Therefore, the cosmic civilization has prospered unprecedentedly, but under the slaughter of the supreme gods of space, only more than [-] supreme gods remained in the end! More than [-] supreme gods died in the He is one of his men, and this is just the beginning! In the end, the four ultimate supreme gods shot at the same time, and they also united with [-] supreme gods, but it was only a draw with him alone! In the end, in that battle , The Supreme God has once again killed more than [-] people! That is to say, more than [-] Supreme Gods were killed by it!"

The elf spoke slowly to Qin Yan.

And at this time, Qin Yan, who heard this, couldn't help but grow his mouth and couldn't....... looked at the elf in disbelief.

"More than [-] supreme gods! Damn, is the supreme god in this space cutting leeks?"

Qin Yan couldn't help but wonder.

However, Qin Yan suddenly felt a little excited when he thought that the exercises used by such a terrifying powerhouse appeared in front of him.

If you can cultivate to the level of the supreme god, then you will not be invincible in the world! "You should talk about how he died first, I am a little curious!"

Qin Yan couldn't help urging the elf.

"Okay, the king will be here soon!"

Seeing Qin Yan so excited, the elf said quickly.

Immediately, the elf slowly told Qin Yan what happened.

It turned out that after the end of the battle, the four ultimate supreme gods were all seriously injured, and even the supreme gods of life could not be cured in a short period of time...

And the Supreme God of Space was also seriously injured.

In the face of all the supreme gods who did not surrender at all, the supreme god of space had no choice but to go to recuperate first! And it is said that the place where he recuperated was a remote ancient planet that he accidentally discovered.

The supreme god of space is... who absorbs all the spiritual energy of the planet on this ancient planet for healing! According to legend, the level of this ancient planet has reached the terrifying level of immortality, and it is the first star between heaven and earth derived from it. Yes! Not only the terrifying spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but also the endless power of opening the sky! The supreme god of space has recovered to its peak in just a few years, and has even improved greatly! However, this planet is also in his madness. Under absorption, it will wither directly! After the damage of the supreme god of space is repaired, he directly kills the cosmic battlefield established by the four ultimate supreme gods! He killed hundreds of supreme gods in an instant, and at the same time blasted and killed the supreme gods who were at the forefront! All the other supreme gods were seriously injured, and they were the kind of serious injuries that were close to death.

In an instant all the supreme gods were desperate.

"Hahahaha, a group of ants, even if they meet together, they are ants!!"

In the endless void, looking at the supreme gods who had been driven into the depths of the universe by themselves, and all of them were seriously injured and even lost their hands-on ability, the supreme gods of space snorted in disdain.

And his cold hum directly shook the surrounding space for hundreds of millions of light years and collapsed instantly.

"Damn, did you lose like this!"

At present, only the only supreme god of life can still move, and her face is very ugly.

"Cough, cough! I said before that in this battle, ten lives are lost! However, it seems to be fortunate that I am right now!"

Tens of thousands of light-years away, the supreme god of destiny embedded in the space barrier sighed, and looked at the distant space supreme god with deep eyes.

Suddenly, the hole of the supreme god of destiny shrank violently.

............"Just a group of struggling ants!!"

The supreme god of space said disdainfully, and then closed his eyes and felt the strength of his whole body to the extreme! Invincible, how lonely!!! "Clap...!!!"

Suddenly, the supreme god of space felt that something was tapped twice on his shoulder.


In an instant, a space-jumping space supreme god appeared directly hundreds of billions of light-years away, and his eyes looked solemnly in the direction where he was just now.


Suddenly, he was horrified to find that through the endless space he found nothing! "Are you looking for me!"

However, at this moment, a suspicious voice reached the ears of the Supreme God of Space.

He turned around as the hole shrank violently! However, what caught the eye was a black and white creature, and the creature was holding a green plant in its hands and eating it! Let the supreme god of space What changed his face was that he was very familiar with the plants that were planted one by one, that is, the plants that were planted on that ancient planet, the only kind of plants! "I was traveling for a few years not long ago, and suddenly I felt All the bamboos I planted died, I said, is it your kid who did it!"

Black and white creatures are naturally the ancestors of Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts.

What's so special, after going out to play for a few years, when he got home, he found that the old nest was taken away, and that's fine, all the bamboos he planted were killed! Thinking of this, the bamboos in his mouth were not fragrant. The more I think about it, the more aggrieved the yin and yang Chaos Beast ancestor directly used bamboo to give the face of the supreme god of space! "Boom!!!!"

The terrifying power instantly shot the body of the supreme god of space towards the distance! "Boom!!!"

