“Boom rumble!!!”

Qin Yan could feel the blood in his body rapidly transforming towards black and white.

Although there was only a faint trace of black and white, Qin Yan knew that as long as he could raise his blood to pure black and white, his bloodline level would definitely reach [-]%.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your bloodline concentration has increased from [-]%% to [-]%%!!"

However, at this moment, a system prompt sounded into Qin Yan's mind.

At the same time, on a huge arena dozens of light-years away from Qin Yan, Mo Yu, who was eating bamboo leisurely, was stunned for a moment.

He suddenly felt an extremely terrifying bloodline connection, and this majestic bloodline connection actually caused his whole body bloodline to boil.

"What's going on!!"

Mo Yu scratched his head with some doubts! "Little Elf, I seem to feel that there are my kind here! Are there other yin and yang Chaos Beasts competing here?"

Mo Yu asked her little elf with some doubts.

At the same time, he also felt somewhat uncertainly that the bloodline of another Yin-Yang Chaos Beast seemed to be much stronger than his own, because he actually felt a trace of fear from his instinct.

"Lord, according to the data, there is indeed another yin-yang chaotic beast here. At the same time, according to the records in the database, his bloodline concentration has reached ten times yours, which is 1%, and he has not yet joined the yin-yang chaotic beast clan. The strong man has had any connection."

The elf quickly answered Mo Yu's words, however, his words immediately stopped Mo Yu from eating the bamboo! His eyes suddenly widened! "[-]%%%!!"

Mo Yu was immediately horrified. The bloodline concentration of this level was not equivalent to that of the patriarch of the yin-yang chaotic beast. You must know that when he came to the virtual universe, because his bloodline concentration reached above the normal standard, he was directly punished by the yin-yang chaotic beast clan. The super-powerhouse brought the yin-yang chaotic beast to the station, and after tens of thousands of years, he naturally understood the situation of the yin-yang chaotic beast very well.

He even said that he even found his parents, if it weren't for the fact that tens of thousands of years had passed since he was preparing to increase the blood concentration in the station, he would have returned to Earth to pick up his old friend Chi You.

However, even if the bloodline level was raised in the station, his bloodline concentration was only barely reaching 0.

At the level of 1%, even so, he is still a little genius, among the entire Yin-Yang Chaos Beast clan.

This time I came back to the civilization of the Shadow God, in fact, I was planning to go back to Earth, but the way was delayed by the cosmic genius battle.

"No, a clan with such a strong bloodline concentration must not be allowed to continue wandering outside. If you miss the big event of increasing bloodline concentration, it will definitely be a loss for my yin and yang Chaos Beast clan! It seems that the genius who wants to end this time as soon as possible It’s all about fighting! Alas, it’s still hard work!!”

Mo Yu thought of this, and hurriedly put away his beloved bamboo! The next moment, a terrifying aura burst out from his body.

And this aura began to flow around his body.

The horror of the breath immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding powerhouses.

Everyone looked at the source of breath in disbelief, and it turned out to be the most inconspicuous one on the field... a little black and white thing! "Boom!!!"

However, in the next moment, in everyone's terrified eyes, a black and white power instantly enveloped the entire arena.

With an earth-shattering loud noise, everyone on the arena turned into nothingness in an instant.

Mo Yu's figure also trembled with the surrounding space and directly entered the next floor.

Next, Mo Yu directly burst out the terrifying power of his whole body, it can be said that anyone who sees them will be instantly killed.

The next round just passed in an instant.

And the strangeness here is also seen by Arthur.

"There is something wrong with this great ancestor!"

After seeing Mo Yu who was madly killing his opponent, Arthur had even more headaches.

Fortunately, the matter on Qin Yan's side was temporarily resolved, so the helpless Arthur could only look at Mo Yu's side.

In just a few minutes, Mo Yu's side instantly killed all the way to the ninth round! At this time, he was the only one on the ninth round arena.

Without an opponent, he directly started to look around, trying to see if he could find Qin Yan.

................................"Ding......Congratulations to the host, all your martial arts and martial skills levels have been upgraded to the epic of the ninth-grade advanced level!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your artistic conception has improved to [-]%!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, all your occupations have been upgraded to the tenth grade advanced!!"

However, at this moment, the sound of the system prompts was also transmitted to Qin Yan's mind, and Qin Yan nodded his head with satisfaction after hearing it.

All the data are rising, which means that his strength is also increasing wildly.

However, Qin Yan did not directly jump from the tenth level to the cosmos level, because the gap between the tenth-level powerhouse and the tenth-level powerhouse is really too terrifying, a thousand times! Therefore, even Qin Yan is not fully confident now. Ranked in the top [-] million in the universe.

