However, a scream from the other side immediately startled Jiange! "Cough, cough! In that case, let's go see you! By the way, if you can, ask for an autograph for the teacher, your little sister wants it, of course not Don't annoy the Supreme!!"

Fortunately, in the next moment, Jian Yuntian's voice returned to a high and cold tone again.

"Okay, if you see me, you must go and ask for it! Thank you, master!!"

When Jian Ge heard that Jian Yuntian had no objection, he couldn't help but feel extremely excited. It would be good if he could see it. As for the autograph, it was fine to get it.

Sure enough, Jiange, who had just hung up the phone, received a transfer of [-] high-level universe coins, and remarked that the other [-] high-level universe coins were pocket money for him.

However, Jian Ge did not know at this time that in the second layer of space at the gate of the Alchemist Guild a few light years away from him, Master Jian Yuntian was squeezed among a large number of world master-level powerhouses. His whole body trembled with excitement.

"Signature, the signature of the Supreme Medicine God, Jiange, Jiange, you need to be stronger!!"

The excited Jian Yuntian seemed to have seen the signature of the Supreme Medicine God.

"Grass, the old man's daydreaming is stupid. How could His Majesty the Supreme Medicine God sign for you!"

"Yes, if you want to give it, give it to me!"

"Go away, the signature is mine!!"

........ However, Jian Yuntian's words immediately made the people around him go crazy.

"A group of incompetent and furious people, the autograph belongs to this old man, don't even think about any of you!"

Jian Yuntian suddenly laughed wildly.

Chapter [-]: Get rich!Space martial arts! ! (One more!)

"How! Have you thought about it!"

Qin Yan smiled and said slowly to Stuart! And his words, coupled with the picture of Jiange's happy transfer on the side, suddenly defeated Stuart's psychology and defense! "Wait for me for two minutes!!!" There is hope, but anyway... there is a contract! Even if Qin Yan is given money and the other party cannot let him see the Supreme Medicine God, Qin Yan will not get the money! He has no doubts about this! The supreme law of the virtual universe is restricted together.

"Master! I have a way to see the Supreme Medicine God!!"

Therefore, Stewart directly connected with his master.

After telling the general situation of the matter to his master Yaoyun, Stewart also successfully obtained a hundred high-level universe coins! "I have already made the contract. If there is nothing wrong with you, just sign it and sign it!"

Stuart, who had just received the money, was filled with a virtual contract by Qin Yan.

After looking at the content without any loopholes, Stewart directly confirmed the integrity of the contract.

"Contract Formed!!!"

And a loud voice instantly reached the minds of the two of them.

"You can save me now!"

Stuart immediately said to Qin Yan.

"Well, save you! Why save you!"

However, Qin Yan was stunned when he heard his words.

"What! Didn't you say that if you give you money, you can take me to see the Supreme Medicine God!"

His words suddenly made Stuart burst out, and then he roared directly.

Hearing Qin Yan's words, he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart. Could it be that there was something wrong with his contract just now or that Qin Yan had tricked him: If his master knew that he had been tricked, he would be pissed off. .


When did I say I was going to save you, don't make up your mind! As for your money, I'll take it away, goodbye Sao Nian!"

However, Qin Yan's eyes were white, then turned around and walked directly towards the distance with a confused face.

"Money is impossible, I have a virtual contract in hand, how can you take my money!!"

Stuart roared angrily when he saw Qin Yan's leaving back.

"Master, because you have completed all the provisions of the contract with Party B, you have been automatically deducted one hundred high-level universe coins!"

However, his roar was interrupted by a elf's prompt sound, and he was stunned in an instant. The contract was completed! How could he hurriedly open his contract, only to find that the contract had already been written. Void a few big characters! He was sluggish for a moment, and then he frantically read the contents of the contract word by word, however, he found that there was still no problem.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, I'm going to report, they cheated, they made a fake contract!!"

Stuart went crazy, one hundred high-level universe coins, if his master knew that he had been deceived, he would be mad.

The master, who has just deducted all his authority, definitely has an opinion on himself at this time. If he is expelled from the teacher's door, his life will be over! "Boom!!!"

And as soon as the word of his report came out, a roar led him directly into a huge dark space.

The next moment, a terrifying black dragon appeared in the sky in an instant! And he is... the dragon of order! He is responsible for the existence of all order in the entire virtual universe and handles all complaints. exist.

"Stuart! Are you sure you are complaining to your contract partner! Remember, any malicious complaint will be punished!!"

The Dragon of Order spoke slowly! His voice shook his heart, causing Stuart's face to change slightly.

But thinking of Qin Yan's actions and the content of the contract, he knew that the other party definitely had a problem! "Yes, I confirm the complaint, I have never seen the Supreme Medicine God!!"

Stuart suddenly said loudly, even if it is a malicious complaint, it is just a fine, and there is no shortage of money! And as soon as his words came out, a dazzling light suddenly appeared in the blood-red eyes of the black dragon.

All the data of the virtual universe instantly appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, the Dragon of Order spoke slowly.

"Unfortunately, your complaint is a malicious complaint, and your contract object has completed all the contents of the contract! At the same time, because you maliciously complained about the VIP of the virtual universe, you will be subject to the ruling of the highest order of the virtual universe: The soul is dead!!!"

