Soon a... pitch-black dragon flew out of the endless void.

"Dragon of Order! This is the Dragon of Order! How is this possible! What the hell is going on!"

At this time, Mo Yun was suddenly frightened and stupid, he looked at the blood-colored dragon in the sky with a big mouth and said in disbelief.

It is definitely not a good thing for the Dragon of Order to take the initiative to find it.

"hold head high!!!!"

With an earth-shattering roar, the blood-red eyes of the dragon of order in the sky looked at Mo Yun very well.

"Mo Yun, you maliciously reported a top-level authority. After confirmation, you will be executed the highest punishment in the virtual universe: the soul will be destroyed!! The execution will take effect after three seconds!"

However, the next moment, the Dragon of Order slowly spoke his words, and Mo Yun's face instantly turned pale.

"Impossible! How is it possible that the top authority is not only the supreme god! I don't believe it! I don't believe it, I want to see my father, I want to see my father!!!"

Mo Yun suddenly screamed like crazy.


However, the Dragon of Order turned a deaf ear to his screams.

And at this moment, Mo Yun finally knew why his elf said that if he didn't... watch it, he wouldn't have the chance to watch it again.

"Two 2!!!"

"I...I don't believe it!!"

Mo Yun was still murmuring in a crazy mouth, but from his actions, it could be seen that he was absolutely desperate.


And after the last loud voice of the Dragon of Order fell, a force of destruction in the sky instantly fell.

Mo Yun's body suddenly turned into dust in the next instant and floated into the void.

As for escaping or forcibly withdrawing from the virtual universe, it is already impossible.

The virtual universe that covers the entire universe, even if you escape, you will be wiped out within the specified time.

There was a civilization that offended the virtual universe company, and the virtual universe company did not use a single person, and directly mobilized the power of the virtual universe to directly erase this civilization from reality.

And the scene of Mo Yun being wiped out by the gods and souls was staged at the same time in every civilization of the entire Shadow God civilization.

Chapter [-]: Slaughter the cosmos-level division with the power of a bear! ! (one more)

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your martial arts, martial arts, and all weapons have been strengthened to become a tenth-grade intermediate!!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, all of your occupations have been strengthened to become a cosmos-level intermediate!"

"Ding...Congratulations to the host, your blood concentration is strengthened to: 10%"

.................In an endless void, Qin Yan's whole body aura began to rise rapidly.

From the bloodline level, to the occupation, to the martial arts and martial arts, there has been a great improvement.

Coupled with Qin Yan's powerful cultivation of tenth-level and four-star, Qin Yan predicted that even if he encountered some strong people in the domain master level, he would be able to kill them.

This kind of strength is considered a super power in any top civilization.

After all, those who can reach the strength of the domain master are already considered the high-level powerhouses of the universe.

"System, call up the attributes of national treasures!!"

Qin Yan hit Hache and said slowly to the system.

It was really too boring. It took three or four hours before I successfully strengthened all my martial arts and skills.



If you think about it this way, time flies by so slowly.

"I just don't know what rewards the system will give after this time!"

Qin Yan began to have vague expectations.

"By the way, the tenth-level competition area doesn't seem to be too challenging for me now! Why don't I go to the cosmos-level competition area!"

Suddenly, Qin Yan's small eyes lit up.

If your current strength is in the tenth level, there is no challenge at all, and your realm will be improved again soon, and you will not be forcibly pushed to the cosmos level competition area, it is better to enter directly now. Going to the cosmos-level competition area to explore, maybe there will be unexpected gains! "Little Elf, if I upgrade my competition area level now, will my points change!"

Qin Yan said to the elf curiously.

If the points are cleared, it will be a bit difficult to do. After all, there are only two or three hours. If the points are cleared, you will have to hurry to improve your points. It is better to wait until the end of the game! But you said that if the points are not If it changes, I don’t think it’s possible. If this is the case, some low-level people can adjust their competition area to a high-level competition area in the last few minutes in order to enter the second floor. After all, the higher-level competition area wants to get points. The difficulty becomes more and more difficult.

After all, the stronger the strength, the more difficult it is to kill the enemy at the higher level.

In this case, although the third game is definitely lost, it is better than being eliminated in the second game.

Therefore, if there is such a loophole, the virtual universe system will definitely not remain.

"Returning to the king, as long as you upgrade the competition area, your points will be calculated according to the scoring rules of the cosmos-level arena! That is to say, your points will be greatly reduced. According to the current level, it may drop by a full 10. times!"

The elf slowly explained to Qin Yan, Qin Yan nodded immediately after listening.

"But what's the big deal if it is only reduced by a hundred thousand times, that is... a national treasure that is reduced by hundreds of millions of times is also the first!" Qin Yan's small hands suddenly akimbo proudly, and the corners of his mouth rise slightly.

