It was after that battle that the powerhouses of the universe knew about such a terrifying race as the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast.

"Even the supreme god of Yin and Yang did not leapfrog the first place, but it seems that it is not because of the difference in strength, but because the talent is too terrifying. After only a few hundred thousand years, he has reached the level of immortality and lost his qualifications for the competition! Not only In fact, many supreme gods never participated in this so-called cosmic genius battle.

If you think about it this way, maybe it's not that it's too difficult to leapfrog to get first place, but that there's no such chance!"

Thinking of this, Arthur felt some balance in his heart at this time.

However, Qin Yan's violent methods also surprised him. After all, Qin Yan's appearance combined with his actions always felt a little incongruous.

Look at that...the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast named Mo Yu, how elegant! If people don't look for him, he won't attack them.

So the current Mo Yu is still the second round! "Boom!!!!"

However, at this moment, a loud, earth-shattering noise attracted Arthur, who had been paying attention to this side.

I saw the ninth round of the ninth-level arena... the only arena had turned into ruins at this time and disappeared into the void.

However, Qin Yan's figure was the only one who had already reached the tenth round.

"Have you reached the top? It seems that the first one to stand out from the first game is this little yin and yang Chaos Beast!"

Arthur looked at Qin Yan at this time and nodded slightly.

................................"Ding...Congratulations to the host, the first to come to the tenth round of the ninth-level arena! Obtained attributes : Physique+5 million, Soul+5 million!"

However, at this moment, a sound from the system also reached Qin Yan's mind.

And this time, the system actually gave Qin Yan [-] million attributes, and directly pushed Qin Yan's realm to the terrifying ninth level! Fortunately, the arena where Qin Yan was at this time was... ninth level, if it was still there : If he is in the eighth-level arena, he will be expelled directly to the ninth-level arena.

At this time, Qin Yan looked at the attributes he had obtained and nodded with satisfaction.

At the same time, he also directly opened his own attribute table.


Sure enough, the virtual universe is full of infinite possibilities.

"Little Elf, if I pass the tenth round now, can I still change it, ring!"

Qin Yan asked the system curiously, he has only just entered the tenth round and has such a generous reward. If he is the first to pass the first battle, will his attributes get more! "Back to the master, If you are the first to pass the tenth round, the system will default you to be the first to enter the second round, which means that you will be classified into the second round.

Even after changing the ring, it can only start from the second match!"

But the elf's words left Qin Yan speechless for a while.

He didn't expect that he would not be able to make another change! After thinking about it, Qin Yan still felt that if he replaced it now, the ring seems to be more cost-effective! After all, he didn't know if he would return in the second match. Have similar benefits to yourself! "Little Elf, I want to upgrade to the tenth-level ring competition!"

Qin Yan did not hesitate, as for whether his strength could pass the ten rounds of the tenth-level arena, Qin Yan was not at all false.

After all, he has the strength to instantly kill the top ten of the Panyan top civilization's ten-level ladder, and as long as he reaches the top of a top civilization's rankings, entering the second game is basically a simple matter.

As for whether he can win the final victory or not, Qin Yan doesn't care at all, he is not... coming to take the first place, he is not happy with the improvement of his strength! Besides, when he killed the first place in the tenth ladder, he was only just Eighth-level one or two stars, but now his strength has reached the terrifying ninth level, and his strength has increased by four or five times.

If you can't get the first place in this way, I'm afraid that you will be a bit of garbage.

"Okay king, your application for upgrading the arena has been approved, and the transmission will start soon, please wait!!"

................................Meanwhile, on top of the first arena of the seventh-level arena! Qin Yan's younger brother encountered a very serious problem.

"Fuck, Xiaoji, you are here!"

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Chapter [-]: You are a yin and yang chaos beast! ?The civilization of the gods fell to their knees in fright!

At the same time, on the first stage of the seventh-level ring competition! Qin Yan's younger brother encountered a very serious problem.

"Fuck, Xiaoji, you are here!"

As soon as Lao Yan came to the tenth round of the ring, he saw a tall figure that was very familiar to him.

It was actually a... Ghidorah, and as the other party looked at him in surprise, Lao Yan confirmed that it was actually Xiaoji.

"When the number reaches [-], the battle begins!!!"

However, at this moment, a loud voice fell from the sky!! Xiaoji's three pairs of eyes suddenly became solemn.

"Let's deal with these people first!!"

Xiaoji is also helpless, and blames the speed of the two to kill the opponent too fast, and finally made the two face each other.

Isn't this forcing the two of them to have a showdown? But, it's not the first game to fight, and it's not too late to fight after they've all advanced in the third game! "Clear the field first!!"

Lao Yan was also a little helpless.

However, his eyes suddenly turned cold.


In the next instant, the endless power of Jhin erupted directly from his body.

The power of Jhin turned into gray smoke and spread wildly around.

And all the existences that encounter this cloud of gray smoke are instantly burned to ashes.

In just a few seconds, the entire arena was emptied up and down.

Such terrifying strength is absolutely crushing the existence of almost all opponents.

You must know that among their opponents, there are the top five in the top rankings of the civilization of the gods!! "How is it now!!"

After the clearing, Lao Yan said helplessly to Xiaoji in front of him.

After hearing this, Xiaoji felt a little helpless.

Suddenly, his three pairs of eyes suddenly lit up! "By the way, I can directly challenge the ninth-level arena, so that we can enter the final together!" Xiaoji said excitedly.

After hearing his words, Lao Yan frowned slightly.

"If you can't make it into the top [-] million, what will you do!"

