As the main person in charge of this genius battle, his responsibility is only to lead everyone present to complete the next test, and finally select the top [-] million on each leaderboard, and finally go to the battlefield and other More than a thousand geniuses of the civilization of the gods have chosen the most powerful genius of each level in the universe this time!! "In the civilization of the shadow gods, there have been three games so far.

And these three games will eventually select the top [-] million in the second game! As for the third game, the top [-] will be selected, and each of the top [-] will receive generous rewards ! Now let me introduce the first ring knockout match! The ring match is very simple, that is...every thousand people will be assigned to the same ring, and those who survive will enter the next round of the ring.

In this way, according to the speed, it only takes ten or so: the ring match, and the winner of the first round can be selected, one hundred million billion!"

Arthur said calmly, and then, with a wave of his hand, in an instant, countless huge arenas appeared on the ground.

And the number of these arenas is innumerable.

"These arenas will evenly distribute you to any arena venue. Of course, players of different levels will be divided into different levels of arenas. Of course, if you think your strength is strong enough, you can also Apply directly to enter a higher level ring.

Remember, if you apply for a higher-level arena, you will not be able to enter a lower-level arena, but if you want to continue to improve your arena level, you can always!"

Arthur's voice slowly spread to the countless powerhouses of the universe in the entire white space. After hearing it, they all had a general understanding of the first round of battle rules.

As for what he said about raising his arena level, that is... the most powerful genius in the entire universe will not do it.

Often, people who do this kind of thing are basically fools, or people who underestimate their own strength. Of course, there is also a super genius that has never been seen in billions of years.

And the strength of these geniuses is all terrifying to the extreme.

Of course, even a genius like this can't get more than [-] results at a higher level! After all, this is the big universe, and the powerhouses who have reached the top have already used all means to improve their strength. After using it, it is almost impossible to improve your own strength, let alone surpass these super geniuses who have reached the limit by more than ten times! "The content of the second game will be in the first game. It will be announced after the game is over, so now, let's start the fight!"

At this moment, Arthur in the sky spoke slowly, and as soon as his words came out, the countless powerhouses around him instantly turned into streams of light and fell on the arenas one by one.

Qin Yan also found that the sizes of the rings of different levels are also different.

"I'd better be steady, let's start with the eighth level!!"

Qin Yan didn't choose a ninth-level and above arena from the beginning. After all, he still had to think carefully about those in the universe...... What is the strength of the super genius, it would be troublesome if he overturned.


And after Qin Yan made his decision, he also came directly to a huge ring with a burst of light.

At this time, there are already a thousand people 100 in the ring! "The number of people in this ring is enough, the ring competition is on!!" After a loud voice in the sky, the surrounding people who were originally hostile to each other were all eight. All the strong people broke out! "Boom boom boom!!!"

A loud, earth-shattering bang instantly spread throughout the world! The battle of a thousand eight-level powerhouses broke out immediately.

On the other hand, Qin Yan used the Law of Fragmentation to directly wrap himself in it. If someone accidentally touches him or attacks him, he will be instantly killed! After only five seconds of 5 frenzied bombardment, the entire arena will be instantly destroyed. was emptied.

In the end, only a few powerful beings were left to look at each other. Of course, Qin Yan was already hiding in the void to watch the show.


After a cold snort, the first strong man started to move! His move instantly ignited the arena, and the remaining powerful players fought frantically together in an instant.

What followed was a very lively scuffle.

And Qin Yan was watching a play with a bucket of popcorn in the dark.

At the same time, many of the surrounding arenas have already selected the winners of the first round, and even the second round has begun.

It is foreseeable that some powerful existences are afraid that even the third and fourth rounds have already started.

At this time, Qin Yan suddenly remembered that if he wanted to see the top powerhouses in the civilization of the Shadow God, the best way is to kill them all the way! The fastest group is definitely the ...the most powerful group.

Although the most powerful ones may not be encountered by me, at least they are definitely the most powerful group of people among the first [-] million strong people! "Then I won't be hiding here with you guys!!"

Thinking of this, I slowly revealed my own figure.

And it was still at this time: the few people in the melee were startled when they saw Qin Yan who suddenly appeared.

"Kill this little thing first!!"

A young man let out a low voice and immediately picked up his long sword and charged towards Qin Yan.

Now, whether it is physical strength or the unknown of strength, Qin Yan is the most troublesome. Therefore, they all decided to destroy Qin Yan first.

