Jian Ge directly sent this sentence to Jian Yuntian.

"Jian Yunxing, who returns to the virtual universe, wait for me!!"

However, Jian Yuntian calmly replied to such a sentence, and then there was no next sentence.

Jian Ge directly asked the elf to transmit it to Jian Yunxing! After entering the main hall of the master, Jian Yuntian immediately saw Jian Yuntian sitting on a high position like a divine sword.

"Disciple pays respect to Master!!"

Jian Ge slowly bowed towards Jian Yuntian.

Jian Yuntian opened his eyes, a sword qi flashed past, and then nodded calmly.

"Just come back! How's your soul trauma!"

Jian Yuntian spoke slowly.

And his words suddenly moved Jian Ge's heart slightly, his master still cared most about his disciple, and he didn't even mention the matter of the Supreme Medicine God.

"Master, this time the disciple has some adventures, not only repairing the wounds of the soul, but also successfully breaking through [-]% of the sword intent!"

Jian Ge smiled and said slowly.


At the same time, in the next instant, an incomparably fierce sword intent burst out from Jian Ge's body in a frenzy, and the surrounding world began to tremble crazily.

Jian Yuntian's eyes widened instantly, and at the same time he suddenly stood up from his seat.

His sword intent also exploded instantly, shrouding the sword song in it.

"Forty percent sword intent, it really is pure forty percent sword intent! Good, good!!!"

Jian Yuntian excitedly said three good words in a row.

From his tone, Jian Ge also heard endless excitement and happiness.

To make his master so happy, Jian Ge also smiled slightly at this time.

I don't know how long it has been since my master was so excited! "Jiange, do you know what it means to have [-]% sword intent at your age!"

And at this moment, Jian Yuntian spoke slowly.

Jian Ge was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and slowly shook his head! "Disciple doesn't know!!"

Jiange replied! "You are just a thousand years old now! At this age, it is not uncommon to reach such a state, but there are only a handful of people who can achieve [-]% sword intent! Even if the teacher was at your age, It's only a comprehension of [-]% sword intent, and it's far away from [-]% sword intent!"

Jian Yuntian recalled slowly.

And what he said, the meaning is obvious, that is, Jiange's talent has far surpassed his master!" Not to mention being a teacher, it is... the whole territory of the top civilization of Panyan, at your age, you can reach [-]% of the sword There are not many people in history! And these people, without exception, all entered the Divine Sword Academy of the civilization of the Shadow God. There is only one person alive now, and he is an immortal level [-]% swordsman swordsman. .

! "

Jian Yuntian spoke slowly, and his words also made Jian Ge's hole shrink slightly.

"There is still more than a month left, that is... the next cosmic powerhouse battle in the entire universe! As long as you have a good performance in the ladder rankings, then you will be sure to enter the Divine Sword Academy, that's all! But! Don't take it lightly this month!!"

Jian Yuntian said solemnly to Jiange, but his words suddenly made Jiange's hole shrink slightly! The battle of the cosmic powerhouses! It's... the legendary ranking list that is only held once every [-] million years! Forgot! "Yes, Master, this disciple will definitely hone his sword intent seriously!!"

Jian Ge instantly bowed her hands to Jian Yuntian dignifiedly, and was about to log out immediately.

"and many more...!!!"

However, the next moment he was stopped by Jian Yuntian! "Master, is there anything else!"

Jian Ge asked Jian Yuntian with some doubts.

"Your little sister's signature!!"

Jian Yuntian suppressed the embarrassment in his heart, and the slow reader Jian Ge reminded him.

"Ah, that... ah, I almost forgot! Master, don't worry, the disciple will definitely hand it over to the younger sister!!"

Only then did Jian Ge remember that he had actually forgotten about the autograph! Jian Yuntian suddenly squeezed his hand when he heard it, almost crushing his chair in anger.

"Nonsense, cultivation is important, how is it worth wasting time on such trivial matters! Just sign it as a teacher, and in the next time, give me a good cultivation before the battle of the cosmos powerhouse!!"