With a terrifying roar, the supreme god of space smashed directly into the endless void, directly smashing the surrounding trillions of light-years of space into a terrifying deep pit! His body is also The surrounding space is crumbling like crazy.

"Impossible, how is this possible! I can't even see his movements, I am the supreme god of space!"

The supreme god of space, like a madman, roared loudly, and at the same time, his whole body quickly cracked and fell off like the ground without water.

And with his mad roar, his consciousness became more and more blurred, and finally he slowly lowered his head and passed out, "Ka cha ka cha!!!"

However, at this moment, the angry ancestor of the yin-yang chaotic beast slowly walked in front of the supreme god of space while eating bamboo.

"Tell me, how are you going to compensate me!"

The ancestor of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast knocked on the head of the Supreme God of Space with a bamboo, and immediately cracked the opponent's body again.

Not only that, but his body actually began to slowly disappear in the void like dust! Only then did the ancestor of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast realize that something was wrong.

"I accidentally used too much strength, and the core of the law of origin was actually shattered!!"

Helpless, he scratched his head in embarrassment. However, since the other party is about to die, then he should die. His hometown where he lived for many years is gone now, and no one will let the other party go. With a slight fingertip, the body of the supreme god of space shattered directly, and then a cracked crystal of the space origin law slowly flew into the hands of the ancestor of the yin and yang chaos beast.

"Ashes returns to ashes, this kind of power cannot be controlled by anyone!"

The ancestor of the yin-yang chaos beast slowly crushed the crystals of the law of space origin, and in an instant, the power of space contained in it spread to the whole world! The space collapse was also repaired in the next moment! But at this time, it seems that he remembered his hometown again, and the face of the ancestor of the yin and yang Chaos Beast became even more angry! As for the supreme god of life not far away, the supreme god of fate Ji and others are already sluggish! Seconds! Seconds! The supreme god of space is seconded by the other party! What does this mean! What is this black and white existence! How have they never heard of it! And This is also the reason why any descendant of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast, such as Qin Yan, whose bloodline concentration is so low that he does not know how much, can obtain more powerful top-level authority than most of the supreme gods.

................................"Master, this is the death process of the supreme god of space in those days!!"

The elf spoke slowly to Qin Yan, and at the same time looked at Qin Yan with even more admiration.

She now also knows why Qin Yan was able to obtain such terrifying authority.

I didn't expect that the ancestor of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast had such a powerful strength, so powerful that he was afraid that as long as he made a move, the entire universe could be destroyed.

And Qin Yan was stunned when he heard it at this time! "I'm going, is the Panda ancestor so powerful! Standing at the top of the universe, there is Miyou!"

Qin Yan was a little excited. With such a strong person in the background, he was afraid that he would go to a supreme god and slap him in the face. The other party was afraid that he could only smile and ask if he was comfortable with the fight! Yes, this Shi Qinyan is a little swollen!! Originally thought that his panda identity could only be eaten and waited to die on the earth, but he didn't expect to come to the big universe, let alone eat and wait to die, just... lie down and walk up It is not difficult to be at the peak of life! Thinking of this, Qin Yan suddenly felt a lot of emotion! But thinking about it, if he had been eating and waiting to die, he seemed to have no pursuit! At the same time, he also realized at this time, why giant pandas only eat bamboo , It turns out that the ancestor of the panda also likes to eat bamboo. "By the way, my ancestor, isn't there only two laws of yin and yang? When combined, it's just as powerful as the general ultimate law, why is it so powerful? To the level of instantly killing the highest gods in space! Isn't the level of the highest gods divided according to their laws of strength?"

Qin Yan suddenly asked the elf curiously.

Unfortunately, the elf shook his head helplessly when he heard it, indicating that there is no record of this kind of information in the virtual universe! Therefore, Qin Yan did not care, but he probably guessed a little bit.

"However, no matter how you say it, the power of space law is also an extremely powerful existence. Please help me exchange this practice first!"

Qin Yan did not hesitate, but directly exchanged the space holy book.

Fortunately, although this practice method is a practice method cultivated by the supreme gods of space, it is not so expensive.

Of course, it is much more expensive than yin and yang exercises. It has reached a hundred high-level universe coins. If Qin Yancai got two hundred high-level universe coins, he really couldn't afford it! "Om!!!! "

And with a wave of fluctuations, Qin Yan's mind was suddenly implanted with all the knowledge of the space holy book! The cultivation technique is ready, and the martial arts can only wait! Look at those... space Qin Yan felt a little helpless after the price of the martial arts and martial arts. The price is too terrifying! "Little Elf, let me go out!!"

