"Boom!!!!!" The terrifying aura directly frightened everyone present to the point where their feet were soft! Terrifying, I really stepped through terror!! Zao Wou-Ki's strength has actually reached such a powerful level.

Originally, his rivals, Lao Yan and Xiaoji, both shrank, and this strength was enough to instantly kill both of them. "Lao Yan, it's your turn! The king calls you!!"

Finally, Zao Wou-Ki, who turned over to become the master for a short time, glanced proudly at Lao Yan and Xiao Ji who had abused him in the past.

Although I knew that as long as the two of them were strengthened by Qin Yan, their strength might surpass him again, but in general, he still showed off in front of them! After talking to Lao Yan, Zao Wuji turned into a spot of light. Go directly to the battle space! And then, of course, is Lao Yan, one of Qin Yan's earliest younger brothers.

Lao Yan directly awakened the ultimate flame talent in Qin Yan's strengthening.

And this talent directly made him instantly realize that all the advanced flame elements are all integrated into one! In the end, a top-level element called the power of Jhin was fused! Touching anything, the power of Jhin can turn it into one. Be ashes! It can be said that it is already the top of the law of fire.

Then go up...the four ultimate elements of terror.

At the same time, his body has also been strengthened to ten times the original level, making his strength extremely terrifying.

As for the exercises and martial arts he cultivated, they were entry-level martial arts used by a top race of the Lion clan! But with Qin Yan's strengthening, they also reached an epic level that could not be achieved.

Under the blessing of terrifying martial arts and martial arts, Zao Wou-Ki and him may only lose one battle! And the next one is Xiaoji, who is also extremely lucky at this time! Under Qin Yan's strengthening technique, he actually The elemental power contained in his third head was directly developed.

“Boom rumble!!!”

A terrifying force that was violent to the extreme erupted in Xiaoji's body! The whole earth and space began to tremble crazily.

A wave of energy containing an endless aura of destruction began to burst out from Xiaoji's body.

And this time, the wave of destruction is also synchronously evolved in the real world! "Bang!!!!"

In the next instant, Xiaoji's figure actually exploded and disappeared into the virtual universe as a spot of light in the sky.

"Master, Xiaoji's virtual universe access point has been destroyed!!"

And the elf also quickly reminded Qin Yan! Qin Yan frowned, and immediately logged out of the virtual universe! Earth! I saw this scene when I came out of the training room.

"hold head high!!!!"

With a roar, Xiaoji's three heads began to undergo crazy transformations.

All the elemental powers in the three heads poured into Xiaoji's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant, and finally the sea of ​​consciousness gathered crazily.

In the end, all of them were instantly destroyed by an extremely terrifying force of destruction.


What's going on here!! All of Xiaoji's elemental power is gone!"

Qin Yan looked at Xiaoji at this time and was a little confused, even the elemental light ball in his sea of ​​consciousness disappeared in an instant! "Ang!!!!"

A painful roar erupted from Ghidorah's body, and the endless power of destruction began to spread out towards the surroundings.

Seeing this, Qin Yan quickly waved his little hand, and instantly teleported Ghidorah into the cosmos starry sky.

And it is still hundreds of thousands of light-years away from the earth, and they have already come to other intermediate civilizations.

"Little Elf, do you know what's going on!"

Qin Yan looked helplessly at Xiaoji who was roaring wildly in the starry sky.

Qin Yan, who didn't know what happened to Xiaoji, could only turn to Elf for help.

At this time, Xiaoji's whole body began to be rapidly destroyed by the force of destruction from the inside out.

"Your Majesty, Ghidorah is a powerful force in the universe. Not only is she extremely powerful in combat, but also contains endless vitality. As long as there is a trace of flesh and blood in her body, she can regenerate infinitely! Moreover, according to legend, Ghidorah's ancestor It was a super powerhouse at the level of a god king, and was the pet that destroyed the supreme gods, but he was killed in the battle that killed the gods.

As for how he can be the pet of the supreme god of destruction, it is because the power of the law understood by the ancestors of the Ghidorah family is also the law of destruction! However, in the long years, few Ghidorah finally awakened the ancestors. The bloodline finally comprehends the element of destruction.

But now it seems that Xiaoji should awaken the element of destruction!"

Facing Qin Yan's question, the voice of the elf slowly reached Qin Yan's mind.