Jian Yuntian suddenly shouted at Jian Ge for a while.

Jian Ge nodded again and again, his master still cared about him as always.

"Disciple knows something is wrong, then I trouble Master to hand it over to Junior Sister!"

Jian Ge attacked and took out a piece of paper from his storage ring, and then respectfully handed it to his master.

Jian Yuntian put it away without hesitation.

"The disciple retire!!!"

Jian Ge respectfully bowed his hands to Jian Yuntian, and immediately went offline! However, after seeing that Jian Ge was offline, Jian Yuntian quickly took out the piece of paper that had Qin Yan written on it.

"Good word!!"

Although I don't understand what it means, there seems to be a sharp aura in these two words.

"Little Elf, identify whether this piece of paper is the word of the Supreme Medicine God!"

Jian Yuntian hurriedly said to his elf excitedly.

“Nice host!!”

And his elf immediately began to scan.

"Master, after identification, this piece of paper really belongs to the word of the Supreme Medicine God! Congratulations!!"

However, the words of the elf suddenly caused Jian Yuntian's eyes to burst into sword lights.

"Hahaha, two hundred high-level universe coins are exchanged for the signature of a supreme medicine god, it is simply... worth it!"

Jian Yuntian laughed excitedly.

Immediately, he hurriedly bought a frame in the virtual universe to mount it, and then came to his collection room and hung it in the most conspicuous place!...... ........."Little Elf, collect all these medicinal materials in a thousand copies, by the way, I want to live!!"

On this side, Qin Yan, who made two hundred high-level universe coins from Stuart and Sword Singer, started his purchasing business. He directly listed a series of medicinal materials ranging from one to ten.

There are hundreds of thousands of species! And each species is a thousand live creatures that have not been picked yet.

"Master, the order has been placed, and a total of three billion intermediate universe coins have been spent!"

Soon the elf respectfully spoke to Qin Yan.

Seeing that his backstage was only missing a mere [-] billion intermediate universe coins, Qin Yan couldn't help but sigh, the value of advanced universe coins! But thinking about it, the entire possessions of a domain master and one star are only about one advanced universe coins: .

And two hundred high-level universe coins are already equivalent to some domain master level four or five, and all the stars! "Also, little elf, please list the martial arts of the space department to me, you need extraordinary level! Below level nine Any level will do!"

Suddenly Qin Yan spoke slowly to the elf.

"Okay master, please wait a moment!!"

That's right, Qin Yan's purpose this time is to prepare to find space-based martial arts. Although he only has four space-based elements, Qin Yan knows that even the four kinds of space-based power can already exert a part of the space. Elemental power.

If these four space elements are all combined into one, it will definitely be stronger than the power of yin and yang! "I'm sorry.. Master, there are no exercises or martial arts that meet your requirements in the Panyan virtual mall. Search all over the universe!"

However, at this moment, the words of the elf passed into Qin Yan's mind!

Chapter [-]: The race standing at the top of the universe!Yin-Yang Chaos Beast! (Two more!)

"I'm sorry.. Master, there are no exercises or martial arts that meet your requirements in the Panyan virtual mall. May I ask if you can use your authority to search the entire universe!"

However, at this moment, the words of the elf passed into Qin Yan's mind! "No!"

Qin Yan was stunned for a moment.

"Yes master, because the power of space belongs to the supreme element above the ultimate element! The difficulty of comprehension and the level of power and mystery are not comparable to ordinary ultimate elements. No one in the top civilization of Panyan has comprehended it for countless years. !"

The elf respectfully said to Qin Yan that after Qin Yan listened, he nodded slowly: "If that's the case, then search the entire universe's kung fu library!"

Qin Yan said to the elf immediately.

“Good host, it takes a little while because the database is huge!!!”

The elf respectfully said to Qin Yan, and immediately began to quickly search the entire database of the virtual universe. One minute and one second passed, and the search finally ended when the time passed more than thirty seconds! "Master, for the sake of You searched for a total of fifteen exercises and twenty-eight martial arts!"

