Now that he has decided, Qin Yan has started construction! Immediately, he directly teleported himself hundreds of billions of light-years away.

After a little searching, Qin Yan found an endless stretch of high mountains, each of these......mountains is hundreds of millions of kilometers high.

More terrifying than the size of some stars.

However, such mountain peaks are commonplace in the entire universe battlefield.

Of course, if this kind of place is used to build a secret realm, the credibility is absolutely true.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan landed directly on a mountain peak.

The next moment Qin Yan punched a huge cave directly above the foot of the mountain.

The so-called secret realm, only the secret realm above the world master level can open up a small space for the secret realm.

As for the secret realm below the world master level, it is generally only on a certain planet in the universe, find some natural caves or open a cave by yourself, or even seal a spaceship directly and then put all your private possessions in it and use it in advance. The prepared array disk hides the entire planet in the universe.

In this way, only when people accidentally enter this planet will they find these treasures in the secret realm.

On the other hand, the world master level is already able to open up his own small world, and the world master will move his own small world out of his body and seal it in a certain corner of the universe when the deadline is approaching.

It is almost impossible to find the secret realm this way.

Of course, there are only two kinds of people who can use the secret realm, one is the strong who have no heirs or descendants.

Two 2 is...a powerhouse who suffered fatal injuries and was unable to hand over all his relics to his descendants, but he was not completely dead, and still had the ability to act to open up a secret realm.

Of course, the most natural in the universe is the first.

In the second case, after collecting your own relics, you will send some messages to your descendants and ask them to pick them up.

Therefore, no one else can turn.

At this time, the secret realm Qin Yan wanted to forge was... a realm at the domain master level.

Although he can use the power of several space elements to open up a small world, but in all likelihood, he can attract a lot of world lords and powerful domain lords.

If he is accidentally shot to death by the other party, Qin Yan will be busy working in vain.

Then Qin Yan casually found some low-level medicinal herbs that could be seen everywhere on the side of the road, and then strengthened it into a ninth-grade high-level medicine, and then used his own refining skills to refine them into ten-grade high-level epic-level medicinal herbs! Since If you want to do it, you must do it comprehensively. The development of these medicinal herbs is in the virtual universe, and they don't eat much... eggs! However, this alone can attract a lot of strong people to come, Even epic-level medicinal pills have appeared. Is it impossible for some extraordinary or even epic-level exercises to appear? You must know that although this is a virtual universe, the exercises and martial arts in these ruins are all real.

At that time, Qin Yan only needs to wait for the harvest, but it will be done! Thinking of this, Qin Yan, who is so happy, has expanded the cave wildly, creating a terrifying deep pit with a diameter of hundreds of millions of kilometers, and it is divided into several layers. The layers are isolated by more than one tenth-grade high-level epic-level formation, that is, the powerhouses at the peak of the universe cannot be violently broken! And those... have different effects, the The epic-level medicinal pills were sealed on each floor by Qin Yan. Of course, in order to attract more people, Qin Yan even created a few extraordinary-level exercises of the ninth-rank to tenth-rank, and threw them on the lower layers to give People have the idea that there will definitely be an extraordinary level or even an epic level of martial arts and martial arts at the lowest level of the domain master level.

Such a large-scale secret realm will definitely make countless people go crazy after seeing it! "Hey, let him use a sealing formation to seal the hole, so it's perfect!!"

After flying out of the hole, Qin Yan couldn't help but nodded his head in satisfaction! "However, wouldn't it be too much to do this!!"

Qin Yan is a little unsure. If there are too many trainees, I'm afraid it will end badly! "Forget it, anyway... take one step at a time, the more people I have, the more points I can get. More and more terrifying, maybe tens of billions of points is not a dream!!"

Thinking of this, Qin Yan suddenly drooled.

"By the way, the elf, if I first set up tens of thousands of killing formations inside and outside this secret realm, the people killed by then should also be counted on my head!!"