"But why all his other elemental powers have disappeared, and why does he feel like he is going to die now!" Qin Yan was a little speechless, is it so difficult to awaken a bloodline! "Your Majesty, you don't know, the destruction of the elements is The power in the universe is the most powerful elemental power besides the two supreme elements.

It can be said that it can destroy everything in the world, so it is extremely difficult to control it.

Besides, Xiaoji's current strength is still too weak to withstand the destruction of the element of destruction, so he can only see his life. Ghidorah's recovery is very fast, and if he can resist it, he will be able to control the force of destruction smoothly. As for the power of other elements, don't expect too much. People who have the power of destruction or the other three ultimate elements cannot comprehend other elements, but with the four ultimate elements, why do you need other elements? !"

The elf was also quick to explain.

And Qin Yan also understood.

That is, Xiaoji not only awakened the destructive power of their Ghidorah family, but also awakened a little early, and all his bodies could no longer carry the essentials.

"There is such a saying! But with me here, enjoy yourself, boy!"

Qin Yan smiled, and then with a wave of his little hand, a green life force burst out directly from Qin Yan's hand, and this green healing power poured into Xiaoji's body instantly! "Boom!!!"

In an instant, the endless healing power began to quickly repair Xiaoji's body injuries.

What is frightening is that this repair speed actually exceeds the destruction speed of the force of destruction.

As we all know, in any case, destruction is easier than creation.

For example, at this time, Xiaoji's level is the peak strength of the seventh level, and the destruction speed of the destructive power that burst out is very fast. To be equal to him, even if it is only equal, it needs thousands of times his healing speed.

That is to say, at least a level [-] or [-] powerhouse who understands the elements of life is needed to be equal to the speed of repair! However, the repair speed of Qin Yan's healing technique now far exceeds the speed of Xiaoji's destruction. From this, it can be seen that the power of Qin Yan's healing technique is definitely far beyond that of ordinary healing elements, and it has definitely reached the level of life elements.

Under such a terrifying treatment technique, Xiaoji's whole body began to repair at an extremely terrifying speed.

Of course, the power of destruction is still raging in his body, which means that Xiaoji is enjoying the sourness brought by destruction and rebirth at this time.

"It seems that it will take a long time for this destruction element to subside. Forget it, I will strengthen the others first!"

Looking at Xiaoji who was still screaming in pain, Qin Yu shook his head helplessly, the heaven will give a great responsibility to the people, and he must first suffer his will! "Xiaoji, Xiaoji, after you have endured this time, you are still It's a good dragon!!"

Qin Yan shook his head helplessly, and then a shattered void disappeared directly in place.

Then Qin Yan also returned to his own earth! With Xiaoji's incident, Qin Yan could only summon his younger brothers from the virtual universe to prevent similar things from happening again! And this time. ..Da Mao, King Kong and the others are in a group. As for Lao Kong, it is said that he went to wake his son up and hasn't come out yet.

It can be said that under Qin Yan's strengthening, although their talents are not as strong as Xiaoji and the others, their strength has also been greatly improved, at least so to speak! They are all seventh-level and they will be the seventh-level ladder of Panyan's top civilization. It's definitely easy to beat the first place! Even if you reach the eighth level of the ladder, you can break into the top [-] million.

This is already very awesome. You must know that Qin Yan who did not practice martial arts and martial arts was only able to achieve this level! Of course, Qin Yan was only a seventh-level two-star 2 at the beginning.

Fortunately, this time Qin Yan only strengthened them to the peak of the seventh level and it was over. Therefore, Qin Yan's soul power bottomed out after strengthening more than ten younger brothers.

After a short rest for ten minutes, Qin Yan's soul power once again returned to its peak 1 "Boom! Boom! Boom!!!"

However, at this moment, a loud, earth-shattering sound suddenly spread throughout the entire earth! The next moment, a Tyrannosaurus rex with a height of tens of thousands of meters and exuding a terrifying aura slowly moved towards Qin Yan He walked in the direction he was in.

At this time, Lao Kong, who has a wingspan of hundreds of kilometers, slowly fell beside the Tyrannosaurus Rex! The colorful wings are very gorgeous! "My lord, I'm sorry I'm late!!!"

Lao Kong looked at Qin Yan on the ground in embarrassment, and at the same time he couldn't help but kicked the Tyrannosaurus Rex, because he couldn't get up when he fell asleep.

However, after seeing the Tyrannosaurus rex, Qin Yan was immediately stunned.

"Damn it, Lao Kong, it's your son who hasn't seen him for over a month, and he's so tall!"

