Just when Qin Yan was a little curious, the young man shrouded in black robe suddenly opened his eyes.

The next moment, his blood-colored eyes instantly shocked everyone present.

"Puff puff puff!!!"

More than [-] people all vomited blood and flew out, many of them turned into light spots in the sky and disappeared after hitting the ground.

That's right, more than [-] people were seriously injured! Except... Qin Yan, there was no exception.

"Pfft!!! No. [-] in the rankings, I didn't expect it to be so powerful!!!"

After a young milk smashed in front of Qin Yan's feet, his eyes turned into rays of light and disappeared into the void.

Qin Yan immediately became interested when he heard it.

"It's awesome, it's actually number one on the list!"

Chapter [-]: Card system bug!Advance to the ninth level! ! (One more!)

"It's awesome, it's actually number one on the list!"

Qin Yan was surprised when he heard the surrounding......... the powerhouse who was stunned for a second exclaimed.

I actually saw the number one on the leaderboard so quickly! In other words, this kid has eight or nine, eight is... the most powerful person on the eighth-level ladder in the civilization of the Shadow God.

The reason is not necessarily... he, there may be some more powerful ones who have entered the ninth-level ladder.

This is also a very normal thing, after all, every one of Qin Yan's group of younger brothers has the ability to abuse the number one on the eighth-level ladder, but all of them are on the ninth-level ladder.

"Kill him first together!!!"

A young man slowly stood up from the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and immediately rushed towards the black-robed young man just a little under his feet.

The people around are also madly rushing towards the young man. They know that in the face of such a powerful existence, only after they work together to kill him can they enter the next round. If they don't kill him, the opponent will definitely be in this ring. The only one above that enters the next round.

"Hmph, over the top!!!"

The black-robed youth smiled disdainfully, and then stomped his feet on the ground.


An invisible wave immediately swept away towards the players in all directions.

"Boom boom boom!!!" After a roar after another, the players were directly blown into pieces in the void.

In the end, it turned into a spot of light in the sky and disappeared in place.

At this time, Qin Yan, who was not far away, was stunned:.

"Wow, this Sao Nian's strength is so much stronger than these other people, and it really is the number one existence in the rankings!"

Qin Yan said with praise.

However, at this time, he suddenly discovered that he and this young man seemed to be left around.

The eyes of the black-robed youth under the black robe also glanced at Qin Yan in surprise.

Because his breath just swept the entire arena directly, Qin Yan was still alive, which means that Qin Yan has successfully followed his attack! "When you came , seems to be the seventh person to come to the ring, although I haven't seen you, but your strength is definitely not inferior to others!!"

The black-robed boy spoke slowly.

He was the first to enter the ninth round, and Qin Yan was the seventh, that is to say, Qin Yan's strength was also extremely powerful.

Therefore, he will not be deceived because of Qin Yan's cute appearance. As a disciple of the King of Assassination, he will not underestimate anyone! "Go ahead, let me see how strong you are!"

The black-robed boy said solemnly to Qin Yan, and then the hidden elements on his body instantly rioted, shrouding him in it, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

Qin Yan was stunned for a moment when he saw this, then took out a bamboo from his hand, and then waved it gently towards the void beside him.


With a loud bang.

The endless spots of light exploded in an instant! "Congratulations, you have successfully passed the ninth round, and you are about to enter the tenth round, please get ready!"

With a sound from the virtual universe, it means that the light spot that just exploded was... that... the black-robed boy who didn't deserve a name.

"It's just... the first strength is too weak, it's not fun at all!!"

Qin Yan was suddenly a little disappointed, was it because he was too powerful, this super-powerhouse who stood out from the countless geniuses of the entire civilization of the gods was actually so vulnerable in front of him.


And with a wave of space fluctuations, Qin Yan came to the tenth round! At this time, there was only himself in the tenth round arena.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, the first to come to the tenth round of the eighth-level arena! Obtained attributes: physique + 2 million, soul + 2 million!"

A system beep sounded along with it.

"There are also attributes to take that feeling good!!"

Qin Yan saw that his attributes had been improved so much, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, [-] million, this time the system is really generous! Qin Yan thought that if he could be the first to reach the end of the tenth round, no Knowing if he will get more attribute rewards! Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

It's a pity, it's good to think about it, because the ninth round is already the battle of the top powerhouses in the entire universe, and it is definitely difficult to have a powerhouse come to the tenth round. , Besides, there are still a thousand existences of this level, and it is even more difficult to do it! Qin Yan, who waited for several minutes to see the second person coming up, was speechless.

"Forget it, forget it, virtual universe, send me to the ninth-level ring!!"

Qin Yan, who didn't want to continue waiting, glanced at the boy who frowned after seeing Qin Yan.

Then he spoke directly to the virtual universe.

"Hello, contestants, because your current situation is very special, after entering the ninth-level arena, you can only start fighting from the second round.

Because the round is fully over!"

However, a respectful sound from the virtual universe suddenly reached Qin Yan's mind.

Qin Yan didn't care after hearing it.

"Let's start, let's start!!"

Qin Yan waved his hand and gestured directly to the virtual system.

"Start sending, please wait!!"

Since Qin Yan has no opinion, the virtual system naturally sent Qin Yan away from the tenth round of the ring.

The young man not far away was stunned when he saw that Qin Yan actually disappeared.

