Although his ranking was much higher than Lao Yan, it was still in the tens of terrifying figures.

"Hey! Me too. I didn't expect the powerhouses in this big universe to be so terrifying. Now I know it. It's an extravagant hope for my talent to enter the top [-] million in this life!"

And Zao Wou-Ki is also a little decadent. He has always been indomitable. After seeing the powerhouses in the universe, he immediately became a little cowardly.

Genius, there are too many, they are because of Qin Yan's many heaven-defying weapons, as well as the blessing of strengthening chips, otherwise, they would have been abused long ago. Of course, the only one present did not care. Of course it was Brother Flathead, and he was sleeping soundly at the moment! Because he had just fought frantically for more than ten hours in the duel space.

It just came out because of exhaustion of mental power.

Of course, although most of them were beaten, he was very happy for... a fighter fanatic.

"You guys, why are you sighing here!"

However, at this moment, a suspicious voice suddenly reached the minds of several people present.

Several people hurriedly looked at the source of the voice, only to see Qin Yanzheng walking over from a distance with a small hand behind his back.

And next to Qin Yan was a young man with a long sword on his back! This person is naturally Qin Yan's new friend Jian Ge! Of course, at this time Jian Ge still doesn't know that his friend will become Qin Yan's in the near future. little brother.



.................Zao Wou-Ki and the others hurriedly bowed their hands respectfully to Qin Yan who came over.

However, they all glanced at the sword song beside Qin Yan with some curiosity.

"His name is Jiange, and everyone will be his own from now on. By the way, you haven't told me what you are doing here!"

Qin Yan introduced Jiange perfunctorily, and then asked curiously.

Of course, Qin Yan, the flat-headed brother who was sleeping in the road, swiped his feet and kicked him aside.

However, the flat-headed brother who rolled dozens of laps on the ground still slept happily.

After hearing his words, Zhao Wuji and the others reluctantly told Qin Yan what happened to them.

When Qin Yan heard this, he was suddenly stunned! "It turns out that it's not easy to solve this trivial matter! The main reason why you are not as good as others in combat is because... you haven't practiced any of the exercises and martial arts, you see. Look, the only one who has practiced martial arts, Zao Wou-Ki, is now at the sixth level, and he is still practicing second-rank martial arts!"

Qin Yan immediately explained to Zhao Wuji and the others.

However, as soon as his words came out, Zao Wou-Ki and the others were suddenly stunned! I didn't expect that this was the reason! No wonder I and others encountered these.... Can't beat it.

"But Your Majesty, it seems a little difficult to get the right martial arts and skills for us!!"

Zao Wou-Ki frowned slightly and said helplessly.

However, his words did make Qin Yan laugh.

"I now have [-] intermediate-level cosmic coins for my national treasure. You can go to the virtual cosmic mall and choose whatever you want. By the way, remember, as long as you are below the third level, the quality is above the extraordinary, and you don't need to choose the high-level ones!! Stay, you need all the martial arts and martial arts, if you want to do it, you can get a full set, it is best that you all can search for the innate martial arts and martial arts of your race, if you have it, it is best!"

Qin Yan spoke directly to several people, and as soon as his words came out, Jian Ge on the side was stunned.

As long as they are of extraordinary quality and they are all below the third level, although it is said that the extraordinary quality martial arts exercises below the third level are very cheap, it is possible that one of them does not use an intermediate-level cosmic coin.

However, there are very few people with great powers who go back to buy this kind of tasteless martial arts and martial arts, because, among all those who can enter the top-level civilized LAN of Panyan, the warriors below the third level are basically adults. .. five or six grades.

Level [-] is like a toy! Who would buy such an expensive toy for their child?

After all, a mid-level cosmic coin can buy a level four or five life planet.

"Brother Qin Yan, if you don't have enough money, I still have tens of millions here. It's not a problem to buy some fifth-level extraordinary martial arts!"

However, Jian Ge on the side spoke quickly.

After all, not long ago, with the help of Qin Yan, he directly broke through to [-]% of the sword intent. If his master knew about it, he would be crazy with excitement.

