"Luotian Sword Art!!!"

With a low shout, the long sword in the Sword Singer instantly turned into countless sword lights, and millions of sword lights condensed into millions of long swords, madly blasting towards Qin Yan.

And seeing this scene, Qin Yan's small eyes suddenly lit up.

"Isn't this Wanjian Guizong! It's amazing!!!"

:, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly tickets, ask for everything!!

Chapter [-]: Comprehend the mood!Civilization shocked! ! (one more)

"Boom boom boom!!!"

After a terrifying roar, the earth around Qin Yan began to blast out huge deep pits rapidly under the countless sword lights.

And in this deep pit, Qin Yan just shrouded the power of yin and yang in his body and blocked all these countless attacks. Of course, Qin Yan is not only like this, but directly He shrouded his whole body's consciousness in the surrounding attacks and quickly analyzed the power of the surrounding mood.

One after another powerful sword intent flowed wildly around Qin Yan.

At the same time, Qin Yan's understanding of artistic conception is getting stronger and stronger! "Is this the power of artistic conception! It really is a very complicated thing!"

At this time, Qin Yan felt the power of the mood around him and sighed slightly in his heart.

At the same time, his whole body slowly exudes a similar power of artistic conception.

The power of artistic conception slowly poured into Qin Yan's right hand as if it was integrated with his right hand.


After a wave of fluctuations, Qin Yan's whole body suddenly burst out with powerful breaths.

"Jiange, be careful!!!"

The next moment, with Qin Yan's low voice, his right hand instantly slapped out into the void! "Om!!!"

In an instant, the whole world shook wildly.

I saw a terrifying huge handprint of thousands of kilometers rising directly into the sky.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Jiange's countless sword qi smashed on Qin Yan's big handprint, but what made his face change drastically was that all his sword qi was instantly destroyed when they met Qin Yan's big handprint.

"This...this is Yicheng:'s palm!"

When Jiange saw this, the hole suddenly shrank violently.

It has only been a few hours since Qin Yan started to ask him about artistic conception, but Qin Yan has already realized the artistic conception. Yan's soul has reached an extremely terrifying level.

But it doesn't mean that as long as one's own soul is strong enough, one can easily comprehend such things as artistic conception.

"Brother Qin Yan is indeed the capital of the sky!!"

The corners of Jian Ge's mouth rose slightly, looking at the huge handprints rising towards the sky below, Jian Ge was finally serious.

There is pressure to be motivated. At this time, his heart is full of endless fighting spirit.


With the sound of a sword cry, the long sword in his hand shot up into the sky instantly! The next moment, Jian Ge's hands began to rapidly strike one sword art after another! Countless sword art soared into the sky, instantly imprinting on the handle hovering in the sky Inside the long sword.

"Luo Tianjian Jue! Tian Luo!!!"

As the last sword art was smashed into the long sword, a roar instantly shook the entire space like a thunderbolt.


The next moment, the long sword in the sky began to skyrocket wildly.

In just an instant, it turned into a terrifying length of thousands of kilometers.


Following Jiange's right hand, his fingers folded together, and then his right hand waved suddenly! The long sword in the sky instantly smashed towards the huge panda handprint.

"Crack Kick!!!"

A sound of the shredding of space spread throughout the entire sky.

“Boom rumble!!!!”

Finally, the long sword that fell madly from the sky instantly hit Qin Yan's big handprint.

With a loud bang, the surrounding space began to shatter crazily.

The cracks in the first layer of space spread rapidly in all directions. If there were any huge planets in the center of the battle between the two, they would all turn to ashes in an instant.

Not to mention some asteroids, it's just... tenth-level powerhouses fall into the center of the explosion weakly, and I'm afraid they will turn into ashes in an instant.

“Boom rumble!!!”

The roar was still resounding throughout the world, and the ground below was also cracking rapidly.

As for the center of the explosion, there were two figures who were madly bombarding each other.

At this time, Qin Yan didn't even use his pure power to control the power of yin and yang plus [-]%: his palms and sword songs.

However, even so, Qin Yan still did not fall into any disadvantage. As time passed, Qin Yan's understanding of artistic conception became stronger and stronger.

It actually gradually suppressed the sword song.

"Hahahaha, happy!!"

A hearty laughter burst out from Jian Ge's mouth.

Qin Yan was speechless for a while, these.... Fighters like fighting so much! Please, you will be beaten in battle! However, Qin Yan also discovered that the power of artistic conception in Jiange also follows. The progress of the battle is slowly improving.

One after another powerful artistic conception power began to emerge from Jiange's body.