However, as soon as the words of the Dragon of Order came out, Stewart was stunned.

Maliciously complaining about the VIP of the virtual universe! The soul is dead!! What does this mean! Stuart, who has been instantly frightened, stared blankly at the sky.

However, the next moment, a dazzling blood-colored thunder instantly fell from the sky.


With a loud noise that shook the world, Stewart's figure instantly disappeared into the void.

In the real world, his soul disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The soul is dead, that is, the supreme god who can revive others can't bring it back.

Besides, how could a mere Stewart come into contact with that...existing creature.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Stelter is also seeking his own death.

The virtual universe is a very fancy existence for... contracts.

There has not been a single mistake for hundreds of millions of years, but he actually suspects that Qin Yan will hack the entire virtual universe for one hundred high-level universe coins! If you think about it with your mind, you can guess that there may be that one around... the existence of the Supreme Medicine God !................."Hahaha, brother Qin Yan, you're going to make him mad by lying to that kid like that!"

On the other hand, Jian Ge, who had left the Alchemist Guild with Qin Yan, suddenly laughed wildly and said to Qin Yan.

"No, no, I didn't lie to him!"

However, Qin Yan hurriedly shook his head after hearing Jian Ge's words. He was the most precious Yin-Yang Chaos Beast in the world, how could he lie to others! And Qin Yan's words suddenly made Jian Ge stunned! He didn't lie to anyone. The next moment Qin Yan directly He took out a purple-gold badge from his storage space and threw it towards Jiange.

Jian Ge hurriedly took it over! "This...isn't this an alchemist badge? Why is this color, the ninth-rank intermediate! Hey, I didn't expect you to be a ninth-rank intermediate alchemist 1, Qin Yan. Jian Ge, who had passed this badge, was amazed.

Suddenly, he was stunned when he saw the ninth-rank intermediate! A flash of light flashed in his mind, and he quickly checked what the rank of the panacea was.

However, the large characters of the ninth-grade intermediate level suddenly made Jiange sluggish! "Little Elf, what level of alchemist can have this badge!"

Jian Ge hurriedly faced his little boy excitedly.

"Master, this medal is owned by an epic ninth-rank intermediate trainer, and it is also authentic!!"

The elf also directly answered Jiange's words.

In an instant, Jiange felt that her cold hairs stood up! Didn't he just ask Qin Yan to certify the alchemist level, but he has become the eighteenth supreme medicine god! "Qin Qinqin... Brother Qin Yan, this thing is yours!"

Jian Ge still looked at Qin Yan in disbelief! "It's not mine!!"

However, Qin Yan spoke, and when his words came out, Jian Ge breathed a sigh of relief. If it was Qin Yan, he didn't know how to deal with Qin Yan.

It's a pity that Qin Yan's words have not been finished yet! "It's not mine, could it be that I picked it up!"

Qin Yan looked at Jian Ge and rolled his eyes.

After receiving Qin Yan's answer, Jian Ge's eyes widened.


Immediately, Jian Ge took out a pen and a piece of paper and stuffed it directly into Qin Yan's hand.

"Brother Qin Yan, please give me an autograph!!!"

Jian Ge's face flushed with excitement.

Qin Yan was speechless when he saw the paper and pen in his hand, and even signed! I didn't see that this kid was still a star chaser, but Qin Yan still picked up the pen and wrote two words in a dashing manner.

Qin Yan!! And this name is also the Chinese character of the earth! Qin Yan has already used the highest authority to delete the Chinese character from the universe and naturally does not believe that someone will guess his identity based on only two characters of unknown civilization.

"What a vigorous text,!!"

Jian Ge couldn't help but praised after seeing the Chinese characters.

"Hey...!!!, that's the name of the national treasure!"

With a wave of Qin Yan's small hand, he directly stuffed the paper and pen back into Jian Ge's hand.

"Thank you brother Qin Yan!!"

Jiange said to Qin Yan gratefully.

Then he carefully put away the paper and pen.

"By the way, I'm going to the mall to buy something, are you going!"

Qin Yan suddenly asked Jiange.

Qin Yan, who has a strong ability to refine medicine, thought of one thing, that is, there are not many medicinal materials on the earth, so he is going to purchase a wave.

"No, Brother Qin Yan, I haven't reported to my teacher after my sword intent breakthrough, so I can only leave first. Of course, if there is any need, Brother Qin Yan will just speak up!!"

Jian Ge politely declined Qin Yan's invitation! "Well, since that's the case, then I'll go first, and I'll talk again when I have a chance!"

Qin Yan nodded slightly and spoke slowly to Jian Ge.

Immediately, Qin Yan was directly sent to the virtual universe mall.

But when Jian Ge saw Qin Yan disappear, he was filled with emotion. He never thought that he would know the Supreme Medicine God! Even this Supreme Medicine God was certified as a pharmacist under his own advice! Think about Jian Ge They all thought that they had become insane during the friction in the virtual universe a few days ago. These are all fantasies of their own.

"By the way, if you hand the autograph to the master, the master will definitely be happy!!"

Jian Ge's eyes lit up, and then he directly contacted some of his masters! "Master, the autograph is in hand!!"

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