Qin Yan suddenly remembered this, so he didn't need to do it himself, "Yes, king, as long as you kill people with your own strength, they will be counted in your points!!"

And the elf quickly gave Qin Yan a satisfactory answer.

Just kidding, isn't it just points .

In front of top-level authority Qin Yan, all rules are false.

Of course, Qin Yan was not so shameless yet.

"Since the formation is all set up, it's ready to start!!"

Qin Yan nodded with satisfaction, and immediately opened his own virtual universe forum.

Because Qin Yan is now using a top-level virtual universe access device, the forum he is connecting to is the forum of all the civilizations of gods in the entire universe.

Of course, the forums are now filled with the powerhouses that appear in almost every civilization of the gods, as well as speculations about competitions at various stages.

And a post on the top was actually "Shocked! The host of the cosmic genius battle of the civilization of the Shadow God is actually the so-called bloody god of war God King Arthur!"

Looking at this post, Qin Yan suddenly felt a pain in the ass. This editor came out! I was so shocked, but Qin Yan didn't care. He naturally knew the reason why God King Arthur came to preside over the civilization of the Shadow God. It was because of Mo Yu's sake, as for himself, the other party is afraid that he will find out later.

"Little Elf, give my post a sticker, if you have a name, call it this!!"

Qin Yan thought about the content of the forum post and spoke directly to the elf!

Chapter [-]: Killing billions of cosmic powerhouses! ! (Three shifts!)

"Fuck, this time the chief examiner of the civilization of the Shadow God is actually God King Arthur! What is the situation!"

A cosmos-level powerhouse was bored and started wandering around on the forum of the virtual universe! However, his expression changed immediately after seeing this post on the top.

Immediately, he opened this post with great interest, but found that it was actually true, but after everyone analyzed it, they found that the supreme god of the civilization of the Shadow God has not had any new descendants for the last several trillion years.

Even God King Arthur himself had no children.

No one knows what the reason is.

Of course, none of them knew that the mastermind of the entire virtual universe locked all the information of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast as top secret.

Only all top-level privileged users can view it, and of course a very small number of high-level privileged users can see some.

And those with high authority are all the most powerful among the powerhouses of the god-king level, or they are... the descendants of the supreme gods.

Moreover, even if these existences left any information about the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast in the virtual universe, they would be instantly erased.

Even the supreme gods are the same.

Moreover, as long as the person who hears it comes to the virtual universe, the corresponding memory will be forcibly deleted.

Therefore, there are very few people in this universe who know the existence of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast.

These are all to protect the tranquility of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast.

After all, there are always some people who want to die anywhere, and more than a thousand supreme gods will never allow some stupid hanging to threaten their existence.

Therefore, even they themselves will not reveal the existence of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast.

And the Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts, who like to be quiet and low-key, are naturally happy to get close to this kind of thing.

So this cosmos-level powerhouse withdrew from the post after reading a lot of guesses and ideas. It was all speculation, and none of them were real.

However, when he exited the post, he was surprised to find that the homepage of the post turned into a message post! Bored, he opened it and looked at it, but the trivial content in it immediately changed his expression.

"A relic suspected to have epic-level martial arts and martial arts was found on the virtual space battlefield! And it's also a relic of the domain master level! How is this possible!"

This cosmos-level powerhouse suddenly changed his face when he saw this. You must know that the discovery of any epic-level relic is a great event that caused a sensation in the entire cosmos.

After all, the number of epic-level martial arts and martial arts in the entire universe is extremely limited.

However, now there are relics that are also at the domain master level. You must know that the domain master level is already very high.

Among the epic-level ruins in the past, they were basically low-level ruins.

Like tenth grade nine.

High-level epic relics are extremely rare! "It was discovered only a few minutes ago and has not been developed! It is incredible that someone would explode such precious information!!"

