Qin Yan's small eyes flashed, and then a burst of teleportation power erupted from his body, and instantly disappeared in place.

................."Master, you have received a newcomer, a challenge, please enter the virtual universe within ten minutes! Otherwise Your first place will be automatically shifted!!"

At the same time, a challenging voice suddenly reached the ears of Jian Ge, who was adjusting his mentality to prepare for the genius battle.

He was stunned for a moment, and he became the number one again! In other words, Qin Yan has entered the ninth-level ladder. "Alas, the gap between brother Qin Yan and me seems to be getting stronger and stronger!"

With a helpless sigh, he immediately entered the virtual universe.


Following a wave of spatial fluctuations, Jian Ge appeared on the ring, but the person opposite the ring was actually Qin Yan's younger brother, that... a younger generation named Zao Wou-Ki.

Yes, it is indeed a junior, even if he looks like a teenager and Zao Wou-Ki is already middle-aged, but his age is a thousand years old, and Zao Wou-Ki is only in his forties. He is the ancestor of the other party. Very normal thing.

"Zao Wou-Ki has seen Senior Jiange!!"

After seeing Jian Ge, Zao Wou-Ki bowed his hands slightly! Jian Ge also hurriedly returned the salute.

At the same time, I was extremely surprised. I had seen Zhao Wuji before, as if his realm was still at the sixth level, and he didn't even have any martial arts skills.

Now it's already at the seventh peak! Wait...! The seventh peak! "Fuck, what is the situation where the seventh peak is the second in the eighth ladder!"

Jian Ge was suddenly stunned, his eyes couldn't help....... he stared in disbelief.

You must know that although his strength has skyrocketed now, it is definitely very difficult for him to reach the second position of the eighth-level ladder below the eighth-level four-star 44.

Of course, the eighth-level five-star can still be guaranteed, after all, after the sword intent has been improved, his strength has doubled directly.

However, isn't it a joke to say that you have reached the second place in the eighth-level ladder from the peak of the seventh level! It is not Qin Yan's kind of... terrifying powerhouse.

"Ahem, Zhao Wuji, did you increase your strength so fast because of Brother Qin Yan!"

Jian Ge spoke to Zao Wou-Ki with some curiosity.

However, when he said this sentence, he was a little embarrassed. After all, the matter of strength improvement is definitely a privacy in privacy, and it is absolutely impolite to ask him directly.

Fortunately, knowing that Jian Ge is Qin Yan's friend, Zao Wou-Ki did not hide it.

"Yes, it is indeed the talent of the king that has improved my strength. By the way, I want to try it later to see how far I can reach the ninth-level ladder, so I also ask the seniors to enlighten me!"

Zhao Wuji said slowly, and then, a silver spear in his right hand instantly appeared in his hand.


With a slight shake of the gun body, a harsh gunshot instantly spread throughout the void.

“Nice gun!!!!”

After seeing Zao Wou-Ki's top [-]-rank super-level spear, Jian Ge couldn't help but let out a sigh of admiration.

Immediately, he took out his eighth-grade top-level perfect sword.


In the next instant, a thick [-]% sword intent spewed out directly from his body.

At the same time, the power and martial arts fluctuations around the body also flowed around the body.

He, seriously! He burst out with all his strength when he came up directly! "Drink!!!!"

Zao Wou-Ki also burst out with a stern shout.

In an instant, a sky-high spear: Intention radiated from his whole body.

The [-]% spear that has been condensed to the extreme: It exudes the sky-high aura of martial arts.

"Crack Kick!!!"

His terrifying aura directly crushed the surrounding space layer by layer.

On the other side, Jian Ge opened his mouth wide when he saw this scene.

"Fuck,! Fifty percent of the guns: I mean! What a mess!"

I couldn't help but let out a foul-mouthed sword song.

With this strength, this breath, no wonder he was able to rush directly to the second place on the eighth-level ladder.

With this strength, it is absolutely capable of slaughtering all existences.

"Senior be careful!!"

Don't wait: Jian Ge recovered from the shock! Zao Wou-Ki moved instantly.


The light element on his body exploded instantly, and Zao Wou-Ki's entire family turned into a stream of light and appeared beside Jian Ge.


After a harsh gunshot, the long gun in his hand burst out instantly.

Seeing this scene, Jian Ge's expression changed, and he hurriedly slashed towards Zao Wou-Ki's spear.


After a loud bang, Jiange felt that his long sword was almost thrown out of his hands by the terrifying force of the opponent.


However, Zao Wou-Ki burst out with a loud shout.

The spear in his hand suddenly blasted out like a dragon again.

