However, at this moment, in the entire virtual universe, the virtual universe containing more than a thousand top-level god civilizations, a huge pill appeared! , is the most common elixir in the entire universe, that is, elixir purely used to increase the energy in the body.

However, there are ten clear elixir patterns on this pill that hangs across the entire sky! "All server announcement: Congratulations to the civilization of the Shadow God, the refining pharmacist of the Panyan Alchemist Guild's alchemist certification point. Pharmacist, successfully refined an epic-level medicine pill: Ten-patterned panacea! This pharmacist is currently the 8th epic-level pharmacist on the plane of the Shadow God!!"

"Full Server Announcement: Congratulations to the alchemist under the Civilization of the Shadow God, the alchemist at the alchemist certification point of the Pan Yan alchemist guild, for successfully refining an epic-level medicinal pill: ten-patterned elixir! This alchemist is the plane of the shadow god. The 8th Epic Alchemist!!"

"Full Server Announcement: Congratulations to the alchemist under the Civilization of the Shadow God, the alchemist at the alchemist certification point of the Pan Yan alchemist guild, for successfully refining an epic-level medicinal pill: ten-patterned elixir! This alchemist is the plane of the shadow god. The 8th Epic Alchemist!!"

........However, one after another, the whole server announcement that shakes the sky spreads all over the sky at this time! Countless powerhouses suddenly changed their faces after hearing this announcement.

"The eighteenth is an epic pharmacist! The Pan Yan alchemist guild under the civilization of the Shadow God!"

"Fuck, there is an epic-level Alchemist Supreme in a top-level civilization Alchemist Guild!"

"Impossible, how is this possible!!"

.................With this earth-shattering full-service announcement, it can be said that the entire universe is in a virtual state at this time. The super powerhouses in the universe were all shocked! In the next instant, countless powerhouses who got the news, alchemists all madly emerged into the Panyan Alchemist Guild! There were even countless powerhouses rushing across the server. Come in.

In just a few minutes, the entire local area network of the Panyan civilization was crowded!

............."What did you say! The eighteenth epic alchemist appeared or appeared in my Pan Yan alchemist guild!"

In the real world, Yao Yunxing, the president of the Alchemist Guild suddenly widened his eyes when he heard the news from his disciple.

"Yes, master, I was at the site of the alchemist certification, and now there is a phantom of ten elixir grains in the entire virtual universe sky!"

At this time, Stuart said to his master excitedly.

And Yao Yun, the president of the Pan Yan Alchemist Guild, directly clicked on his own virtual universe access device after hearing his words, and instantly entered his own personal warehouse in the virtual universe.

The next moment he appeared in the Alchemist Guild.

And he directly used his authority to come to the place where the alchemist was certified.

The moment he appeared, he found that the entire pharmacist certification point was already full. In the early summer, you were crowded to the ground by the endless crowd. Countless people and even giant beasts stepped on him. sole.

"Stuart, where is that Supreme Senior!"

Where does Yaoyun have time to pay attention to these people who are stepping on the soles of his feet, but hurriedly asked his apprentice excitedly.

"Master, isn't he at the alchemist certification point and you haven't found him!"

On this side, Stuart, who was also squeezed into the butt of a giant beast, was suddenly shocked. The system prompt just now was... at the alchemist certification point! After Yaoyun heard it, his face turned dark, and I was still being Someone stepped on the bottom of his foot, look for someone! Helpless, he turned on the button to hide other creatures, and the people around him instantly became: transparent, of course, others are just invisible, but they still exist, so he is still stepped on the bottom of his feet! As he looked into the sky, sure enough, the phantom of the ten elixir grains still appeared in the sky.

But now the situation is... The Supreme is still there: I can't find it myself! "Damn, let's leave first, and see that no one else in the outside world has any news!"

Helpless, knowing that Qin Yan's Yaoyun could never be found among so many people, he directly returned to his cruelty! "Let's go to the shadow top civilization LAN first, I don't know if there will be any clues! When he was old, he directly Using his own advanced virtual universe access function, he came to the Shadow Alchemist Guild in the advanced LAN of Shadow God Civilization, and the one who just came here is still the ten swords hanging horizontally in the sky. The elixir of Danwen is suspended in the sky! At the same time, even the high-level local area network of Shadow Civilization is crowded with people at this time. Fortunately, the Shadow Alchemist Guild made changes in time, even the alchemist could not bring people in, which was avoided. , The Shadow Alchemist Guild was crowded out, however, Yaoyun just appeared in less than a few seconds and was instantly thrown out by the surrounding people.