Lao Yan said with some doubts, but his words made Xiaoji burst.

"You look down on me! I still don't believe it!!"

Xiaoji is in a hurry. If he is a dignified comprehension of the ultimate element, if he can't even enter the top 1 million, it will not embarrass his boss. Although he wants to leapfrog a major level, this is absolutely not allowed to happen. !Thinking of this, he directly applied to the virtual universe without saying a word.


After a wave of space fluctuations, Xiaoji suddenly came to the eighth-level arena where Qin Yan was before.

At this time, the first, second, and third rounds of the eighth-level arena had already ended, so he went directly to the fourth round.

"hold head high!!!!!"

When he just came to the ring, he directly roared, and the data burst out with endless destructive power, instantly killing the powerhouses in front of him in an instant, and also recorded a self-killing [-] strengths. After reaching the eighth level, seven or eight, the video of the star powerhouse was sent to Lao Yan.

But Lao Yan, who had passed the tenth round and successfully advanced, rolled his eyes.

This kid is really arrogant, not to mention that he is a group of eight-level seven-eighth, star powerhouses, he can kill himself! And then, Xiaoji sends a video to Laoyan every time he passes a round, every It's all about instantly killing the audience.

Even after reaching the tenth round, the moment everyone has just gathered is a big move to clear the field.

Proud, he successfully entered the second game! All the winners can watch on the entire battlefield.

Therefore, Xiaoji directly teleported to Lao Yan, and proudly raised his chest, and the three huge heads were also extremely proud.

Seeing Xiaoji's triumphant expression, Lao Yan could only pretend to be invisible.

"By the way, how come I can't find the king's position, is the king still on the ring! Logically speaking, the king's strength has definitely passed the ten rounds of the first battle!"

Xiaoji suddenly remembered this, and then said to Lao Yan doubtfully, Lao Yan was also stunned for a while, and if he couldn't find it, there were only two possibilities. One was... he was eliminated, after all. Only the victor can be here, and the second possibility is that Qin Yan is still there: in battle.

As for Qin Yan being eliminated, it is absolutely impossible, which means that Qin Yan is still fighting at this time.

But, why is it so slow! "Hey! Look at that the boss!!"

Suddenly, when Lao Yan was searching countless arenas, he found that there was a creature that looked like a panda on the arena in front of him, but the creature was so small that they almost didn't see it.

Could it be that the boss is here! This is too coincidental! After all, there are countless arenas on the entire battlefield.

Even after the first round is over, there will still be billions of billions of arenas left on the field.

"Boom boom boom!!!!!"

However, the destructive battle on the entire arena suddenly shocked the two of them.

Moreover, they also discovered that it seems that the arena is not far from them, but if you look closely, it is actually dozens of light-years away, and the size of this arena has reached the terrifying diameter of a square light-year.

The panda in their eyes...the invisible panda is actually the size of a normal juvenile panda.

It's just that the arena is too huge, that is...the existence of the two of them with normal tenth-level powerhouse fighting power is almost invisible.

"No, this is not the king, this is another giant panda! Look, the king is not so big! His strength is not so strong!" Lao Yan said excitedly.

"That's right, it's definitely not the king. I didn't expect that we actually found the same kind of king. Let's take a picture quickly. When the boss sees it, he will definitely be excited!!"

Xiaoji was immediately excited, and then directly turned on his own video function to record all the battles on this world leader-level arena.

................................"Ding......Congratulations to the host, entering the fifth round of the tenth-level arena to obtain attributes: physique + 3 million , Soul + 3 million!"

On the other side, Qin Yan had already reached the fifth round on the tenth-level arena.

After reaching the tenth-level arena, Qin Yan also found that as long as he improved by one round, he would gain a full 44 million attributes! That is to say, as long as he made it from one round to ten rounds, theoretically, his strength could be directly reached. The terrifying ninth-level four-star [-]! But in fact, it is more than that, because Qin Yan found that the most powerful one in the tenth-level arena at this time has only reached the seventh round! Of course, even counting himself What I can't see is that I have just reached the eighth round, which means that I have a chance to reach the ninth round or the tenth round! As long as this is the case, I will be able to obtain extremely huge, perhaps at least more than one billion attributes. After all, the number one, a god-level civilization will never be weak! "Om!!!!"

And while Qin Yan was still there: Hu Sihou, Qin Yan left the ring in an instant and came to the sixth round of the ring! "Puff puff puff!!!"

It was still an instant kill, an instant instant kill, and the sixth round of the arena was already a tenth-level peak powerhouse, but in the face of Qin Yan, the final result was still all seconds.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, entering the sixth round of the tenth-level arena to obtain attributes: physique + 3 million, soul + 3 million!"

Another [-] million attributes have been recorded. Next, it is still one spike after another.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, entering the seventh round of the tenth-level arena to obtain attributes: physique + 3 million, soul + 3 million!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, entering the eighth round of the tenth-level arena to obtain attributes: physique + 3 million, soul + 3 million!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, entering the ninth round of the tenth-level arena to obtain attributes: physique + 3 million, soul + 3 million!"

.................The system prompt sound echoed wildly in Qin Yan's mind.

And Qin Yan also quickly reached the ninth round level, but unfortunately, at this time, there are already more than ten strong people here.

But the good news is... Qin Yan can be the first powerhouse to reach the tenth round, and at the same time he can be the first tenth-level powerhouse to pass the tenth round.

The premise is that Qin Yan must win the next two battles.

"Oh! A new face has appeared! Boy, what race are you!"

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