Perhaps, in the second game, his actual ability will be more powerfully improved, and then he will be able to go to the cosmos-level arena to fight.

But in general, Qin Yan's current strength is enough to crush a tenth-level battlefield.

"System, open my attribute table for me first!!"



And because of the beast-god transformation, this improvement is all-round... the strength of the element, the strength of the soul, and even the strength of the terrifying body have reached a hundred times.

"Hey! There are so many people around"

At this time, Qin Yancai slowly opened his eyes, however, he found that the tenth round arena, which was originally empty, was already full of people.

Many people were a little speechless when they saw that Qin Yan finally woke up.

"Who is this little guy! He can even fall asleep in the middle of a cosmic powerhouse battle"

"Who knows, but it is said that this little guy seems to be the first to come here, which means that his strength is definitely not weak!"

"Have you heard that Your Highness Dark Youyun seems to have lost, and it is rumored that His Highness Dark Youyun is extremely frightened when he sees a black and white kid, just like seeing a nemesis"

"Hey... What nonsense are you talking about, this kind of thing can't be said. If it gets out and is heard by His Royal Highness Anyouyun, your entire civilization will be buried with you!"

"No, I've heard about it too. Could it be that this little guy in front of me is... the one in the legend...!"

.................In the discussion among the surrounding powerhouses, the eyes of everyone looking at Qin Yan slowly changed.

Although I don't know if the rumors are true, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that Dark Youyun was eliminated.

Therefore, many strong people have endless vigilance against Qin Yan.


People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong, and this national treasure has become popular in the entire civilization of the Shadow God!"

Seeing that the nine hundred and ninety-nine people around looked at him vigilantly, Qin Yan felt a little helpless.

Wait..., nine hundred and ninety-nine people 9991 are lying, and if you add yourself, that's one thousand people. "Why don't you start fighting when you have a thousand people?"

Qin Yan hurriedly asked the elf.

"Your Majesty, you haven't woken up yet, what if they attack you, so I'll stop the tenth round!"

However, the elf spoke, and his words made Qin Yan speechless.

"Have all the rings in the tenth round stopped!"

Qin Yan hurriedly asked that he was still waiting for his first promotion to get some benefits! "Yes, king, all the more than [-] billion arenas with a thousand people have stopped!"

The elf said quickly.

"That is not bad!!"

Qin Yan nodded slowly.

"By the way, let's open our arena first, and the other arenas will wait for me to advance before starting!!"

Qin Yan said quickly! "Good king!!"

The elf said respectfully,

"This arena has gathered a thousand people, and the battle begins!!!"

Sure enough, the next moment, a loud figure came out from the sky.

Everyone was stunned for a moment. Didn't the 1 people gather long ago? It's just starting now. However, before they had the slightest idea, some people who acted quickly attacked directly.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A terrifying roar suddenly came from the entire huge ring.

The power of these attacks is enough to destroy a large number of small galaxies in an instant! Like the solar system... Small galaxies can destroy hundreds of them in an instant.

And Qin Yan looked at this battle and moved! "Yin-yang big mudra!!!!"

With Qin Yan's low voice, his figure distorted and came directly to the height of hundreds of billions of kilometers above the ring.


The next moment, a big handprint that covered the sky and the sun suddenly fell from the sky.

Some people smiled disdainfully, and immediately slammed their palms into the sky. However, their attacks were instantly annihilated after touching the big handprint in the sky.

The expressions of the others suddenly changed, and all of them burst into the sky with their full blows at the same time.

“Buzz buzz!!!”

However, these attacks all disappeared into the Mahamudra as if they had melted after encountering this Mahamudra.

More than [-] people in the ring were immediately taken aback by this terrifying scene.

It is a pity that the Mahamudra suddenly fell at this time.


There is no sound, only a burst of spatial fluctuations.

Because not even the sound can escape this attack.

And the big mudra directly smashed the ring into the void in an instant.

Even the ashes didn't leave a trace! "Phew!! It's over!!!" It was the direct explosion of all of his own power and the direct destruction of everyone present, just to warm up.

After all, it seems that I haven't used my power well for a long time, and I'm a little rusty.

It would be a bit difficult to fight this.

"Congratulations to the player, you have successfully advanced to the second round, and you are also the first player to pass the first ten-level ring area!!!"

And at this moment, a sound of the virtual universe sounded in the sky.

After Qin Yan heard it, he immediately dismissed it.

"I don't want any actual rewards, just congratulations, it's too stingy!"

After complaining about the stinginess of the virtual universe, Qin Yan's figure was teleported out of the ring, but Qin Yan was still in that... huge white space! It's just that you can watch any battle on the ring at will.

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