"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 84"

"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 45"

.................Two consecutive beeps were also transmitted to Qin Yan's mind. After hearing it, Qin Yan was immediately satisfied. nod.

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for reaching 1 points for the first time, and obtaining attributes: Physique + 10 billion! Soul + 10 billion!"

Sure enough, at this moment, a sound from the system was transmitted directly to Qin Yan's mind, which immediately raised Qin Yan's strength by a small level.

Feeling the improvement of his own strength, Qin Yan is naturally very happy.


But just after Qin Yan had just finished happily, he found that one after another warriors suddenly appeared in the surrounding space, Qin Yan was instantly happy when he saw it.

These are the ones who came to kill the number one on the leaderboard! After all, many strong people on the leaderboard have never heard of the name, which means that the other party is definitely only lucky to find the first cosmos level. If the four-star star beasts were killed, some of the real powerhouses couldn't sit still, and they all came to grab points.

The number of people actually reached hundreds in just a few seconds.

"It was actually killed!"

"Now Qin Yan is number one, who is this Qin Yan!"

"Who cares, if he dares to attack the number one position in the rankings, he will immediately destroy it!!"

...................... The strong men who came here looked at the one not far away... The deep pit didn't care much, and they also can call out.

However, they don't know that the Yin-Yang Mahamudra does not focus on large-scale destructive power. If they go to the top of the deep pit, they will find that this deep pit seems to be only tens of millions of kilometers in diameter, but the depth is fundamental I can't see the end! "Everyone, they're all here! Since they're all here, let's go on the road together!!"

However, at this moment, a happy voice came from not far away!

Chapter [-]: Fishing Law Enforcement!A grand plan for a national treasure! ! (two more)

"Everyone, they're all here! Since they're all here, let's go together!!"

However, at this moment, a happy voice came from not far away! Happy is of course happy, but this is a group of people who came to give Qin Yan points and attributes! Can you be unhappy! Even Qin Yan can't help but say that The more people who come here, the better! "Hum, crazy!!!"

And Qin Yan's words immediately made many of them unhappy. A giant with a height of tens of thousands of kilometers walked out slowly, and then punched towards Qin Yan's position.

"Crack Kick!!!"

However, when his fist was still more than ten kilometers away from Qin Yan, a mutation occurred.

With a cracking sound, his fist actually split open, and the crack instantly spread all over his body.


The next moment, his huge body turned into a light spot that exploded in an instant! People in the distance all shrank slightly when they saw this scene.

"This little thing is not weak, let's go together, who can get points depends on luck!"

"But it's just killing a waste, what's so crazy!!"

"Uh, that brother just now seemed to be ranked over ten thousand!"

"No matter what strength he is, it's all right!"

.................In just a moment, all the people around have reached a superficial consensus, all of them are at the point of their feet, moving towards Qin Yan's place. The place rushed past.

Afterwards, these powerhouses burst out with all their strength.

"Boom boom boom!!!!"

In just an instant, the thousands of people present sent out their full blows and enveloped the entire battlefield.

Of course, no one is selfless, just... wholeheartedly attacking Qin Yan.

It can be said that all of them are attacking the surrounding powerhouses under the pretext of attacking Qin Yan.

Therefore, these attacks shrouded everyone's head in an instant.

In just an instant, one or two thousand people died in the terrifying explosion.

The standings above the leaderboard suddenly began to fluctuate violently, and Qin Yan's first place was immediately taken away.

Not even in the top ten.

Of course, hidden in the void, Qin Yan looked at these... The teenagers were fighting together, and suddenly felt that the words they made together to kill themselves a few seconds ago seemed to be sarcasm.

No one is a fool, Qin Yan only has more than [-] points, but each of these people around has reached a few hundred points! If you kill them all, let alone [-], that is... One hundred thousand, hundreds of thousands are not impossible! As for Qin Yan, he was forgotten by everyone at the moment the battle broke out.

"No, the more people these people kill, the faster the points will soar. If I don't hurry up, I'm afraid I won't get the reward of [-] points!"

Seeing that the number one ranking has reached a terrifying [-] points, Qin Yan knew that he couldn't wait any longer.


Following Qin Yan's feet, his figure instantly appeared behind the behemoth...

At this time, he was being besieged by hundreds of players. After all, he was the largest and most powerful.

"Break it!!!"

The other party didn't notice Qin Yan's arrival at all, so Qin Yan just put his little hand on the other party's back, and with the activation of a shattering element, this... huge starry sky behemoth returned. Without any reaction, he was directly smashed into a spot of light by a terrifying force! This scene suddenly made the faces of all the players who... besieged this... star behemoth change drastically.

In an instant, they found Qin Yan in the sky, "It's that... black and white kid!!"

"Hey, his strength is so powerful!!"

.................This time everyone is finally a little bit afraid.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yan, who should have died in the first round of bombing in their eyes, is still alive.

"You all die too!!!"

