However, just as Qin Yan came to the ring, a young man in a black and gold robe opened his mouth with a smile.

And the civilization badge of the civilization of the Shadow God embroidered on his chest indicates that his identity is a royal family! The royal family of the civilization of the Shadow God.

Of course, it is definitely not the son of the supreme god, but definitely the descendant of a certain direct line! Because only those within five generations are considered royals!! Otherwise, with the lifespan of a supreme god, the number of royal families will be unknown. degree.

Therefore, the status of the royal family can be said to be supreme.

Everyone around him fell silent as soon as he spoke.

If it is some top-level civilization, the royal family of high-level civilization, even the descendants of some powerful people in power will look at the other party's face.

After all, the most powerful among some top-level civilizations or advanced civilizations is not necessarily... the most powerful royal family.

However, in the civilization of God, it is completely different.

The most powerful in the civilization of the gods has only one royal family.

There are no existences in the entire universe that are stronger than the supreme gods...except for the ancestor of the panda.

Therefore, the royal family of any civilization of the gods is the supreme existence.

"Me! The adults in your family never told you!"

Qin Yan was stunned for a moment, the other party didn't know him! Is he such a low-key yin-yang chaotic beast! However, Qin Yan's words instantly made the black-gold robe boy frown.

The complexion suddenly turned ugly, and the expressions of the powerful young people around them all changed drastically after hearing the words of the kiss.

This is the royal family! Qin Yan dares to be so rude to the royal family.

You must know that although the strength of this royal youth, Anyouyun, is strong and he is still a royal family, his temper is very short-tempered!

Therefore, Qin Yan's words instantly made the other party angry! "What do you mean by this sentence!"

An Youyun frowned and slowly walked towards Qin Yan.

An extremely powerful force burst out madly from his body.

The entire arena started to vibrate wildly.

Qin Yan rubbed his head speechlessly, his identity is a bit useless! Some people may think Qin Yan's words are rude, but if you think about it carefully, the other party calls him Qin Yan boy as soon as he comes up. To say it is rude to the extreme.

Therefore, Qin Yan will naturally not be polite to the other party! You say that the other party is a royal family! Then Qin Yan is still a race in the universe! The status is... an existence higher than the supreme god of the other race, you It's just... a kid! You say that those who don't know are fearless, then you can only blame you for not having mastered the basic knowledge of the royal family.

Any descendant of the supreme god will be told that anyone in the entire universe can mess with it...not the yin-yang chaos beast.

However, just after Dark Youyun approached Qin Yan and looked at Qin Yan's big dark eyes, he suddenly felt a trace of something wrong.

A light flashed in his mind.

His face changed instantly.

"Yin-Yang Chaos Beast! You are a Yin-Yang Chaos Beast!" An Youyun exclaimed, his face instantly pale.

A sentence that my father taught me since I was a child flashed in my mind.

"In the whole universe, you can provoke anyone, that is... if the other royal family members of the supreme god provoke you, you will call back! However, there are two kinds of existence, you must remember that you must not provoke! First Class, that is... any supreme god, if he provokes other supreme gods and is killed, the ancestors will not be able to stand up for you.

As for the second category, that is the yin and yang chaos beast! If you see this thing, even if the other party asks you to spit other supreme gods, you will give it to Laozi! If you provoke it, choose a good one for yourself. Last words! For my father, I will personally kill you!"

This sentence has always been kept in his mind.

Although he didn't know what this so-called Yin-Yang Chaos Beast was, he was frightened when he checked the royal family's information.

It is no wonder that his father is so afraid of the members of that race who can kill the supreme god of space in one move! However, thousands of years have passed, and he has actually forgotten this sentence.

Forget it, he actually saw a yin-yang chaotic beast! What the hell is this! Thinking that he actually burst out with aura to frighten the other party, An Youyun immediately kneeled down towards Qin Yan!" Dian Dian Dian... Your Highness, you, you, you... you don't care about villains, me, me, me... I just lost my mind!"

Anyouyun's face was pale, and at the same time he pulled out a miserable smile and said to Qin Yan.

At this moment, all the teenagers around who thought Qin Yan was dead were all frightened! Dark Youyun knelt down... Kneeled down! What's the situation!".

You're still a stutter if you haven't arrived first! Why can't the high technology of the civilization of the gods heal your stutter!"

When Qin Yan saw the right look, he didn't know that the other party finally recognized him.

He immediately laughed at the other party.

And his words suddenly made An Youyun's heart tighten, for fear that Qin Yan would blame himself for his inability to speak properly.

At the same time, his appearance at this time is very similar to the attitude of those... who know that he is the royal family of the civilization of the gods.

But now his status is reversed.

"Well, get up, I didn't say what to do to you!!"

Qin Yan was helpless when he saw the other party kneeling in front of him and shivering. In the eyes of the higher-level existence, the status of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast seemed to be higher.

But also, only the top-level existence can truly understand how powerful this race is.

Almost all of them are of God King level.