The others also put down their opponents directly and charged towards Qin Yan.


However, as a wave swept across the ring in an instant, these people shattered and disappeared on the ring.

"Congratulations, you have successfully passed the first round, and the second round is about to begin, please get ready!!" At this moment, a notification sounded in my mind.

In the next moment, Qin Yan's figure disappeared instantly and appeared again. He had already arrived at a ring with a thousand opponents. From the momentum, Qin Yan could see that his overall strength was stronger than the previous thousand. Many.


However, as soon as Qin Yan landed, he started to do it.

A terrifying force of shattering burst out from Qin Yan's body in an instant, and the force of shattering instantly swept through everyone present.

In an instant, all these thousand people turned to ashes! "Congratulations, you have successfully passed this round, and the next round is about to start, please get ready!!" At the same time, the prompt sounded again, and Qin Yan's figure once again disappeared in place.

However, there is one thing that Qin Yan doesn't care about at all, that is, it stands to reason that he can only do it after everyone is ready, but Qin Yan started to do it the moment he just landed, which is already a violation of the rules! .........................In the depths of the endless void, a middle-aged man in blood-colored armor stared at the battle eyes of countless people below. In the opposite direction, there is an arena in that direction, and the arena is a world-lord level arena.

Of course, what he cares about is not everyone on the ring, but a black and white creature leisurely eating with a bamboo in his hand.

And this... black and white creature seemed to completely ignore the attacks of the surrounding powerhouses, someone attacked him, and he slapped the opponent to death with a slap.

No one attacked him anymore, he was still eating his own bamboo.

"Master, a student has been reported in large numbers for violating the rules!"

At this moment, Arthur's elf suddenly flew out and said respectfully to Arthur.

At the level of Arthur, the authority has also reached high-level authority. Although it is far less than the supreme god of top-level authority, or the yin-yang chaos beast family, it is also an extremely high authority and can have some strength to modify the rules of the virtual universe.

"It's not enough to disqualify him directly for violating the rules, and I have to deal with such trivial matters!"

On the other hand, Arthur frowned. Indeed, this kind of thing is really too small. After all, if the violation of the rules has been confirmed, there is no need to chat with him. How simple is it to cancel the rules directly. There are so many warriors above, there are countless people who violate the rules, even ten 10 heads are not deal with.

"Master, this student is a bit special, you may have to deal with it yourself!"

However, his elf was a little embarrassed, and then he could only hand over a piece of information to Arthur.

After listening to his words, Arthur frowned and opened the information directly.

However, the moment he saw the information, his eyes widened! I saw a red panda in the ring, a crazy second person.

As soon as the opponent appeared, he immediately killed everyone on the ring.

This serious violation should have directly banned his account, but Arthur's expression changed when he looked at him.

"Impossible, how is this possible! Didn't His Majesty the Supreme God of Shadow say that there is only one Yin-Yang Chaos Beast? Why is there another one now, and it's still a cub!"

Arthur was very solemn.

Yesterday, he was directly called into the Supreme Temple by the Shadow Supreme God.

And what the other party ordered was only one point, that is, in this cosmic genius battle, Mo Yu, who is a yin-yang chaotic beast, must be protected! Of course, his so-called protection does not mean that he can't let: the other party suffers a trace of damage , but rather, let the pair have fun in this competition.

If necessary, you can even make the opponent directly win the championship! That's's so dark.

However, Arthur knew that the Shadow Supreme God definitely didn't make any jokes with him.

If Mo Yu is unhappy, then it is not just Mo Yu who is unhappy! All the supreme gods in the entire supreme temple are likely to find trouble for themselves.

"Check to see if the bloodline of this Yin-Yang Chaos Beast has awakened! If it is awakened, modify the rules immediately, and erase all regulations that can be done from the beginning! In addition, all whistleblowers will be permanently banned!"

Arthur's eyes narrowed, and he said solemnly, it is hard to imagine that this sentence came from the mouth of God King Arthur, the representative of the order recognized by the entire Shadow God civilization.

You must know that this person is the least... feared is the authority of the powerhouse, and he even fought with several god-king-level powerhouses because of an assessment problem.

And now it's such an unfair thing to say.

"What if the bloodline is not awakened!"

However, the elf spoke again.

And hearing his words, Arthur fell silent.

"If you haven't awakened your bloodline, just follow this method!!"