Qin Yan couldn't help exclaiming when he looked at the tyrannosaurus rex, which was full of strong muscles, like a wild and ancient beast.

This is a bit too high! Wasn't it just a little dinosaur a month ago? It's so big so fast! "Yeah, king, I don't know what's going on, this kid has been growing like crazy for more than a month, and his strength has also improved. It's terrifying, and now it has reached level six, and its combat power is no less than mine!"

Lao Kong also said with some helplessness that his own father was surpassed in just over a month.

"Don't you know how to say hello when you see the king!"

Suddenly, Lao Kong saw that Xiaolong was actually looking at Qin Yan in a daze and gave him his head in annoyance!

The Tyrannosaurus Rex grinned at Qin Yan quickly.

Qin Yan flew up in an instant and took a good look at the Tyrannosaurus Rex's body! He found that this kid is not only big, but also contains an extremely manic power. If Qin Yan is not mistaken, there are nine out of ten It is... the power of rage! This is a top element! If the power is explosive, it will definitely be an extremely terrifying existence.

"Old Kong, your son is talented!!"

Qin Yan also nodded with satisfaction, thinking about the mighty existence that ruled for nearly [-] million years on the Earth that was still level [-] in the ancient times, Qin Yan is not surprised how powerful its strength is.

As for why the strength has increased so terribly in the past month or so, it is also very good to guess. After all, the earth's spiritual energy has directly reached the sixth level. As long as the strength before the sixth level is to be improved, it is very simple.

It's just that after reaching the sixth level, the improvement of strength will directly stagnate.

"Thank you for your compliment. Although this kid can fight well... he's a little too stupid. The martial arts and martial arts I found for him are only level [-], and he's just getting started!"

For Qin Yan's words, Lao Kong was a little helpless.

A low IQ seems to be the fault of a dinosaur! "It doesn't matter, it's not bad to be able to learn first-level martial arts and martial arts. He's still young, maybe he'll be smarter when he grows up!"

Qin Yan smiled and said something that he didn't even believe.

Immediately, streaks of golden strengthening power erupted directly from his hand! This streak of strengthening power directly enveloped both the father and son of the old Kong family.

But this time, Lao Kong gave Qin Yan a surprise, that is, when he was strengthened, he suddenly awakened the power of the five elements in rapid succession.

From gold, wood, water, fire and soil! All are directly awakened.

The power of the elements of the five colors began to rapidly merge together under the impetus of his blood, and finally turned into the power of the five elements.

Seeing this, Qin Yan suddenly remembered a prehistoric legend, that is, the power used by the ancestor of the peacock is... the innate five-color divine light evolved from the power of the five elements! And that one was called Kong Xuan in the prehistoric Its existence can be said to be extremely terrifying.

Of course, legends are just legends, Qin Yan and Chi You had asked about those legends, but they were just things imagined by some humans on the earth.

It can be said that Lao Kong, who has the power of the five elements, has also skyrocketed in strength.

Although the power of the five elements is not as good as the power of yin and yang, which is also the power of fusion, it is still a top-level element.

You must know that the proportion of top-level elements is extremely rare among all power users.

Let's put it this way, in the big universe, according to the proportion, only one person out of thousands of people is a cultivator, and only one person out of thousands of cultivators is a supernatural person.

And these powers, 99.

% of people comprehend the low-level elements.

Among the remaining people, almost all of them comprehend intermediate elements! Those who comprehend advanced elements are already considered a little genius! Of course, in fact, the probability of comprehension of elements below advanced elements is still very high.

Compared with the terrifying number of people in the universe, there are countless people who understand the advanced elements.

However, when it comes to top-level elements, it's different.

The comprehension of each top element is a super genius.

No matter how weak other martial arts and martial arts cultivation talents are, they are still considered as super geniuses in battle.

As for why Qin Yan casually sees top-level elements in the universe, the reason is very simple, which one Qin Yan sees is not a super genius who shocks a civilization.

This kind of genius is not the comprehension of the top elements, it is a rare existence.

However, Qin Yan has been in contact with so many top element comprehens, and it cannot be said that there are many top element comprehens in this world.

Just like the people the world's richest man contacts every day are billionaires, you can't say that people all over the world are billionaires! The two are the same.

"Old Kong, you have become even more aggressive after you have strengthened it, tsk tsk tsk, it seems that you will still be the best in the future when you travel!"

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