It was also from that day that the people at the top finally knew that the Yin-Yang Chaos Beasts would never be provoked.

"Oh, forget it, it can only be reported that all this is reported, let those big bosses decide, and I won't intervene!"

Arthur sighed helplessly.

When it comes to the matter of the Yin-Yang Chaos Beast, even if he is a God King, and he is a super strong among the God King level, he still dare not make up his mind. ................................"Why so many people! These people are crazy!" However, at this time, Qin Yan was hiding in the crowd But he looked around in confusion.

At this time, the entire ruins were surrounded by densely packed cosmos-level and domain master-level powerhouses.

Seeing so many people, Qin Yan's neck shrank, and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

The surrounding area of ​​tens of millions of kilometers is already crowded with people.

If Qin Yan could kill them all, let alone hundreds of billions of points, that is... a trillion points would be only a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, although his mouth is a bit stubborn, Qin Yan's heart is still a little excited, after all, the reward of the system is a thief! "However, if this is the case, these arrays of mine have no effect on the surface. !"

Of course, it doesn't mean that it's all a good thing, after all, even the most powerful formations that Qin Yan has set up at this time can't even be a domain master level powerhouse.

In the face of the violent breakthrough of the domain master-level powerhouse, in all likelihood, it will be smashed to pieces.

Therefore, these formations on the bright side are equivalent to just showing off.

Perhaps only those... formations that he has hidden will bring unexpected gains to Qin Yan in the waiting battle.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan directly poked a handprint secretly, dispelling all the energy fluctuations from those... hidden formations, as if they had really disappeared.

If you want to find it, unless it is a powerful array mage who also reaches the epic level, but that kind of existence naturally does not despise such a small relic.

............"Everyone listen to me!!!"

At this moment, a domain master-level powerhouse headed by the field slowly walked out of the crowd, and the surrounding people all shrank after seeing this powerhouse.

Because this domain master level powerhouse is actually a super powerhouse of the domain master limit, and at the same time the powerful breath emanating from his body is far beyond the general domain master limit.

Absolutely a powerful man.

If you put it in the space genius battle, you will definitely pass the first competition.

It's just that I didn't participate because of my age.

"Everyone came here for the same purpose, just for the martial arts and skills inside, but the number of martial arts and martial arts is limited, everyone knows this!"

The powerhouse of this domain master's limit is called Yunya, and he is a powerful body cultivator.

As soon as Yunya's words came out, everyone around them frowned. They didn't know what this Yunya meant! Could it be that he wants to take it all by himself, or join some powerful people to occupy it! But with so many people around, what would he take to take it for himself.

"Because there are many people, but few things, so I suggest that we all form a whole.

That is to say, we will share the kung fu and martial arts equally. After all, you all know that kung fu and martial arts can be enjoyed by everyone. Of course, only those who are qualified to obtain martial skills are naturally only those who have reached the end. If you think it is feasible, I will set up a group chat here, everyone will join the group, go to From time to time, I will apply for justice in the virtual universe, and as long as anyone gets the martial arts and martial skills, it will be automatically posted to the group chat.

Of course, for the sake of fairness, as long as they are group chat members, they will not be able to log in to the virtual universe for a short time after their death. After all, if the rest of us succeeded and the dead are still in the virtual universe, they can get rewards, It's so unfair!"

Yunya spoke slowly, and as soon as his words came out, everyone around them was bright.

Group chat is still a good feeling that is recognized by the virtual universe.

As for the so-called inability to log in, they didn't care, as long as they were careful not to, after all, as long as they were in a group chat, people in the same group would not be able to attack them, and if they died, they could only blame themselves for being rubbish.

Almost all the cosmos-level powerhouses around agreed with this idea in an instant. After all, in the face of so many domain master-level powerhouses, they have no chance to obtain martial arts skills.

And not to mention these... Domain master-level powerhouses, that is... all formations on the field can prevent them from entering the tomb, after all, even the outside world has already It is guarded by a tenth-level advanced epic-level formation.

If you get there, I am afraid that there will be a top-level cosmos-level, or even an epic-level formation at the domain master level.

With this kind of formation, even the powerhouse at the peak of the domain master level cannot break through.

Therefore, joining forces is definitely the best thing for them... cosmos level.

It's a pity that they don't know that the so-called cosmos-level domain master-level epic-level formation that they are worried about does not exist at all.

These arrays at the door are all created by Qin Yan in order to make them more high-end.

It makes this secret realm look awesome, but unfortunately there are only some attractive little things inside.

Although it is extremely precious, it is far from the cosmos-level or even domain master-level epic-quality exercises and martial arts they expect! As for those around... the domain master-level powerhouses They also frowned. Of course, they knew that if they were the ones who had the most hope of acquiring the martial arts and martial skills among the people present, they only hoped that there were so many people here.

That is... there are not many people in the domain master limit, if all of them work together, only a few people will get it in the end.

Almost all of them don't believe they are so lucky.

If you can't get it, it's better for everyone! "If everyone agrees, then I will create a group chat, my name is Yunya, you can search for my name and join the group!"

Seeing that everyone around Yunya agreed with her thoughts, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and the next moment she directly ordered her elf, creating what he called a group chat.