This cosmos-level powerhouse is extremely hot in his heart. You must know that what he needs most in his current strength is... domain master-level martial arts skills, even ordinary-level martial arts skills can be improved for him. .

Not to mention the legendary epic-level martial arts and martial arts.

Thinking of this, he felt a little excited in his heart.

"Since it's a public relic and it was found in the virtual universe, then go join in the fun, it's a big deal to die once, is there any... big deal!"

Just thinking about it in his heart, he already made a plan in his heart! Immediately, his voice turned into a ray of light and disappeared in place.

Fortunately, the virtual battlefield is one of the public platforms, and even a low-level virtual universe access device can go there, so at this moment, the endless powerhouses received news and came to the virtual universe battlefield.

Of course, when it comes to the virtual universe battlefield, if you want to rush to the coordinate position that Qin Yan announced in the post bar, the best way is to spend money to teleport.

Because the virtual universe battlefield will randomly place people in various locations in the virtual universe, and if you want to go to the place you want to go, you can only spend money.

Of course, you can also fly over slowly.

But it took a long time.

But even so, the cost of teleportation is still too expensive for those loose cultivators or warriors from small forces, so [-]% of the people who come to the virtual universe battlefield just choose to fly towards the coordinates. .

In the endless void, looking at these... The cosmos-level, domain master-level powerhouses, and God King Arthur, who are continuously teleported to the entire cosmos battlefield, frowned slightly.

"What the hell is that little yin-yang chaotic beast doing! Lure so many powerful people onto the virtual universe battlefield!"

Arthur's brows furrowed! Suddenly, his expression changed slightly.

"Hey! Does he want to kill these powerhouses to improve his points!"

Arthur's heart skipped a beat when he thought of this.

He naturally saw Qin Yan's actions on the cosmos battlefield before.

Although it can be seen that the formations built by Qin Yan are not bad, but he is. He can only see that these formations are of the tenth rank. As for what quality he is. Didn't look carefully.

After thinking of this, he hurriedly looked towards the man-made ruins, but in the next instant, he was shocked.

"Hey! It's actually a formation group, and it's at least an epic-quality formation group. What's going on! Haven't the Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts ever had any powerful formation wizards!"

God King Arthur suddenly panicked in his heart.

The reason is, of course, very simple.

The Yin-Yang Chaos Beast Clan, although their strength is terrifying to the extreme, has always been a very lazy race.

It is almost impossible for such a thing to appear.

After all, it takes too much brains to learn. For the Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts who like to eat, sleep, sleep, and eat, it is simply... more uncomfortable than killing them.

Even if it is learning, it is just a simple matter of learning, and it will never go deeper into research.

What's more, there are not many epic-level magicians in the entire universe!! However, in Qin Yan's body, Arthur has seen a completely different character from other yin and yang chaos beasts! How can I say that Qin Yan seems to have It has the same IQ that some Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts should not have.

From fishing and law enforcement here, to the fact that a powerful formation of epic quality can be built up to now, the heart of God King Arthur is extremely shocked.

If it were an ordinary yin-yang chaotic beast, it would be fine, but at this time, Qin Yan's bloodline concentration has reached a terrifying [-]%%! It is very likely that... the yin-yang chaotic beast is a clan leader! If Qin Yan has enough If they have become yin and yang mixed masters, will they have the idea of ​​unifying the whole universe! After all, they not only have the strength, but also have enough energy to do this...... ..

Thinking of this, God King Arthur seemed to have a shadow in his heart.

But you said that it was just a joke to take action against Qin Yan and eliminate all this in the bud.

The Yin-Yang Chaos Beast Clan took great care of the people. Back then, one of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts was injured by a God King who didn't know about the Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts.

Just a few days later, the civilization of the gods where the gods belonged, together with that... the supreme gods, were destroyed! And that time, it happened in less than hundreds of billions of years after the supreme gods of space were killed.

Since that time, the entire virtual universe has listed any descendant who has awakened the bloodline of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast as a top-level authority.

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