You must know that he is only a few hundred years old, and he is already a super genius when he reaches the peak of the eighth level at the age of a few hundred years. However, now his sword intent has reached [-]% of his sword intent.

Even his master was [-]% of the sword intent that was promoted after reaching the cosmos level! And this can be said to be achieved only by Qin Yan's pot of tea and the battle between the two! Therefore, let alone thousands [-] Intermediate Cosmic Coins are all his belongings, and Jian Ge will not frown at this time.

"Hey! Your kid is so rich, the second generation is... cool, but you don't need to spend that... why waste money!!"

Qin Yan felt sour when he heard that Jiange actually had tens of millions of intermediate universe coins.

However, Qin Yan, who has already thought of how to make money, doesn't care too much. If he can make money, let alone tens of millions, he can make hundreds of billions at the time! And in Qin Yan Under his instructions, Zao Wou-Ki, who knew that Qin Yan had the ability to upgrade all the abilities, immediately opened their store in excitement, and then frantically picked them up.

Of course, Qin Yan at this time also directly asked the elf to exchange his yin and yang big handprint.

But it is worth mentioning that the world master of Tianyan has put the Yin-Yang big mudra from the first-level cultivation method to the world-master-level cultivation method into the mall! Therefore, what Qin Yan exchanged at this time was nine A top-level extraordinary quality martial art: Yin-Yang Mahamudra! The power above is definitely much stronger than that of the eighth-level.

Zhao Wuji and the others also quickly chose their own martial arts techniques! However, Qin Yan did not rush to strengthen them, but directly asked them to go back to practice them first.

After all, if it is strengthened, the lowest level will reach the seventh-rank intermediate level. At that time, it will take decades for the talents of Zao Wuji and others to cultivate to the entry level.

After all, the lifespan of a seventh-level expert has reached a terrifying [-] years! It takes only a few decades to cultivate a kung fu and martial skill, and it is already a fast thing, and it is still an extraordinary quality kung fu.

"Jiange, do you know where in the virtual universe the alchemist usually sells pill recipes!"

However, just after sending Zao Wuji and the others away, Qin Yan curiously asked Jian Ge.

After Jiange heard it, he was stunned for a moment! "Usually they are listed for sale in the virtual universe mall, but there is something special about Danfang, that is, many rare Danfang have disappeared.

Therefore, some rare pill recipes can only be purchased by the Alchemist Guild, if you encounter them, you are lucky, if you don't encounter them, you can only wait for the day you meet them!"

Jian Ge spoke slowly to Qin Yan.

"The feelings are good, let's walk around, let's go to the Alchemist Guild headquarters to see!"

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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 8th to August 7th

Chapter [-]: An existence that can even modify the virtual universe! (two more)

Panyan Top Civilization Alchemist Guild! In the intranet of any top civilization, a guild containing powerful alchemists from almost all civilizations will be established! The purpose is to make all pharmacists unified management and resource sharing For any alchemist, the virtual universe is a treasure.

Because you can get any medicinal herbs in the virtual universe that you can't even think about in the real world to practice your hands.

You must know that the materials and so on that any powerful alchemist needs to cultivate are extremely terrifying.

And if all the medicinal herbs consumed during practice were gathered together, it would be absolutely terrifying.

If these medicinal materials can be saved, it will be good news for the warriors of the entire universe.

It is precisely because of the virtual universe that the profession of alchemist is unprecedentedly prosperous! It can be said that it has been sitting firmly at the top of several major professions.

Therefore, the best established among all professional guilds in any top civilization is definitely the Alchemist Guild.

At this time, Qin Yan was... growing at the door of the Alchemist Guild.

Looking at the sky-high building in front of him, Qin Yan couldn't help swallowing! Because in the real world, it is absolutely impossible to build such a terrifying high-rise building, because this high-rise building is full of endless medicinal herbs. A height of dozens of light-years! Dozens of light-years, what is that concept.

The number of people that can be accommodated in it can be said to be endless.

Of course, if you think about the population of a top-level civilization, if you pick out all the alchemists in it according to this base, it seems that there is nothing surprising about the tall buildings dozens of light-years away.

