibilities! A planet above the tenth level, but due to some reasons, the concentration of the spiritual energy in the heaven and the earth has decreased, and the volume has also become smaller.

Now that the concentration of aura begins to recover, he also begins to gradually recover his size! If the concentration of aura in the world is sufficient, according to this growth ratio and growth rate, when the concentration of aura on this planet reaches the cosmic level, the size of this planet will increase. To the diameter of 100 billion kilometers, that is, the diameter is 100 million times that of the present, and the volume will be [-] billion billion times that of the current earth!! Your Majesty, you have sent it, a universe-level planet, that is a god-level civilization There are very few super ancient planets among them! Generally, they are the main active planets of some god-king-level powerhouses!"

The elf immediately spoke to Qin Yan with great excitement.

Qin Yan's small eyes lit up instantly after hearing this.


A cosmic-level planet, wow, that doesn't mean that as long as you live on this planet, the possibility of becoming a cosmic-level planet is very great!"

Qin Yan was suddenly a little excited.

And it can rise to a trillion times the current level. It's not about his own.... Little brother is... I can put it down no matter how old I am! To be honest, he still has some doubts. If Xiaoji and the others reach the tenth level, they won't be able to let go of the earth. Now that I think about it, there may be almost nothing! "Oh, they have grown ten times!"

Looking at the Earth whose diameter has been increased to ten times before, Qin Yan also has a general understanding at this time.

His own interstellar spirit gathering array and the revived heaven and earth aura directly pushed the earth's level from the fourth level to the fifth level, and now the combination of the two has raised it to the sixth level planet again.

Therefore, the automatic growth of the earth is also triggered in an instant.

Qin Yan originally thought that he knew a lot about the strange things in this world, but now he realizes that he is still too young! "I just don't know how the earth has been reduced from a super planet level above ten to the current level!"

Qin Yan was still a little puzzled. After all, this matter was worth his own deliberation, but so far, it was a good thing. As for whether the Earth's mutation would be discovered and then robbed, Qin Yan didn't care.

After all, it is impossible to tell that he has ever mutated after the Earth's mutation is over.

Even if it is found that according to Qin Yan's current strength, as long as he is not a tenth-level powerhouse, nothing will happen to Qin Yan.

And how could a powerhouse above tenth level come to such a remote asteroid.

"Well, king, what happened, why has the earth become so much bigger!"

However, at this moment, with a surge of dark power, Chi You's figure appeared in front of Qin Yan.

Chiyou was a little surprised when he saw the earth not far away.

At this time, the aura on Chi You's body has been several times stronger than before, and the wrinkles on his face have all disappeared. From a seventy to eighty-year-old old man, it has been traced back to the level of about fifty years old!! Although it is still a bit old, But as time goes by, he will slowly return to the peak transformation state in his prime.

"It's nothing, it's just...Heaven and earth have eaten a little more and now he's grown up!!"

However, Qin Yan smiled and said slowly.

: The chapter I owed the day before yesterday made up for it today!! Please customize, please comment!!!!

Chapter [-]: Bloodline concentration increases!The real yin and yang chaos beast! (one more)

"It's nothing, it's just...Heaven and earth have eaten a little more and now he's grown up!!"

However, Qin Yan smiled and said slowly.

When Chiyou heard this, he realized that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on the earth had actually recovered to the level of level [-]! Wait..., not to mention level [-], the earth [-] million years ago was a level [-] life planet. "No wonder you have grown up, It's actually an upgrade!!"

After Chi You heard it, he suddenly realized. As for whether he understood, of course he didn't, but he knew that Qin Yan's words were absolutely correct and he would not question it! "The earth has become bigger, and the civilization of the earth has also changed a little. It seems that Lao Zhao Things are about to change!!”

Qin Yan smiled slightly, and suddenly, Qin Yan, who seemed to remember something, directly waved his right hand.


Following a wave of fluctuations, a spaceship that was only a few thousand meters appeared in front of Qin Yan.

"Tia, take this Essence Spirit Stone Maker and go to the sun to absorb the energy. By the way, take out all your energy spar, it seems that those who have the energy conversion mode don't need this thing!"

Qin Yan slowly spoke to the spaceship controlled by Tia.

"Good king!!!"

Tia's voice also slowly came out from the spaceship.

The next moment, the spacecraft directly stretched out its mechanical arms one by one, pulling up the huge instruments that had become: hundreds of times larger than themselves, and then flew towards the direction of the sun.

"However, the power of this sun is... all transformed, it seems that it can only transform not many Primordial Spirit Stones!"

Looking at the distant spaceship Qin Yan frowned.

After all, there are only relatively low-level thermal energy, nuclear energy, etc. in the stars. These energies are originally low-level, and the conversion rate is not very high. Therefore, Qin Yan is not sure whether he can obtain 100 units of the eighth-grade top-level yuan after absorbing the sun. Spirit Stone.

"Forget it, Fangzheng doesn't use it very much. Let's make it first and see, and then discard it directly after making the top eight-grade Yuan Lingshi that can upgrade the amount of spiritual energy in the world!"

After coming into contact with the virtual universe, Qin Yan suddenly issued a top-level eighth-grade Yuan Lingshi that was ecstatic to him, but it was not very valuable at this time.

"Let's go, go back first!!"

After Qin Yan turned around and said something to Chi You, he disappeared a little under his feet! When he reappeared, the two had already arrived at the giant panda breeding base on Earth.

"Cousin is not good, the earth is getting bigger!!!"

However, Qin Yan had just landed when a... black and white creature appeared in front of Qin Yan in an instant, Qin Yan was stunned when he saw this creature.

I saw that Brother Pingtou, who was not afraid of the sky and the earth, actually ran to his feet and shivered, and Qin Yan was stunned for a while.

"Brother Pingtou, what's wrong with you! There are things you are afraid of in this world!" Qin Yan suddenly laughed.

This kid, why is he so cowardly now, but at this moment, a light and shadow began to gather around him.

"Your Majesty, Master, you are back!"

And at this moment, Zao Wou-Ki's figure also slowly emerged from the void, and then said respectfully to the two of them.

However, when he saw Chi You, Zao Wou-Ki shrank slightly.

"Congratulations to the master's strength promotion!!!"

Zao Wou-Ki, who seemed to have noticed something, hurriedly bowed his hands to Chi You.

"Old Zhao, what's wrong with this flat-headed brother!"

Qin Yan asked Zao Wuji curiously.

This kid still has a day of fear. "Report to the king, a creature like Pingtou sees that everything in the world is shrinking, even Xiaoji, in his eyes, is at most as big as him, so he is not afraid of anyone. He went straight up and did it, maybe because the earth is getting bigger now, he was a little scared when he saw the real face of the earth for the first time!"

Zao Wou-Ki was speechless when he saw the shivering Pingtou brother hiding in front of Qin Yan's feet! Qin Yan's head was full of question marks after hearing this! "Forget it, no matter what...

He's gone, I'm going to retreat for a few days when I come back this time. By the way, the earth is getting bigger now, so you have a lot of things to do. You still have a good grasp of the civilization on the earth with Qu Yunyi, the outside world is still very big!"

Qin Yan warned Zao Wou-ki slowly.

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