"Isn't that the cosmic battlefield used by the civilization of more than a thousand gods every time a war breaks out? Although it is in the virtual universe, there are countless cosmic creatures living in it! Those... .. If you go to a warrior below level ten, you can't just wait to die!"

"What does this mean! Do we want to kill each other and finally survive, but the strongest first-level warrior is absolutely impossible to defeat the weakest fifth-level warrior?"

.................As soon as Arthur's rules came out, countless strong people's faces changed, the most serious one was... ten Martial Artists below the level, you must know that those in the cosmos battlefield...... The strength of the star beasts is basically the cosmos level above tenth level, the domain master level and the world master level, these three levels Even the weakest one can kill all billions of players of other ranks with a single slap! If they are all placed on one battlefield, it is absolutely meaningless!".

It seems that even if the strength is strong, it is really difficult to advance steadily!"

Qin Yan also said slightly helplessly.

"Not necessarily, Brother Qin Yan, I think God King Arthur will never allow such a serious existence, there should be a corresponding solution!"

On the other hand, Jian Ge smiled slightly, not worried at all.

Qin Yan and the others nodded in agreement after hearing this. After all, although luck is also a part of martial artists, this method of competition already relies on luck.

Sure enough, at this time, Arthur in the sky smiled slightly, and then spoke slowly.

"There is no need to worry about other differences, you can rest assured that this competition is absolutely fair, and you will know everything when you enter the virtual universe battlefield!! Get ready, the competition is about to start!!"

Arthur's calm words instantly dispelled the concerns of everyone present.


However, as bursts of light enveloped the entire space, the players were teleported away directly.

.................A blood-red continent is quietly suspended in the cosmic starry sky.

And the location is... the center of the entire universe.

The scope of this continent has reached a terrifying level of the size of a top civilization.

This is the space battlefield.

It was formed by the corpses of the other party after the supreme god of space killed other supreme gods. It can be said to be the most terrifying continent in the entire universe.

And this side of the continent in the virtual universe is made according to the side of the continent in the real world: one-to-one.

At the same time, the virtual universe has put almost endless star beasts here.

It can be said that all star beasts that exist in the entire universe can be found here.


However, with the waves of space fluctuations, [-] billion warriors were teleported to this continent.

Of course, placing these [-] billion warriors on this cosmic battlefield is as inconspicuous as a grain of sand falling into the sea.

You must know that the distance between each warrior is a full one light-year, even if it is a first-level warrior. It can be said that these...... First-level warriors are basically a lifetime It is impossible to meet a second warrior.

Of course, in fact, the warriors below the eighth level are only here to make up the number of people in the universe genius battle.

They who cannot make space transitions will not be valued by the powerhouses of the big universe, no matter how powerful they are.

"..such an empty place, and what the hell is going on with this game!"

Qin Yan is still at a loss.

"Your Majesty, the content of the second game has been officially released, do you need a corresponding explanation!"

However, at this moment, the elf suddenly flew out of the void and asked Qin Yan respectfully! Qin Yan nodded quickly after hearing it.

"Of course, if I don't explain it, how will I know what the hell the game is!"

Qin Yan said speechlessly.

"Okay king, then I will start. The second game of this competition will isolate all different levels of warriors into different ranges! Each different competition area has a corresponding barrier, so other It is impossible for a warrior of a level to come to the location of another level.

Therefore, Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about whether there will be a world leader-level player who you were worried about before! However, these rules do not exist for... no peripheral martial artist.

Therefore, it is still possible for a world master level powerhouse to appear, but the other party will not know that you are a person who participated in the universe genius battle, and may not take action against you. Of course, if there is no other way, you can only admit that you are unlucky.

And the second point is... the rules of points. Take your current master's level as an example. In the tenth-level competition area, you can only get points by killing the tenth level, as well as the powerhouses and star beasts above the tenth level.

If you kill a tenth-level one-star warrior, you will get one point, two-star 2 is two points, three-star is three points: and so on, nine-star 9 is ... nine-point 99.

However, when you kill a cosmic 2-star, you will get 9 points, while killing 12-star [-] is [-] points, and [-]-star is [-] points. If you don’t raise a small realm, the points you get will be doubled. Up to [-] stars at the cosmos level, you will get a full [-] points! Note: each big realm below the tenth level is divided into one to nine stars, and at the cosmos level domain master level and the world master level, each big realm is divided into nine stars. The realm is divided into one to ten stars! The gap between one star and nine stars [-] is a full [-] times.

Of course, if you can match the powerhouse of the main level, you can get a million points even if you are only one star! As for the last point... the rule to kill other players, as long as you even have other players Players, you will directly get all the points of the opponent, and if you are killed by a star beast or other strong players who have experienced in the virtual universe battlefield, your points will also be cleared.

Because the powerhouses of the virtual universe feel that only living is valuable, so as long as you die, even if your points surpass everyone else, you are still not eligible to enter the next game! Therefore, the most dangerous ones on the battlefield are not those... ......The more powerful star beasts, the strong ones, are the players who compete together because you can know the position of others, and others can also know your position!"

The elf slowly explained to Qin Yan.

Having said this, Qin Yan suddenly nodded suddenly.

"So it is! Can you know the location of others!"

When Qin Yan thought of this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

As if thinking of something that made him happy.

