A fierce breath burst out from his hand, and the surrounding aura also rose rapidly as his aura still improved.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for seeing Sword Intent for the first time, obtaining attributes, physique + 10, soul + 10!"

However, at this moment, a system notification sound suddenly appeared in Qin Yan's mind, Qin Yan was stunned when he heard it.


This is the legendary Sword Intent, it is incredible, no wonder it has the strength of three or four stars at the tenth level, it turns out that it is such a powerful existence!"

The excited Qin Yan almost couldn't help but started to applaud.

Why are you excited? Because artistic conception is a very powerful thing in novels. As long as you understand it, it is extremely terrifying for the improvement of your strength.

I originally thought that there was no such thing in this universe, but now I think I am still too tender.

After all, it is a universe with countless creatures, and the artistic conception is definitely just one of the energy systems.

Maybe even all the energy systems Qin Yan knew in his mind, such as magic, summoning, undead magic systems, fighting spirit, and other warrior systems.

Or other systems that humans can imagine, such as the system of cultivating immortals, can be found in this big universe. After all, the size of this universe is terrifying, Qin Yan's current knowledge is far from reaching.

Of course, in fact, after all, the core of any type of system is the three thousand avenues.

The cultivation to the end is also three thousand avenues.

Qin Yan, who has read the novel, is naturally very familiar with this! "Sao Nian! Can you tell me how your sword intent is graded!"

However, Qin Yan at this time hurriedly waved his little hand and asked Jiange not far away.

After Jiange heard it, he was stunned, and he was about to fight. Come and ask me about the level of sword intent. But, as a swordsman.

, Jiange disdain to do it at this time, because the opponent is not ready, it is impossible to win by yourself.

Besides, if you are idle, you are idle, so it is better to chat with Qin Yan.

After taking a look at the rankings, Jian Ge also knew Qin Yan's name.

"You can call Qin Yan, if you are interested, then I will tell you!!"

Jian Ge's right hand trembled slightly, and the long sword in his hand rose.

It then declined at a terrifying rate.


With a crisp sword cry.

A long sword returned directly to his scabbard.

This scene made Qin Yan's eyes light up.

"Slotting, handsome!!"

Qin Yan couldn't help sighing in his heart! Of course, seeing Jiange being so polite, Qin Yan was not polite, he waved his small hand, and then a coffee table and chair appeared in front of the two of them.

"Come here, sit down and talk!!"

Qin Yan smiled, jumped directly onto the chair, and immediately poured a cup of tea for Jiange.

And he is also a pair of small claws holding up... A cup of tea is drank contentedly.

Jian Ge smiled helplessly when he saw this, but remembered that he had been cultivating for hundreds of years since he became a teacher, and he really hadn't had a good rest.

"Thank you so much!!"

After saying thank you to Qin Yan, Jian Ge slowly sat opposite Qin Yan.

After taking a sip of tea slowly like Qin Yan, he felt his whole body relax in an instant.

That is, his sword intent increased a little at the moment of relaxation.

In an instant, Jiange's hole shrank violently.

"This...this thing!!"

He looked at the emerald green tea in his water cup, and he was shocked beyond words. He was able to instantly increase his sword intent by a little bit, and he was not far from a breakthrough.

Even the spiritual wounds of the previous two days that had not been repaired were all repaired in an instant.

Such a terrifying existence, what is it? "Oh! This, this thing is called tea! A drink of our civilization! If you like it, wait for the address and I will send you a few pounds!"

Qin Yan said indifferently, of course, this tea is not ordinary tea, since it is still very pleasing to Jiange, Qin Yan is naturally not stingy.

This tea is a seven-grade intermediate tea that has been fortified by itself.

And the extraordinary quality, after drinking, can soothe the spirit.

At the same time, it also needs to improve the ability of the spiritual realm.

"Uh! How embarrassing this is, no merit and no reward, Qin Yan brother is polite!!"

Qin Yan's words suddenly made Jian Ge a little embarrassed.

Of course, if you said you don't want it, it's not possible, but from childhood upbringing told him that you can't just accept Qin Yan's things.

However, it was almost impossible to endure the temptation of tea. At this time, Jian Ge tightly squeezed his thigh with his left hand, for fear that he could not help but agree! Now, if you don’t accept it, I will be embarrassed for the national treasure! But I will choose to pay for this courier fee, so don’t be polite!”

However, as Qin Yan from a country of etiquette, how could he endure not being able to send his own gifts.

Don't tell me, if Jiange doesn't accept Qin Yanneng, he can directly use the authority to find the address of the other party and send it to the other party forcibly.

After all, he got rid of Jiange and explained the mood to himself, and the other party agreed without hesitation.

Fortunately, his words also shattered Jiange's last worries.

"Then thank you brother Qin Yan! Jian Mou will not refuse, what's the point of the mere courier fee!"

Jian Ge said with some shame, and immediately told Qin Yan his address! After doing all this, Jian Ge felt that he was still bowing his head.

However, the taste of this tea is really fragrant. Thinking of this, Jian Ge couldn't help but take a sip.

As for the courier fee, that's a piece of shit. Qin Yan and he both belong to the top cosmos country of Panyan, and the delivery fee for the farthest distance is only a few hundred intermediate cosmos coins, but this kind of thing can improve one's sword intent. ,, that is... Hundreds of millions, even hundreds of billions of intermediate universe coins can't be bought! As a sword song with a world master master, it is absolutely trivial.

"Well, I have contacted the courier to come!"