"Yaoyun! Your kid is finally here, fuck, you actually hid such a powerful..., the eighteenth is the epic supreme medicine god! Your kid actually hides it!"

"Fuck, that kid is... Yaoyun!! Quick, surround him!!"

"Surround him and don't let him run away!!"

.................................In just an instant, Yaoyun was surrounded by countless pharmacists. As a world master peak alchemist, he, At this time, I was surrounded by trillions of pharmacists of the same level! Even, there are a lot of immortals among them! "I want to meet the President, I don't even know, I don't even know that Supreme Lord. know!"

Yaoyun hurriedly shouted, he was here to ask for help, but who knew that he was surrounded just as soon as he arrived.

"Isn't the president going to your Panyan Refinement Conference!"

"Don't pretend to be garlic, you closed the passage of your Panyan Refining Medicine Master Guild for a few reasons, and you don't want us to enter!"

"It's really abhorrent to eat alone by secretly eating alone!!"

...................... All the pharmacists suddenly scolded Yaoyun with righteous indignation.

In the midst of a sound of righteous indignation, someone finally couldn't help but start to do it. In an instant, the unfortunate Yaoyun was smashed on the body by countless fists! All the indignant alchemists around joined the beating. .

The reason is very simple, they wanted to enter the Pan Yan Refining Medicine Master Guild but found that they could not enter.

For... these people who have reached the pinnacle of the pharmacist industry, the only goal for the rest of their lives is... to improve their pharmacist level.

But now an epic peak alchemist appeared in front of them but was blocked by Yaoyun.

However, at this time, they did not know that the Panyan Alchemist Guild was already filled with countless alchemists and powerhouses. Not to mention that they wanted to enter, even... a mosquito could not enter. Go! At this time, the shadow refining pharmacist guild they were talking about, a super strong that surpassed the immortality level, was also squeezed into the Pan Yan refining pharmacist guild and could not move.

Fortunately, the opponent's strength was strong and the space was directly broken and hid in the fourth layer of space, so that he was not squeezed and unable to move.

It's a pity that they all started beating Yaoyun crazy without knowing all this.

What's more, when Yaoyun was about to die, a large bottle of medicinal pill was stuffed in his mouth.

All are healing medicines.

Of course, it's not that it's good for Yaoyun, but she just wants to fight more, for fear that Yaoyun can't take it anymore and will die.

.................In the Panyan Refining Pharmacist Guild! "I'm going, why are there so many people all of a sudden!"

At this time, Qin Yan, who was in the crowd, hurriedly exuded his own virtual power and finally escaped from the crowd.

Looking at the purple-gold ninth-grade alchemist badge in his hand, Qin Yan was a little stunned.

Why is everyone else's black and silver, but his own is purple-gold, is it because he is an epic alchemist! Qin Yan couldn't help swallowing when he looked at the people around him, how dare he look at this more. With a glance at the badge, he received it directly into his storage space.

Immediately, Qin Yan walked towards the outside world in the blur.

Passing through the space of the alchemist certification point, Qin Yan came to the hall of the guild, but at this time, the terrifying hall with a height of dozens of light-years was actually wrapped by endless creatures.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yan felt a little emotional, these people are really crazy.

Immediately after letting Jiange give a position, Qin Yan hurriedly looked for it.

Suddenly, Qin Yan saw a sword song with a sad face stepped on by the crowd.


After Qin Yan enveloped Jiange with the power of emptiness, Jiange finally escaped from the claws of these people.

The completely blurred two people are now in the third floor space.

Because the space on the first and second floors is full, and now only the space on the third floor is a little free! And the weakest among the spaces on the third floor are the super powerhouses who have reached the level of immortality.

And the number of people is also increasing, and it seems that it will be full after a while.

"Brother Qin Yan, have you seen it!!"

After seeing Qin Yan, Jian Ge immediately began to say to Qin Yan with great excitement! "There are people who look good in everything!"

Qin Yan was speechless for a moment, and the sword song was squeezed to the point of being amused. "No, it's just... the supreme medicine god who made epic-level medicinal pills, weren't you in there just now! That's the supreme medicine God, if I can see you once in this lifetime, it will definitely be worth it!"