Qin Yan spoke slowly to the elf, and as Qin Yan's voice fell, Qin Yan suddenly disappeared in place after a wave!  … ...... Endless Starry Sky, the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company, an old man's eyes slowly opened.

And this person is the supreme god of fate who was lucky enough to escape back then.

"Has that exercise method been exchanged again! This universe has been quiet for so long, I hope nothing else will happen again!"

Feeling vaguely a hint of ominous aura, he frowned, but what made his face unsightly was that he could not perceive what that ominous sign represented, and where did it come from!! :, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for automatic subscription!!

Chapter [-]: The Space Canon, the first legendary exercise in the universe! ! (three more)

"Let's practice the Yin-Yang Mahamudra first!!"

At this time, Qin Yan looked at his backstage attributes and his eyes became solemn! If the ninth-level Yin-Yang Grand Mudra needs to be cultivated, it will take a very long time! But Qin Yan, who has nothing to do for the time being, is not in a hurry.

"Start practicing!!!"

Qin Yan took a deep breath, and then fell into a long practice in the training room.

The endless yin and yang forces flowed rapidly around his body, and at the same time these forces poured into his bear paw, and violent forces began to gather in Qin Yan's hands.

Time is also passing day by day during cultivation.

During the period, Moruo came once and took away the package Qin Yan had prepared.

At the same time, all of Qin Yan's younger brothers on the whole earth began to cultivate rapidly.

After more than a week, the medicinal materials that Qin Yan had obtained finally arrived.

Under Qin Yan's previous explanation, these medicinal materials were directly planted in a medicinal field opened up in the giant panda breeding base.

Qin Yan used eight-grade Yuan Lingshi to build large-scale spiritual gathering formations in this medicine field. With the combination of these large-scale spiritual gathering formations, the concentration of spiritual energy in the entire medicine field directly reached the terrifying ninth-grade spiritual energy.

These herbs came to life shortly after they were planted.

Countless kinds of spiritual energy of different attributes are swaying in the medicinal fields of hundreds of millions of acres.

When the time reached the eighth day, Qin Yan's yin and yang mudra was finally completed.

At this time, Qin Yan was also looking at the prototype of the big handprint condensed in his hand, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly.

"It's finally over. It actually took twenty-eight days. It's because I practiced Yin-Yang Reverse Chaos before, rub!"

Qin Yan was a little helpless, it was almost a full month! His top-level virtual universe access device arrived a few days ago, but he just let Mo Luo put it on the earth.

"Let's strengthen it first and see how far it can go!!!"

Qin Yan thought of this and directly activated his strengthening technique.


In an instant, one after another terrifying power poured into Qin Yan's body instantly, and golden rays of light rolled rapidly in Qin Yan's body! At the same time, Qin Yan also found that the level of martial arts in his memory was rapidly improving! The Yin-Yang Mahamudra, which he had just started, suddenly began to become proficient at a rapid pace.

Eventually the limit was reached.

At the same time, the golden light of Qin Yan's whole body slowly subsided.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for obtaining the first epic-level martial arts, and obtaining attributes: Physique + 50, Soul + 50"

At the same time, a system prompt sound was also transmitted to Qin Yan's mind.

However... the attribute blessing this time directly stabilized Qin's strength, which had just reached the eight extremes.

The terrifying power began to flow in his body!...... Item: Yin-Yang Mahamudra Level: Ninth-Rank Top, Quality: Epic Extremely powerful power!! Cultivation requirement: the power of yin and yang! ...... The power contained in the Mahamudra after the level has been upgraded has also been greatly improved. For... Qin Yan's comprehensive strength There is definitely a huge increase.

The specific level of improvement still needs Qin Yan to give it a try.

"The next step is the Space Canon!!!"

Qin Yan was not idle either. After raising the level of the Yin-Yang Grand Mudra, he directly recalled all the data of the Space Canon in his mind.

Immediately, Qin Yan fell into cultivation once again. Although the level of the space holy book reached the peak of the ninth level, his quality was only ordinary level, that is, the lowest level of practice! Therefore, Qin Yan practiced instead. It is much simpler than the previous Yin-Yang Grand Mudra. You must know that the Yin-Yang Grand Mudra has been cultivated so quickly because Qin Yan is a Yin-Yang Chaos Beast.

It can be seen that although high-quality martial arts techniques are powerful, the requirements for a person's talent are also extremely terrifying.

For those with low talent, let alone extraordinary quality martial arts skills, just... ordinary ordinary quality martial arts skills require a lifetime to study.

Therefore, many people are helpless and can only choose to cultivate in martial arts and martial arts with a level lower than their own level.

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