That’s okay, not only is there an ancestor who can kill the supreme gods like an ant, but there is also a patriarch who stands at the peak of all the supreme gods! With this kind of existence, which civilization of the gods dares to have anything to do with him? Any disrespect! And after hearing Qin Yan's words, An Youyun was overjoyed and burst into tears! He quickly stood up, after all, Qin Yan made himself stand up and he didn't dare to have the slightest opinion.

................................."Dark Youyun, this idiot, idiot!! Actually provoked this little ancestor, it's too much, I don't mean that I don't have it How could this kind of shit happen after watching it for a second?"

However, in the endless void, Arthur, who was paying attention to Qin Yan and Mo Yu, looked extremely ugly at this time.

He was shaking with anger.

If you say that someone else provokes the yin and yang chaos beast, forget it, the big deal will destroy all the civilization where that person is located.

But who is Anyouyun! He is the royal family, what is the concept of the royal family provoking the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast? This is equivalent to saying that the royal family of the entire Shadow God civilization provoked Qin Yan.

The guilt of this matter is greater.

Fortunately, Qin Yan has not shown any signs of anger so far.

But anger echoed wildly in Arthur's heart.

If possible, he even wanted to rush up to give Anyouyun a few mouths.

Even if the opponent is the royal family, so what! In this case, if you beat the royal family, everyone else will probably say that the fight was good.

"Master, don't worry, maybe, things will turn around!"

The elf looked at Arthur who was trembling with anger and said quickly.

And Arthur felt helpless when he heard it, what could he do if it happened! Only to see if Anyouyun himself could save it.

........"Your Highness, this person will soon gather a thousand people, just wait for you to rest aside, and the rest will be fine. I'll handle it!!"

Anyouyun hurriedly said to Qin Yan flatteringly, and the people around them couldn't believe it when they saw that Anyouyun was so respectful to a black and white little beast.

As the people on the plane of the Shadow God, they are also tenth-level geniuses, and they naturally know the dark cloud.

And he is very familiar with his character, and he is definitely a grumpy existence.

At the same time, as a royal family, he will be extremely arrogant and domineering.

"What is this kind of fight is a foul!!"

However, after listening to his suggestion, Qin Yan frowned and shook his head.

After hearing this, An Youyun's face turned pale again, and he thought he was provoking Qin Yinger again.

"Well, fouls are something I like to do!!"

However, at this moment, Qin Yan smiled.

It directly made the sinking heart of the dark wandering cloud rise again.

"The number of people in the second arena reaches [-], and the competition begins!!"

At the same time, a sound of the virtual universe suddenly spread to everyone's mind.

And the next moment, the dark cloud suddenly moved.


The terrifying aura of his whole body erupted instantly, and the endless power of shadows directly enveloped the entire arena.

Under the shroud of the power of shadow, all the talented youngsters present were instantly melted into darkness! Of course, being melted into darkness also meant being eliminated.

"Your Highness, take care, I'll go offline first!!"

After killing everyone around him, An Youyun hurriedly ran to Qin Yan and said flatteringly, and then the whole person turned into a spot of light and disappeared on the ring! "Ding...Congratulations to the host. , the first to enter the tenth round of the tenth-level arena to obtain attributes: physique + 10 billion, soul + 10 billion!"

At the same time, a system prompt sound is also transmitted to the mind!

Chapter [-]: Strength skyrockets!Mo Yu's shock! ! (three more)

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, the first to enter the tenth round of the tenth-level arena to obtain attributes: physique + 10 billion, soul + 10 billion!"

At the same time, a sound from the system also came to my mind! The billion-point attribute directly raised Qin Yan's realm by a small level.

And Qin Yan's figure was also the first to enter the tenth-level arena. According to the previous calculations, Qin Yan estimated that it would take at least an hour for the second person to come.

Of course, it is not absolute, after all, the speed will get faster and faster after a large number of people are slowly catching up.

Maybe it will come up in the next quarter and half an hour, and the third one may even take more than ten minutes.

"However, what should I say, I also have to wait for several hours here, why don't I improve my realm first!"

Thinking of this, Qin Yan took out a chair and lay down on it, ignoring any possible opponents.

"System, use strengthening techniques to strengthen all my martial arts, exercises, and bloodlines!! Artistic conception..."

Qin Yan directly issued an order to the system, as for himself, he just started to recover his spiritual power seriously.

"Ding...Accept the instruction and start strengthening. During the strengthening process, a lot of mental power may be consumed, please prepare the host!"

And the system responded quickly.

I don't know if Qin Yan has become stronger, and the intelligence of the system is getting higher and higher. All of Qin Yan's instructions are understood very quickly.


After a wave of fluctuations, Qin Yan's whole body was suddenly enveloped by a golden light that only Qin Yan could see, and the golden light that enveloped him began to repair quickly.

With the passage of time, all the martial arts and martial arts levels cultivated by Qin Yan's whole body are increasing at an extremely terrifying speed.

Time passed by minute by minute.

After more than ten minutes, Qin Yan suddenly felt that his bloodline began to boil rapidly.

Qin Yan knew that this was because his blood concentration started to increase.

Although I don't know to what extent the improvement can be improved this time, it can definitely increase my strength, this is absolute.

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