Jian Ge immediately said to Qin Yan excitedly.

In my heart, I even began to imagine that if I could meet once, I would be able to talk to my younger generation for the rest of my life! "Why is this little brother in there just now!"

"Hey! Little brother, what does the Supreme Medicine God look like!"

"Little brother is so blessed to see the Supreme Medicine God Lord, he is envious of others, please tell me what the Supreme Medicine God Lord looks like!"

................. Who would have thought that Jiange had just opened his mouth, and tens of billions of immortal-level superpowers would be surrounded in an instant.

"Of course I saw it, but you don't know that the Supreme Medicine God you said is called a jade tree facing the wind and suave!

Hearing that the people around him admired him so much, Qin Yan immediately started to brag proudly.

I used all the compliments that could be used, and I heard the sword song and the eyes of the immortal-level powerhouses who just came in.

"Fuck, I'll just say, these adults are definitely not mortals, and they are exactly the same as the stalwart image I imagined!"

"I have been fortunate for three lifetimes to hear the appearance of the Supreme Medicine God, but unfortunately, I didn't enter the inside to see the face of the Medicine God!"

"Hahaha, I'm content!!"

.................I was stunned by Qin Yan for a while. These....Eternal life-level powerhouses are all It is extremely satisfied, and Qin Yan has already walked not far away with Jiange.

Because he found an acquaintance! I saw that the outside world, Stuart, who was not strong enough, had been squeezed into the butt of a giant beast.

Originally, he could leave directly, but in order to see the Supreme Medicine God, he still insisted on squeezing in.

"Sao Nian, we meet again!!"

However, at this moment, the figures of Qin Yan and Jiange instantly appeared in front of Stuart.

Still: Stuart, who was pushing forward, was taken aback the moment he saw Qin Yan, but his face darkened immediately after seeing Qin Yan and the two of them.

"It's you two boys, how can someone bring it in so wildly!"

Stuart snorted coldly at Qin Yan and Jiange! In fact, Stuart is also pitiful, and has always been: He who refines medicine does not know Jiange, the strongest of the younger generation in the top civilization of Panyan! Otherwise, he will definitely I wouldn't say such rude words.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up when he saw that Qin Yan and the two were able to travel freely in various spaces.

"I didn't expect you to actually realize the power of emptiness! Boy, as long as you take me inside, no matter...

If you can't see the Supreme Demon God, I'll give you 10 billion Intermediate Cosmic Coins! How, you'll never see this amount of money in your life!"

Stuart immediately said to Qin Yan and the two excitedly.

However, Qin Yan laughed after hearing this.

"I don't want a billion, I only need a hundred, but I want high-level cosmic coins! One hundred high-level cosmic coins! And, I guarantee you can meet that... The alchemist who made the epic-level medicine pill, we can Sign a contract, and if you don't see me, you won't charge me!"

Qin Yan opened his mouth, and he slowly answered Stewart's words! However, as soon as his words came out, Stewart and Jiange beside him suddenly widened their eyes.

"You can see it with a hundred high-level universe coins! Damn, I want to see it too, I want to see it too, brother Qin Yan wait for me to raise money!!"

Before Stuart could speak, Jiange was immediately excited, and immediately said to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan was speechless after hearing this, Jian Ge is still a star chaser! But when he remembered that the other master was the number one swordsman of Pan Yan's top civilization, Qin Yan didn't say much, and let him go.

And Stewart found out that Jian Song was a little familiar.

However, after seeing the long sword behind Jiange, a figure suddenly appeared in Stewart's mind! "You are Jiange!"

An exclamation erupted from Stewart's mouth.

However, at this time, Jiange didn't care about the other party, and was still: contacting his master excitedly.

Supreme Medicine God!! "Master, where are you now!"

Jian Ge got through with Jian Yuntian's contact information, and then asked curiously.

"What's the matter!"

However, there was still a cold and crisp voice on the opposite side.

"Can you transfer me one hundred high-level universe coins! My friend said that one hundred high-level universe coins will allow me to meet the Supreme Medicine God! It's still the kind that signs a contract, and I don't need money if I don't see it!!"

Jian Ge immediately said to Jian Yuntian excitedly, of course, he would not sign any contract with Qin Yan, but if he didn't say anything, his master wouldn't believe it.


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