However, in the face of the shocked crowd, Qin Yan was not polite at all, and instantly burst into endless shattering! The power of shattering directly enveloped and spread out in all directions.

Everyone's expressions changed and they wanted to evacuate. However, after they moved, they were horrified to find that they were like they had encountered a ghost hitting the wall, and they were always there: wandering in place, they couldn't escape at all.

Only then did they know that Qin Yan had not only comprehended the broken element, but also the terrifying power of teleportation! Unfortunately, it was too late for them to find out now.

“Bang bang bang bang!!!”

A series of shattering sounds instantly spread throughout the battlefield.

Countless people listened to the shattering sound and their expressions suddenly changed.

In the end, it was also shrouded in broken elements and finally turned into a light spot in the sky.

"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 81"

"Kill a player, get all the opponent's points: 12" Kill a player, get all the opponent's points: 38"

"Kill a player and get all the opponent's points: 15"

................. One after another, the sound of the virtual universe sounded into Qin Yan's mind.

And Qin Yan also watched his background data break through to [-] in an instant, and then reached [-] in tenths of a second.

After that, it rose all the way, and finally when the last opponent died, Qin Yan's points reached a terrifying 15! "Ding...Congratulations to the host for reaching 15 points for the first time, and obtaining the attribute: Constitution + [-] billion !Soul +[-] billion!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host for reaching 20 points for the first time and obtaining attributes: Constitution + 20 billion! Soul + [-] billion!"

.................The next moment, two more system sounds reached Qin Yan's mind.

At the same time, a terrifying warm current rushed into Qin Yan's body.

The endless warm current suddenly intensified crazily in the Qin body.

And this time, the strengthening was just completed in an instant, as before.

But for... Qin Yan's strength improvement is extremely terrifying.



Qin Yan touched his chin immediately. Of course, the fastest way to get points now is to kill other players. After all, other players know their positions, so just look for them, but this is just the beginning, now The points of other players are basically less than [-]. Even if I spend one second to teleport, kill, and then find the next one, it will take about three hours to kill [-] players.

Three hours 3, although it is not long, but at this speed, if you want to get 30 million points, you will need [-] players, that is, [-] [-] hours! And the competition time is only three days! Even if he achieved the goal of [-] million and [-] million points, it would be impossible to achieve the goal of [-] million points! Thinking of this, Qin Yan felt helpless.

You must know that your goal is not only [-] million. If you can get one billion points, the rewards of the system are absolutely terrifying.

"Although other players are also on the way to find me, there are only a small number of them, and if they all use it to hurry, there will never be many points."

Thinking of this, Qin Yan touched his chin and fell into thought.

"Your Majesty, you can actually target those strong people who come here to practice and ignore those players!!"

However, at this moment, the elf flew out and slowly spoke to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Although Qin Yan also knew that the number of powerhouses who came here for training was definitely billions of times more than the players, it was absolutely impossible for him to attract opponents to his position. It's even more difficult, after all, if you want to attract players, you only need hundreds of thousands of points to have a steady stream of players to die.

But the powerhouses who come to experience do not know that they are players.

"Your Majesty, this virtual cosmic battlefield is built according to the one in the main universe... the real cosmic battlefield is one-to-one: while the cosmic battlefield in the real world has had countless wars and countless strong Exploration and fighting, so there are countless relics of powerhouses left in the cosmos battlefield.

These relics are all secret realms opened up by the powerful after the death of the powerful, and there are countless other treasures and martial arts! The virtual universe also records these relics one-to-one: into this virtual universe. on the battlefield.

Of course, except...the secret realm above the immortality level.

That is to say, if the king can find the location of a secret realm, then he can open it and publish information on the official website of the virtual universe to attract countless strong people to explore here. At that time, the king, you just need to kill people! This approach is very risky, and if you are not careful, you will encounter a very powerful existence.

Therefore, if the king wants to do this, it is better to be careful!"

The elf slowly told Qin Yan what she thought, and Qin Yan's eyes suddenly brightened after hearing it.


This method is very good, fishing law enforcement, I like it the most, as for the strong! This is a problem, but as long as it is concealed, it will not be a big problem!!"

Qin Yan's eyes suddenly lit up.

' "However, it's a little troublesome to find a secret realm!!"

Qin Yan touched his chin and began to think about it. If he was looking for the real secret realm, it would be very convenient to use the power of the space system himself.

But even so, it is difficult to find a suitable Rift that is neither too high nor too low.

"By the way, I can just create a secret realm myself."

Suddenly, Qin Yan's eyes lit up.

I have understood the powerful existence of the five space elements. It is very simple to create a secret realm, and the secret realm created with my own strength can just attract the powerhouses below the domain master level, but for... domain masters Powerhouses above the level are not very attractive, so that the tragedy of the powerhouse slapped to death can be avoided.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan suddenly smiled.

"Find a place to build a secret realm!!!"

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