"These... alchemists definitely have a lot of money, but I don't know how generous they are!!"

Qin Yan was looking forward to it. The way he thought of making money was very simple, that is, selling the pills directly.

You must know that Qin Yan at this time is an extraordinary level alchemist who has reached the eighth-rank intermediate level. At the same time, Qin Yan is also instilled in the knowledge of the system to know all the pill recipes in the world! Yes, that is... all, the universe Qin Yan, any alchemist who has appeared from ancient times to the present, knows it.

At the same time, it can be refined to an extraordinary horror level.

In other words, those... rare and extinct Dan Fang Qin Yan also has it! Although the top civilization is so great, there are so many medicinal materials in the world.

There are at least ten kinds of medicinal materials contained in each medicinal pill, and many even reach tens of thousands.

As long as one of the medicinal materials is wrong, the medicinal properties expressed will be completely different! Therefore, the countless pill recipes that have been lost cannot be restored or even replaced.

Of course, some pills are not lost, but ordinary people will not sell them! Even if the price is high, after all, if you have this kind of pill, it means that people who need this kind of pill can only communicate with You buy elixir.

The profits brought by the monopoly are definitely more terrifying than any Danfang.

Of course, unless it is someone like Qin Yan who needs money in a short period of time, it is almost impossible for anyone to sell the special pill.

"Let's go, Jiange, let's go in and see if we can order a good pill recipe!"

Qin Yan waved his hand to greet his new valet and flew directly towards the door of the Alchemist Guild in front.

The gate of the Alchemist Guild is also incomparably huge, and countless people are coming in and out, which can be said to be extremely lively.

And these... alchemists are almost all level 10 or above, and pharmacists of the eighth, ninth and tenth levels can be seen everywhere, that is, the cosmos-level pharmacist Qin Yan is also seen. Several have arrived! "Ding...Congratulations to the host, it is the first time to see a professional above the cosmos level, and get attributes: physique +10, soul +1, and bonuses for all professional levels +[-]!"

However, at this moment, a system notification sound suddenly came to Qin Yan's mind, Qin Yan was suddenly a little stunned, and before he could react the next moment, his consciousness was directly pulled to that... darkness In the space, not only the pharmacist level, but also... the level of the formation mage has been directly improved by a large level.

That's right... a big level, which pushed Qin Yan's directly to the ninth-rank intermediate! "Ding...Congratulations to the host, your occupation level has been successfully upgraded to the ninth-rank, and the system will automatically upgrade one level. quality!"

However, just when Qin Yan had just raised the level of the medicine pill and the formation to the ninth-rank intermediate level, a system prompt sounded to Qin Yan's mind again.

In the next moment, Qin Yan once again started the incomparably long process of building formations and refining medicine pills.

Once... Hundreds of times! One hundred million times... One hundred billion times! Every kind of medicine pill, formation, Qin Yan repeats again and again in his own consciousness, however, How difficult it is to rise to the epic level, even with a powerful system, Qin Yan has stayed in that dark space for an unknown amount of time, perhaps hundreds of millions of years.

But when Qin Yan came back to his senses again, he found that he was still there: the gate of the Alchemist Guild.

"Brother Qin Yan, what's wrong with you!"

Jian Ge on the side asked Qin Yan suspiciously.

"It's nothing, just... think about it for a while, let's go, let's go first!!"

Qin Yan shook his head slightly and flew towards the tall building in front of him again.

Jian Ge didn't think much about it, and hurriedly followed. However, who would have known that Qin Yan had reached the Ninth-Rank Intermediate-level Epic-level Array Mage and the Epic-level Alchemist in just a split second! These two levels No one in the entire Panyan top civilization has reached any level of .

It can even be said that so far, there is no epic-level professional among the top civilizations of Panyan.

That's right, no matter what...

What level, even in the weakest first-level profession, no one has reached the epic level! And Qin Yan, who flew towards the Alchemist Guild, also called out his own attribute table.


In other words, the strength has also been greatly improved from the direct upgrade from the seventh-level three-star to the current seventh-level seven-star.

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