Jian Ge hurriedly avoided the spear, but at this time, the corner of Zao Wou-Ki's mouth rose slightly.

"Light Flame Palm!!!!"

With a low shout, his left hand shot out suddenly! A dazzling light burst out from his hand carrying this endless hot breath.

Chapter [-]: The Cosmic Genius War begins!King Arthur! ! (three more)

"Light Flame Palm!!!!"

With a low shout, his left hand shot out suddenly! A dazzling light burst out from his hand carrying this endless hot breath.

Jian Ge, who was caught off guard, was instantly slammed into the chest by this palm.

The terrifying power instantly made Jiange feel a burst of tearing and burning pain! Of course, this burst of pain is also a momentary thing! "Bang!!!!"

In an instant, Jian Ge turned into a spot of light and disappeared above the ring.

"Congratulations to the contestant, you have successfully become the first in the eighth-level ladder, and you will receive a reward: 10 intermediate universe coins.

And a martial art of any level below the top of the ninth grade!"

And a sound from the virtual universe also reached his ears.

"Senior Jiange, I'm sorry, the winner on the battlefield is king!!"

Zao Wou-Ki slightly bowed his hands to the place where Jian Ge threw himself on the street, expressing his grief, then backhanded directly out of the eighth-level ladder, and then headed towards the higher ninth-level ladder! And this battle only lasted less than ten seconds. 1 time! Although Zao Wou-Ki is suspected of a sneak attack, on this kind of battlefield, let alone a sneak attack, it is... cheating is a normal thing, and.

It can only be considered that Jiange's estimation of the opponent's strength is insufficient. Who would have thought that a gun: [-]% of the superpowers with terrifying intentions would use the palm technique! And the strength that the palm technique erupts is also so terrifying.

..........."I...I lost!"

In the battle space, looking at the sword song with his hands in disbelief, he was confused, and he was killed in just a few seconds.

What's more important is that the opponent's strength was only a sixth-level weak chicken a few hours ago, and he was ranked last in the sixth-level ladder.

In just a few hours, you can surpass yourself in a big realm! "Has this era changed!"

At this time, Jian Ge was very confused.

He even wondered if he was really just a piece of shit.

The sense of superiority that had originally become a super genius of [-]% Sword Intent disappeared instantly.

"Master, you received a newcomer, challenge, whether to accept the challenge or not, if you do not accept your first place will be automatically shifted!!"

However, at this moment, another elf's prompt sound came to his ears again.


Jian Ge was stunned again, he had just lost and became the first, which means that Zao Wou-Ki at this time is also following Qin Yan's footsteps to pursue a higher level! Originally, he wanted to leave directly, but Thinking about it, everyone has already challenged me. If I go directly to the ninth-level ladder, I will not be running away. If it spreads out, I will not be laughed to death! "I want to see who this time!!"

Jiange entered the ladder directly.

After a burst of light, Jiange's voice instantly condensed.

However, after seeing your opponent on the opposite side, he was dumbfounded.

I saw... a huge male lion with black flames standing majestically in front of him at this time! And the breath he felt from the other side was also the peak of the seventh level.

But the momentum is not lost to himself.

Thinking of another younger brother whose strength was improved by Qin Yan, Jian Ge felt a little bit of pain in his stomach, one is forgot, and two are "I still don't believe it, the one I can't beat is enough, there are two more! "

Jian Ge naturally wouldn't believe that Qin Yan could directly create two existences whose strength was comparable to his own.

This one is already unacceptable! "Wow!!!!"

At this time, a roar of roar erupted from Lao Yan's mouth on the opposite side! The power of Jhin rolled out of his body frantically.

"Top Element! Jhin Power!"

Jian Ge was shocked, Zao Wou-Ki was only using the light element of the intermediate element, but Lao Yan was using the top element. Thinking of this, he hurriedly drew out his long sword.

Lao Yan wouldn't be polite like Zao Wou-Ki, and immediately moved after seeing Jian Ge pulling out his long sword.

A little under his feet, the huge body rushed towards Jiange like a black black hole.

As long as everything around him touches the black elements around him, it instantly turns to dust.

The power of ash is somewhat similar to the Law of Destruction, but the difference is that he turns anything into ashes and at least leaves ashes.

, but the power of destruction can turn everything into nothingness and completely disappear from the world.

"Sword penetrates the world!!!"

And the sword song is not easy to get along with.

With a roar, the [-]% sword intent in the body burst out madly, and instantly turned into a dazzling sword light and charged towards Lao Yan.

The sword beams converged into a terrifying giant sword hundreds of millions of kilometers long, and the sword slashed down towards Lao Yan. The surrounding world was shattered layer by layer under this slash.

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