However, shortly after he entered the virtual universe, he was found to have reached the standard when he first detected the blood concentration.

And his parents also got this message, so they directly shattered the void and came to the top civilization of Panyan to take away the confused Mo Yu.

After returning, because he had reached the age just enough to increase the bloodline concentration, he was directly brought to the ancestor to increase the bloodline concentration.

You know, any Yin-Yang Chaos Beast has only one chance for this kind of thing.

If you miss the time, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life.

Therefore, Mo Yu could only wait for his bloodline concentration to increase before going to Chi You.

After all, he has parents, and he can send him to the earth with a broken void.

It is a pity that the only thing he miscalculated was... It took him tens of thousands of years to improve the blood concentration.

A day ago, his bloodline had only been raised.

Mo Yu was stunned when he learned that he had spent tens of thousands of years.

Therefore, he hurriedly asked the powerful Yin-Yang Chaos Beast in the clan to send him to Earth.

Who knows, according to these... The yin-yang chaotic beast is extremely unreliable, you must know that all the celestial bodies in the entire universe are actually moving.

And it's in motion all the time.

They actually sent the ink feathers according to the coordinates of tens of thousands of years ago, which led to the fact that after the ink feathers were transmitted, they found themselves tens of billions of light-years away from the earth.

And just in time for the genius battle in the virtual universe.

In his boredom, he could only pass the time in the virtual universe while shattering the void.

Mo Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he knew that Chi You was still alive.

"Fortunately, I left everything on Earth, otherwise Chi You would be cold!"

Mo Yu is proud of his foresight.

It's a pity that he didn't know that the things he left behind still couldn't make Chiyou break through to the eighth level.

"Since Chiyou is still alive, then I will not be in a hurry to go back. I don't know if I can meet him in the Universe Genius Battle. If this kid knows that I am the realm master now, I don't know if I will die of anger! Ooooooooo! "

Thinking of Chiyou's expression after seeing him being thrown far away, Mo Yu suddenly smiled proudly.

The elf on the side saw that his lord smiled so sly, and immediately hid a little shyly, for fear of being seen by other elf around.


Rest area! A golden light directly enveloped Chi You's whole body in it.

At the same time, the powerful energies are also rapidly improving Chi You's realm. He had just entered the eighth-level realm and climbed all the way, directly reaching the eighth-level limit.

At the same time, his [-]% saber intent also increased rapidly under Qin Yan's strengthening, and soon reached the peak of [-]%, which was not far from the [-]% artistic conception.

Not only that, all of his martial arts and martial arts have rapidly improved the level of the Tiger Soul Sword, which has been used for tens of thousands of years, and has reached the epic quality of the ninth-grade advanced.

Even the power of his dark element has been derived and become the power of shadow, one of the advanced elements.

Jian Ge, who was not far away, trembled with envy when she saw this place.

It's really cool to have a big guy with a hang up.

But he was just passing by, and he could only watch the moments that were inferior to him surpass him.

At this moment, he had the urge to kneel on the ground and lick Qin Yan.

"Old man, you can't do this martial art! You can only strengthen it to the extraordinary level. Take the time to buy some of his extraordinary exercises below the third rank and try it out! Otherwise, it is very difficult to just use the extraordinary level exercises. The bigger the realm, the first!"

When Chi You's whole body attributes were improved, Qin Yan also withdrew his hand, and then slowly said to Chi You.

Chiyou smiled gratefully after hearing this.

"Thank you, King, I will prepare well in the next two days!"

Seeing the more than ten high-level universe coins that Qin Yan handed over to him, Chi You was extremely grateful at this time.

It can be said that Qin Yan can be regarded as the one who witnessed his progress step by step.

Now not only surpassing himself, but also having such a terrifying power to increase his strength at will, Chiyou also feels incredible.

However, like Qin Yan's other younger brothers, he would rot this secret in his stomach. Even Mo Yu would never tell it.

At this time, Qin Yan turned his gaze to Jiange, who was standing aside! "Jiange, do you want to improve your strength?"

However, Qin Yan opened his mouth under Jian Ge's unbelievable gaze.

Moreover, from Qin Yan's tone, it was definitely not a polite joke.

" it okay, Brother Qin Yan!"

Jian Ge said a little excitedly, and the tone of his speech was a little trembling.


They are all acquaintances, there is nothing wrong with it!”

Qin Yan didn't care at all, and said generously.

Of course he wouldn't care, you know, the strengthening technique is a billion times more terrifying than the brainwashing ability of the healing technique.

As long as he has performed the strengthening technique once, subtly, he will regard Qin Yan as the person he respects the most.

Don't say that it hurt Qin Yan, that is... a thought of disrespecting Qin Yan will not appear.