However, at this moment, the elf's prompt sound reached Qin Yan's mind.

The next moment, the introduction of each practice method passed into Qin Yan's mind. What shocked Qin Yan was that even if he searched the database of the entire virtual universe, he only saw more than forty practice methods. martial arts.

Fortunately, these are all of the extraordinary level! Maybe if you search for martial arts that are not of the extraordinary level, there may be a little more! Then Qin Yan began to think about all the data of these exercises.

But what made Qin Yan's brows slightly wrinkled was that although he could practice these exercises without the full power of space elements, at least they had to understand five or more of the elements of the space laws before they could cultivate!" The more elemental power the law requires.

One of the most powerful exercises can not be practiced by anyone other than those who understand the laws of space, that is to say, so far, none of these exercises and martial arts Qin Yan can cultivate. "Come on, it seems that I can only wait...!!"

Qin Yan was speechless.

"Master, there is one of the exercises that you can practice, but the quality of that exercise is only ordinary, do you need it!"

However, at this moment, the elf suddenly said to Qin Yan! "Well, ordinary! It's okay, it's better than nothing!"

Although Qin Yan was helpless, he didn't struggle. After all, he still had the strengthening technique, which would be enough to upgrade it to a fine or even perfect grade. Although it was a lot lower than the extraordinary grade, it was better than nothing! After this, Qin Yan directly mobilized the introduction of that exercise.

However, this look made Qin Yan's eyes light up a bit! "Space Holy Book: The exercises created by the Supreme God of Space during his lifetime have endless potential. Even before death, the exercises used by the Supreme God of Space. This is also this one! Quality: Ordinary Grade: Nine-Rank Top Introduction: At least four space element powers are required to complete the cultivation. It will be upgraded to the extraordinary level. If you use the power of space elements to practice, the level of the exercises will be epic! Effect: If you practice to the limit, you can increase the strength of the space element by twice. !"

Seeing that this exercise can actually reach a powerful epic level after cultivating to the limit, Qin Yan suddenly shrunk. It really is the exercise that the supreme god of space was still using before his death! But Qin Yan always has a feeling when he sees this. There's something wrong there 1 "Wait..., the supreme god of space is dead! Damn, what's the situation!"

Qin Yan was immediately stunned. You must know that the power of space is the most powerful elemental force in the entire universe, and with this elemental force cohesion law, he finally comprehends the power of the original space law and achieved the supreme god of space. Existence is actually dead! According to their lifespan, it is absolutely impossible to die of old age, that is to say, they are killed! But how can a terrifying existence of this level be killed! Qin Yan was suddenly a little stunned.

"Little Elf, who killed the supreme god of this space! Could it be that there is still a supreme god of time in this universe!"

Qin Yan suddenly asked in surprise, after all, this thing seems to be a little too surprising.

"Return to the master! This matter is the biggest secret of the entire universe. The people who know it are all the supreme gods of the universe, but because you are a top authority, you are qualified to know this matter, but please master you Don't say it!"

When the elf said this, his expression was extremely serious.

Suddenly Qin Yan became even more curious.

"Tell me first, what's going on!"

Qin Yan hurriedly asked the elf.

"Master, this matter has to start from the beginning. The supreme gods of space are the oldest supreme gods in the entire universe. At the same time, their strength is also well-deserved first. There are even legends that the four ultimate laws are The supreme god, the supreme god of life, the supreme god of death, the supreme god of destruction, and the supreme god of fate are not the opponents of the supreme god of space!"

The elf also spoke slowly under Qin Yan's questioning, and as soon as his words came out, Qin Yan was immediately stunned. Is this space supreme god so terrifying, so powerful? Yan was even more curious.

"However, the powerful strength also makes the supreme god of space extremely arrogant and cruel, and other powerhouses and civilizations are either attached to his men or can only be killed.

At that time, the number of supreme gods even reached a terrifying [-] before the appearance of the supreme gods in space! That is to say, almost three thousand kinds of law powers have corresponding supreme gods.

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