"Privileges can still have my privilege level as high!"

However, Qin Yan's small eyes suddenly lit up after hearing the word "privilege".

"Pixie, cross this kid off the privilege list!!"

Qin Yan directly activated his top-level authority, and then whispered to the elf.

"Good host, it's been crossed out!!"

The elf appeared instantly, and then said respectfully to Qin Yan.

At the same time, thousands of kilometers away are still there: Stewart, who was jumping in front of the queue, suddenly seemed to be imprisoned and could not take a step forward! "What's going on?"

Stewart was stunned for a moment, and he was actually blocked.

"Is the program broken!"

The doubtful Stuart immediately used all his strength to move forward.

"Alert, someone tried to cut the queue, deportation process started!!"

However, a cold voice came from the sky.

Hearing this alarm, Stewart's face suddenly became extremely ugly.


However, before he had the slightest reaction, a terrifying force shot down from the sky and hit Stewart directly.


In just an instant, Stewart's body was instantly crushed by this force into a spot of light in the sky, and disappeared into the virtual universe! You must know that this kind of crushing in an instant, the pain spreads in real time, which is equivalent to his real life. was crushed once.

It's a pity that Stewart, whose body was crushed in an instant, couldn't even let out a scream.

When he came to his senses from the shattering pain, he found that he had been expelled from the virtual universe.

"Damn, damn, what's going on!"

He was directly crushed in front of everyone's eyes, and he was expelled from the virtual universe as if he was taking a bath and then being teleported to the street in an instant! Endless anger immediately enveloped him.

However, when he entered the Alchemist Guild in the virtual universe again, he discovered that all the privileges he had in the Alchemist Guild were gone.

There is no privilege to obtain any virtual resources at will, no privilege to jump in the queue at any time, and no privilege to use any alchemist guild equipment at will! The middle one is okay to say, but the former and the latter are absolutely fatal! Although In the virtual universe, any pseudo-universe can be used to materialize it, but it requires a certain amount of funds.

Although the price is a bit cheaper than the real world, even so, it is still a huge amount of money for the alchemist who consumes a lot of money.

And as the alchemist guild, all his expenses are free, of course, not completely free, but it is calculated on the head of the pharmacist guild.

After all, the president of the Panyan Alchemist Guild is nothing but the president of a branch, that is, if the president of the civilization of God needs to use virtual medicinal materials to practice his hands, he also needs corresponding funds.

Only the president of the alchemist guild in the entire universe, who is also the supreme god of life, does not need any funds! Of course, there is also the yin and yang chaos beast clan that also does not need funds, but, in addition to...... Apart from Qin Yan, there has never been a single pharmacist in the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast clan.

So no one knows this.

But now, Stewart found that his funding authority had been withdrawn, and he suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

Of course, it's easy to say in terms of funds, but those alchemy equipment... that only top alchemists can use are real.

The reason why he was able to improve so quickly is... because he has the right to use these... equipment.

Some equipment can even improve the quality of medicine pills.

It is entirely because of this that he can refine a perfect level of medicinal pills.

After all, in terms of funds, as long as there is a slightly better master, no one is short of money to spend.

"Could it be that Shizun is not satisfied with my behavior!"

Stewart then remembered that his master had warned him more than once to keep a low profile, to keep a low profile, there are countless geniuses in this world.

But he didn't care! This time, he was a little panicked when his privileges were taken back.

In fact, Jingjing is in the top civilization of Panyan, and there are more than ten 10 pharmacists who are more talented than him. However, because he became the disciple of the president of the pharmacist guild early, he can only crush the opponent under various privileges. ! And now, without all of this, his advantage would disappear in an instant.

Unbelievable in his heart, he walked towards the queue again. However, this time, he jumped from the last one to the second last, and was once again crushed by a terrifying force.

The third time he came to the virtual universe, he finally panicked, and he really didn't have any privileges.

Even when he was crushed this time, he heard a warning that as long as he jumped the queue again, he would be directly deprived of his alchemist certification for a thousand years.

In other words, in the past thousand years, he has become a cosmos-level pharmacist and no one has admitted it! You said that if you asked your master to give him a thousand courage, he would not dare to do so. The revocation of the privilege is definitely... if you don't like it, if you go up and ask him, I'm afraid you won't be expelled from the teacher's door directly.