"It actually disappeared! What's the situation! Could it be that I saw a powerful me and then my mind was unstable and abstained!"

The teenager thought a little narcissistically.


However, with a burst of teleportation fluctuations, Qin Yan instantly disappeared in place, and reappeared, but he was already above the ninth-level arena.

At this time, it is only the second round of the ninth-level arena, and the strength of the surrounding opponents is only the level of ninth-level three or four stars, which means that there are a group of people around to play soy sauce!" Stop them first!!"

Qin Yan was a little helpless, after all, he came here a few days ago, and it's not good to waste time here! "Thinking of Qin Yan's body, the power of breaking laws exploded instantly!" The endless power of breaking elements directly enveloped the whole body.


With a loud bang, in an instant, the entire ring exploded! Countless light spots shrouded the ground.

"Congratulations on your win, you are about to enter the next level!!"

A sound of the virtual universe also sounded, and Qin Yan's mouth rose slightly after hearing it.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, entering the third round of the ninth-level arena to obtain attributes: physique + 50, soul + 50!"

However, at this moment, a system notification sound was transmitted to Qin Yan's mind, and Qin Yan was stunned! "System, this is also given to attributes! Why didn't you give it in the eighth-level arena before! "

Qin Yan was a little curious, but the system only gave him a reward when he was the first to reach the tenth round in the eighth-level arena! The ninth-level arena was only rewarded in the third round. "Ding...eight The stage is not challenging for the host, so the system does not give any rewards! As the challenge increases, the system gives corresponding rewards!"

And just at 0, the sound of the sound also came along. Qin Yan nodded suddenly after hearing it, and then his eyes lit up. This does not mean that as long as the number of arenas he can pass is higher, the opponents around him will be stronger. The stronger the strength, the more rewards you can get. Thinking of this, Qin Yan is a little eager to try, but he doesn't know how many attribute points he will get if he can make it to the tenth round! "Send me to the next round. , and if I win, just send it directly!!"

Qin Yan slowly explained to the virtual universe, and with a wave of space fluctuations, he also disappeared in place under the teleportation of the virtual universe.


When a wave of fluctuations appeared again, Qin Yan had come to a new arena, and this arena was already in the third round.

Soon the number reached a thousand.

Therefore, Qin Yan immediately moved.

“Boom rumble!!!!”

After another earth-shattering loud noise, all the [-] people around disappeared into the ring, that is... the ring was destroyed in an instant.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, entering the fourth round of the ninth-level arena to obtain attributes: physique + 50, soul + 50!"

Sure enough, with Qin Yan's actions, another 6 million attribute was obtained, and at this time his realm was also raised from the eighth-level three-star to the current eighth-level six-star six.

The strength is more than twice as strong as before! At this speed, I am afraid that I will be able to advance to the ninth level when I reach the tenth round.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan suddenly became a little excited! "Hehe, the time to level up is really cool!!"

The corner of Qin Yan's mouth rose slightly! And after a wave of space fluctuations, Qin Yan's figure once again disappeared in place.

The next step is... The fourth round, Qin Yan's speed of eliminating opponents is getting more and more terrifying! At this time, in the fourth round, the surrounding opponents have all reached the powerful level 50, 50, [-], star, but Facing Qin Yan, he still disappeared into the void in an instant! "Ding...Congratulations to the host, entering the fifth round of the ninth-level arena to obtain attributes: Physique + [-], Soul + [-]!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, entering the sixth round of the ninth-level arena to obtain attributes: physique + 50, soul + 50!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, entering the seventh round of the ninth-level arena to obtain attributes: physique + 50, soul + 50!"

.......... Qin Yan's level indicates that it has reached the terrifying level of eight-level eight-star eight! At this time, he has also reached the ninth round! This time, the corner of Qin Yan's mouth rose slightly when he came to the ninth round.

Because, in the ninth round at this time, although he is not the first to come up, he is definitely in the top ten, because there are only four or five people waiting around.

"Sure enough, the stronger the strength, the more difficult it will be to decide the outcome as soon as possible.

Those at this time...the tenth-level ladder is probably only reaching the fourth and fifth rounds! The thunder of the world leader is afraid that even the first round has not been fully completed!"

Thinking of this, Qin Yan suddenly felt that if he could keep doing it like this, his strength would be so strong! Of course, Qin Yan just thought about it, because he didn't have so much time, and Come on, the rewards from the system won't be so scary. If it's really that good, if you hit it all the way, I'm afraid you will be able to hit immortality directly.

Unfortunately, reality is always cruel.

Maybe after a few rounds, Qin Yan's strength will not be able to keep up with the speed of his opponent's strength.

However, no matter how I say it, I have to fight until I can't fight anymore...!........."This end. ..Why is the strength of the Little Yin-Yang Chaos Beast so terrifying! Could this be the horror of 1%%% bloodline concentration?"

In the endless void, watching Qin Yan kill all the way, has reached the first sequence of the ninth-level arena, and finally can't sit still. According to Qin Yan's strength, I am afraid that he will be able to leapfrog to the first place. This kind of thing seems to have occurred only once in the entire universe, and that time was also a catastrophe for the entire universe.

Because, the super powerhouse who leapt to the first place is either someone else or... the only space supreme god that has ever appeared in the universe.

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