Since I can find others, it doesn't mean that I don't have to look for the strong ones to kill, as long as which brother reaches the first point, run over and kill the other! But as a pursuer Qin Yan would never do that.

"Ding... Publish the reward task! The first score in the second round reaches one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million and other levels, and the host will receive corresponding rewards! Please host to collect points as soon as possible!"

However, what made Qin Yan bewildered was that the system actually spoke at this time, and Qin Yan's eyes suddenly lit up with the system's words.

"Hey! It's the first time to actually release Mission 1! The system has been modified 1"

Qin Yan was suddenly a little excited. According to the system, as long as he can reach the corresponding point value first, he can get a series of rewards! However, with [-] million points, it is not just killing one by himself. Are there hundreds of domain master-level powerhouses? The gap between the powerhouses at this level and their current strength is about [-] times: Come on! At the main level, if the two are superimposed on each other, the gap can definitely be millions of times larger.

"However, I can start with the basics first. As long as I get these points rewards at the beginning, my realm of strength will skyrocket. By then, in all likelihood, I will be able to reach the realm of level ten or above, and then I will kill the domain master level. Maybe it's not impossible! Hahaha National Treasure is so smart!!"

Thinking of this, Qin Yan couldn't help laughing because of his wit.


However, it was at this moment that an earth-shattering sound came.

Qin Yan's location just now was directly overwhelmed by a terrifying explosion.

A terrifying mushroom cloud of hundreds of millions of kilometers rose into the sky.

And in the sky above the mushroom cloud... a flaming giant bird with a pair of huge wings looked at the explosion below with disdain.

"I didn't expect the first one to be so easy to kill, but I don't know how many points this kid has!!"

This one... The flaming giant bird looked directly at his backstage, however, he found that his points hadn't risen at all.

"Grass, turns out to be a piece of garbage!!"

Immediately, he became angry, but he didn't expect Qin Yan to have no points at all.

Annoyed, he looked directly at other places, ready to find the second target.

"Big bird, it seems a bit too much for you to do this directly without saying hello!!"

However, at this moment, a helpless voice came from the flame giant bird's head.

The flame giant bird's face changed immediately after hearing it, and the next moment his body burst into a dazzling flame of light! The flame directly enveloped his entire body in the middle.


The temperature of your flame is so low that you can't even take a sauna! Forget the national treasure and other things, I won't waste time with you here!"

However, Qin Yan, who didn't even burn his hair in the flames, smiled helplessly.

Immediately, the little hand pressed down directly towards the flame giant bird's head.


With a low drink, the flame giant bird's body instantly turned into fragments of the sky! Then it turned into countless light spots and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 25"

However, at this moment, a prompt sound was transmitted to Qin Yan's mind! "It's only twenty-five points, is it so rubbish!"

Qin Yan was immediately helpless. If he wanted to reach [-], he would not be able to kill [-] such beings! Qin Yan quickly looked at the leaderboard, but found that the number one on the leaderboard had already earned [-] points. In other words, the opponent has already killed a cosmos-level four-star superpower!".

Hurry up or the first reward that reaches [-] points will be in vain!!"

Qin Yan thought of this and immediately spread all his spiritual thoughts towards the surroundings.

Unfortunately, within the scope of his divine consciousness, there is not a single star beast or powerhouse that exceeds the cosmos level.

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, he immediately turned his evil eyes to the top of the ranking list! "Hey, I'm sorry, brother, for the sake of the national treasure, I have to sacrifice you!"

Qin Yan suddenly smiled evilly and then directly opened the other party's position.

Suddenly learning the coordinates of the opponent, Qin Yan was surprised that many players had already moved towards the position of the first place! Even the seventh place had already reached the position of the first place. It seems that the two should be fighting. came together.

"There are also people who are robbing business! You can have a national treasure soon!"

Qin Yan suddenly thought with little hands on his hips with disdain, and then directly mobilized his teleportation power to open the surrounding space barriers and walked in directly.

After reappearing, Qin Yan's figure had already reached hundreds of billions of light-years away.

Not far away, there are... two powerhouses who are fighting.

"Catch up!!!" The corners of Qin Yan's mouth rose slightly, fortunately both of them had good strength, so even though it seemed that they had been fighting for a few minutes, they still couldn't help each other! The national treasure is accepted!!”

Qin Yan smiled, and then the power of yin and yang in his body was instantly mobilized by him.

"Yin Yang! Mahamudra!!!!"

The next moment, a low voice suddenly spread throughout the surrounding space.

Still here: The expressions of the two young strongmen who were fighting suddenly changed drastically after hearing this low shout.

However, the next moment, they saw a big handprint in the sky that covered the entire sky and crashed down from the sky.

"It's not good to have top powerhouses!!!"

The faces of the two suddenly turned pale, although the two of them ranked high in points, it was actually because of luck.

The strength is far inferior to the group of top powerhouses that Qin Yan killed in the ninth and tenth rounds of the first game.

Who would have thought that when Qin Yan came up, it was... a big move.

Terrified, they wanted to escape, but found that their movements had all been locked, let alone escape... It was an extravagant hope to move.

In the end, I could only look in despair at the big handprint that landed in the sky in a daze.

“Boom rumble!!!!”

After a loud bang, the two instantly gasped.

The whole earth began to vibrate violently.

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