However, just over an hour after the battle, Jiange's body finally underwent a qualitative change! The artistic conception of the sword around him suddenly and rapidly evolved.

The breath on the body also began to become: mysterious.

The breath exuding from the whole body also increased rapidly.


After a loud noise that shook the sky and earth, the aura around Jian Ge exploded instantly! A powerful aura that only [-]% of sword intent could crush towards Qin Yan in an instant.

Fortunately, Qin Yan was already prepared, and after a burst of yin and yang power, a Tai Chi rune instantly appeared on Qin Yan's eyebrows.

With the appearance of Tai Chi runes, Qin Yan's aura instantly soared dozens of times.


The terrifying momentum was like a shock wave of destruction, and it instantly blasted towards Jiange.

After just breaking through, Jian Ge, who had not had time to be happy, a shock wave directly crushed his whole body.


In an instant, Jian Ge turned into a spot of light and disappeared on the ring! Qin Yan, who saw this scene, patted his head in embarrassment.


I didn’t expect that in the end, it would actually use a lot of strength!!”

Qin Yan felt a little helpless.

However, this is just a test, Qin Yan's purpose is to defeat Jiange.

If you soften your hands, you won't be able to get the yin and yang big mudra.

Thinking of the strength improvement that Yin Yang Rebellion Jue brought to him, Qin Yan's guilt for singing the sword song for a second in his heart suddenly disappeared.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for comprehending the mood! Obtained attributes: Constitution + 20! Soul + 20!"

However, at this moment, a system prompt sound also came, and the next moment Qin Yan could feel that his strength began to increase rapidly! I didn't expect that Qin Yan would be able to get a full two thousand after only comprehending the artistic conception. Ten thousand attributes, it can be said that these [-] million attributes are absolutely huge for Qin Yan's current strength improvement.

"Congratulations to the player for killing the opponent, you have now successfully become the first place in the eighth-level ladder ranking! You have won the first place in the ladder ranking reward: 10 intermediate-level universe coins, and nine top-level martial arts tasks. The right to choose one!"

"Hello, Jiange asked to add you as a friend, did you pass the request!"

However, at this moment, a sound from the virtual universe also reached Qin Yan's mind. Qin Yan immediately accepted Jiange's friend request after hearing it.

Then Qin Yan's figure was teleported to the battle platform.

However, at this time, the outside world was directly boiling.

"Qin Yan, Qin Yan, didn't he become the number one of the seventh-level ladder just two days ago? Why is he now the number one of the eight-level ladder? What's going on!"

"Hey! He became the first in the seventh-level ladder before, which means that he was definitely a seventh-level warrior three days ago! However, how could he reach the eighth-level peak in only three days and then beat the eighth-level ladder first? !"

"It is absolutely impossible to raise a big realm in three days! Unless he takes medicine, but what level of medicine can make a person rise from level seven to the peak of level eight in three days! Even if there is, how can this person be guaranteed? Your fighting talent will also increase accordingly!”

.................There are countless powerhouses in the top civilization of Panyan, and some of these powerhouses have lived for millions of years. Time, but even so, no one has seen this time.

In just an instant, the entire Panyan top civilization pushed the word Qin Yan to the top of the hot search list.

Of course, all of this, as a few younger brothers who came in with Qin Yan, also saw it, after all, everyone in the entire local area network is now talking about Qin Yan.

"Hmph, a bunch of ignorant country bumpkins, how could our king's talents be like them... Ordinary people can speculate!"

Lao Kong looked at the forum still on the central continent: the countless people who were discussing Qin Yan suddenly said disdainfully.

"Actually, I don't blame them. There are not many super geniuses like the king in the entire universe. It is normal for them to be ignorant!"

Lao Yan also spoke slowly.

"By the way, speaking of the king, how many of you have made it to that ladder!"

Zao Wou-Ki, who was beside him, suddenly asked curiously, that several people have similar strengths and naturally have a common topic.

"Ahem! I'm on the sixth-level ladder now, and I'm still at the end of the crane!!"

When Lao Yan heard this, he was a little embarrassed to say.

After all, he has just been promoted to the sixth level, but even if he is already at the peak of the sixth level, it is basically difficult to reach the top [-] million with his strength and talent! The terrifying ultimate talent, but there are so many powerhouses in the entire top civilization, and those who can enter the top [-] million are basically the top geniuses in some advanced civilizations, or even the kind of... millions of years. A genius emerges.

"How about you, Xiaoji!"

Helpless, Zao Wou-Ki also asked Xiao Ji, who was lying on the side.

"Don't mention it, don't look at how many times I have been abused here on the earth with great power and power!"

Xiaoji said helplessly.

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