"Give me a level up, I just don't know what the cosmos-level powerhouses will think if they see their national treasures enter the cosmos-level competition area!"

The corners of Qin Yan's mouth rose slightly! "Okay master, your competition area level will start to increase immediately, and the transmission competition area will start soon, please wait a moment!!"

After listening to Qin Yan's words, the elf nodded quickly.


However, Qin Yan's body also turned into a spot of light in the next instant and disappeared in place.

But when Qin Yan appeared again, his figure had already arrived in the competition area where the cosmos-level powerhouse was located.

The strength of the cosmos-level powerhouse is even stronger, so the divided competition area is also extremely terrifying.

It has reached [-] times the size of the tenth-level division.

Of course, even so, in the face of the powerful consciousness and space transition ability of the cosmos-level powerhouse, the size of this competition area is not very large in the strict sense.

Therefore, Qin Yan's space law power can feel the transition fluctuations and battle fluctuations of the surrounding space everywhere.

You know, the more perfect Qin Yan's space elements are, the more terrifying his sensitivity to space is.

Therefore, although this competition area is extremely large, Qin Yan can feel what happened in this competition area and even the surrounding areas.

"Oh, someone has already rushed towards the location of the national treasure!"

Suddenly, Qin Yan found that the cosmos-level powerhouses were rushing towards where he was now using the space transition ability.

Qin Yan also quickly guessed the reason, naturally he was going to kill himself, and then grab all his points.

You must know that Qin Yan's strength in the video released by the virtual universe may be incomprehensible in the tenth-level competition area, but this is a universe that is a thousand times stronger than Jingjing's physical strength in the tenth-level competition area. Level competition area! In the cosmos level competition area, Qin Yan's formation strength shown in the video is only an upper-middle strength.

Qin Yan's strength is not very strong in the face of the top group of super powers.

Therefore, in their opinion, Qin Yan came to the cosmos-level competition area to send points! Therefore, the moment Qin Yancai landed and occupied the first place in the entire universe-level competition area, countless powerhouses directly moved towards Qin on the map. Yan rushed over from where he was.


More and more people are heading towards the national treasure, and it seems to have reached tens of trillions!!"

However, Qin Yan, who didn't care at all, just closed his eyes and slowly realized the more frequent spatial fluctuations.

What kind of concept is tens of trillions of billions! That is to say, except for the dead, those who can't escape, all the players who can come are here! This means that Qin Yan will be singled out for a competition area.

Qin Yan actually felt a little excitement in his heart when he wanted to hit here, and the power of the law of space and the law of yin and yang around his body also began to violently riot.

“The first batch has arrived!!!”

As Qin Yan's eyes suddenly opened, a heart-pounding light flashed from his eyes.

In the next instant, not far from Qin Yan, a series of spatial fluctuations suddenly came.

One by one, cosmos-level extreme powerhouses of different shapes and sizes walked out of the endless void.

However, these....... the moment the cosmos-level powerhouses saw Qin Yan, they did everything without saying a word! The real cosmos-level powerhouses will talk nonsense with any enemy in the face of them. , because the more nonsense there is, the higher the chance of an accident.

You know, there are not only a few of them who have their eyes on Qin Yan.

As for whether they are confident that they can escape after they get Qin Yan's points, it's actually very simple.

Although you can't hide your position during the game, but you can hide your points.

As long as you hide your points at that time, then whoever can find you will only be someone like Qin Yan who is not afraid of everything and will publish all of his points.

Of course, this was also the second reason why they were so fast. For fear that Qin Yan would be late, he would hide his points, or the person who killed Qin Yan would hide his points and leave.

And with the attacks of these powerhouses, one after another sword glow, spear glow, and various forms of attacks all shrouded Qin Yan, directly surrounding Qin Yan in all directions, and even the space They are all directly smashed, and it is impossible to teleport in space.

"Do it without saying a word! It doesn't look like a villain at all!"

Qin Yan was a little speechless, looking at these....... The strong man who directly burst out the terrorist force and attacked him said helplessly.

Immediately, his small hand moved slightly towards the void.

"The power of teleportation!!"

Qin Yan's thoughts moved slightly, and the surrounding space changed drastically in an instant.

The faces of these powerhouses who felt this change changed slightly.

"No, this is the power of space!!"

A strong man exclaimed, wanting to take back his attack.


However, it was already too late, and the punch that came out instantly appeared behind him, directly blasting a huge pothole out of his chest.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The same is true for the surrounding powerhouses. With a deafening roar, these....... the powerhouses of the cosmos-level limit were all instantly hit by the attack they just hit. own body.

Even some powerhouses who haven't had time to do it are directly attacked by these... The inexplicable attack is instantly seconds away.

An endless roar echoed in this space.

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