Of course, all of this seems to have no change to the other party.

If Jian Ge accepted Qin Yan's gift, he would naturally have to pay a corresponding price.

Qin Yan didn't open a charity organization and paid for it for free! Of course, if the other party could endure the temptation, Qin Yan would not force a wave to others, unless it was an enemy.

It's what you want.

"Since that's the case, then please Qin Yan brother!!"

In the end, Jian Ge couldn't hold back, and spoke a little ashamed.

Of course, the main reason was the trust he had accumulated in Qin Yan from the very beginning to the present.

Even if he knew that there might be some side effects after being strengthened by Qin Yan, he was extremely yearning after seeing how Qin Yan and all his younger brothers got along with each other.


And since Jian Ge had promised Qin Yan, he wouldn't be stingy, and directly burst out the strengthening technique of his whole body.

The endless golden light instantly enveloped Jian Ge's entire body, and in the next instant, Jian Ge could clearly feel that his whole body aura began to rise crazily.

The most important thing is... the soul level and artistic conception that he cares most about.

He had just broken through to [-]% of Sword Intent, but he actually started to rise wildly, reaching [-]% of Sword Intent in just an instant.

After that, it skyrocketed all the way, directly reaching the peak of [-]% Sword Intent! At the same time, the level of the martial arts and martial arts he cultivated also skyrocketed, and the quality also reached the epic level.

That is... the strength of the long sword in his hand began to increase rapidly under Qin Yan's strengthening.

In a quiet moment, it reached the epic quality of the ninth-rank intermediate! It can be said that the combat power of Jiange at this time even directly surpassed that of Chiyou just now.

After all, Jiange's martial arts and martial arts were all at the extraordinary level before, but now they have been directly strengthened to the epic level, and their combat power has skyrocketed.

Of course, Chi You also has the power of shadow, a high-level element formed by Qin Yan's strengthening of the power of darkness! Under the combination of the two, Jiange's strength is a little stronger.


After the last trace of strengthening golden light disappeared, Qin Yan's little hand also dropped.


Strengthen the two of you at once, the spiritual power of the national treasure is almost exhausted!!"

Qin Yan said helplessly, his words made Jian Ge and Chi You around him a little embarrassed.

"Your Majesty has worked hard, this time I will definitely take the first place in the ninth ranking!"

The corners of Chi You's mouth rose slightly, and he spoke confidently.

"I won't let down Brother Qin Yan's good intentions. This time, I will win the second place in the ninth rank!"

Jian Ge naturally spoke with great confidence! As for why it wasn't number one, after all, the number one belongs to Chi You, so it's fine to take a number two.

But Qin Yan touched his chin at this time! "I thought about it, it's best to find someone among you to win the first place in the tenth grade! You don't have to go all the way to grab the first place in the eighth and ninth grades! "

Chapter [-]: The system's first mission! (One more!)


After the waves of space fluctuations, Qin Yan and his group all came to the previous one...on the huge white square.

At this time, there are only a mere [-] billion powerhouses of different levels left on the entire square! Although it seems that there are many people, it is not the case. These people are all the powerhouses in the entire civilization of the Shadow God. selected from among them.

The strength of each one can reach the level of leapfrog killing! Not only that, the most powerful one can even kill several levels better.

And so many players can finally stay, but only [-] billion! However, Qin Yan and the others do not know, a pair of eyes are secretly peeking at their group.

Been peeking since it first appeared.

Because the other party is extremely hidden and the distance is very far away, so... Qin Yandu didn't realize that something was wrong.


At this moment, a loud voice in the sky instantly spread throughout the entire white space.

Everyone looked into the sky, and saw Arthur's huge body slowly emerging in front of everyone's eyes.

"The first game of the Shadow God's Civilization Division has ended, and the next is... the second game, and if you pass the second game successfully, you will be promoted to more than a thousand God's civilization. Qualification in the finals! At the same time, I can also enter the third game to compete for the top [-] of my Shadow God civilization!"

Arthur spoke quietly.

And his words suddenly made the eyes of countless people present a glimmer of brilliance, but they knew that it would be extremely difficult to pass the second game. It can be said that [-]% of the whole second game will be eliminated. Nine nine nine.


% of the people, in the end, only one in [-] million players will remain. It can be said that this kind of difficulty is extremely terrifying.

"The content of the second competition is very simple. You will be put into the virtual universe battlefield, and the players who can successfully survive in the virtual universe battlefield and rank in the top [-] million points will advance to the third game! As for points If you get the rules, there will be two kinds, one is to kill the star beasts in the virtual universe, and the other is to kill other players!"

However, at this moment, Arthur slowly spoke his words and the expressions of the [-] billion players around him changed.

"'s actually a cosmic battlefield!"

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