Frightened, he could only honestly walk to the back of the crowd, where a group of alchemists lined up with curious and doubtful eyes.

Seeing him, he didn't cut the line, and I didn't see those crushed by him just now... The alchemist suddenly exclaimed.

"Isn't this the president's apprentice, Stewart? It's not normal to line up honestly, it's too abnormal!!"

"Don't you know something, brother, just now Stuart was punished by the system for jumping in the queue! More than once!"

"What! Isn't it normal for him to jump in the queue? He was punished!"

.................The alchemists around me whispered earnestly.

And Stewart, who was listening in his ears, just lowered his head slowly and clenched his fists.

He has already remembered those who spoke.... When he is certified as a perfect alchemist this time, he will definitely allow his master to return the authority to him again. .

It's time to settle accounts with these people.

Of course, Qin Yan on the other side finally got his turn to be certified after tens of minutes of queuing! In fact, it is very simple to verify the level of a pharmacist, as long as you find a random place and use the certification system of the virtual universe to verify it. , But! There will be corresponding formalism everywhere. As the Alchemist Guild, they do not recognize this kind of private certification, so they still have authority there, so they come up with this stinky and long manual certification mechanism.

In fact, it's just to let these pharmacists use the authentication system of the virtual universe in front of the designated places and designated people.

It's just... take off your pants and fart.

Qin Yan was directly teleported into a huge space! In this space, there are trillions of alchemy furnaces placed in front of everyone. Of course, you can also use the alchemy furnace you brought. After all, anywhere , as long as you can practice the corresponding medicine pill, no matter...

Whatever method you use, as long as you rely on your own things! The great cosmic era focuses on results! Everyone directly uses the alchemy furnace they brought, except... Qin Yan went directly to one of the alchemy furnaces. in the furnace.

In this huge space, there are several old people who are cultivating with their eyes closed, completely ignoring the process of these people refining medicine, because everything will be solved by the virtual universe! As for them, they fully recognize any person in the virtual universe. Judgment, because people may bend the law for personal gain, may make mistakes, but the virtual universe is impossible!".

This alchemy furnace is really rubbish, it is actually the most low-level alchemy furnace!!"

Qin Yan looked at the pill furnace in front of him and touched his head helplessly, but it didn't seem to make much difference to him.

After all... he can [-]% become a pill without using the pill furnace.

As Qin Yan, who has refined every kind of medicine pill billions of times, there is no difference between those pill furnaces that can improve the success rate of medicine refining.

"Just refine an epic-level medicinal pill, don't be too conspicuous!"

Qin Yan thought of this and bought a virtual material directly from the virtual universe, because the medicinal pill he wanted to refine was a very simple medicinal pill, so it was... the medicinal material was also an extremely common ninth-grade medicinal material.

At the price of one thousandth, %, Qin Yan just spent a few intermediate universe coins to buy it.

Qin Yan, who didn't even think about it, waved his small hand, and the wood elements and fire elements burst out in an instant.

The two elements directly shrouded all the medicinal materials needed for this medicinal pill in the void, and in just an instant, all the medicinal materials melted under the terrifying heat of the flame.

That's right, he didn't even use the pill furnace for refining medicine this time.

Immediately, Qin Yan's small hands began to quickly make countless handprints, and these......handprints were quickly printed into these medicinal materials in the void.

It can be said that any medicinal material Qin Yan uses is a handprint that fits his race, that is, the yin and yang chaos beast, that is... Qin Yan gives it to others, and no one else can use it.

These medicinal materials began to melt rapidly in Qin Yan's flames and decomposed.

A trace of impurities was completely decomposed.

And this process can be said to be the most tedious part of the entire refining process.

But when it came to Qin Yan, it was all solved in just a moment! All the impurities were evaporated in an instant, and at the same time, no trace of evaporated energy was superfluous.

And the next moment, Qin Yan's little hand held a slight moment in the void, and all the medicinal liquids were fused together in an instant.

The next moment, a medicinal pill slowly appeared in the flames.

On this pill, strips of pill patterns began to appear rapidly!! Pill patterns, only perfect grade pills can appear.

And even a perfect grade medicine pill can only have one pill pattern, and the appearance of the pill pattern means that all the medicinal power of a pill has been fully developed.