There is still such an operation, so it would be troublesome to make them melee!"

Qin Yan, who originally wanted to fish in troubled waters, was suddenly speechless, but he was not discouraged.

After all, he is in a dark place, and he will definitely have a chance to do it later! Thinking of this, Qin Yan immediately joined Yunya's group, and when he saw the number of people chatting in the group, Qin Yan's eyes widened, and his saliva almost came out. .

It was too many, and it took Qin Yan a long time to see the tail.

If this is all killed, how many points should I have! "Okay, since everyone has joined the group, then I will start to break the line!!"

As the most powerful group on the scene, Yunya naturally took the lead after speaking.

Before coming directly to the most obvious formations, he slowly stretched out his hand.

The next moment, a fire burst out from his hand, and the fire instantly cut through the void and shattered the formation in front of him.

After the formation burst, a bottomless cave entrance appeared in front of everyone.

"Everyone, let's go!!!"

Yunya smiled slightly, and immediately flew into the cave, and the others all chased after seeing Yunya.

These....... the cosmos powerhouses are like large swarms of locusts, madly squeezed into this cave.

The entrance of the cave was immediately filled with stuff.

However, almost ninety-nine percent of people didn't realize that the flying position of Yunya was extremely special, almost... flying against the walls of the cave, and of course many people did the same.

It looked as if it had been pushed against the wall of the cave.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. Looking at the cosmic powerhouses who are still crowding in at the rear, a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of Yunya's mouth.


These people are so united on the surface, they are secretly doing things behind their backs!" Qin Yanfei couldn't help but sighed when he watched this scene behind everyone's back.

The number of formations he has set up in this cave is probably tens of thousands.

And Yunya just broke through the formations that a few normal warriors could see, and some simple formations that could be seen.

But almost all the formations hidden by Qin Yan were not broken.

You must know that Qin Yan's real trump card is only [-]%%, but now there are still [-]%% of the formations that have not been broken, which means that it is not Yunya and the others who don't want to break it, but they are fundamentally I don't want to break it, all the strong people who see this choose to keep silent, in order to kill a lot of warriors who can't see it! "Since you are going to give points to the national treasure, then the national treasure But you're welcome!"

Qin Yan doesn't care about these.... What the hell is the powerhouse in the universe doing, all he has to do is kill people in secret.

And now that the other party is cooperating with him like this, Qin Yan naturally has no politeness at all.

"Attack and kill the formation, start!!!!"

Move with the thoughts in your mind.

Qin Yan's thoughts immediately communicated with the entire cave entrance and all formations outside the cave! "Om! Om! Om! Om!!!"

The next moment, endless formation fluctuations instantly enveloped the entire secret realm.

Qin Yan's undisguised formation fluctuations instantly changed the expressions of almost everyone present.

"Not good! There is an ambush!!"

"Fuck,! Run away!!"

"Grass, we've been fooled!"

........All the powerhouses know why Yunya has to set a rule that if he dies, he can't enter the virtual universe temporarily!" Long!!!”

Chapter [-]: Strength skyrockets, advance to level ten! ! (Four more!)


With a loud noise that shook the sky and earth, the entire secret realm and even the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of billions of kilometers was instantly enveloped by endless terrifying power.

Under the power of these destructive formations, the surrounding elements of heaven and earth are raging wildly.

One by one, the cosmos-level powerhouses instantly vaporized, and then disappeared into the virtual universe as light spots.

"Damn, there is something wrong with this secret realm!!"

Not to mention these.... the cosmos-level powerhouses, that is... those headed by Yunya......the domain master-level powerhouses are very complex ugly.

Because it's not just the secret realm, all the formations in the secret realm are all activated in an instant.

You must know that any formations need to be triggered if they want to be activated. They just trigger the outer formations, but the inner formations are all activated in an instant.

This is absolutely unreasonable. If all secret realms are like this, it means that as long as you are discovered by the formation in the secret realm, the formation will destroy you and the secret realm together.

This can be called a secret realm! Isn't this a mobile bomb fortress? Which strong person would be bored and die, and it's so deceiving! "Boom!!!!!!"

And without waiting for them to think about it, the formations in the depths of the secret realm also erupted in an instant.

After a terrifying roar that shook the sky, endless flames directly enveloped the surrounding area of ​​trillions of kilometers.

At the same time, a palpitating force of destruction is also rioting wildly in the core area.

Some weak domain masters were instantly vaporized at the core! Only a small number of domain masters with a five-star level of 55 or above barely survived!  … ...........Unlike them, Qin Yan, who was hiding in the void at this time, was already smiling.

"Congratulations to the players, kill a cosmos powerhouse, get points: 16!"

"Congratulations to the players, kill a cosmos powerhouse, get points: 51!"

"Congratulations to the players, kill a cosmos powerhouse, get points: 12!"

"Congratulations to the players, kill a domain master and get points: 80!"

................. The sound of the virtual universe's maddening sound reached Qin Yan's mind, and Qin Yan's ears almost froze. Deafening! "Stop, elf, just give me a total, there's no need to torture me like that!"

Qin Yan said speechlessly! "Sorry king, I forgot about this one!!"

The elf flew out of the void and quickly apologized to Qin Yan.

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