Qin Yan's work is also unambiguous, and he directly asked the elf to contact the courier of the virtual universe company! "Since brother Qin Yan is so interested in Jianyi and artistic conception, then Jian Mou will talk about it from the beginning!" Jiange Weiwei With a smile, he immediately spoke to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan also stared at Jian Ge with small eyes and listened carefully, because he felt that this thing might improve his strength again.

After all, if there is a sword intent, there is a palm, and if you slap you with your palm, the power will definitely skyrocket.

"Any martial artist, in fact, uses corresponding weapons when fighting, including swords, knives, spears, etc... Of course, some martial artists' weapons are their own bodies, that is, hands, legs, horns, or some Tentacles of creatures.

Of course, there are also those who use abilities, and the weapons used are the power of elements, gold, wood, water, fire, soil, etc...

And every weapon can also be said that every fighting method can condense artistic conception, which is a recognized thing.

As for what the mood is, the question is a little more complicated.

Of course, according to my immediate, it is an opportunity to merge my soul with my attack method.

As long as you grasp this opportunity, it is equivalent to grasping the mood.

And if you can integrate this opportunity more closely with your own attack methods, the power that erupts will become more and more terrifying.

Until it is fully integrated, it will be able to achieve the realm of the unity of man and sword, the unity of man and knife, etc. Therefore, some strong people divide all artistic conceptions into ten 10-level, that is, according to the soul and you the degree of fusion of the weapons.

Divided according to the sword intent is... [-]%: sword intent to [-]% sword intent! Of course, if [-]% of people and swords are united, the terrifying power that erupts will definitely make heaven and earth feel it Vibrating.

In the entire universe, I am afraid that no one has ever done this."

Jian Ge spoke slowly, and when he said that the sword intent is ten percent, when the human and the sword are united, his eyes are full of hope.

"Of course, in the era of the big universe, everything can be digitized, so the great masters have calculated that [-]%: Sword Intent, the combat power can be doubled, and [-]% Sword Intent is quadrupled! Thirty percent of the sword intent is eight times! That is... a geometric increase.

If I can achieve [-]% sword intent, I can increase my combat power a thousand times! And I am currently... at the peak of [-]% sword intent, if I can reach [-]% sword intent, my strength will be extremely terrifying It is a pity that even my master, the world master of Jianyun, has only cultivated his sword intent to [-]%! Of course, even so, my master's strength is tens of thousands of world masters in the entire top civilization of Panyan. Among the top ten existences!"

The corners of Jiange's mouth rose slightly when he said that, his master is definitely a top powerhouse who can show off! And as one of the few disciples of Jianyun Realm Master, Jiange's status is also extremely high! However, Qin Yan was also slightly amazed when he heard the [-]% Sword Intent, because the reason is very simple, the improvement of this Sword Intent can definitely be combined with the bonus of any martial skill and cultivation technique.

That is to say, for the same two warriors, the basic combat power of Jianyun Jiezhu is 32 times stronger than others! What a terrifying data! If you add the improvement of martial arts, martial arts, and weapons, the strength can be increased to To what extent is impossible to say.

When Qin Yan heard this, he was eager to try it. If he could understand the mood, his strength would definitely increase crazily, and even his strengthening technique could directly raise it to a terrifying level. The [-]% artistic conception that no one in the universe can achieve, maybe he can achieve it through his own strengthening technique!! Thinking of this, Qin Yan rubs his hands in excitement, he is not... those... The giant panda who only eats and waits to die is a giant panda with dreams, pursuits and ambitions.

And then, seeing Qin Yan's interest, Jian Ge slowly understood how to comprehend the mood, and at the same time, he told Qin Yan all his insights.

Qin Yan is also listening and developing in his mind.

I don't know if it's the terrifying talent of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast, but I actually have a trace of understanding that belongs to me.

Although it is not perfect, Qin Yan knows that if he gradually perfects it according to this understanding, he will definitely be able to comprehend all the artistic conception, and successfully achieve [-]%: the ability of artistic conception.

"No, this thing still needs to be fought in practice!!"

Suddenly, Qin Yan's body abruptly stood up! His action suddenly frightened the opposite side: Jian Ge, who was drinking tea slowly, jumped.

The two have been sitting here for over ten hours now.

Qin Yan's tea was almost tasteless. Of course, Qin Yan, who was already fascinated, didn't notice this, and Jian Ge was embarrassed to ask Qin Yan to add some tea.

After all, he is a guest! Of course, even at this time, Jian Ge has already felt that his [-]% sword intent has reached its peak! It only takes a chance to raise it to [-]% sword intent.

"Jiange walk around, let's practice hands, I feel like I'm going to understand the mood!!"

Qin Yan immediately rubbed his hands excitedly, and then seemed to feel thirsty, so he poured a cup of tea and drank it.

Qin Yan was immediately stunned.

"Isn't this boiled water!"

Qin Yan, who scratched his head, threw away the remaining half of the glass that only tasted like boiled water.

When Jian Ge saw this scene, his heart was about to bleed. It's still a little tasteful, so it's such a waste! "Go ahead, let me see if my thoughts are true!!"

At this time, Qin Yan's words suddenly brought Jiange back to his senses! Immediately, he also became serious.

It can be said that the gain from his conversation with Qin Yan at this time is absolutely irreplaceable.

If you devote yourself to practicing hard, you may not be able to improve in your life, but that is not necessarily the cultivation of artistic conception.


And the next moment, the long sword behind Jiange was instantly unsheathed.

The long sword slowly fell into his hands, and the artistic conceptions suddenly merged with the long sword.

"The comprehension of artistic conception requires whole-hearted devotion, therefore, I offend Brother Qin Yan!!"

After Jian Ge finished speaking, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his feet suddenly turned into a stream of light that shot towards Qin Yan.

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