Looking at Lao Kong, who was dazzling with five-color light, Qin Yan once again abandoned Xiaoji and Laoyan, the two mounts, and returned to Lao Kong, the original mount.

"It is definitely my honor to serve the king all the time!!"

When Lao Kong heard Qin Yan's words, he was very excited! In his worldview, it is absolutely glorious to serve Qin Yan! Qin Yan is naturally very satisfied with his words! Suddenly, his brows suddenly wrinkled, Because he actually felt that Xiaoji's life breath dropped at an extremely terrifying speed.

"Come on, what happened again!"

:, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for everything!

Chapter [-]: Wave your hand to destroy the ninth-level civilization!Terrifying Sword Song! ! (Two more!)

"Come on, what happened again!"

At this time, Qin Yan was very speechless. Fortunately, before he left, he was worried that he would not be there and then the energy of the healing technique would be exhausted, causing Ghidorah to die directly, so he directly placed a simple array on his body to detect vitality. Unexpectedly He has only left for less than a few minutes, and the healing technique can no longer keep up with the speed of destruction! In desperation, Qin Yan immediately disappeared in place under his feet! The distance that the power of teleportation can transmit is very far. , so Qin Yan came to another galaxy hundreds of thousands of light-years away in just one teleportation time.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

However, as soon as he came to this starry sky, Qin Yan saw a terrifying roar after another.

Thousands of eighth-rank huge fleets, led by a ninth-rank spaceship, frantically bombard Xiaoji in the center of the starry sky! "Ang!!!!"

A roar burst out from Xiaoji's mouth.

But at this time, the elemental power of the whole body was shattered by the power of destruction, and the power of destruction was different from his command, even though Xiaoji was roaring frantically at this time, he was unable to make any counterattacks.

As for hand-to-hand combat, he doesn't even have the ability to act now, and he still wants to fight hand-to-hand! It's just... wishful thinking! "So many battleships here and there!"

Seeing this, Qin Yan's brows immediately wrinkled, and at the same time, endless anger appeared in his heart. His little brother was attacked when he was said to be no longer! If it is on him, I am afraid that he will be killed directly. The power of thousands of eight-rank spaceships and a ninth-rank spaceship will definitely be true if it is upgraded in the heyday of Xiaoji.

However, it is completely different now. Now Xiaoji not only loses all his strength, but also needs to spend almost all of his strength to fight against the power of destruction in his body.

"A bunch of insane things!!!"

Qin Yan snorted coldly, and then his little claws moved slightly towards the void.

In the next instant, a shattering force burst out from Qin Yan's hand.


The endless shattering power rushed towards the fleet not far away like a shock wave.

"Crack Kick!!!"

However, in the next moment, the sound of smashing one after another suddenly spread throughout the entire starry sky. All the spaceships were directly transformed into the dust in the starry sky amid the screams of the cosmic powerhouses and disappeared in an instant. Between the sky.

And the next moment, a green healing force pierced through the void and poured into Xiaoji's body not far away.


After a wave of fluctuations, Xiaoji's broken body was quickly repaired again in an instant.


After seeing Qin Yan appearing in front of him, Xiaoji let out a weak cry.

His voice was full of excitement.

"I said Xiaoji, you are a bit too hateful, you are bombarded wherever you go!!"

Qin Yan also sighed helplessly, Xiaoji felt a little helpless after hearing this, and he didn't want to.

However, Qin Yan had only been walking for a while, and within a few minutes he was surrounded by thousands of huge spaceships.

It's just... a meal: Bombing! "However, I'm a little curious, these people are not going to grab you directly, but want to kill you, it's a bit wrong, they can't have the corresponding ability! "

This is what Qin Yan is a little confused about. He has to know how valuable a... living Ghidorah is, but it is definitely higher than a... dead Ghidorah! Such an end. .. in front of you, you only need to catch it and domesticate it, you can kill the existence of the Quartet, and they are ready to kill it! "I don't know, these people are... lunatic, and I didn't provoke them. They, come up and hit me!"

At this time, Xiaoji's body injuries have gradually recovered.

At the same time, he also felt that his ability to control the power of destruction was getting stronger and stronger, and it would not be long before he could completely control the power of destruction.

Therefore, he was a little annoyed when he remembered the scene where he was almost killed just now.

"Little Elf, check what kind of civilization this civilization is. Since I moved my little brother, there is no need to exist!"

Qin Yan is not something to be provoked, even his own little brother dares to move, definitely...don't want to live anymore.

"Returning to the master, this civilization is the control civilization of the Tianyun galaxy you are currently in! It is called the Strong civilization! More than ten million years ago, Ghidorah, the one who destroyed the Atlantis civilization, was also Came to this civilization, and finally left this civilization after almost destroying it.

Now they should have guessed that Xiaoji has something to do with that Ghidorah, after all, according to the data I traced back, Xiaoji should be the daughter of that Ghidorah!"

However, the words of the elf immediately made Qin Yan stunned.

Xiaoji is... that Ghidorah's daughter back then! How is Xiaojie mother! After so long, Qin Yan didn't know that he looked at Xiaoji, who was burly and three-faced, Qin Yan was speechless. .

"Xiaoji, your mother is a bit arrogant, she was the... Ghidorah who destroyed the Atlantis civilization, the reason why these people came to attack you should be revenge, because your mother was in those days. It seems like they almost destroyed their civilization!!"

Qin Yan couldn't help speaking to Xiaoji who was beside him.

And Xiaoji's eyes widened after hearing this.

"My mother!! Then she has lived for more than [-] million years!"

After hearing what happened, Xiaoji couldn't believe it.

At the same time, he was a little surprised.

And Qin Yan was stunned after hearing this, yes, at least it has been more than ten million years.