In the end, he fell silent. The fact that he has not awakened his bloodline now does not mean that it will not be possible to awaken his bloodline in the future! Although the Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts are all big-hearted and fat, there has never been any persecution of the universe because of their top-level authority and strong background, but However, they cannot ensure that a narrow-minded Yin-Yang Chaos Beast will not appear one day because of this! "Good master!!"

The elf nodded respectfully! However, after a few seconds, the elf's face changed a bit! "Master, according to the information, this... The bloodline of the little yin-yang chaotic beast and His Majesty Mo Yu have changed. The bloodlines are very similar, and they should be descendants of His Majesty Mo Yu.

However, his bloodline concentration is ten times that of His Majesty Mo Yu!!"

The elf tremblingly told Arthur this data.

However, when Arthur heard this, his face immediately turned pale! Ten times! He heard right! Ten times! This is ten times, how many years have passed, although Mo Yu's bloodline concentration is not among all the recorded yin and yang chaos beasts The most powerful, but also in the forefront.

However, it surpassed Mo Yu's bloodline concentration ten times, this is definitely a yin-yang chaos beast with the most powerful bloodline concentration outside of the beast god.

You must know that the blood concentration of the eldest son of the beast god is only [-]%%.

At this time, the identity of the other party is the supreme deity of yin and yang! That's right, a supreme deity of yin and yang who has comprehended the law of yin and the law of yang at the same time and eventually transformed into the source.

The terrifying power is absolutely no less than the remaining three supreme gods with ultimate strength! At the same time, he is also the current patriarch of the yin and yang Chaos Beast clan! At this time, the blood concentration of this... red panda has actually reached this level , doesn't that mean that Qin Yanri's realm in the future will definitely be the ultimate superpower of the god king. The reason why he won't be the supreme god of yin and yang is very simple. Every supreme god will only appear in the entire universe. One! "In the name of the Supreme Shadow God, I will list this matter as the highest level of secrets, and report this data to the Supreme Shadow God for other matters, and the Supreme Shadow God will solve it!"

Arthur took a deep breath, and then said solemnly, this matter is no longer something he can intervene in. Now it seems that the only thing he can do is... Let the two yin and yang chaos beasts be in his eyelids. You are having fun, if you are not happy, you will be out of luck! "Follow your orders!!"

The elf also nodded solemnly, and then directly called up the data in the virtual universe and directly blocked Qin Yan's bloodline data.

.................On this side, Qin Yan, who is happy in seconds, naturally doesn't know that his actions are making a group of unlucky people again. The person who is directly titled, although inhuman, but think carefully.

An existence that can instantly kill you, even if you don't sneak up on you, you can resist the opponent's blow! In the end, it's not about to die! Naturally, those who figured this out didn't report it.

But those who... feel unwilling, or want to rely on the report to kill Qin Yan, the jealous dog will naturally raise the report.

In the end, it was well deserved if you think about it.

"Huh! It's finally the ninth round! I just don't know if I'm the top batch now!!" Qin Yan, who had killed the eighth round person, was once again sent to a new arena , and this time, the arena didn't reach a thousand people from the beginning! In other words, the hundreds of people in front of you are... the first to reach the ninth round of powerhouses! Thinking of this, Qin Yan looked at the group around him. All of them are powerful creatures of the eighth-level top-level nodded slightly. If these people have artistic conception, the artistic conception emitted from their bodies is [-]%! If they have the power of elements, they are also advanced! Martial arts and exercises are also above the eighth-rank extraordinary, even epic level.

At a glance, you can tell that they are definitely a group of people standing at the top.

If Jiange faced these people, I'm afraid they won't be able to win any of them.

And when Qin Yan looked at these people, these people were actually looking at Qin Yan, because they were the top [-] million existences in the ranking of the civilization of the gods.

But no one has seen Qin Yan.

Not to mention that there are a lot of [-] million strong people, in the era of the big universe, the top [-] million people on a list is equivalent to the top ten of a school on the earth! Although they basically don't contact each other, they all know each other!" These people looked at Why am I so cute, but looking at me like this makes me embarrassed!"

Qin Yan scratched his head suspiciously, but he didn't pay much attention to this group of people.

"There are enough people in this arena, the arena competition, start!!"

However, just after Qin Yan waited for a few minutes, a thousand people finally gathered.

After a loud and loud voice, a thousand people started to move in an instant.

And everyone actually rushed towards a man whose eyes were closed while his body was covered by a black robe.

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