However, the extraordinary level has surpassed the ability of this medicine pill, so every extraordinary level of alchemist is a legendary existence.

Of course, even at the extraordinary level, the proficiency of Danwen is generally only two Danwen at most three Danwen.

Because every more dan lines means that the medicinal properties of the elixirs will be doubled.

Three pill patterns are equivalent to raising one pill to three pills. You must know that for some extremely rare pills, even if the medicinal properties are only increased by [-]%, it is extremely terrifying! , the number of dan lines of this medicinal pill in the current Qin Yan flames has reached a terrifying ten runes! That is, the number of dan lines that epic-level medicinal pills can achieve, such a terrifying pill. If the number of patterns is known, it will definitely be shocking! Because, as long as there is one more pill pattern, the level of this medicine pill will directly surpass the epic level, and then Qin Yan will be the only one refining in the entire universe. A terrifying existence beyond epic elixir emerges.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for refining medicine for the first time, obtaining attributes: physique + 20, soul + 20! Obtained the power of elements: the power of teleportation!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for refining an epic-level medicine pill for the first time, and obtaining attributes: physique + 20, soul + 20!"

At this moment, the two-tone system's boosted sound also passed into Qin Yan's mind.

Qin Yan, who heard this sound, was suddenly a little stunned! The power of teleportation! What is the difference between that and the power of teleportation? 1 "The power of teleportation: one of the eight subordinate elements of the power of space! One of the top elements! It can be used The power of space law realizes ultra-long-distance space teleportation! The difference between teleportation power and teleportation power is..., teleportation power can teleport many times in a short period of time, but the distance of one time is not very far, but the teleportation power It takes a long time to accumulate power, and then teleport at one time, and the teleportation distance is very far. According to the current host's strength, if one teleport is teleported, it can teleport about two light-years. A distance of 200 billion light-years!"

However, for Qin Yan's doubts, the system also quickly introduced the power of teleportation. Qin Yan's eyes widened after hearing this, and he teleported [-] billion light-years at a time! I went to such a terrifying distance! That's not It is even more powerful than a spaceship's transition ability! Qin Yan nodded with satisfaction when he heard this, which means that it is very simple to say that he wants to go out to the galaxy and even the entire advanced civilization at this time.

It only takes one step to leave the Milky Way. After all, the Milky Way is only a hundred thousand light-years away, and even if you want to get out of this advanced civilization, it is just... It takes hundreds of teleportation to do it.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan even felt that after his own strength became stronger, it would be extremely simple to travel freely in the entire universe.

Immediately, with a slight wave of his small hand, he directly received the medicinal pill in front of him! However, at this moment, a loud voice instantly spread throughout the Panyan Refining Pharmacist Guild! "Congratulations... ..The alchemist on the alchemist table has successfully refined an epic-level medicine pill: Wanling Dan! This alchemist is currently the 18th epic-level pharmacist on the plane of the Shadow God!!"

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Chapter [-]: The new Supreme Medicine God!Qin Yan fires all over the universe! ! (Four more!)

"Congratulations to the pharmacist on the alchemist's platform No. . . . , who successfully refined an epic-level medicine pill: Wanling Pill! This alchemist is currently the 18th epic-level pharmacist on the plane of the Shadow God!! "

"Congratulations to the pharmacist on the alchemist's platform No. . . . , who successfully refined an epic-level medicine pill: Wanling Pill! This alchemist is currently the 18th epic-level pharmacist on the plane of the Shadow God!! "

.................A deafening sound spread throughout the whole world, and at the same time, a ten pill pattern appeared in the sky. 's elixir.

Countless people widened their eyes in horror and looked into the sky.

At this moment, no matter what level of pharmacist, their mouths are wide open, their faces are full of astonishment! "Ten pill marks! Epic level peak! Impossible, this is impossible!! Even the supreme gods of life are only at this level. alchemist!"

"Hey! The sky has changed, and my Alchemist Guild has changed!!!"

"This god of medicine refining has actually appeared in the local area network of my Panyan top civilization! The eighteenth epic level medicine master! The eighteenth!"

................. Countless alchemists suddenly turned their eyes blood red with excitement.

All frantically rushed towards the certified alchemist level team.

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