With such a long life, it seems that Xiaoji's mother's strength has reached at least the terrifying level of a domain master.

That is to say, the second generation of Xiaoji properly! "Ding...Congratulations to the host, some of your younger brothers have successfully controlled the ultimate element, the power of destruction! Obtained attributes: Constitution + 1 million! Spirit + 1 million! Get Prime: Void Elements!"

However, at this moment, a system notification sound suddenly appeared in Qin Yan's mind. Qin Yan was stunned when he heard it.

The next moment, Qin Yan suddenly felt two warm currents emerging from his body, and these two warm currents began to flow rapidly through his body.

At the same time, a pure black elemental light ball was gathered in Qin Yan's sea of ​​consciousness.

And this elemental light sphere is... the mighty power of the void, which is the one possessed by Jian Xiaowu... the power of the void! This elemental light sphere was immediately recorded on Qin Yan's space rune light sphere! With the fifth element inscribed on the space rune light ball, Qin Yan suddenly felt that the power of space flowing through his body was more perfect.

The opposite Xiaoji also found an abnormality, and his body was no longer corroded.

Excited, he suddenly flapped his huge wings.

"Your Majesty, I'm fine, I can control this part of my body!!"

Xiaoji excitedly said to Qin Yan and said that at the same time, she also found that her energy full of destructive aura was many times higher than her other energy! "You are one of the four ultimate elements. The power of destruction is naturally very terrifying, but you may have to start a new exercise. However, are you doing it later? Now I still go to the civilization where those battleships are located! Since you dare to touch my little brother, Then let's go and destroy the Strong Civilization of this Rosh!"

Qin Yan saw that Xiaoji's body had all recovered and slowly spoke.

"Thank you king!!!"

Xiaoji was also moved and nodded to Qin Yan.

With such a king, he is worried about being bullied by a younger brother like himself! "Let's go!!!!"

After Qin Yan finished speaking, he waved his little hand slightly, and the two were instantly transported hundreds of light-years away by a teleportation force.

And here is where...the one who attacked Xiaoji before...the imperial capital of civilization is located.

At this time, the emperor of the Strong Civilization has just received the news that all the fleets he sent out have been destroyed.

"It's over!! A... cub actually has such terrifying strength, Ghidorah, it really is Ghidorah!!!"

The emperor of Strong civilization had a sullen look on his face. Before, he didn't want to attack Ghidorah, but the shame that civilization was almost destroyed back then made him dizzy.

Moreover, according to the data, such a... Ghidorah is just a cub whose strength is weaker than that of Ghidorah back then. I don't know how many times.

You must know that Ghidorah, who came to the Strong Civilization after the destruction of the Atlantis civilization, has reached the ninth level! Of course, he only saw his body shape, but he didn't know it, although it was only the peak of the seventh level. Xiaoji's strength is more than ten times stronger than that of the fucking year.

"Leave first, fortunately these.... Ghidorah can only rely on his own body to make space transitions, and the transition distance is not very far!"

Emperor Strong sighed helplessly. If he failed, he could only run away. Although he was not reconciled, this was the only way to keep himself and his civilization alive. Back then, they survived because they escaped fast.

Otherwise, it would have disappeared into the universe just like the Atlantis civilization.


However, at this moment, a terrifying roar suddenly changed his complexion.

He shattered the void in an instant and came to the starry sky tens of millions of kilometers away, but he was horrified to find that dozens of administrative stars not far away from him had turned into a sky of fire.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

And the next moment, there was another explosion after another.

One after another, planets above level [-] exploded.

These... But they are all fourth-level planets that their Strong Civilization gathered and integrated all the resources in the galaxy! I don't know how much money I spent in the virtual universe. ! And now they are all destroyed.

"hold head high!!!!!"

However, at this moment, an earth-shattering roar spread across the entire sky in an instant! I saw a... huge, terrifying creature wrapped in the power of endless destruction screaming madly in the starry sky write.

The three giant heads of the giant beast made the entire starry sky tremble for it.

"Destroy... Destroy the element! This Ghidorah has succeeded in throwback! It's impossible.

How is this possible! How could the atavistic Ghidorah be here!"

An exclamation burst out from Emperor Strong's mouth instantly.

You must know that they, who have owned low-level virtual universe access points for tens of millions of years, know absolutely a lot about Ghidorah.

They are also very clear about what the other party is coming from.

However, he did not expect that in such a remote place, there would actually be a... Ghidorah who is a throwback, you must know that from the various anecdotes in the virtual universe, the Ghidorah family is very powerful. And, of course, the number of Ghidorah is extremely large in the entire universe.

But such a huge ethnic group has a rule, that is, their emperor can only be Ghidorah who has understood the power of destruction! And the previous Ghidorah emperor has long been dead for hundreds of millions of years. .

But now, in such a small and remote place, the figure of King Ghidorah appeared, and he was desperate in an instant.


However, before he was terrified for long, a terrifying light flashed away, instantly destroying him and the only fifth-level planet behind him.

Since then, the entire Strong civilization has been completely destroyed by Ghidorah.

Looking at the ruined galaxy, the prosperity of the galaxy a few minutes ago seems to be still vivid in my mind! "The era of the big universe is... terrifying. If any strong person appears, all the prosperity may disappear. The only one who can maintain all this, It seems that there is only one's own strong strength!"

Qin Yan said with some emotion.

At this moment, he also has more determination to improve his own strength! At this time, you say that he is weak, isn't he weak? The average strength of the cosmos-level powerhouse is not his opponent, but you say strong, no, absolutely It's not that powerful! Not to mention the domain master level, it is... the number of world master level powerhouses, even immortal level powerhouses in the universe are countless.

With his own strength, people can kill them with a single sneeze.

"Walking Xiaoji, let's go home!!"

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